933 resultados para Jugurthine War, 111-105 B.C.


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The crystal structure of a daturalactone derivative has been determined by X-ray structural analysis. The compound crystallizes in orthorhomic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell parameters a = 15.141(1) angstrom, b = 18.425(1) angstrom, c = 19.251(2) angstrom. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.082. The asymmetric unit contains two non-equivalent molecules. Extensive hydrogen bonding is present. The conformations of the rings are A: a distorted half-chair, B: a perfect half-chair, C: a chair, D: an envelope-half chair and E: a twist boat. Ring junctions A/B, B/C, C/D are all trans fused. Methyl carbons C(18), C(19), C(27) and the lactone moiety is beta-oriented whereas the methyl carbons C(21) and C(28) are alpha-oriented.


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The coexistence of quasicrystals and rational approximant structures (RAS) has been observed in melt-spun Al80Cr14Si6, Al80Mn14Si6 and Al75Mn10Cr5Si10 alloys. The presence of a b.c.c. alpha-AlMnSi phase in Al-Mn-Si and alpha-AlMnSi(Cr) phase in Al-Mn-Cr-Si has been seen. A multiple twinning around an irrational axis of the RAS has been reported in an aggregate of fine size cubic crystallites in all three alloys. Selected area diffraction patterns show that the crystalline aggregate symmetry is linked to the icosahedral point group symmetry (m35). Various ways of expressing the twin relationship in the cubic crystalline aggregates have been discussed. The thermal stability of the icosahedral phase at high temperatures reveals that the icosahedral phase in Al-Mn-Si and Al-Mn-Cr-Si alloys transforms to alpha-AlMnSi at temperatures of 690 and 670 K, respectively. In Al-Cr-Si alloy, heating to a high temperature (615 K) leads to the transformation of the icosahedral phase into a new metastable phase having an ordered cubic structure equivalent to alpha-AlMnSi. The occurrence of multiple twinning leading to icosahedral symmetry in the as-spun Al-Cr-Si alloy is presumably due to this metastable phase. Copyright (C) 1996 Acta Metallurgica Inc.


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We report here results from a dynamo model developed on the lines of the Babcock-Leighton idea that the poloidal field is generated at the surface of the Sun from the decay of active regions. In this model magnetic buoyancy is handled with a realistic recipe - wherein toroidal flux is made to erupt from the overshoot layer wherever it exceeds a specified critical field B-C (10(5) G). The erupted toroidal field is then acted upon by the alpha-effect near the surface to give rise to the poloidal field. In this paper we study the effect of buoyancy on the dynamo generated magnetic fields. Specifically, we show that the mechanism of buoyant eruption and the subsequent depletion of the toroidal field inside the overshoot layer, is capable of constraining the magnitude and distribution of the magnetic field there. We also believe that a critical study of this mechanism may give us new information regarding the solar interior and end with an example, where we propose a method for estimating an upper limit of the difusivity within the overshoot layer.


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The title compound I (24-(S)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with Z = 4. The unit cell dimensions are a = 6.701(2)Angstrom, b = 11.506(8)Angstrom, c = 32.183(4)Angstrom, V = 2481(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.077 Mg/m(3). The tide compound II (24-(R)-Hydroxy Coprastan-3-one) crystallises in orthorhombic space group P212121 with two molecules per assymetric unit and with Z = 8. The Unit cell dimensions are a = 10.954(2)Angstrom, b = 21.757(6)Angstrom, c = 21.130(7)Angstrom, V = 5035.0(2)Angstrom (3), D-cal = 1.062 Mg/m(3). In compound I and in both the molecules of compound II, the rings A, B & C are in chair conformation and the five membered ring D is in envelope conformation. The priority sequence attached to the chiral carbon C24 has "S" designation in compound I and "R" designation in compound II. The structures are stabilized by C-H . . .O and O-H---O hydrogen bonds.


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Pre-starvation amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum exhibit random movements. Starved cells aggregate by directed movements (chemotaxis) towards cyclic AMP and differentiate into live spores or dead stalk cells. Many differences between presumptive spore and stalk cells precede differentiation. We have examined whether cell motility-related factors are also among them. Cell speeds and localisation of motility-related signalling molecules were monitored by live cell imaging and immunostaining (a) in nutrient medium during growth, (b) immediately following transfer to starvation medium and (c) in nutrient medium that was re-introduced after a brief period of starvation. Cells moved randomly under all three conditions but mean speeds increased following transfer from nutrient medium to starvation medium; the transition occurred within 15 min. The distribution of speeds in starvation medium was bimodal: about 20% of the cells moved significantly faster than the remaining 80%. The motility-related molecules F-actin, PTEN and PI3 kinase were distributed differently in slow and fast cells. Among starved cells, the calcium content of slower cells was lower than that of the faster cells. All differences reverted within 15 min after restoration of the nutrient medium. The slow/fast distinction was missing in Polysphondylium pallidum, a cellular slime mould that lacks the presumptive stalk and spore cell classes, and in the trishanku (triA(center dot)) mutant of D. discoideum, in which the classes exist but are unstable. The transition from growth to starvation triggers a spontaneous and reversible switch in the distribution of D. discoideum cell speeds. Cells whose calcium content is relatively low (known to be presumptive spore cells) move slower than those whose calcium levels are higher (known to be presumptive stalk cells). Slow and fast cells show different distributions of motility-related proteins. The switch is indicative of a bistable mechanism underlying cell motility.


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The effectiveness of different routes of equal channel angular pressing (A, B-c, and C) is studied for commercially pure copper. The stored energy and the activation energy of recrystallization for the deformed samples were quantified using differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction line profile analysis. Results of the study revealed that the dislocation density and the stored energy are higher in the case of route B-c deformed sample. The activation energy for recrystallization is lower for route B-c. (C) 2012 International Centre for Diffraction Data doi:10.1017/S0885715612000310]


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The bio-corrosion response of ultrafine-grained commercially pure titanium processed by different routes of equal-channel angular pressing has been studied in simulated body fluid. The results indicate that the samples processed through route B-c that involved rotation of the workpiece by 90 deg in the same sense between each pass exhibited higher corrosion resistance compared to the ones processed by other routes of equal-channel angular pressing, as well as the coarse-grained sample. For a similar grain size, the higher corrosion resistance of the samples exhibiting off-basal texture compared to shear texture indicates the major role of texture in corrosion behavior. It is postulated that an optimum combination of microstructure and crystallographic texture can lead to high strength and excellent corrosion resistance.


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Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is a single stranded RNA virus that infects the central nervous system leading to acute encephalitis in children. Alterations in brain endothelial cells have been shown to precede the entry of this flavivirus into the brain, but infection of endothelial cells by JEV and their consequences are still unclear. Productive JEV infection was established in human endothelial cells leading to IFN-beta and TNF-alpha production. The MHC genes for HLA-A, -B, -C and HLA-E antigens were upregulated in human brain microvascular endothelial cells, the endothelial-like cell line, ECV 304 and human foreskin fibroblasts upon JEV infection. We also report the release/shedding of soluble HLA-E (sHLA-E) from JEV infected human endothelial cells for the first time. This shedding of sHLA-E was blocked by an inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP). In addition, MMP-9, a known mediator of HLA solubilisation was upregulated by JEV. In contrast, human fibroblasts showed only upregulation of cell-surface HLA-E. Addition of UV inactivated JEV-infected cell culture supernatants stimulated shedding of sHLA-E from uninfected ECV cells indicating a role for soluble factors/cytokines in the shedding process. Antibody mediated neutralization of TNF-alpha as well as IFNAR receptor together not only resulted in inhibition of sHLA-E shedding from uninfected cells, it also inhibited HLA-E and MMP-9 gene expression in JEV-infected cells. Shedding of sHLA-E was also observed with purified TNF-alpha and IFN-beta as well as the dsRNA analog, poly (I:C). Both IFN-beta and TNF-alpha further potentiated the shedding when added together. The role of soluble MHC antigens in JEV infection is hitherto unknown and therefore needs further investigation.


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Isoniazid (isonicotinohydrazide) is an important first-line antitubercular drug that targets the InhA enzyme which synthesizes the critical component of the mycobacterial cell wall. An experimental charge-density analysis of isoniazid has been performed to understand its structural and electronic properties in the solid state. A high-resolution single-crystal X-ray intensity data has been collected at 90 K. An aspherical multipole refinement was carried out to explore the topological and electrostatic properties of the isoniazid molecule. The experimental results were compared with the theoretical charge-density calculations performed using CRYSTAL09 with the B3LYP/6-31G** method. A topological analysis of the electron density reveals that the Laplacian of electron density of the N-N bond is significantly less negative, which indicates that the charges at the b.c.p. (bond-critical point) of the bond are least accumulated, and so the bond is considered to be weak. As expected, a strong negative electrostatic potential region is present in the vicinity of the O1, N1 and N3 atoms, which are the reactive locations of the molecule. The C-H center dot center dot center dot N, C-H center dot center dot center dot O and N-H center dot center dot center dot N types of intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions stabilize the crystal structure. The topological analysis of the electron density on hydrogen bonding shows the strength of intermolecular interactions.


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An attempt has been made to quantify the variability in the seismic activity rate across the whole of India and adjoining areas (0–45°N and 60–105°E) using earthquake database compiled from various sources. Both historical and instrumental data were compiled and the complete catalog of Indian earthquakes till 2010 has been prepared. Region-specific earthquake magnitude scaling relations correlating different magnitude scales were achieved to develop a homogenous earthquake catalog for the region in unified moment magnitude scale. The dependent events (75.3%) in the raw catalog have been removed and the effect of aftershocks on the variation of b value has been quantified. The study area was divided into 2,025 grid points (1°91°) and the spatial variation of the seismicity across the region have been analyzed considering all the events within 300 km radius from each grid point. A significant decrease in seismic b value was seen when declustered catalog was used which illustrates that a larger proportion of dependent events in the earthquake catalog are related to lower magnitude events. A list of 203,448 earth- quakes (including aftershocks and foreshocks) occurred in the region covering the period from 250 B.C. to 2010 A.D. with all available details is uploaded in the website http://www.civil.iisc.ernet.in/*sreevals/resource.htm.


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This paper deals with dynamic recrystallization (DRX), static recrystallization, and grain growth phenomena of pure magnesium after equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) by route A and B-C at 523 K (250 A degrees C) followed by 80 pct cold rolling. The ECAP-deformed and the subsequently rolled samples were annealed at 373 K and 773 K (100 A degrees C and 500 A degrees C). The associated changes in the microstructure and texture were studied using electron back-scattered diffraction. ECAP produced an average grain size of 12 to 18 A mu m with B and C-2 fiber textures. Subsequent rolling led to an average grain size 8 to 10 A mu m with basal texture fiber parallel to ND. There was no noticeable increase in the average grain size on annealing at 373 K (100 A degrees C). However, significant increase in the average grain size occurred at 773 K (500 A degrees C). The occurrence of different DRX mechanisms was detected: discontinuous dynamic recrystallization was attributed to basal slip activity and continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization to prismatic/pyramidal slip systems. Only continuous static recrystallization could be observed on annealing.


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A biodegradable flocculant was produced during growth of Bacillus megaterium. The major component of the bioflocculant was found to be a polysaccharide composed of some proteins. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra analysis revealed the presence of carboxyl and hydroxyl groups in the bioflocculant, and thermal characterization by differential scanning calorimetly (DSC) showed the transition and crystalline melting point at 90-105 degrees C. The effects of bioflocculant dosage and pH on the flocculation of mineral suspensions were evaluated. The bioflocculant exhibited good flocculating capability on mineral suspensions and achieved flocculating efficiencies of 90 percent for k-aolinite and 85 percent for hematite suspensions at a dosage of only 5 mL/L. The maximum arsenite removal was found to be 90 percent at a bioflocculant dosage of 2 g/L, which is better than traditional chemicalflocculants. This study demonstrates that microbial bioflocculants have potential for application in environmental cleanup, such as in the flocculation of mineral fines and in the remediation of solutions that contain toxic heavy metals.


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Deformation twinning near a crack tip is observed in b.c.c. metal Mo based on molecular dynamics simulation at temperature T = 50 K and loading rate (K) over dot(II) = 0.0706 MPa m(1/2)/ps. The defor mation twinning is closely controlled by both the crystal geometry orientation and the stress distribution. The width of the deformation twin band is affected by the distance between the upper and lower crack surfaces. The twin plane and twin direction are (<1(1)over bar>2) and [(1) over bar 11], respectively. The initial crack extension occurs in the deformation twin region near the crack tip. The simulation shows that the extension direction of the crack is changed as the crack propagates over the twinning boundary.


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El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de estudiar el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de un hato criollo lechero Reyna, bajo condiciones de explotación en confinamiento, en la finca San José ubicada en Masatepe, Masaya, Nicaragua. Se analizaron 148 registros productivos y reproductivos correspondientes al período 1982 a 1989. Las características estudiadas fueron producción de leche total por lactancia (PLTOT), producción de leche ajustada a 305 días (PL305), duración de la lactancia (DL), intervalo entre partos (IEP) y edad al primer parto (EPP), además se evaluó el comportamiento de la curva de lactancia y se estimaron los parámetros que la caracterizan (a) parámetro que regula la producción inicial, (b) parámetro que regula el ascenso al pico y (c) parámetro que regula la declinación post pico, a partir de pico (RP), análisis se éstos se calcularon las variables rendimiento al tiempo al pico (TP) y la persistencia (S). En los utilizaron los métodos 1) Mínimos cuadrados (Harvey, 1987), 2) Iterativo de estimación no lineal (Mardquardt, 1968), 3) Modelo y ecuaciones propuestas por Wood, (1967) a través de procedimientos computarizados (Harvey, 1987 y SAS, 1987). Mediante análisis de varianza se estudió el efecto de los factores ambientales año de parto, época, número de partos y las interacciones año de parto por época y época por número de partos sobre PLT, PL305, DL, e IEP. Las medias de mínimos cuadrados obtenidas en este estudio fueron 1,577.65 ± 92.06 Kg, 1,560.64 ± 89.65 Kg, 264.23 ± 9.5 días, 425.96 ± 11.4 días y 1,401.08 ± 120 días para PLTOT, PL305, DL, IEP y EPP respectivamente. Los valores de a, b, c, RP, TP, y S fueron 4.19006 ± 0.5381, 0.221751 ± 0.0402, 0.005152 ± 0.00051, 7,73 Kg, 43.3 días y 6.43 % respectivamente. En el ANDEVA se encontró un efecto altamente significativo (P<0.01) del año de parto sobre las características estudiadas, resultando NS las otras fuentes de variación. Los valores y efectos antes señalados hacen notar que el criollo lechero no responde muy satisfactoriamente a condiciones de confinamiento, aunque es observable su ventaja productiva, respecto al promedio del hato nacional. Al caracterizar la curva de lactancia estimada para el hato y por número de partos ésta presentó valores sobre estimados de producción, respecto a la producción real, sin embargo no presentó atipicidad en su forma.