896 resultados para LIPID-MEMBRANES


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One of the major problems facing aquaculture is the inadequate supply of fish oil mostly used for fish feed manufacturing. The continued growth in aquaculture production cannot depend on this finite feed resources, therefore, it is imperative that cheap and readily available substitutes that do not compromise fish growth and fillet quality be found. To achieve this, a 12-week feeding trial with Heterobranchus longifilis fed diets differing in lipid source was conducted. Diets were supplemented with 6% lipid as fish oil, soybean oil, palm oil, coconut oil, groundnut oil and melon seed oil. Triplicate groups of 20 H. longifilis were fed the experimental diets two times a day to apparent satiation, over 84 days. Growth, digestibility, and muscle fatty acid profile were measured to assess diet effects. At the end of the study, survival, feed intake and hepatosomatic index were similar for fish fed experimental diets. However, weight gain, SGR and FCR of fish fed soybean oil-based diet was significantly reduced. Apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients were significantly lower in fish fed soybean, coconut and groundnut oil-based diets. Fillet and hepatic fatty acid compositions differed and reflected the fatty acid compositions of the diets. Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3), 20:5n-3 and 20:4n-6 were conserved in vegetable oils-based diets fed fish possibly due to synthesis of HUFA from 18:3n-3 and 18:4n-6. Palm oil diet was the least expensive, and had the best economic conversion ratio. The use of vegetable oils in the diets had positive effect on growth and fillet composition of H. longifilis.


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Lipid droplets (LDs) are the universal storage form of fat as a reservoir of metabolic energy in animals, plants, bacteria and single celled eukaryotes. Dictyostelium LD formation was investigated in response to the addition of different nutrients to the growth medium. LDs were induced by adding exogenous cholesterol, palmitic acid (PA) as well as growth in bacterial suspension, while glucose addition fails to form LDs. Among these nutrients, PA addition is most effective to stimulate LD formation, and depletion of PA from the medium caused LD degradation. The neutral lipids incorporated into the LD-core are composed of triacylglycerol (TAG), steryl esters, and an unknown neutral lipid (UKL) species when the cells were loaded simultaneously with cholesterol and PA. In order to avoid the contamination with other cellular organelles, the LD-purification method was modified. The isolated LD fraction was analysed by mass spectrometry and 100 proteins were identified. Nineteen of these appear to be directly involved in lipid metabolism or function in regulating LD morphology. Together with a previous study, a total of 13 proteins from the LD-proteome were confirmed to localize to LDs after the induction with PA. Among the identified LD-proteins, the localization of Ldp (lipid droplet membrane protein), GPAT3 (glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3) and AGPAT3 (1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate-acyltransferase 3) were further verified by GFP-tagging at the N-termini or C-termini of the respective proteins. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that PA-treatment stimulated the translocation of the three proteins from the ER to LDs. In order to clarify DGAT (diacylglycerol acyltransferase) function in Dictyostelium, the localization of DGAT1, that is not present in LD-proteome, was also investigated. GFP-tagged DGAT1 localized to the ER both, in the presence and absence of PA, which is different from the previously observed localization of GFP-tagged DGAT2, which almost exclusively binds to LDs. The investigation of the cellular neutral lipid level helps to elucidate the mechanism responsible for LD-formation in Dictyostelium cells. Ldp and two short-chain dehydrogenases, ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase) and Ali (ADH-like protein), are not involved in neutral lipid biosynthesis. GPAT, AGPAT and DGAT are three transferases responsible for the three acylation steps of de novo TAG synthesis. Knock-out (KO) of AGPAT3 and DGAT2 did not affect storage-fat formation significantly, whereas cells lacking GPAT3 or DGAT1 decreased TAG and LD accumulation dramatically. Furthermore, DGAT1 is responsible for the accumulation of the unknown lipid UKL. Overexpression of DGAT2 can rescue the reduced TAG content of the DGAT1-KO mutant, but fails to restore UKL content in these cells, indicating that of DGAT1 and DGAT2 have overlapping functions in TAG synthesis, but the role in UKL formation is unique to DGAT1. Both GPAT3 and DGAT1 affect phagocytic activity. Mutation of GPAT3 increases it but a DGAT1-KO decreases phagocytosis. The double knockout of DGAT1 and 2 also impairs the ability to grow on a bacterial lawn, which again can be rescued by overexpression of DGAT2. These and other results are incorporated into a new model, which proposes that up-regulation of phagocytosis serves to replenish precursor molecules of membrane lipid synthesis, whereas phagocytosis is down-regulated when excess fatty acids are used for storage-fat formation.  


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Die soziale Waldamöbe Dictystelium discoideum ist ein etablierter Modellorganismus zur Erforschung grundlegender zellbiologischer Prozesse. Innerhalb der letzten Jahre konnte dabei insbesondere das Wissen zum Lipidmetabolismus umfassend erweitert werden. In diesem Zusammenhang spielt besonders eine Enzymgruppe eine wichtige Rolle: die LC/VLC-Acyl-CoA-Synthetasen. Diese übernehmen dabei die Aufgabe Fettsäuren zu aktivieren, um sie so dem Zellmetabolismus überhaupt erst zugänglich zu machen. D. discoideum verfügt über insgesamt vier dieser Enzyme: FcsA, FcsB, FcsC und das Bubblegum-Enzym Acsbg1. Während die FcsA und FcsB bereits in vorangegangenen Arbeiten untersucht wurden, werden die FcsC und die Acsbg1 in dieser Arbeit erstmals biologisch charakterisiert. Untersuchungen zur subzellulären Lokalisation der Proteine zeigen, dass die meisten LC/VLC-Acyl-CoA-Synthetase auf Endosomen und im Cytoplasma gefunden werden können (FcsA, FcsC und Acsbg1), während die FcsB als Transmembranprotein über das ER zu den Peroxisomen transportiert wird. Die Acsbg1 akkumuliert dabei zusätzlich an der Plasmamembran. Funktionell konnte gezeigt werden, dass neben der FcsA auch die Acsbg1 an der Bereitstellung von Acyl-CoA für Triacylglyceridsynthese beteiligt ist. Dabei besitzt die FcsA die Hauptenzymaktivität und kompensiert den Verlust der Acsbg1 in acsbg1- Zellen. In fcsA-/acsbg1- Zellen dagegen kommt der Verlust der Acsbg1 durch eine zusätzliche Verringerung des TAG-Gehaltes der Doppel-KOs im Vergleich zu fcsA- Zellen zum tragen. Alle vier Enzyme beeinflussen die Phagozytose. Dabei zeigen fcsA- und fcsC- Zellen eine gesteigerte Phagozytose in Gegenwart von der gesättigten Fettsäure Palmitinsäure im Kulturmedium. Auch der knockout der Acsbg1 wirkt sich positiv auf die Phagozytoserate aus, jedoch kommt auch nur dieser zum tragen, wenn neben der Acsbg1 auch die FcsA ausgeschaltet wird. Die FcsB dagegen zeigt eine dramatische Reduktion der Partikelaufnahme in nicht Fettsäure gefütterten Zellen. Durch die Zugabe einer exogenen Fettsäure kann dieser Effekt nicht kompensiert werden. Auch der zusätzliche Verlust der FcsA-Enzymaktivität verändert dieses Verhalten in Palmitinsäure inkubierten Zellen nicht. In fcsA-/fcsB- konnte zudem ein Defekt beim Abbau von Triacylglyceriden gefunden werden. Dieser Defekt liefert erste Hinweise für ein Modell, das den Abbau von LD gespeicherten Lipiden durch Autophagozytose in D. discoideum beschreibt. Peroxisomen sind wichtige Organellen für die Detoxifikation und die Oxidation von Fettsäuren. Durch das Ausschalten der Acaa1, der Thiolase, die den letzten Schritt der β-Oxidation in Peroxisomen katalysiert, zeigte sich ein verlangsamter Triacylglycerol-Abbau sowie eine verringerte Degradation des Etherlipids UKL und von Sterolestern, was auf eine Beteiligung der Peroxisomen beim Abbau von langkettigen Fettsäuren schließen lässt. Bei dem Versuch durch das Ausschalten des pex19-Gens eine Zelllinie zu generieren, die keine Peroxisomen besitzt, wurde die Organelle überraschender Weise, wenn auch mit einer vom Wildtyp abweichenden Morphologie, weiterhin vorgefunden. Dieser Befund korrelierte mit dem Resultat, dass trotzdem das pex19-Gen erfolgreich unterbrochen wurde, dennoch eine intakte Kopie des Gens nachgewiesen werden konnte. Dementsprechend sollte die erschaffene pex19- Zelllinie als knockdown und nicht als knockout gewertet werden. Der pex19 knockdown zeigte beim Abbau von Triacylglyceriden eine ähnliche Verlangsamung wie acaa1- Zellen. Zusätzlich wurde eine Verringerung der Synthese des Etherlipids UKL beobachtet, was darauf hindeutet, dass dieses Lipid im Peroxisom gebildet wird. Auch die Phagozytose und das Wachstum auf Bakterienrasen waren im pex19 knockdown dramatisch reduziert. Durch die Überexpression von Pex19-GFP im knockdown Hintergrund konnten die physiologischen Defekte in den meisten so generierten Zelllinien ausgeglichen werden. Lipid Droplets sind Organellen, die in Eukaryoten und Prokaryoten als Speicher für Neutralfette dienen und ebenfalls als Ort der Lipidsynthese fungieren. Um diese Aufgaben erfüllen zu können, besitzen sie auf ihrer Oberfläche Proteine, die für die Regulierung dieser Prozesse notwendig sind. Durch die weiterführende Analyse von Kandidatenproteinen, die durch eine proteomische Analyse von aufgereinigten LDs identifiziert wurden, konnte für vier weitere Proteine (Plsc1, Net4, Lip5 und Nsdhl) die LD-Assoziation durch GFP-Fusionsproteine bestätigt werden. Bei der Charakterisierung von plsc1 knockouts zeigte sich eine verminderte Fähigkeit beim Wachstum auf Bakterienrasen sowie eine erhöhte Phagozytoserate in Gegenwart einer exogenen Fettsäure, was auf eine Involvierung des Proteins in die Phospholipidsynthese hindeutet. Die bisher einzige identifizierte LD-assoziierte Lipase Lip5 nimmt nur eine untergeordnete Rolle bei der Hydrolyse von Triacylglycerolen und Sterolestern ein, da in KO-Mutanten nur ein milder Defekt beim Abbau beider Substanzen beobachtet werden konnte. Die LD-Lokalisation von Net4 ist evolutionär konserviert und kann nicht nur in D. discoideum beobachtet werden, sondern auch in humanen Zellen. Welche Funktion das Protein auf der LD-Oberfläche ausübt, konnte nicht geklärt werden. Allerdings kann ein direkter Einfluss auf den TAG- und Sterolaufbau ausgeschlossen werden. LDs stehen in engem Kontakt mit anderen Organellen, die in den Lipidmetabolismus involviert sind, wie mit den Mitochondrien oder dem ER. Durch Perilipin-Hybridproteine können künstliche, stabile Verbindungen zwischen LDs und diesen Organellen hergestellt werden. Dabei zeigte Perilipin ein sehr starkes Targeting-Potenzial, durch welches es notwendig war, als zweite Hybridhälfte ein Transmembranprotein zu wählen. Die Analyse eines Hybrids, das eine dauerhafte Verbindung von LDs und dem ER herstellt, wies dabeieine Reduktion der LD-Größe auf, wobei der Gesamt-TAG-Gehalt der Zellen unbeeinflusst blieb. Durch die starke Affinität von Perilipin für die Assoziation an LDs konnten durch die Generierung von Hybriden andere Proteine an die LD-Oberfläche dirigiert werden. Auf diese Weise konnte erfolgreich die LC-Acyl-CoA-Synthetase FcsA auf das LD transplantiert werden.


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El glifosat, N-(fosfonometil) glicina, és un dels herbicides més utilitzats arreu del món a causa de la seva baixa toxicitat i al seu ampli espectre d'aplicació. A conseqüència del gran ús que se'n fa, és necessari monitoritzar aquest compost i el seu principal metabòlit, l'àcid aminometilfosfònic (AMPA), en el medi ambient. S'han descrit diversos mètodes instrumentals basats en cromatografia de gasos (GC) i de líquids (HPLC), sent aquesta darrera l'opció més favorable a causa del caràcter polar dels anàlits. Per assolir nivells de concentració baixos cal, però, la preconcentració dels anàlits. En aquest treball s'estudien diferents alternatives amb aquest objectiu. S'ha avaluat la tècnica de membrana líquida suportada (SLM) on la membrana consisteix en una dissolució orgànica, que conté un transportador (en el nostre cas, un bescanviador d'anions comercial, Aliquat 336), que impregna un suport polimèric microporós que se situa entre dues solucions aquoses: la de càrrega, que conté els anàlits inicialment, i la receptora, on es retenen els anàlits després del seu transport a través de la membrana. Les condicions d'extracció més adequades s'obtenen treballant en medi bàsic amb NaOH on els anàlits estan en forma aniònica i les majors recuperacions s'obtenen amb HCl 0,1 M o NaCl 0,5 M, la qual cosa indica que l'ió clorur és la força impulsora del transport. Un cop dissenyat el sistema, es duen a terme experiments de preconcentració amb dues geometries diferents: un sistema de membrana laminar (LSLM) on recircula la fase receptora i un sistema de fibra buida (HFSLM). Els millors resultats s'obtenen amb el mòdul de fibra buida, amb factors de concentració de 25 i 3 per a glifosat i AMPA, respectivament, fent recircular durant 24 hores 100 ml de solució de càrrega i 4 ml de solució receptora. També s'aplica una tècnica més selectiva, la cromatografia d'afinitat amb ió metàl·lic immobilitzat (IMAC), basada en la interacció entre els anàlits i un metall immobilitzat en una resina a través d'un grup funcional d'aquesta. En aquest estudi s'immobilitza pal·ladi al grup funcional 8-hidroxiquinoleïna de la resina amb matriu acrílica Spheron Oxine 1000 i s'avalua per a l'extracció i preconcentració de glifosat i AMPA. Per a ambdós anàlits l'adsorció és del 100 % i les recuperacions són superiors al 80 % i al 60 % per a glifosat i AMPA, respectivament, utilitzant HCl 0,1 M + NaCl 1 M com a eluent. Aquests resultats es comparen amb els obtinguts amb dues resines més, també carregades amb pal·ladi: Iontosorb Oxin 100, que té el mateix grup funcional però matriu de cel·lulosa, i Spheron Thiol 1000, on el grup funcional és un tiol i la matriu també és acrílica. Per al glifosat els resultats són similars amb totes les resines, però per a l'AMPA la resina Spheron Thiol és la única que proporciona recuperacions superiors al 93 %. Finalment, una altra opció estudiada és l'acoblament de dues columnes de cromatografia líquida (LC-LC). En l'estudi l'objectiu és millorar el mètode existent per a glifosat i AMPA en aigües naturals on el LOD era de 0,25 ug/l. El mètode consisteix en la derivatització precolumna amb el reactiu fluorescent FMOC i l'anàlisi amb l'acoblament LC-LC-fluorescència. Variant lleugerament les condicions de derivatització s'aconsegueix quantificar 0,1 ug/l de glifosat i AMPA. Es fortifiquen aigües naturals amb 0,1, 1 i 10 ug/l dels anàlits per validar el mètode. S'obtenen recuperacions d'entre el 85 % i el 100 %, amb desviacions estàndard relatives inferiors al 8 %. Aplicant una tècnica de preconcentració prèvia a la derivatització i anàlisi utilitzant una resina de bescanvi aniònic, Amberlite IRA-900, es millora la sensibilitat del mètode i s'assoleix un LOD per al glifosat de 0,02 ug/l.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We have recently shown that the phytocannabinoid Delta9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (Delta9-THCV) and the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 increase inhibitory neurotransmission in mouse cerebellum and also exhibit anticonvulsant activity in a rat piriform cortical (PC) model of epilepsy. Possible mechanisms underlying cannabinoid actions in the CNS include CB1 receptor antagonism (by displacing endocannabinergic tone) or inverse agonism at constitutively active CB1 receptors. Here, we investigate the mode of cannabinoid action in [35S]GTPgammaS binding assays. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Effects of Delta9-THCV and AM251 were tested either alone or against WIN55,212-2-induced increases in [35S]GTPgammaS binding in mouse cerebellar and PC membranes. Effects on non-CB receptor expressing CHO-D2 cell membranes were also investigated. KEY RESULTS :Delta9-THCV and AM251 both acted as potent antagonists of WIN55,212-2-induced increases in [35S]GTPgammaS binding in cerebellar and PC membranes (Delta9-THCV: pA2=7.62 and 7.44 respectively; AM251: pA2=9.93 and 9.88 respectively). At micromolar concentrations, Delta9-THCV or AM251 alone caused significant decreases in [35S]GTPgammaS binding; Delta9-THCV caused larger decreases than AM251. When applied alone in CHO-D2 membranes, Delta9-THCV and AM251 also caused concentration-related decreases in G protein activity. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Delta9-THCV and AM251 act as CB1 receptors antagonists in the cerebellum and PC, with AM251 being more potent than Delta9-THCV in both brain regions. Individually, Delta9-THCV or AM251 exhibited similar potency at CB1 receptors in the cerebellum and the PC. At micromolar concentrations, Delta9-THCV and AM251 caused a non-CB receptor-mediated depression of basal [35S]GTPgammaS binding.


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We study generalised prime systems P (1 < p(1) <= p(2) <= ..., with p(j) is an element of R tending to infinity) and the associated Beurling zeta function zeta p(s) = Pi(infinity)(j=1)(1 - p(j)(-s))(-1). Under appropriate assumptions, we establish various analytic properties of zeta p(s), including its analytic continuation, and we characterise the existence of a suitable generalised functional equation. In particular, we examine the relationship between a counterpart of the Prime Number Theorem (with error term) and the properties of the analytic continuation of zeta p(s). Further we study 'well-behaved' g-prime systems, namely, systems for which both the prime and integer counting function are asymptotically well-behaved. Finally, we show that there exists a natural correspondence between generalised prime systems and suitable orders on N-2. Some of the above results are relevant to the second author's theory of 'fractal membranes', whose spectral partition functions are given by Beurling-type zeta functions, as well as to joint work of that author and R. Nest on zeta functions attached to quasicrystals.


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Differences in whole-body lipid metabolism between men and women are indicated by lower-body fat accumulation in women but more marked accumulation of fat in the intra-abdominal visceral fat depots of men. Circulating blood lipid concentrations also show gender-related differences. These differences are most marked in premenopausal women, in whom total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations are lower and HDL-cholesterol concentration is higher than in men. Tendency to accumulate body fat in intra-abdominal fat stores is linked to increased risk of CVD, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and other insulin-resistant states. Differential regional regulation of adipose tissue lipolysis and lipogenesis must underlie gender-related differences in the tendency to accumulate fat in specific fat depots. However, empirical data to support current hypotheses remain limited at the present time because of the demanding and specialist nature of the methods used to study adipose tissue metabolism in human subjects. In vitro and in vivo data show greater lipolytic sensitivity of abdominal subcutaneous fat and lesser lipolytic sensitivity of femoral and gluteal subcutaneous fat in women than in men. These differences appear to be due to fewer inhibitory alpha adrenergic receptors in abdominal regions and greater a adrenergic receptors in gluteal and femoral regions in women than in men. There do not appear to be major gender-related differences in rates of fatty acid uptake (lipogenesis) in different subcutaneous adipose tissue regions. In visceral fat rates of both lipolysis and lipogenesis appear to be greater in men than in women; higher rates of lipolysis may be due to fewer alpha adrenergic receptors in this fat depot in men. Fatty acid uptake into this depot in the postprandial period is approximately 7-fold higher in men than in women. Triacylglycerol concentrations appear to be a stronger cardiovascular risk factor in women than in men, with particular implications for cardiovascular risk in diabetic women. The increased triacylglycerol concentrations observed in women taking hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) may explain the paradoxical findings of increased rates of CVD in women taking HRT that have been reported from recent primary and secondary prevention trials of HRT.


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Purpose of review Lipid rafts are potentially modifiable by diet, particularly (but not exclusively) by dietary fatty acids. This review examines the potential for dietary modification of raft structure and function in the immune system, brain and retinal tissue, the gut, and in cancer cells. Recent findings In-vitro and ex-vivo studies suggest that dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may exert immunosuppressive and anticancer effects through changes in lipid raft organization. In addition, gangliosides and cholesterol may modulate lipid raft organization in a number of tissues, and recent work has highlighted sphingolipids in membrane microdomains as potential targets for inhibition of tumor growth. The roles of fatty acids and gangliosides, especially in relation to lipid rafts, in cognitive development, age-related cognitive decline, psychiatric disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease are poorly understood and require further investigation. The roles of lipid rafts in cancer, in microbial pathogenesis, and in insulin resistance are starting to emerge, and indicate compelling evidence for the growing importance of membrane microdomains in health and disease. Summary In-vitro and animal studies show that n-3 PUFAs, cholesterol, and gangliosides modulate the structure and composition of lipid rafts, potentially influencing a wide range of biological processes, including immune function, neuronal signaling, cancer cell growth, entry of pathogens through the gut barrier, and insulin resistance in metabolic disorders. The physiological, clinical, and nutritional relevance of these observations remains to be determined.


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A new class of high molecular weight polyethersulfone ionomers is described in which the ionic content can be varied, at will, over a very wide and fully-controllable range. A novel type of coating process enables these materials to be deposited from alcohol-type solvents as cohesive but very thin (50 – 250 nm) films on porous support-membranes, giving high-flux membranes (3.3 – 5.0 L m-2 h-1 bar-1) with very good, though not outstanding salt rejection (typically 92 - 96%). A secondary layer, of formaldehyde-cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol, can be deposited from aqueous solution on the surface of the ionomer membrane, and this layer increases salt rejection to greater than 99% without serious loss of water permeability. The final multi-layer membrane shows excellent chlorine tolerance in reverse-osmosis operation.


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The interactions have been investigated of puroindoline-a (Pin-a) and mixed protein systems of Pin-a and wild-type puroindoline-b (Pin-b+) or puroindoline-b mutants (G46S mutation (Pin bH) or W44R mutation (Pin-bS)) with condensed phase monolayers of an anionic phospholipid (L-α-dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-dl-glycerol (DPPG)) at the air/water interface. The interactions of the mixed systems were studied at three different concentration ratios of Pin-a:Pin-b, namely 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3 in order to establish any synergism in relation to lipid binding properties. Surface pressure measurements revealed that Pin-a interaction with DPPG monolayers led to an equilibrium surface pressure increase of 8.7 ± 0.6 mN m-1. This was less than was measured for Pin-a:Pin-b+ (9.6 to 13.4 mN m-1), but was significantly more than was measured for Pin-a:Pin-bH (4.0 to 6.2 mN m-1) or Pin-a:Pin-bS (3.8 to 6.3 mN m-1) over the complete range of concentration ratio. Consequently, surface pressure increases were shown to correlate to endosperm hardness phenotype, with puroindolines present in hard-textured wheat varieties yielding lower equilibrium surface pressure changes. Integrated amide I peak areas from corresponding external reflectance Fourier-transform infrared (ER-FTIR) spectra, used to indicate levels of protein adsorption to the lipid monolayers, showed that differences in adsorbed amount were less significant. The data therefore suggest that Pin-b mutants having single residue substitutions within their tryptophan-rich loop that are expressed in some hard-textured wheat varieties influence the degree of penetration of Pin-a and Pin-b into anionic phospholipid films. These findings highlight the key role of the tryptophan-rich loop in puroindoline-lipid interactions.


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External reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ER-FTIR) spectroscopy and surface pressure measurements have been used to characterize the interaction of wild-type puroindoline-b (Pin-b) and two mutant forms featuring single residue substitutions-namely, Gly-46 to Ser-46 (Pin-bH) and Trp-44 to Arg-44 (Pin-bS)-with condensed-phase monolayers of zwitterionic (L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC) and anionic (L-alpha-dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-dl-glycerol, DPPG) phospholipids. The interaction with anionic DPPG monolayers, monitored by surface pressure isotherms, was influenced significantly by mutations in Pin-b (p < 0.05); wild-type Pin-b showed the highest surface pressure change of 10.6 +/- 1.0 mN m(-1), followed by Pin-bH (7.9 +/- 1.6 mN m(-1)) and Pin-bS (6.3 +/- 1.0 mN m(-1)), and the surface pressure isotherm kinetics were also different in each case. Integrated Amide I peak areas from corresponding ER-FTIR spectra confirmed the differences in adsorption kinetics, but also showed that differences in adsorbed amount were less significant, suggesting that mutations influence the degree of penetration into DPPG films. All Pin-b types showed evidence of interaction with DPPC films, detected as changes in surface pressure (5.6 +/- 1.1 mN m(-1)); however, no protein peaks were detected in the ER-FTIR spectra, which indicated that the interaction was via penetration with limited adsorption at the lipid/water interface. The expression of Pin-b mutants is linked to wheat endosperm hardness; therefore, the data presented here suggest that the lipid binding properties may be pivotal within the mechanism for this quality trait. In addition, the data suggest antimicrobial activities of Pin-b mutants would be lower than those of the wild-type Pin-b, because of decreased selectivity toward anionic phospholipids.


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LDL oxidation may be important in atherosclerosis. Extensive oxidation of LDL by copper induces increased uptake by macrophages, but results in decomposition of hydroperoxides, making it more difficult to investigate the effects of hydroperoxides in oxidised LDL on cell function. We describe here a simple method of oxidising LDL by dialysis against copper ions at 4 degrees C, which inhibits the decomposition of hydroperoxides, and allows the production of LDL rich in hydroperoxides (626 +/- 98 nmol/mg LDL protein) but low in oxysterols (3 +/- 1 nmol 7-ketocholesterol/mg LDL protein), whilst allowing sufficient modification (2.6 +/- 0.5 relative electrophoretic mobility) for rapid uptake by macrophages (5.49 +/- 0.75 mu g I-125-labelled hydroperoxide-rich LDL vs. 0.46 +/- 0.04 mu g protein/mg cell protein in 18 h for native LDL). By dialysing under the same conditions, but at 37 degrees C, the hydroperoxides are decomposed extensively and the LDL becomes rich in oxysterols. This novel method of oxidising LDL with high yield to either a hydroperoxide- or oxysterol-rich form by simply altering the temperature of dialysis may provide a useful tool for determining the effects of these different oxidation products on cell function. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Apolipoprotein L1 in plasma is associated with high- density lipoprotein. Novel APOL1 polymorphisms are investigated along with the association of two common haplotypes (Lys166Glu, Ile244Met, Lys271Arg) with circulating lipid and glucose levels. Although the amino acid substitutions occur in the amphipathic alpha helices region involved in lipid binding, these substitutions were found not to independently account for variability in circulating lipid and glucose levels in 149 middle age males.


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We previously identified the function of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) p7 protein as an ion channel in artificial lipid bilayers and demonstrated that this in vitro activity is inhibited by amantadine. Here we show that the ion channel activity of HCV p7 expressed in mammalian cells can substitute for that of influenza virus M2 in a cell-based assay. This was also the case for the p7 from the related virus, bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). Moreover, amantadine was shown to abrogate HCV p7 function in this assay at a concentration that specifically inhibits M2. Mutation of a conserved basic loop located between the two predicted trans-membrane alpha helices rendered HCV p7 non-functional as an ion channel. The intracellular localization of p7 was unaffected by this mutation and was found to overlap significantly with membranes associated with mitochondria. Demonstration of p7 ion channel activity in cellular membranes and its inhibition by amantadine affirm the protein as a target for future anti-viral chemotherapy.


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In this work we study the colloidal osmotic pressure (COP) and aggregate shape in phosphate saline buffer solutions (PH 7.4) containing bovine serum albumin (BSA), poly(ethylene glycol) lipid (PEG(2000)-PE) and Dextran (Dx). Dx was added to the BSA/PEG(2000)-PE system in order to increase the COP of the solution to levels comparable to the COP of healthy adults, with the aim of using the solution as a blood COP regulator. Dynamic light scattering and small angle X-ray scattering results shown the formation of BSA/PEG(2000)-PE/Dx aggregates in the solution. Osmometry results shown that the addition of Dx to the BSA/PE2000-PE system could successfully increase the COP, through the formation of BSA/PEG(2000)-PE/Dx aggregates. The BSA/PEG(2000)-PE/Dx solutions attained COP= 15 mm Hg, representing 60% of COP measured for healthy adults. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.