885 resultados para Jesús Aguirre


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Two high-frequency (HF) radar stations were installed on the coast of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay in 2009, providing high spatial and temporal resolution and large spatial coverage of currents in the area for the first time. This has made it possible to quantitatively assess the air-sea interaction patterns and timescales for the period 2009-2010. The analysis was conducted using the Barnett-Preisendorfer approach to canonical correlation analysis (CCA) of reanalysis surface winds and HF radar-derived surface currents. The CCA yields two canonical patterns: the first wind-current interaction pattern corresponds to the classical Ekman drift at the sea surface, whilst the second describes an anticyclonic/cyclonic surface circulation. The results obtained demonstrate that local winds play an important role in driving the upper water circulation. The wind-current interaction timescales are mainly related to diurnal breezes and synoptic variability. In particular, the breezes force diurnal currents in waters of the continental shelf and slope of the south-eastern Bay. It is concluded that the breezes may force diurnal currents over considerably wider areas than that covered by the HF radar, considering that the northern and southern continental shelves of the Bay exhibit stronger diurnal than annual wind amplitudes.


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The work presented here is part of a larger study to identify novel technologies and biomarkers for early Alzheimer disease (AD) detection and it focuses on evaluating the suitability of a new approach for early AD diagnosis by non-invasive methods. The purpose is to examine in a pilot study the potential of applying intelligent algorithms to speech features obtained from suspected patients in order to contribute to the improvement of diagnosis of AD and its degree of severity. In this sense, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been used for the automatic classification of the two classes (AD and control subjects). Two human issues have been analyzed for feature selection: Spontaneous Speech and Emotional Response. Not only linear features but also non-linear ones, such as Fractal Dimension, have been explored. The approach is non invasive, low cost and without any side effects. Obtained experimental results were very satisfactory and promising for early diagnosis and classification of AD patients.


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El presente trabajo analiza el papel que deben jugar las finanzas en un mundo globalizado que vive una profunda crisis multidimensional, económica, financiera, energética, alimentaria, medioambiental, etc. que se manifiesta en graves problemas de pobreza, desigualdad, violación de derechos humanos, exclusión y deterioro ecológico. Esas nuevas finanzas deben constituirse en la herramienta básica de una nueva economía que tenga como objetivo el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible (DHS), que constituye el gran reto al que se enfrenta la humanidad en los próximos años. Todas las personas y las organizaciones tenemos la Responsabilidad Social de hacer frente a ese reto. El sector financiero por su poder e influencia tiene la gran responsabilidad social (RSE) de tener en cuenta, además de su rentabilidad económica, el impacto social y medioambiental de su actividad tanto en el diseño de productos de pasivo, en las estrategias de captación del ahorro y en las políticas de crédito e inversión, recuperando de esta manera el valor social del dinero. La Inversión Socialmente Responsable (ISR) al añadir criterios sociales y medioambientales a los tradicionales criterios financieros permite a las personas o entidades inversoras combinar objetivos financieros con valores sociales. La máxima expresión de la ISR lo constituye la Banca Ética ya que todo su negocio lo gestiona con criterios sociales y medioambientales además de los de rentabilidad económica y bajo una transparencia total. Dentro de la Banca Ética destaca el proyecto Fiare, único nacido en el Estado, que se desarrolla como cooperativa de crédito de ámbito europeo, sin ánimo de lucro, con escala salarial de 1 a 3 y sustentada en redes territoriales de organizaciones sociales que trabajan en el ámbito de la transformación de las estructuras generadoras de injusticia.


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O orçamento unificado irá favorecer a região Nordeste. Outra proposta é a de garantir mais recursos para os municípios. 50% do lucro dos jogos como loteria, loto e sena voltaria para os municípios. Os líderes dos partidos se reuniram para discutir a emenda presidencialista do senador Humberto Lucena. Um dos itens que querem retirar do texto aprovado é a presença da Censura e o outro é, retirar a figura de um Primeiro Ministro, que está no texto aprovado do Presidencialismo. Um balanço da Constituinte: Um terço da Constituição já foi votado. O sistema de governo Presidencialista aprovado necessita ser ajustado, uma vez que o texto constitucional havia sido preparado para um sistema Parlamentarista.


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In this letter I propose the name "Proliferative Multifocal Leukoplakia" with the goal of reducing under-diagnosis of this disease, improve the early diagnosis, try to make an early therapy and control, and prevent its malignant transformation.


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In this paper, reanalysis fields from the ECMWF have been statistically downscaled to predict from large-scale atmospheric fields, surface moisture flux and daily precipitation at two observatories (Zaragoza and Tortosa, Ebro Valley, Spain) during the 1961-2001 period. Three types of downscaling models have been built: (i) analogues, (ii) analogues followed by random forests and (iii) analogues followed by multiple linear regression. The inputs consist of data (predictor fields) taken from the ERA-40 reanalysis. The predicted fields are precipitation and surface moisture flux as measured at the two observatories. With the aim to reduce the dimensionality of the problem, the ERA-40 fields have been decomposed using empirical orthogonal functions. Available daily data has been divided into two parts: a training period used to find a group of about 300 analogues to build the downscaling model (1961-1996) and a test period (19972001), where models' performance has been assessed using independent data. In the case of surface moisture flux, the models based on analogues followed by random forests do not clearly outperform those built on analogues plus multiple linear regression, while simple averages calculated from the nearest analogues found in the training period, yielded only slightly worse results. In the case of precipitation, the three types of model performed equally. These results suggest that most of the models' downscaling capabilities can be attributed to the analogues-calculation stage.


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Survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest depends largely on two factors: early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation. CPR must be interrupted for a reliable automated rhythm analysis because chest compressions induce artifacts in the ECG. Unfortunately, interrupting CPR adversely affects survival. In the last twenty years, research has been focused on designing methods for analysis of ECG during chest compressions. Most approaches are based either on adaptive filters to remove the CPR artifact or on robust algorithms which directly diagnose the corrupted ECG. In general, all the methods report low specificity values when tested on short ECG segments, but how to evaluate the real impact on CPR delivery of continuous rhythm analysis during CPR is still unknown. Recently, researchers have proposed a new methodology to measure this impact. Moreover, new strategies for fast rhythm analysis during ventilation pauses or high-specificity algorithms have been reported. Our objective is to present a thorough review of the field as the starting point for these late developments and to underline the open questions and future lines of research to be explored in the following years.


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De utilidad para:•Alumnos de Tª Microeconómica IV, curso 3º LE. •Alumnos de las asignaturas de Tª de Juegos y Organización Industrial del Máster en Economía: Instrumentos del Análisis Económico. Estas notas sobre competencia imperfecta están dedicadas al estudio de estructuras de mercado caracterizadas por la existencia de poder de mercado. Se estudia en primer lugar el monopolio, dedicando una atención especial a los diferentes tipos de discriminación de precios. A continuación se presenta la Tª de juegos no cooperativos y se muestra su utilidad para analizar diferentes fenómenos económicos caracterizados por la interdependencia estratégica. Finalmente, se estudian diferentes modelos de competencia oligopolística y la estabilidad de los acuerdos colusivos