952 resultados para LCL filters


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Worldwide commercial interest in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is reflected in a production capacity that presently exceeds several thousand tons per year. Currently, bulk CNT powders are incorporated in diverse commercial products ranging from rechargeable batteries, automotive parts, and sporting goods to boat hulls and water filters. Advances in CNT synthesis, purification, and chemical modification are enabling integration of CNTs in thin-film electronics and large-area coatings. Although not yet providing compelling mechanical strength or electrical or thermal conductivities for many applications, CNT yarns and sheets already have promising performance for applications including supercapacitors, actuators, and lightweight electromagnetic shields.


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The next generation of diesel emission control devices includes 4-way catalyzed filtration systems (4WCFS) consisting of both NOx and diesel particulate matter (DPM) control. A methodology was developed to simultaneously evaluate the NOx and DPM control performance of miniature 4WCFS made from acicular mullite, an advanced ceramic material (ACM), that were challenged with diesel exhaust. The impact of catalyst loading and substrate porosity on catalytic performance of the NOx trap was evaluated. Simultaneously with NOx measurements, the real-time solid particle filtration performance of catalyst-coated standard and high porosity filters was determined for steady-state and regenerative conditions. The use of high porosity ACM 4-way catalyzed filtration systems reduced NOx by 99% and solid and total particulate matter by 95% when averaged over 10 regeneration cycles. A "regeneration cycle" refers to an oxidizing ("lean") exhaust condition followed by a reducing ("rich") exhaust condition resulting in NOx storage and NOx reduction (i.e., trap "regeneration"), respectively. Standard porosity ACM 4-way catalyzed filtration systems reduced NOx by 60-75% and exhibited 99.9% filtration efficiency. The rich/lean cycling used to regenerate the filter had almost no impact on solid particle filtration efficiency but impacted NOx control. Cycling resulted in the formation of very low concentrations of semivolatile nucleation mode particles for some 4WCFS formulations. Overall, 4WCFS show promise for significantly reducing diesel emissions into the atmosphere in a single control device. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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The accurate prediction of time-changing covariances is an important problem in the modeling of multivariate financial data. However, some of the most popular models suffer from a) overfitting problems and multiple local optima, b) failure to capture shifts in market conditions and c) large computational costs. To address these problems we introduce a novel dynamic model for time-changing covariances. Over-fitting and local optima are avoided by following a Bayesian approach instead of computing point estimates. Changes in market conditions are captured by assuming a diffusion process in parameter values, and finally computationally efficient and scalable inference is performed using particle filters. Experiments with financial data show excellent performance of the proposed method with respect to current standard models.


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There is growing interest in the use of 242mAm as a nuclear fuel. Because of its very high thermal fission cross section and its large number of neutrons released per fission, it can be used for various unique applications, such as space propulsion, medical applications, and compact energy sources. Since the thermal absorption cross section of 242mAm is very high, the best way to obtain 242mAm is by the capture of fast or epithermal neutrons in 241Am. However, fast spectrum reactors are not readily available. In this paper, we explore the possibility of producing 242mAm in existing pressurized water reactors (PWRs) with minimal interference in reactor performance. As suggested in previous studies on the subject, the 242mAm breeding targets are shielded with strong thermal absorbers in order to suppress the thermal neutron flux that causes 242mAm destruction. Since 242mAm enrichment within the Am target mainly depends on the neutron energy distribution, which in turn depends on the Am target thickness and on the neutron filter cutoff energy (thermal absorber type), this unique Am target design was developed. In our study, Cd, Sm, and Gd were considered as thermal neutron filters, as suggested by Cesana et al. The most favorable results were obtained by irradiating Am targets covered either with Gd or Cd. In these cases, up to 8.65% enrichment of 242mAm is obtained after 4.5 yr (three successive PWR fuel cycles) of irradiation. It was also found that significant quantities [up to 1.3 kg/GW (electric)-yr] of 242mAm can be obtained in PWR reactors without notable interference with reactor performance. However, in order to maintain the original fuel cycle length, the enrichment of the driver (UO2) fuel must be increased by ∼1%, raised from the conventional 4.5 to 5.5%, depending on the thermal neutron filter used. The most important reactivity feedback coefficients for fuel assemblies containing the 242mAm breeding targets were evaluated and found to be close to those of a standard PWR. Another product of neutron capture in the 241Am reaction is 238Pu. It was found that in a typical 1000 MW (electric) PWR core with one-third of the fuel assemblies containing 241Am targets, up to 15.1 kg of 238Pu enriched to 80% can be produced per year.


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In this article, we examine the phenomenon of single-crystal halide salt wire growth at the surface of porous materials. We report the use of a single-step casting technique with a supramolecular self-assembly gel matrix that upon drying leads to the growth of single-crystal halide (e.g., NaCl, KCl, and KI) nanowires with diameters ~130-200 nm. We demonstrate their formation using electron microscopy and electron-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, showing that the supramolecular gel stabilizes the growth of these wires by facilitating a diffusion-driven base growth mechanism. Critically, we show that standard non-supramolecular gels are unable to facilitate nanowire growth. We further show that these nanowires can be grown by seeding, forming nanocrystal gardens. This study helps understand the possible prefunctionalization of membranes to stimulate ion-specific filters or salt efflorescence suppressors, while also providing a novel route to nanomaterial growth.


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IGBTs realise high-performance power converters. Unfortunately, with fast switching of the IGBT-free wheel diode chopper cell, such circuits are intrinsic sources of high-level EMI. Therefore, costly EMI filters or shielding are normally needed on the load and supply side. In order to design these EMI suppression components, designers need to predict the EMI level with reasonable accuracy for a given structure and operating mode. Simplifying the transient IGBT switching current and voltage into a multiple slope switching waveform approximation offers a feasible way to estimate conducted EMI with some accuracy. This method is dependent on the availability of high-fidelity measurements. Also, that multiple slope approximation needs careful and time-costly IGBT parameters optimisation process to approach the real switching waveform. In this paper, Active Voltage Control Gate Drive(AVC GD) is employed to shape IGBT switching into several defined slopes. As a result, Conducted EMI prediction by multiple slope switching approximation could be more accurate, less costly but more friendly for implementation. © 2013 IEEE.


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Accurate estimation of the instantaneous frequency of speech resonances is a hard problem mainly due to phase discontinuities in the speech signal associated with excitation instants. We review a variety of approaches for enhanced frequency and bandwidth estimation in the time-domain and propose a new cognitively motivated approach using filterbank arrays. We show that by filtering speech resonances using filters of different center frequency, bandwidth and shape, the ambiguity in instantaneous frequency estimation associated with amplitude envelope minima and phase discontinuities can be significantly reduced. The novel estimators are shown to perform well on synthetic speech signals with frequency and bandwidth micro-modulations (i.e., modulations within a pitch period), as well as on real speech signals. Filterbank arrays, when applied to frequency and bandwidth modulation index estimation, are shown to reduce the estimation error variance by 85% and 70% respectively. © 2013 IEEE.


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High-performance power switching devices (IGBT/MOSFET) realise high-performance power converters. Unfortunately, with a high switching speed of the IGBT or MOSFET freewheel diode chopper cell, the circuit has intrinsic sources of high-level EMI. Therefore, costly EMI filters or shielding are normally demanded on the load and supply side. Although an S-shaped voltage transient with a high order of derivation eliminates the discontinuity and could suppress HF spectrum of EMI emissions, a practical control scheme is still under development. In this paper, Active Voltage Control (AVC) is applied to successfully define IGBT switching dynamics with a smoothed Gaussian waveform so a reduced EMI can be achieved without extra EMI suppression devices. © 2013 IEEE.


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Stringency in the identification of conspecific call properties is essential among sympatric species to ensure conspecific mating, as the risk of improper recognition and heterospecific mating is high. In this study we investigated the basic signal structure required for intraspecies communication in the Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis), a species that has no relatives living in sympatry, by playback of signals modified in the temporal (truncating original bellows with first 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or last 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 portion) or frequency domain (with low- or high-pass filters at frequencies 100, 250, 500 and 1000 Hz), or by reversal of natural bellows. The playback experiments revealed that relatively large modifications in bellow temporal or frequency structure failed to impair Chinese alligators' bellowing behavior; even reversed bellows effectively evoked a positive response. In general, the first half of the bellow in temporal domain and frequencies below 500 Hz were critical for behavioral induction, while the last half of the bellow in temporal domain and frequencies above 500 Hz failed to produce a single positive response, implying a potential functional signal redundancy. The observed high tolerance to bellow variations in Chinese alligators may be an evolutionary adaptation to (1) the acoustic constraints of propagation imposed by dense vegetative habitats; or (2) a lack of selection pressure due to the low risk of incorrect conspecific recognition and heterospecific mating.


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This paper gives a short introduction to two research streams in embankment dam engineering underway at Imperial College London. The first is the modelling of embankment dam behaviour during earthquakes and the second is an investigation into the susceptibility of granular filters to internal erosion. The research motivation, methods and expected outcomes of each stream are discussed.


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The effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR 280-400 nm) on the germination of Porphyra haitanensis conchospores and on the growth and morphogenesis of the subsequent sporelings were investigated by culturing the released conchospores under natural sunlight from 29 September to 6 October 2005. Germination increased with time and was faster when UV-B was excluded using cut-off filters. There were significant negative effects of UV-B radiation on growth and cell division of sporelings, with decreases up to 18% for thallus length, between 6 and 18% for thallus width, up to 29% for thallus area, and between 6 and 14% for cell size as compared to PAR-controls. UV-A had a significant positive effect on morphogenesis, enhancing the formation of sporelings with cells dividing transversely; on the other hand, UV-B delayed the formation of such sporelings. We also tested the effects of solar UVR on the growth of P. haitanensis juveniles and found no significant effects. Our results indicate that UV-A has an important role in the germination and morphogenesis of the species, but on the other hand, sporelings of P. haitanensis are more sensitive to UV-B radiation than juveniles.


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In an effort to develop cultured cell models for toxicity screening and environmental biomonitoring, we compared primary cultured gill epithelia and hepatocytes from freshwater tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to assess their sensitivity to AhR agonist toxicants. Epithelia were cultured on permeable supports (terephthalate membranes, "filters") and bathed on the apical with waterborne toxicants (pseudo in vivo asymmetrical culture conditions). Hepatocytes were cultured in multi-well plates and exposed to toxicants in culture medium. Cytochrome P4501A (measured as 7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, EROD) was selected as a biomarker. For cultured gill epithelia, the integrity of the epithelia remained unchanged on exposure to model toxicants, such as 1,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), benzo(a)pyrene B[a]P, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mixture (Aroclor 1254), and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) mixture (DE71). A good concentration-dependent response of EROD activity was clearly observed in both cultured gill epithelia and hepatocytes. The time-course response of EROD was measured as early as 3 h, and was maximal after 6 h of exposure to TCDD, B [alp and Aroclor 1254. The estimated 6 h EC50 for TCDD, B [a]P, and Aroclor 1254 was 1.2x10(-9), 5.7x10(-8) and 6.6x10(-6) M. For the cultured hepatocytes, time-course study showed that a significant induction of EROD took place at 18 h, and the maximal induction of EROD was observed at 24 h after exposure. The estimated 24 It EC50 for TCDD, B[a]P, and Aroclor 1254 was 1.4x10(-9), 8.1x10(-8) and 7.3x10(-6) M. There was no induction or inhibition of EROD in DE71 exposure to both gill epithelia and hepatocytes. The results show that cultured gill epithelia more rapidly induce EROD and are slightly more sensitive than cultured hepatocytes, and could be used as a rapid and sensitive tool for screening chemicals and monitoring environmental AhR agonist toxicants. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate for the first time coding/decoding for OCDMA networks using electronic transversal filters at 18Gchips/s-a ten-fold improvement over previous demonstrations. The chip rate allows users at Gb/s rates in access applications. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We theoretically simulate and experimentally demonstrate ultra-large through-port extinctions in silicon-based asymmetrically-coupled add-drop microring resonators (MRs). Through-port responses in an add-drop MR are analyzed by simulations and large extinctions are found when the MR is near-critically coupled. Accurate fabrication techniques are applied in producing a series of 20 mu m-radii add-drop microrings with drop-side gap-widths in slight differences. A through-port extinction of about 42.7 dB is measured in an MR with through-and drop-side gap-width to be respectively 280 nm and 295 nm. The large extinction suggests about a 20.5 dB improvement from the symmetrical add-drop MR of the same size and the through-side gap-width. The experimental results are finally compared with the post-fabrication simulations, which show a gap-width tolerance of > 30 nm for the through-port extinction enhancement.


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Mode characteristics of a square microcavity with an output waveguide on the middle of one side, laterally confined by an insulating layer SiO2 and a p-electrode metal Au, are investigated by two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain technique. The mode quality (Q) factors versus the width of the output waveguide are calculated for Fabry-Peacuterot type and whispering-gallery type modes in the square cavity. Mode coupling between the confined modes in the square cavity and the guided modes in the output waveguide determines the mode Q factors, which is greatly influenced by the symmetry behaviors of the modes. Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can also have high Q factors due to the high reflectivity of the Au layer for the vertical incident mode light rays. For the square cavity with side length 4 mu m and refractive index 3.2, the mode Q factors of the Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can reach 10(4) at the mode wavelength of 1.5 mu m as the output waveguide width is 0.4 mu m.