992 resultados para Jiaozhou Bay sediments


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(PDF contains 92 pages.)


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Conservation problems and programmes. The giant tortoises. The land iguanas. The Hawaiian petrels. The penguins, cormorants and gulls. The fire ants. The control of introduced mammals. Botany. Marine biology. Galapagos cave faunas. Rare twin births of giant tortoises. Visitors and events at the Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS).


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Recent appointments in Washington office. El Niño volume available. Ira Wiggins dies. Nominations to the Royal Society. Index to Noticias de Galápagos. Dictionaries wanted - used or new. International workshops focus on Galápagos.


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The possible ecological effects of suspended sediments are manifold. Briefly, suspended sediments may cause an increased surface for microorganism growth, fewer temperature fluctuations, chemical adsorption or absorption, blanketing, mechanical-abrasive actions, and light penetration reduction (Cairns, 1968). Sherk and Cronin (1970) have pointed out that the above effects have been little studied in the estuarine environment. The ecological effects of suspended sediments on fish eggs and larvae may be of prime importance t o the C and D Canal area, an important spawning and primary nursery area for a variety of estuary: e species (Johnson,1972). This section discusses the effects of suspended sediment on the eggs and larvae of striped bass and white perch.


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A study was made of the means by which turbulent flows entrain sediment grains from alluvial stream beds. Entrainment was considered to include both the initiation of sediment motion and the suspension of grains by the flow. Observations of grain motion induced by turbulent flows led to the formulation of an entrainment hypothesis. It was based on the concept of turbulent eddies disrupting the viscous sublayer and impinging directly onto the grain surface. It is suggested that entrainment results from the interaction between fluid elements within an eddy and the sediment grains.

A pulsating jet was used to simulate the flow conditions in a turbulent boundary layer. Evidence is presented to establish the validity of this representation. Experiments were made to determine the dependence of jet strength, defined below, upon sediment and fluid properties. For a given sediment and fluid, and fixed jet geometry there were two critical values of jet strength: one at which grains started to roll across the bed, and one at which grains were projected up from the bed. The jet strength K, is a function of the pulse frequency, ω, and the pulse amplitude, A, defined by

K = Aω-s

Where s is the slope of a plot of log A against log ω. Pulse amplitude is equal to the volume of fluid ejected at each pulse divided by the cross sectional area of the jet tube.

Dimensional analysis was used to determine the parameters by which the data from the experiments could be correlated. Based on this, a method was devised for computing the pulse amplitude and frequency necessary either to move or project grains from the bed for any specified fluid and sediment combination.

Experiments made in a laboratory flume with a turbulent flow over a sediment bed are described. Dye injection was used to show the presence, in a turbulent boundary layer, of two important aspects of the pulsating jet model and the impinging eddy hypothesis. These were the intermittent nature of the sublayer and the presence of velocities with vertical components adjacent to the sediment bed.

A discussion of flow conditions, and the resultant grain motion, that occurred over sediment beds of different form is given. The observed effects of the sediment and fluid interaction are explained, in each case, in terms of the entrainment hypothesis.

The study does not suggest that the proposed entrainment mechanism is the only one by which grains can be entrained. However, in the writer’s opinion, the evidence presented strongly suggests that the impingement of turbulent eddies onto a sediment bed plays a dominant role in the process.


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This presentation describes how the Galveston Bay Bibliography and Galveston Bay Information Center projects transitioned from a paper world to electronic format. The mission of the Galveston Bay Information Center (GBIC) is to serve as a repository for information and a resource for research on Galveston Bay, its watershed, and the coastal region for all members of the Galveston Bay Community. GBIC was created in response to critical losses of data and information that were identified in the early stages of Galveston Bay National Estuary Program and includes a physical collection as well as a bibliography. With the loss of funding imminent, the administrators of GBIC recognized the need to preserve the collection and its digital bibliography in perpetuity. Enter Texas Digital Library. The University’s participation in TDL enabled GBIC to make the Galveston Bay Bibliography more robust and visible to the entire world.


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Two aspects of the environmental record in the sediments of Blelham Tarn have been investigated: (1) the ecological history of the catchment, and lake-catchment relationships, by detailed analysis of the preserved pollen (as an indication of vegetation) and sediment composition with respect to a range of inorganic and organic geochemical variables and (2) a detailed investigation of the manner in which sediment is being formed today, including the way in which microfossils (pollen and diatoms) are being recruited and incorporated into sediments. When the record was examined by biological and geochemical analysis, together with radionuclide dating, of closely spaced samples, it was found that the changes of the last 30 yrs represented only the most recent episode in a long history of modification of the lake by man. To find an approach to this it is necessary to go back for at least 2500 yrs.


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An explanation of the basic premises of the subject and its terminology is given. The article then outlines aspects of research on the organic material found in lacustrine sediments, and the analytical methods involved.


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Studies by the Freshwater Biological Association over the last 25 years have supplied data relevant to the levels of acidity in local soils and water before the onset of industrial pollution and current interest in acid rain. This article reviews published analysis from cores of lake sediments, in or near the catchment of the River Duddon. Electron spin resonance spectra of humic acids and iodine values confirm evidence from pollen analysis for a history of progressive acidification of the source material of lake sediments since before 5000 radiocarbon years, in upland catchments of the Lake District. Processes involved included: removal of basic ions from soils by rainfall, the effects of which were intensified by removal by man of deciduous forest; acidification of soils and waters by decomposition products of Calluna and further acidification of waters by Sphagnum species which colonized habitats where drainage became impeded by paludification processes.


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20 samples of soil or sediment (7 of which were predominantly sand) from various locations were received for analysis of their content of organic pollutants. These analyses were performed using a capillary column gas chromatograph equipped with an electron impact (E.I.) mass spectrometer as detector and using computerised data storage. In addition to the target compounds, the full scan data were examined to determine the composition of natural organic products and a series of diagnostic fragment ions was used to search for additional anthropogenic products. Organic-rich environmental samples are notoriously difficult to analyse for pollutant organics owing to the presence of high concentrations of many natural organic compounds. A single procedure for extraction and clean-up was adopted. It was designed for chlorinated aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and other pesticides containing acidic functional groups and was based on published methods for the determination of organic pollutants in soils and sediments. 4 soils and 2 sands showed levels of one or two groups of PCBs slightly in excess of the detection limit, one sample showed a similar level of 2,4-D and 3 samples contained dieldrin at or just above the detection limit.


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Estudos ambientais têm demonstrado que substâncias geradas por processos antropogênicos podem causar efeitos prejudiciais interferindo no equilíbrio natural do ecossistema. Manguezais exercem funções essenciais nos ciclos biológicos e constituem Área de Proteção Permanente no Brasil. Infelizmente, eles estão sendo degradados acima do seu limite de suporte, levando a uma redução das áreas remanescentes no mundo. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de mutagenicidade e genotoxicidade observados em quatro amostragens (PI, V, O e PII) entre 2009 e 2010, relacionados com metais e hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPA) em sedimento de mangue para a caracterização dos valores de referência. Os testes de genotoxicidade foram feitos a partir de hemócitos do caranguejo Goniopsis cruentata, coletados em um ecossistema potencialmente não poluído do Brasil, localizado no sul do Rio de Janeiro (Parati/RJ), chamado de "Saco do Mamanguá". Coleta, armazenamento e manipulação dos sedimentos e material biológico de cinco pontos de amostragem (M1- M5) foram processados de acordo com normas norte-americanas reconhecidas. A identificação das substâncias químicas foi realizada com extratos de sedimentos e utilizada no bioensaio Salmonella/microssoma (Kado). A avaliação de potenciais danos genotóxicos estabelecidos foi realizada através do Teste de Micronúcleo, que apresentou valores significativos na amostra V. Resultados negativos foram observados para as cepas de Salmonella typhimurium TA97, TA98, TA100 e TA102, tanto na ausência quanto na presença de fração de metabolização exógena de mamíferos (S9 mix 4%) em todas as análises. A quantificação por cromatografia gasosa com detecção por espectrometria de massas dos 16 HPA prioritários em termos de conservação ambiental apresentou valores baixos nas duas primeiras amostragens (PI e V) e nulos nas coletas seguintes (O e PII), nos mesmos pontos. De acordo com os valores utilizados nos Estados Unidos e Canadá como referência, os detectados por nós não são considerados como toxicantes ambientais positivos, com exceção do Benzo(a)pireno, que em M1V apresentou valores um pouco acima do limite a partir do qual já podem ser observados pequenos efeitos na biota. A análise dos metais (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn) por Espectrometria de Absorção Atômica inicialmente realizada com a água intersticial foi melhor interpretada a partir da matriz sedimento. Este estudo contribuirá com a implementação de indicadores para valores de referência em mangue.


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This review discusses the processes involved in the decomposition of organic carbon derived initially from structural components of algae and other primary producers. It describes how groups of bacteria interact in time and space in a eutrophic lake. The relative importance of anaerobic and aerobic processes are discussed. The bulk of decomposition occurs within the sediment. The role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle and the iron cycle, and in sulphate reduction and methanogenesis as the terminal metabolism of organic carbon are described.


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Aspartic acid, threonine, serine and other thermally unstable amino acids have been found in fine-grained elastic sediments of advanced geologic age. The presence of these compounds in ancient sediments conflicts with experimental data determined for their simple thermal decomposition.

Recent and Late Miocene sediments and their humic acid extracts, known to contain essentially complete suites of amino acids, were heated with H2O in a bomb at temperatures up to 500°C in order to compare the thermal decomposition characteristics of the sedimentary amino compounds.

Most of the amino acids found in protein hydrolyzates are obtained from the Miocene rock in amounts 10 to 100 times less than from the Recent sediment. The two unheated humic acids are rather similar despite their great age difference. The Miocene rock appears uncontaminated by Recent carbon.

Yields of amino acids generally decline in the heated Recent sediment. Some amino compounds apparently increase with heating time in the Miocene rock.

Relative thermal stabilities of the amino acids in sediments are generally similar to those determined using pure aqueous solutions. The relative thermal stabilities of glutamic acid, glycine, and phenylalanine vary in the Recent sediment but are uniform in the Miocene rock.

Amino acids may occur in both proteins and humic complexes in the Recent sediment, while they are probably only present in stabilized organic substances in the Miocene rock. Thermal decomposition of protein amino acids may be affected by surface catalysis in the Recent sediment. The apparent activation energy for the decomposition of alanine in this sediment is 8400 calories per mole. Yields of amino compounds from the heated sediments are not affected by thermal decomposition only.

Amino acids in sediments may only be useful for geothermometry in a very general way.

A better picture of the amino acid content of older sedimentary rocks may be obtained if these sediments are heated in a bomb with H2O at temperatures around 150°C prior to HCl hydrolysis.

Leucine-isoleucine ratios may prove to be useful as indicators of amino acid sources or for evaluating the fractionation of these substances during diagenesis. Leucine-isoleucine ratios of the Recent and Miocene sediments and humic acids are identical. The humic acids may have a continental source.

The carbon-nitrogen and carbon-hydrogen ratios of sediments and humic acids increase with heating time and temperature. Ratios comparable to those in some kerogens are found in the severely heated Miocene sediment and humic acid.


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In the mesotrophic-eutrophic Saidenbach Reservoir in Saxony, the nanoplankton and cyanobacteria have increased at the expense of diatom dominance, due to a doubling of the external phosphorus load in the last 15 years. However, the phosphorus sedimentation flux is still very high (up to 80% of the input), corresponding to more than 2 g m2 d-1 in terms of dry weight. There is a strong correlation between the abundance of diatoms in the euphotic zone and their sedimentation flux (with a delay of about 2 weeks). Only about 25% of the deposited material could be clearly attributed to plankton biomass; the remainder resulted from flocculation and precipitation processes or directly from the inflow of clay minerals. The ash content of the deposited material was high (73%). Thus the sedimentation flux can be considered to operate as an internal water-treatment/oligotrophication process within the lake. The neighbouring Neunzehnhain Reservoir still has a very clear water with a transparency up to 18 m depth. Though the sediment was not much lower than Saidenbach sediment in total phosphorus and total numbers of bacteria, sulphide was always absent and the ratio of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+ was very low in the upper (0- 5 cm) layer. Thus the external and internal phosphorus loads do not attain the critical level necessary to induce a ”phosphorus - phytoplankton” feedback loop.


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A Baía de Sepetiba, localizada entre a Baía de Guanabara e a Baía de Ilha Grande, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, está inserida em um cenário estratégico para o desenvolvimento econômico do Estado. Isto ocorre devido ao aumento da concentração populacional, que está diretamente relacionado com o turismo, com a presença de portos e de áreas industriais. Sendo assim, se faz necessário estudar sua estrutura geológica e dinâmica sedimentar para entender sua evolução ao longo do tempo e para uma utilização mais racional desta área. Utilizando-se da sísmica rasa de alta resolução e da sonografia de varredura lateral juntamente com dados pretéritos de amostragem superficial de sedimentos, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar sua geologia holocênica. A investigação, em subsuperfície, da geologia estrutural e sedimentar dessa baía, através da interpretação de 09 perfis sísmicos, baseada na determinação de diferentes tipos de ecotexturas, revelou a presença de diferentes pacotes sedimentares depositados ao longo do Holoceno. Ao todo, foram encontrados 15 tipos de ecotexturas perfazendo 14 camadas sedimentares, que estão relacionados em 4 Grupos de acordo com sua distribuição. Já a investigação em superfície através dos registros sonográficos, baseada nos diferentes graus de reflexão acústica (backscattering) e parametrizada pelos dados de amostragem direta pretérita, identificou 6 padrões sonográficos distintos. Com isso foi confeccionado um novo mapa de distribuição textural dos sedimentos superficiais da Baía de Sepetiba. Com a correlação dos dados de sísmica rasa com os dados sonográficos, foi possível ainda sugerir a provável existência de neotectonismo na área de estudo.