998 resultados para Jean-François Régis (1597-1640)
We present the development of a multifunctional platform equipped with an array of silicon nitride micropipettes with dimensions allowing the implementation of extra- and intracellular operations. Micropipettes with outer diameter that ranges from 6 mum down to 300 nm and with walls thicknesses of 500 down to 150 nm are presented. The generic technology developed to fabricate these micropipettes has a number of advantages, including the ability to be implemented as ion-selective electrodes for (A) intracellular and (B) extracellular recordings and as (C) local drug microdispensers.
High-resolution, well-calibrated records of lake sediments are critically important for quantitative climate reconstructions, but they remain a methodological and analytical challenge. While several comprehensive paleotemperature reconstructions have been developed across Europe, only a few quantitative high-resolution studies exist for precipitation. Here we present a calibration and verification study of lithoclastic sediment proxies from proglacial Lake Oeschinen (46°30′N, 7°44′E, 1,580 m a.s.l., north–west Swiss Alps) that are sensitive to rainfall for the period AD 1901–2008. We collected two sediment cores, one in 2007 and another in 2011. The sediments are characterized by two facies: (A) mm-laminated clastic varves and (B) turbidites. The annual character of the laminae couplets was confirmed by radiometric dating (210Pb, 137Cs) and independent flood-layer chronomarkers. Individual varves consist of a dark sand-size spring-summer layer enriched in siliciclastic minerals and a lighter clay-size calcite-rich winter layer. Three subtypes of varves are distinguished: Type I with a 1–1.5 mm fining upward sequence; Type II with a distinct fine-sand base up to 3 mm thick; and Type III containing multiple internal microlaminae caused by individual summer rainstorm deposits. Delta-fan surface samples and sediment trap data fingerprint different sediment source areas and transport processes from the watershed and confirm the instant response of sediment flux to rainfall and erosion. Based on a highly accurate, precise and reproducible chronology, we demonstrate that sediment accumulation (varve thickness) is a quantitative predictor for cumulative boreal alpine spring (May–June) and spring/summer (May–August) rainfall (rMJ = 0.71, rMJJA = 0.60, p < 0.01). Bootstrap-based verification of the calibration model reveals a root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEPMJ = 32.7 mm, RMSEPMJJA = 57.8 mm) which is on the order of 10–13 % of mean MJ and MJJA cumulative precipitation, respectively. These results highlight the potential of the Lake Oeschinen sediments for high-resolution reconstructions of past rainfall conditions in the northern Swiss Alps, central and eastern France and south-west Germany.
Insults during the fetal period predispose the offspring to systemic cardiovascular disease, but little is known about the pulmonary circulation and the underlying mechanisms. Maternal undernutrition during pregnancy may represent a model to investigate underlying mechanisms, because it is associated with systemic vascular dysfunction in the offspring in animals and humans. In rats, restrictive diet during pregnancy (RDP) increases oxidative stress in the placenta. Oxygen species are known to induce epigenetic alterations and may cross the placental barrier. We hypothesized that RDP in mice induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring that is related to an epigenetic mechanism. To test this hypothesis, we assessed pulmonary vascular function and lung DNA methylation in offspring of RDP and in control mice at the end of a 2-wk exposure to hypoxia. We found that endothelium-dependent pulmonary artery vasodilation in vitro was impaired and hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy in vivo were exaggerated in offspring of RDP. This pulmonary vascular dysfunction was associated with altered lung DNA methylation. Administration of the histone deacetylase inhibitors butyrate and trichostatin A to offspring of RDP normalized pulmonary DNA methylation and vascular function. Finally, administration of the nitroxide Tempol to the mother during RDP prevented vascular dysfunction and dysmethylation in the offspring. These findings demonstrate that in mice undernutrition during gestation induces pulmonary vascular dysfunction in the offspring by an epigenetic mechanism. A similar mechanism may be involved in the fetal programming of vascular dysfunction in humans.
Two surveys of over 1,700 publications whose authors use quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) reveal a lack of transparent and comprehensive reporting of essential technical information. Reporting standards are significantly improved in publications that cite the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines, although such publications are still vastly outnumbered by those that do not.
Methane is an important greenhouse gas, responsible for about 20 of the warming induced by long-lived greenhouse gases since pre-industrial times. By reacting with hydroxyl radicals, methane reduces the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere and generates ozone in the troposphere. Although most sources and sinks of methane have been identified, their relative contributions to atmospheric methane levels are highly uncertain. As such, the factors responsible for the observed stabilization of atmospheric methane levels in the early 2000s, and the renewed rise after 2006, remain unclear. Here, we construct decadal budgets for methane sources and sinks between 1980 and 2010, using a combination of atmospheric measurements and results from chemical transport models, ecosystem models, climate chemistry models and inventories of anthropogenic emissions. The resultant budgets suggest that data-driven approaches and ecosystem models overestimate total natural emissions. We build three contrasting emission scenarios � which differ in fossil fuel and microbial emissions � to explain the decadal variability in atmospheric methane levels detected, here and in previous studies, since 1985. Although uncertainties in emission trends do not allow definitive conclusions to be drawn, we show that the observed stabilization of methane levels between 1999 and 2006 can potentially be explained by decreasing-to-stable fossil fuel emissions, combined with stable-to-increasing microbial emissions. We show that a rise in natural wetland emissions and fossil fuel emissions probably accounts for the renewed increase in global methane levels after 2006, although the relative contribution of these two sources remains uncertain.
Background and aim. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a frequent cancer. Its prognosis is highly dependent on early diagnosis. Patients at risk for developing HCC should be enrolled in a surveillance programme. Nevertheless, many patients at risk are not regularly screened. We aimed at exploring the characteristics that affect enrolment in a surveillance programme. Material and methods. The characteristics of the patients included in the prospective Bern HCC cohort between August 2010 and August 2011 were analysed according to their participation in a surveillance programme. Results. Among the 82 patients included in the cohort during this period of time, 48 were in a surveillance program before the diagnosis of HCC. Thirty five percent of cirrhotic patients were not screened. Age, sex, level of education, Child-Pugh status and MELD score were similar between the patients who were screened and those who were not screened. Patients with a private insurance and patients treated by a liver specialist were more frequently enrolled in a surveillance program. Sixty seven percent of the screened patients were eligible for curative treatment whereas only 15% of the non-screened patients were. Conclusions. In conclusion the surveillance of patients at risk for developing HCC increases their chances to be diagnosed at an early stage to allow curative treatment. More than one third of cirrhotic patients were not regularly screened. Patients with chronic liver disease should be referred to identify those at risk and enrol them in a surveillance program.
Liver transplantation recipients, like other solid organ transplantation recipients, have an increased risk of dermatologic problems due to their long-term immunosuppression and benefit from pre-and post-transplantation screenings, and management by a dermatologist and dermatologic care should be integrated into the comprehensive, multidisciplinary care of liver transplantation recipients [1,2]. Cutaneous findings include aesthetic alterations, infections, precancerous lesions, and malignancies. The severity of skin alterations ranges from benign, unpleasant changes to life-threatening conditions [3-5]. In addition to skin cancer diagnosis and management, visits with a dermatologist serve to educate and improve the patient's sun-protection behavior. Among all solid organ transplantations, liver transplantation requires the least amount of immunosuppression, sometimes even permitting its complete cessation [6]. As a result, patients who have undergone liver transplantation tend to have fewer dermatologic complications compared with other solid organ transplantation recipients [7]. However, due to the large volume of the liver, patients undergoing liver transplantation receive more donor lymphocytes than kidney, heart, or lung transplantation recipients. Because of the immunosuppression, the transplanted lymphocytes proliferate and rarely trigger graft-versus-host-disease [8,9]. This topic will provide an overview of dermatologic disorders that may be seen following liver transplantation. A detailed discussion of skin cancer following solid organ transplantation and the general management of patients following liver transplantation are discussed separately. (See "Development of malignancy following solid organ transplantation" and "Management of skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients" and "Long-term management of adult liver transplant recipients".)
Clinical peptidomics and metabolomics are two emerging "-omics" technologies with the potential not only to detect disease-specific markers, but also to give insight into the disease dependency of degradation processes and metabolic pathway alterations. However, despite their rapid evolution and major investments, a clinical breakthrough, such as the approval of a major cancer biomarker, is still out of sight. What are the reasons for this failure? In this review we focus on three important factors: sensitivity, specificity and the avoidance of bias. The way to clinical implementation of peptidomics and metabolomics is still hampered by many of the problems that had to be solved for genomics and proteomics in the past, as well as new ones that require the creation of new analytic, computational and interpretative techniques. The greatest challenge, however, will be the integration of information from different "-omics" subdisciplines into straightforward answers to clinical questions, for example, in the form of new, superior "meta-markers".
Le temps des hommes doubles : Louis Aragon a désigné ainsi la séparation voire l’opposition entre l’homme social et l’homme privé dans la société capitaliste. Pour les auteurs réunis ici, il s’agit plutôt de signifier qu’au temps de la souveraineté nationale en armes, dès lors que sont plus rigoureusement assignées aux soldats et aux citoyens à la fois une « identité » et une « cause » supposées dépasser leur état civil et leurs intérêts particuliers, l’occupation militaire multiplie, dans la recherche d’accommodements entre les deux camps, les tensions et les combinaisons possibles entre fonctions ou statuts publics, sociabilités et influences locales, opinions et besoins. Pour caractériser les évolutions qui ont eu lieu entre les guerres déclarées par la France à l’Autriche en 1792 et à la Prusse en 1870, le présent livre met l’accent sur trois thèmes. Il traite d’abord des enjeux politiques et administratifs de l’occupation, parmi lesquels la neutralité, son devenir en tant que concept dans les relations internationales, et le positionnement des États neutres dans des conflits où l’on s’efforce de mobiliser aussi les opinions publiques. L’attention se porte ensuite sur les armées occupantes. Quelle que soit la part d’idéologie que l’autorité politique introduit dans leurs missions, la première de ces missions est de garantir leur propre sécurité. La recherche des accommodements ou le constat de l’extrême difficulté d’en trouver sont enfin abordés du point de vue des sociétés en proie à l’occupation. Dans ces situations où le présent peut être vécu et interprété en fonction d’une mémoire individuelle et collective d’expériences antérieures, le rôle joué par les occupants ne se réduit pas à la brutalité de la soldatesque et à l’exploitation économique.
Report of an urban excursion organized in Istanbul by Jean-François Pérouse (Observatoire Urbain d'Istanbul - Institut Français d'Etudes Anatoliennes)
Progression of liver fibrosis to HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a very complex process which involves several pathological phenomena, including hepatic stellate cell activation, inflammation, fibrosis and angiogenesis. Therefore inhibiting multiple pathological processes using a single drug can be an effective choice to curb the progression of HCC. In the present study, we used the mTOR inhibitor everolimus to observe its effect on the in vitro activation of hepatic stellate cells and angiogenesis. The results of the present study demonstrated that everolimus treatment blocked the functions of the immortalized human activated hepatic stellate cell line LX-2 without affecting the viability and migration of primary human stellate cells. We also observed that treatment with everolimus (20 nM) inhibited collagen production by activated stellate cells, as well as cell contraction. Everolimus treatment was also able to attenuate the activation of primary stellate cells to their activated form. Angiogenesis studies showed that everolimus blocked angiogenesis in a rat aortic ring assay and inhibited the tube formation and migration of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. Finally, everolimus treatment reduced the load of tumoral myofibroblasts in a rat model of HCC. These data suggest that everolimus targets multiple mechanisms, making it a potent blocker of the progression of HCC from liver fibrosis.