809 resultados para LEED-menetelmä


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The intermetallic compound InPd (CsCl type of crystal structure with a broad compositional range) is considered as a candidate catalyst for the steam reforming of methanol. Single crystals of this phase have been grown to study the structure of its three low-index surfaces under ultra-high vacuum conditions, using low energy electron diffraction (LEED), X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). During surface preparation, preferential sputtering leads to a depletion of In within the top few layers for all three surfaces. The near-surface regions remain slightly Pd-rich until annealing to ∼580 K. A transition occurs between 580 and 660 K where In segregates towards the surface and the near-surface regions become slightly In-rich above ∼660 K. This transition is accompanied by a sharpening of LEED patterns and formation of flat step-terrace morphology, as observed by STM. Several superstructures have been identified for the different surfaces associated with this process. Annealing to higher temperatures (≥750 K) leads to faceting via thermal etching as shown for the (110) surface, with a bulk In composition close to the In-rich limit of the existence domain of the cubic phase. The Pd-rich InPd(111) is found to be consistent with a Pd-terminated bulk truncation model as shown by dynamical LEED analysis while, after annealing at higher temperature, the In-rich InPd(111) is consistent with an In-terminated bulk truncation, in agreement with density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the relative surface energies. More complex surface structures are observed for the (100) surface. Additionally, individual grains of a polycrystalline sample are characterized by micro-spot XPS and LEED as well as low-energy electron microscopy. Results from both individual grains and “global” measurements are interpreted based on comparison to our single crystals findings, DFT calculations and previous literature.


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In this paper we investigate variations in the adoption of LEED-certified commercial buildings across 174 core-based statistical areas in the United States. Drawing upon a unique database and using a robust analytical framework, the determinants of the proportion LEED-certified space are modeled. We find that, despite high growth rates, LEED-certified stock accounts for a relatively small proportion of the total commercial stock. The average proportion is less than 1%. A further contribution of the paper is that our concentration measure avoids the biases associated with simple percentage measures that were used in previous studies of this topic. Strongest predictors of the proportion of LEED-certified commercial space in a local market are market size, educational attainment and economic growth. In terms of policy effectiveness, it is found that only a mandatory requirement to obtain LEED certification for new buildings has a significant positive effect on market penetration.


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Amningsfrekvensen i Värmland sjunker och är låg jämfört med riket. En bidragande faktor till den sjunkande amningsfrekvensen är bristen på tillit till amning. Det är viktigt att kunna identifiera kvinnor med låg tillit till amning för att vända den sjunkande amningsfrekvensen och stärka kvinnan i rollen som moder. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kvinnors tillit till amning på Barnbördshuset (BB) och Eftervårdsmottagningen i Värmland. Med enkäten BSES-SF identifieras kvinnor med låg tillit till amning och kvinnor som behöver ett ökat amningsstöd efter förlossning. Design/Metod: Studien utfördes med kvantitativ ansats. Data inhämtades från enkäten BSES-SF som besvarats av 70 kvinnor på BB och Eftervårdsmottagningen i Värmland. All data analyserades genom SPSS. Resultat: De flesta kvinnor ansåg att det var mycket viktigt med en fungerande amning och när kvinnorna skattade amningens betydelse framkom ett medelvärde på 8,66 där 0=inte alls viktigt och 10=mycket viktigt. Kvinnor som ammat tidigare skattade sin upplevda amningserfarenhet som mycket god. Varje enskild fråga på BSES-SF jämfördes mellan kvinnorna som vårdats på BB och Eftervårdsmottagningen. Det framkom en skillnad på åtta frågor där kvinnorna på Eftervårdsmottagningen skattade en högre tillit till amning jämfört med kvinnorna på BB. Utifrån totalsumman på BSES-SF med ett poängintervall mellan 14-70, framkom det att tilliten till amning skattades högre hos kvinnorna på Eftervårdsmottagningen (M=56,54) än på BB (M=49,88). Slutsats och klinisk tillämpbarhet: BSES-SF kan utifrån studiens resultat vara ett användbart verktyg, framförallt på BB där kvinnorna skattat en lägre tillit till amning. Förstföderskor och omföderskor som upplevt en komplicerad förlossning kan vara i behov av större insatser av amningsstöd. Studiens resultat kan medföra att barnmorskan blir extra uppmärksam på de kvinnor vars amning inte fungerar och där extra stöd behövs för att öka tilliten.


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The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Low Energy Electron Diffaction (LEED) technique in the Laboratory of Magnetic Nanostructures and Semiconductors of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil. During this work experimental apparatus were implemented for a complete LEED set-up. A new vacuum system was also set up. This was composed of a mechanical pump, turbomolecular pump and ionic pump for ultra-high vacuum and their respective pressure measurement sensors (Pirani gauge for low vacuum measures and the wide range gauge -WRG); ion cannon maintenance, which is basically mini-sputtering, whose function is sample cleaning; and set-up, maintenance and handling of the quadrupole mass spectrometer, whose main purpose is to investigate gas contamination inside the ultra-high vacuum chamber. It should be pointed out that the main contribution of this Master's thesis was the set-up of the sample heating system; that is, a new sample holder. In addition to the function of sample holder and heater, it was necessary to implement the function of sustaining the ultra-high vacuum environment. This set of actions is essential for the complete functioning of the LEED technique


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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The environmental problems generated by construction activity have been widely discussed in Brazil, which has begun to incorporate sustainable building techniques in your ventures. Based on these facts, this work focused on addressing the main characteristics of a sustainable building project. Among them are water conservation, energy efficiency in buildings, managing a construction site with little environmental impact and reuse of materials and construction elements. This work, after the presentation of the main characteristics of a sustainable building project, shows a case study about the implementation of environmental certification LEED Gold level in a large building, located in São Paulo - SP, Brazil. With that, we want to produce a research document about the topic of sustainable buildings


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This thesis examines the ability of the sustainably designed building to alter occupant behaviors using LEED for New Construction and Major Renovation, Green Building Rating System™ as a standard of measure. A cross sectional survey compares the pro-environmental behaviors, intentions, environmental knowledge, and pro-environmental orientation of occupants working in a traditionally designed building and occupants working in a LEED-NC certified building located on the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Campus. While there is a visible increase in the pro-environmental variables for occupants working in the sustainable environment, data analysis indicates that these differences are not statistically significant for any of the measured variables. Significant correlations were discovered between an individual's environmental knowledge and pro-environmental behaviors as well as between an individual's pro-environmental orientation and pro-environmental intentions. These correlations support past findings of multiple research studies completed in the field of environmental psychology. Due to limitations of this research these findings must be clarified through continued study in the area of behavior influencing design.


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Dopo aver introdotto l'argomento della certificazione energetica attraverso l'analisi delle direttive europee in materia, delle legislazioni nazionali, dei regolamenti regionali e delle procedure di calcolo (ITACA, LEED, etc.) si passa poi allo studio di un caso reale, la Masseria Sant'Agapito. All'inquadramento della masseria e delle attività connesse, segue un focus sull'edificio attualmente adibito a b&b, del quale si esegue la diagnosi sperimentale (termografia all'infrarosso, test di tenuta, etc.) e la certificazione con l'ausilio del software DOCET di ENEA. Si delineano quindi interventi atti alla riqualificazione energetica e alla riduzione dei consumi per tale edificio. In seguito si ipotizza un progetto di recupero funzionale, da attuarsi secondo i criteri della conservazione dell'esistente e della bioedilizia, impiegando materiali naturali e con un ciclo di vita a basso impatto ecologico. Alla progettazione d'involucro, segue la progettazione dell'impianto termico alimentato a biomassa, degli impianti solare termico (autocostruito) e fotovoltaico (inegrato in copertura) e del generatore mini-eolico. Tali tecnologie consentono, attraverso l'impiego di fonti di energia rinnovabile, la totale autosufficienza energetica e l'abbattimento delle emissioni climalteranti riferibili all'esercizio dell'edificio. La certificazione energetica di tale edificio, condotta questa volta con l'ausilio del software TERMUS di ACCA, consente una classificazione nella categoria di consumo "A".


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Nel presente lavoro espongo i risultati degli esperimenti svolti durante la mia internship all’Institut des NanoSciences de Paris (INSP), presso l’Università Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), nel team "Phisico-Chimie et Dynamique des Surfaces", sotto la supervisione del Dott. Geoffroy Prévot. L’elaborato è stato redatto e in- tegrato sotto la guida del Dott. Pasquini, del dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell’Università di Bologna. La tesi s’inserisce nel campo di ricerca del silicene, i.e. l’allotropo bidimensionale del silicio. Il cosidetto free-standing silicene è stato predetto teoricamente nel 2009 utilizzando calcoli di Density Functional Theory, e da allora ha stimolato un’intensa ricerca per la sua realizzazione sperimentale. La sua struttura elettronica lo rende particolarmente adatto per eventuali appli- cazioni tecnologiche e sperimentali, mentre lo studio delle sue proprietà è di grande interesse per la scienza di base. Nel capitolo 1 presento innanzitutto la struttura del silicene e le proprietà previste dagli studi pubblicati nella letteratura scientifica. In seguito espongo alcuni dei risultati sperimentali ottenuti negli ultimi anni, in quanto utili per un paragone con i risultati ottenuti durante l’internship. Nel capitolo 2 presento le tecniche sperimentali che ho utilizzato per effettuare le misure. Molto tempo è stato investito per ottenere una certa dimistichezza con gli apparati in modo da svolgere gli esperimenti in maniera autonoma. Il capitolo 3 è dedicato alla discussione e analisi dei risultati delle misure, che sono presentati in relazione ad alcune considerazioni esposte nel primo capitolo. Infine le conclusioni riassumono brevemente quanto ottenuto dall’analisi dati. A partire da queste considerazioni propongo alcuni esperimenti che potrebbero ulteriormente contribuire alla ricerca del silicene. I risultati ottenuti su Ag(111) sono contenuti in un articolo accettato da Physical Review B.


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En el estudio buscamos caracterizar el análisis de la SOSTENIBILIDAD (Suficiencia) del CICLO DE VIDA de una INFRAESTRUCTURA AEROPORTUARIA centrándonos en la evaluación de los aspectos SOCIALES (de forma Interdisciplinaria o Transversal) que le afectan y considerando todos los AGENTES involucrados (ingenieros/ operadores/ mantenedores/ usuarios/ stakeholders/ etc.). La complejidad de las interacciones entre los edificios y su entorno hace que sea difícil definir y evaluar con precisión la sostenibilidad de un edificio. Las NORMAS AMBIENTALES para la construcción (unas pocas existentes y algunos en fase de desarrollo) se centran en la sostenibilidad ECONÓMICA, SOCIAL Y AMBIENTAL que caracteriza a un edificio, siendo los aspectos socio-económicos difíciles de evaluar. En consecuencia, los métodos existentes para la evaluación de la construcción sostenible (por ejemplo, LEED, BREEAM, SBTool) tienden a superar los aspectos ambientales pues son más fáciles de evaluar de manera cuantitativa. Así desde el punto de vista holístico (global) y utilizando la teoría de sistemas complejos, la sostenibilidad debe ser evaluada, en parte, utilizando los INDICADORES DE SOSTENIBILIDAD SOCIALES Y ECONÓMICOS para cubrir todos los factores de Sostenibilidad. El estudio propone una metodología para valorar la sostenibilidad en la construcción aeroportuaria a través de la evaluación de los indicadores sostenibles de la construcción (SKPIs) sin y superando las carencias presentadas. Para ello hemos implementado una herramienta de evaluación de la sostenibilidad, donde: Puede evaluar, en primer aproximación e independientemente, la sostenibilidad del CICLO DE VIDA de la INFRAESTRUCTURA AEROPORTUARIA Puede COMPLETAR otras herramientas comerciales disponibles (ej. BREEAM, LEED), bajo un enfoque ECONÓMICO-SOCIAL y complementando el enfoque ambiental La evaluación de los KPIs se realiza por medio de TECNOLOGÍAS Y ESTRATEGIAS SOSTENIBLES, cuya aplicación supondría un aumento de la sostenibilidad del edificio La herramienta propuesta considera la complejidad y transdisciplinariedad del problema, fundada en un SISTEMA DE CRÉDITOS fácil de usar. Así el programa diseñado permite el análisis y la comparación del CICLO DE VIDA de la INFRAESTRUCTURA AEROPORTUARIA: Abarcando las etapas de construcción (diseño, operación, mantenimiento, etc.) Incluyendo a todos los agentes de construcción (ocupantes, stakeholders, constructores, etc.) Finalmente, se aporta un ejemplo teórico de una INFRAESTRUCTURA AEROPORTUARIA (Terminal Aeroportuaria) para fijar, demostrar y discutir el estudio presentado Abstract We seek to characterize the sustainability analysis of the life cycle of a building focus us on the evaluation of social aspect. From a holistic point of view and using complex systems theory, sustainability must be evaluated, in part, using social key performance indicator (KPI) to cover all factors of sustainability. The most remarkable of the proposed framework is to provide a methodology to achieve the sustainability in construction through the assessment of social KPIs. Besides we implement a tool to assess sustainability, where this tool could complete other commercial tools available (e.g. BREEAM, LEED). The proposed tool considers the complexity and trans-disciplinary of the problem. The procedure is based on a credit system easy to use. It also allows analysis and comparison of the boundary conditions of the building, embracing construction stages (design, operation), involving all the building agents (occupants, stakeholders, etc.)


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GaInP nucleation on Ge(100) often starts by annealing of the Ge(100) substrates under supply of phosphorus precursors. However, the influence on the Ge surface is not well understood. Here, we studied vicinal Ge(100) surfaces annealed under tertiarybutylphosphine (TBP) supply in MOVPE by in situ reflection anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). While XPS reveals a P termination and the presence of carbon on the Ge surface, LEED patterns indicate a disordered surface probably due to by-products of the TBP pyrolysis. However, the TBP annealed Ge(100) surface exhibits a characteristic RA spectrum, which is related to the P termination. RAS allows us to in situ control phosphorus desorption dependent on temperature.


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The Shopping centre is a long term investment in which Greenfield development decisions are often taken based on risks analysis regarding construction costs, location, competition, market and an expected DCF. Furthermore, integration between the building design, project planning, operational costs and investment analysis is not entirely considered by the investor at the decision making stage. The absence of such information tends to produce certain negative impacts on the future running costs and annual maintenance of the building, especially on energy demand and other occupancy expenses paid by the tenants to the landlord. From the investor´s point of view, this blind spot in strategy development will possibly decrease their profit margin as changes in the occupancy expenses[ ] have a direct outcome on the profit margin. In order to try to reduce some higher operating cost components such as energy use and other utility savings as well as their CO2 emissions, quite a few income properties worldwide have some type of environmental label such as BREEAM and LEED. The drawback identified in this labelling is that usually the investments required to get an ecolabel are high and the investor finds no direct evidence that it increases market value. However there is research on certified commercial properties (especially offices) that shows better performance in terms of occupancy rate and rental cost (Warren-Myers, 2012). Additionally, Sayce (2013) says that the certification only provides a quick reference point i.e. the lack of a certificate does not indicate that a building is not sustainable or efficient. Based on the issues described above, this research compares important components of the development stages such as investments costs, concept/ strategy development as well as the current investor income and property value. The subjects for this analysis are a shopping centre designed with passive cooling/bioclimatic strategies evaluated at the decision making stage, a certified regional shopping centre and a non-certified standard regional shopping centre. Moreover, the proposal intends to provide decision makers with some tools for linking green design features to the investment analysis in order to optimize the decision making process when looking into cost savings and design quality.


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La escasez de recursos, el cambio climático, la pobreza y el subdesarrollo, los desastres naturales, son solo algunos de los grandes retos a que se enfrenta la humanidad y a los que la economía verde y el desarrollo sostenible tienen que dar respuesta. El concepto sostenible surge a raíz de la necesidad de lograr en todas las actividades humanas un nuevo equilibrio con el medioambiente, la sociedad y la economía, es decir un desarrollo más sostenible. La construcción supone en este nuevo concepto un sector básico, con grandes impactos en los recursos, los residuos, las emisiones, la biodiversidad, el paisaje, las necesidades sociales, la integración, el desarrollo económico del entorno, etc. Es por ello, que la construcción sostenible tiene una importancia esencial como demuestra su amplia aplicación teórica y práctica ya en proyectos de planificación urbana y de edificación. En la ingeniería civil estas aproximaciones son todavía mínimas, aunque ya se están considerando ciertos criterios de sostenibilidad en proyectos de construcción. La construcción consume muchos recursos naturales, económicos y tiene gran incidencia social. En la actualidad su actividad consume un 30% de los recursos extraídos de la tierra y la energía, y en consecuencia genera el 30% de los gases de efecto invernadero y residuos sólidos del mundo (EEA, 2014). Este impacto debería suponer una gran responsabilidad para los profesionales y gobiernos que toman cada día las decisiones de diseño e inversión en la construcción, y su máxima eficiencia debería estar muy presente entre los objetivos. En esta tesis doctoral se plantea un nuevo modelo para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad en los proyectos mediante un sistema de indicadores, basados en las áreas de estudio de las certificaciones de sostenibilidad existentes y en un análisis multi-criterio de cada uno de los axiomas de la sostenibilidad. Como reto principal se marca la propuesta de una metodología que permita identificar, priorizar y seleccionar los indicadores y las variables más importantes de lo que es considerado como una construcción sostenible en el caso de infraestructuras ferroviarias, más concretamente en puentes ferroviarios, y que además sirva para priorizar nuevos proyectos que se adapten a los nuevos objetivos del desarrollo sostenible: el respeto al medioambiente, la integración social y la económica. El objetivo es la aplicación de estos indicadores desde las etapas más tempranas del proyecto: planificación, diseño de alternativas y selección de alternativas. Para ello, en primer lugar, se ha realizado un análisis en profundidad de los distintas organizaciones de certificación de la sostenibilidad mundiales y se ha desarrollado una comparativa entre ellas, detallando el funcionamiento de las más extendidas (BREEAM, LEED, VERDE, DGNB). Tras esto, se ha analizado la herramienta matemática MIVES de análisis multi-criterio para su aplicación, en la tesis, a las infraestructuras ferroviarias. En la segunda parte se desarrolla para las estructuras ferroviarias un nuevo modelo de indicadores, un sistema de ayuda a la decisión multi-criterio basado en los tres axiomas de las sostenibilidad (sociedad, medioambiente y economía), articulados en un árbol de requerimientos inspirado en el método MIVES, que propone una metodología para el caso de las infraestructuras ferroviarias. La metodología MIVES estructura el proceso de decisión en tres ramas: Requisitos, componentes y ciclo de vida. Estas ramas definen los límites de los sistemas. El eje de los requisitos del árbol de los requisitos o se estructura en tres niveles que corresponden al requisito específico: criterios e indicadores. Además, es necesario definen la función del valor para cada indicador, definen el peso de importancia de cada elemento del árbol y finalmente con el calcular el valor de cada alternativa selecciona el mejor de él. La generación de este árbol de requerimientos en estructuras ferroviarias y la medición de los parámetro es original para este tipo de estructuras. Por último, tras el desarrollo de la metodología, se ha aplicado la propuesta metodológica mediante la implementación práctica, utilizando el método propuesto con 2 puentes ferroviarios existentes. Los resultados han mostrado que la herramienta es capaz de establecer una ordenación de las actuaciones coherente y suficientemente discriminante como para que el decisor no tenga dudas cuando deba tomar la decisión. Esta fase, es una de las grandes aportaciones de la tesis, ya que permite diferenciar los pesos obtenidos en cada una de las áreas de estudio y donde la toma de decisión puede variar dependiendo de las necesidades del decisor, la ubicación del puente de estudio etc. ABSTRACT Scarce resources, climate change, poverty and underdevelopment, natural disasters are just some of the great challenges facing humanity and to which the green economy will have to respond. The sustainable concept arises from the need for all human activities in a new equilibrium with the environment, society and the economy, which is known as sustainable development. The construction industry is part of this concept, because of its major impacts on resources, waste, emissions, biodiversity, landscape, social needs, integration, economical development, environment, etc. Therefore, sustainable construction has a critical importance as already demonstrated by its wide application and theoretical practice in urban planning and building projects. In civil engineering, these approaches are still minimal, although some criteria are already taken into account for sustainability in infrastructure projects. The construction industry requires a lot of natural resources, has a real economic relevance and a huge social impact. Currently, it consumes 40% of produced power as well as natural resources extracted from the earth and thus leads to an environmental impact of 40% regarding greenhouse gas emissions and solid wastes (EEA 2014). These repercussions should highly concern our governments and professional of this industry on the decisions they take regarding investments and designs. They must be inflexible in order to ensure that the main concern has to be a maximum efficiency. Major events like the COP21 held in Paris in December 2015 are a concrete signal of the worldwide awareness of the huge impact of each industry on climate. In this doctoral thesis a new model for the evaluation of the sustainability in the projects by means of a system of indicators, based on the areas of study of the existing certifications of sustainability and on an analysis considers multi-criterion of each one of the axioms of the sustainability. The primary aim of this thesis is to study the mode of application of sustainability in projects through a system of indicators. . The main challenge consists of create a methodology suitable to identify, prioritize and select the most important indicators which define if a building is sustainable in the specific case of railway infrastructures. The methodology will help to adapt future projects to the new goals of sustainable development which are respect of nature, social integration and economic relevance. A crucial point is the consideration of these indicators from the very beginning steps of the projects: planning, design and alternatives reflections. First of all, a complete inventory of all world energy certification organizations has been made in order to compare the most representative ones regarding their way of functioning (BREEAM, LEED, VERDE, DGNB). After this, mathematical tool MIVES of analysis has been analyzed multi-criterion for its application, in the thesis, to railway infrastructures. The second part of the thesis is aimed to develop a new model of indicators, inspired by the MIVES method, consisting in a decision-making system based on the 3 foundations of sustainability: nature impact, social concerns, and economic relevance. The methodology MIVES structures the decision process in three axes: Requirements, components and life cycle. These axes define the boundaries of the systems. The axis of requirements o tree requirements is structured in three levels corresponding to specific requirement: criteria and indicators. In addition, is necessary define the value function for each indicator, define the weight of importance of each element of the tree and finally with the calculate the value of each alternative select the best of them. The generation of this tree requirements in railway structures and measuring the parameter is original for this type of structures. Finally, after the development of the methodology, it has validated the methodology through practical implementation, applying the proposed method 2 existing railway bridges. The results showed that the tool is able to establish a coherent management of performances and discriminating enough so that the decision maker should not have doubts when making the decision. This phase, is one of the great contributions of the thesis, since it allows to differentiate the weights obtained in each one from the study areas and where the decision making can vary depending on the necessities of the decisor, the location of the bridge of study etc.


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Characteristics of six operating hot spring recreational facilities were reviewed to identify opportunities for integrating a range of sustainable design and operation approaches into a community park. Potential operating cost savings were evaluated for a conceptual landscape project, bathhouse project, and swimming pool project that reduced the use of electricity, natural gas, water, the discharge of water, and solid waste generation. The projects showed a combined cost savings of approximately $40,000 per year by adopting passive solar design, energy efficient lighting, native vegetation, water efficient fixtures, and a natural swimming pool. The greatest potential operating cost reductions were observed for cutbacks in the use of swimming pool water and reductions in natural gas needed for building and swimming pool heating.