831 resultados para Kotiranta, Kai


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Eligibility criteria are a key factor for the feasibility and validity of clinical trials. We aimed to develop an online tool to assess the potential effect of inclusion and exclusion criteria on the proportion of patients eligible for an acute stroke trial. METHODS We identified relevant inclusion and exclusion criteria of acute stroke trials. Based on these criteria and using a cohort of 1537 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke from 3 stroke centers, we developed a web portal feasibility platform for stroke studies (FePASS) to estimate proportions of eligible patients for acute stroke trials. We applied the FePASS resource to calculate the proportion of patients eligible for 4 recent stroke studies. RESULTS Sixty-one eligibility criteria were derived from 30 trials on acute ischemic stroke. FePASS, publicly available at http://fepass.uni-muenster.de, displays the proportion of patients in percent to assess the effect of varying values of relevant eligibility criteria, for example, age, symptom onset time, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, and prestroke modified Rankin Scale, on this proportion. The proportion of eligible patients for 4 recent stroke studies ranged from 2.1% to 11.3%. Slight variations of the inclusion criteria could substantially increase the proportion of eligible patients. CONCLUSIONS FePASS is an open access online resource to assess the effect of inclusion and exclusion criteria on the proportion of eligible patients for a stroke trial. FePASS can help to design stroke studies, optimize eligibility criteria, and to estimate the potential recruitment rate.


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Fractures of the growing bone require fixation techniques, which preclude any injury to the growth plate regions. This requirement is met by Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nails (ESIN) which are positioned between both metaphyseal regions. Pronounced malposition and/or shortening, open fractures and fractures with impending skin perforation are indications for clavicle nailing in adolescents. Retrograde nailing with two elastic nails, inserted from lateral, is the method of choice for stabilization of humerus fractures. In radial neck fractures with severe tilting of the radial head, a retrograde nail may reduce and fix the head. In Monteggia lesions, the ulna fracture is reduced and fixed with an antegrade nail. Forearm fractures with unacceptable axial deviation are reduced and fixed with one antegrade nail in the ulna and a retrograde nail in the radius. Ascending elastic nailing is done for femur shaft and proximal femur fractures. The medial and lateral entry sites are located above the distal physis. End caps are used to prevent shortening in spiral and multiple segment fractures. Fractures of the distal third of the femur are nailed in a descending technique. The entry sites of two nails are located on the lateral cortex below the greater trochanter. Combined tibia and fibula fractures, open fractures and unstable fracture types such as spiral and multifragmental tibia fractures are good indications for ESIN. Descending nailing is the method of choice. The nail entry points are medially and laterally distal to the apophysis of the proximal tibia. Thorough knowledge of each fracture type, fracture location and age specific healing pattern is necessary for safe and effective treatment of pediatric fractures


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Introduction Since the quality of patient portrayal of standardized patients (SPs) during an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) has a major impact on the reliability and validity of the exam, quality control should be initiated. Literature about quality control of SP’s performance focuses on feedback [1, 2] or completion of checklists [3, 4]. Since we did not find a published instrument meeting our needs for the assessment of patient portrayal, we developed such an instrument after being inspired by others [5] and used it in our high-stakes exam. Methods SP trainers from all five Swiss medical faculties collected and prioritized quality criteria for patient portrayal. Items were revised with the partners twice, based on experiences during OSCEs. The final instrument contains 14 criteria for acting (i.e. adequate verbal and non-verbal expression) and standardization (i.e. verbatim delivery of the first sentence). All partners used the instrument during a high-stakes OSCE. Both, SPs and trainers were introduced to the instrument. The tool was used in training (more than 100 observations) and during the exam (more than 250 observations). FAIR_OSCE The list of items to assess the quality of the simulation by SPs was primarily developed and used to provide formative feedback to the SPs in order to help them to improve their performance. It was therefore named “Feedbackstruckture for the Assessment of Interactive Role play in Objective Structured Clinical Exams (FAIR_OSCE). It was also used to assess the quality of patient portrayal during the exam. The results were calculated for each of the five faculties individually. Formative evaluation was given to the five faculties with individual feedback without revealing results of other faculties other than overall results. Results High quality of patient portrayal during the exam was documented. More than 90% of SP performances were rated to be completely correct or sufficient. An increase in quality of performance between training and exam was noted. In example the rate of completely correct reaction in medical tests increased from 88% to 95%. 95% completely correct reactions together with 4% sufficient reactions add up to 99% of the reactions meeting the requirements of the exam. SP educators using the instrument reported an augmentation of SPs performance induced by the use of the instrument. Disadvantages mentioned were high concentration needed to explicitly observe all criteria and cumbersome handling of the paper-based forms. Conclusion We were able to document a very high quality of SP performance in our exam. The data also indicate that our training is effective. We believe that the high concentration needed using the instrument is well invested, considering the observed augmentation of performance. The development of an iPad based application for the form is planned to address the cumbersome handling of the paper.


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The goal of asthma treatment is to obtain clinical control and reduce future risks to the patient. To reach this goal in children with asthma, ongoing monitoring is essential. While all components of asthma, such as symptoms, lung function, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and inflammation, may exist in various combinations in different individuals, to date there is limited evidence on how to integrate these for optimal monitoring of children with asthma. The aims of this ERS Task Force were to describe the current practise and give an overview of the best available evidence on how to monitor children with asthma. 22 clinical and research experts reviewed the literature. A modified Delphi method and four Task Force meetings were used to reach a consensus. This statement summarises the literature on monitoring children with asthma. Available tools for monitoring children with asthma, such as clinical tools, lung function, bronchial responsiveness and inflammatory markers, are described as are the ways in which they may be used in children with asthma. Management-related issues, comorbidities and environmental factors are summarised. Despite considerable interest in monitoring asthma in children, for many aspects of monitoring asthma in children there is a substantial lack of evidence.


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Einleitung In unserer Institution sind die Anforderungen an Schauspielpatienten (SPs) seit 2010 stetig angestiegen(Guttormsen et al., 2013). Zudem stieg auch die Zahl der benötigten SPs insgesamt, so dass wir uns entschieden ein effektives Aufnahmeverfahren gemäss professioneller Qualitätskriterien (Wallace, 2007) zu gestalten. Methoden Seit 2012 organisieren wir 2 x jährlich eine Informations-Veranstaltung für interessierte Bewerber. In einem ersten Teil wird über die Einsätze von SPs informiert und die Rahmenbedingungen dargelegt. In einem zweiten Teil werden Improvisationsübungen in Gruppen, zu zweit oder einzeln durchgeführt. Die SP-Trainer beobachten das Spiel. Zusätzlich wird die Performance gefilmt. Alle Interessierten müssen sich nach dieser 2-stündigen Veranstaltung für 2 weitere Einzeltermine einschreiben: 1. Spielen eines OSCE-Falles (mit SP-Trainer) 2. Körperliche Untersuchung (mit Arzt). Anschliessend wird im Team entschieden, ob alle Voraussetzungen in Bezug auf Teamfähigkeit/Zuverlässigkeit, schauspielerische Fertigkeiten, körperliche Merkmale für eine Anstellung erfüllt sind. Ergebnisse Mit der Einführung dieses strukturierten Auswahlverfahrens haben wir folgendes erreicht: die ausgewählten SPs passen sehr gut in das Team und erfordern weniger organisatorischen Aufwand. Die Rollen können exakter auf das Profil der jeweiligen SPs abgestimmt werden (insbes. durch die körperliche Untersuchung).  Mit der Informationsveranstaltung für die Gruppe wird der zeitliche Aufwand für die Information der SPs gegenüber reinen Einzelinterviews gesenkt (50%), trotzdem können durch die Einzeltermine detaillierte Informationen erhoben werden. Diskussion Seit der Neustrukturierung des Auswahlverfahrens entsprechen die gewählten SPs deutlich besser unserem Anforderungsprofil. In Zukunft planen wir das Anforderungsprofil schriftlich zu dokumentieren und zu veröffentlichen, um das Verfahren transparent zu machen. Literatur: [1] Guttormsen, S., C. Beyeler, R. Bonvin, S. Feller, C. Schirlo, K. Schnabel, T. Schurter, and C. Berendonk. 2013. The new licencing examination for human medicine: from concept to implementation. Swiss Med Wkly 143:w13897. [2] Wallace, P. 2007. Coaching Standardized Patients for Use in the Assessment of Clinical Competence. Springer Publishing Company, New York


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Introduction Since the quality of patient portrayal of standardized patients (SPs) during an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) has a major impact on the reliability and validity of the exam, quality control should be initiated. Literature about quality control of SPs’ performance focuses on feedback [1, 2] or completion of checklists [3, 4]. Since we did not find a published instrument meeting our needs for the assessment of patient portrayal, we developed such an instrument after being inspired by others [5] and used it in our high-stakes exam. Project description SP trainers from five medical faculties collected and prioritized quality criteria for patient portrayal. Items were revised twice, based on experiences during OSCEs. The final instrument contains 14 criteria for acting (i.e. adequate verbal and non-verbal expression) and standardization (i.e. verbatim delivery of the first sentence). All partners used the instrument during a high-stakes OSCE. SPs and trainers were introduced to the instrument. The tool was used in training (more than 100 observations) and during the exam (more than 250 observations). Outcome High quality of SPs’ patient portrayal during the exam was documented. More than 90% of SP performances were rated to be completely correct or sufficient. An increase in quality of performance between training and exam was noted. For example, the rate of completely correct reaction in medical tests increased from 88% to 95%. Together with 4% of sufficient performances these 95% add up to 99% of the reactions in medical tests meeting the standards of the exam. SP educators using the instrument reported an augmentation of SPs’ performance induced by the use of the instrument. Disadvantages mentioned were the high concentration needed to observe all criteria and the cumbersome handling of the paper-based forms. Discussion We were able to document a very high quality of SP performance in our exam. The data also indicates that our training is effective. We believe that the high concentration needed using the instrument is well invested, considering the observed enhancement of performance. The development of an iPad-based application for the form is planned to address the cumbersome handling of the paper.


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Introduction In our program, simulated patients (SPs) give feedback to medical students in the course of communication skills training. To ensure effective training, quality control of the SPs’ feedback should be implemented. At other institutions, medical students evaluate the SPs’ feedback for quality control (Bouter et al., 2012). Thinking about implementing quality control for SPs’ feedback in our program, we wondered whether the evaluation by students would result in the same scores as evaluation by experts. Methods Consultations simulated by 4th-year medical students with SPs were video taped including the SP’s feedback to the students (n=85). At the end of the training sessions students rated the SPs’ performance using a rating instrument called Bernese Assessment for Role-play and Feedback (BARF) containing 11 items concerning feedback quality. Additionally the videos were evaluated by 3 trained experts using the BARF. Results The experts showed a high interrater agreement when rating identical feedbacks (ICCunjust=0.953). Comparing the rating of students and experts, high agreement was found with regard to the following items: 1. The SP invited the student to reflect on the consultation first, Amin (= minimal agreement) 97% 2. The SP asked the student what he/she liked about the consultation, Amin = 88%. 3. The SP started with positive feedback, Amin = 91%. 4. The SP was comparing the student with other students, Amin = 92%. In contrast the following items showed differences between the rating of experts and students: 1. The SP used precise situations for feedback, Amax (=maximal agreement) 55%, Students rated 67 of SPs’ feedbacks to be perfect with regard to this item (highest rating on a 5 point Likert scale), while only 29 feedbacks were rated this way by the experts. 2. The SP gave precise suggestions for improvement, Amax 75%, 62 of SPs’ feedbacks obtained the highest rating from students, while only 44 of SPs’ feedbacks achieved the highest rating in the view of the experts. 3. The SP speaks about his/her role in the third person, Amax 60%. Students rated 77 feedbacks with the highest score, while experts judged only 43 feedbacks this way. Conclusion Although evaluation by the students was in agreement with that of experts concerning some items, students rated the SPs’ feedback more often with the optimal score than experts did. Moreover it seems difficult for students to notice when SPs talk about the role in the first instead of the third person. Since precision and talking about the role in the third person are important quality criteria of feedback, this result should be taken into account when thinking about students’ evaluation of SPs’ feedback for quality control. Bouter, S., E. van Weel-Baumgarten, and S. Bolhuis. 2012. Construction and Validation of the Nijmegen Evaluation of the Simulated Patient (NESP): Assessing Simulated Patients’ Ability to Role-Play and Provide Feedback to Students. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges


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BACKGROUND Closed reduction and pinning is the accepted treatment choice for dislocated supracondylar humeral fractures in children (SCHF). Rates of open reduction, complications and outcome are reported to be dependent on delay of surgery. We investigated whether delay of surgery had influence on the incidence of open reduction, complications and outcome of surgical treatment of SCHFs in the authors' institution. METHODS Three hundred and forty-one children with 343 supracondylar humeral fractures (Gartland II: 144; Gartland III: 199) who underwent surgery between 2000 and 2009 were retrospectively analysed. The group consisted of 194 males and 149 females. The average age was 6.3 years. Mean follow-up was 6.2 months. Time interval between trauma and surgical intervention was determined using our institutional database. Clinical and radiographical data were collected for each group. Influence of delay of treatment on rates of open reduction, complications and outcome was calculated using logistic regression analysis. Furthermore, patients were grouped into 4 groups of delay (<6 h, n = 166; 6-12 h, n = 95; 12-24 h, n = 68; >24 h, n = 14) and the aforementioned variables were compared among these groups. RESULTS The incidence of open procedures in 343 supracondylar humeral fractures was 2.6 %. Complication rates were similar to the literature (10.8 %) primarily consisting of transient neurological impairments (9.0 %) which all were fully reversible by conservative treatment. Poor outcome was seen in 1.7 % of the patients. Delay of surgical treatment had no influence on rates of open surgery (p = 0.662), complications (p = 0.365) or poor outcome (p = 0.942). CONCLUSIONS In this retrospective study delay of treatment of SCHF did not have significant influence on the incidence of open reduction, complications, and outcome. Therefore, in SCHF with sufficient blood perfusion and nerve function, elective treatment is reasonable to avoid surgical interventions in the middle of the night which are stressful and wearing both for patients and for surgeons. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE III (retrospective comparative study).


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Femoro-patellar dysplasia is considered as a significant risk factor of patellar instability. Different studies suggest that the shape of the trochlea is already developed in early childhood. Therefore early identification of a dysplastic configuration might be relevant information for the treating physician. An easy applicable routine screening of the trochlea is yet not available. The purpose of this study was to establish and evaluate a screening method for femoro-patellar dysplasia using 3D ultrasound. From 2012 to 2013 we prospectively imaged 160 consecutive femoro-patellar joints in 80 newborns from the 36th to 61st gestational week that underwent a routine hip sonography (Graf). All ultrasounds were performed by a pediatric radiologist with only minimal additional time to the routine hip ultrasound. In 30° flexion of the knee, axial, coronal, and sagittal reformats were used to standardize a reconstructed axial plane through the femoral condyle and the mid-patella. The sulcus angle, the lateral-to-medial facet ratio of the trochlea and the shape of the patella (Wiberg Classification) were evaluated. In all examinations reconstruction of the standardized axial plane was achieved, the mean trochlea angle was 149.1° (SD 4.9°), the lateral-to-medial facet ratio of the trochlea ratio was 1.3 (SD 0.22), and a Wiberg type I patella was found in 95% of the newborn. No statistical difference was detected between boys and girls. Using standardized reconstructions of the axial plane allows measurements to be made with lower operator dependency and higher accuracy in a short time. Therefore 3D ultrasound is an easy applicable and powerful tool to identify trochlea dysplasia in newborns and might be used for screening for trochlea dysplasia.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Lesion volume on diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) before acute stroke therapy is a predictor of outcome. Therefore, patients with large volumes are often excluded from therapy. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of endovascular treatment in patients with large DWI lesion volumes (>70 mL). METHODS Three hundred seventy-two patients with middle cerebral or internal carotid artery occlusions examined with magnetic resonance imaging before treatment since 2004 were included. Baseline data and 3 months outcome were recorded prospectively. DWI lesion volumes were measured semiautomatically. RESULTS One hundred five patients had lesions >70 mL. Overall, the volume of DWI lesions was an independent predictor of unfavorable outcome, survival, and symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (P<0.001 each). In patients with DWI lesions >70 mL, 11 of 31 (35.5%) reached favorable outcome (modified Rankin scale score, 0-2) after thrombolysis in cerebral infarction 2b-3 reperfusion in contrast to 3 of 35 (8.6%) after thrombolysis in cerebral infarction 0-2a reperfusion (P=0.014). Reperfusion success, patient age, and DWI lesion volume were independent predictors of outcome in patients with DWI lesions >70 mL. Thirteen of 66 (19.7%) patients with lesions >70 mL had symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage with a trend for reduced risk with avoidance of thrombolytic agents. CONCLUSIONS There was a growing risk for poor outcome and symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage with increasing pretreatment DWI lesion volumes. Nevertheless, favorable outcome was achieved in every third patient with DWI lesions >70 mL after successful endovascular reperfusion, whereas after poor or failed reperfusion, outcome was favorable in only every 12th patient. Therefore, endovascular treatment might be considered in patients with large DWI lesions, especially in younger patients.


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This article gives a review of the classification, diagnostic procedures and treatment of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies from a neurological point of view. The myositis syndromes can be subdivided into four groups, polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), inclusion body myositis (IBM) and necrotizing myopathy (NM), which substantially differ clinically and pathophysiologically. Myositis may also occur in association with cancer or autoimmune systemic diseases (overlap syndrome). Diagnosis of inflammatory myopathies is based on clinical symptoms, determination of creatine phosphokinase and acute phase parameters in blood (e.g. C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate), electromyography results and findings of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in muscle. A muscle biopsy is mandatory to confirm the diagnosis. High quality randomized controlled trials of treatment regimens for inflammatory myopathies are sparse; however, empirical experience indicates a clear effectiveness of immunosuppressive treatment of PM, DM and NM.