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Both the central and the peripheral nervous systems are prone to multiple age-dependent neurological deficits, often attributed to still unknown alterations in the function of myelinating glia. To uncover the biological processes affected in glial cells by aging, we analyzed gene expression of the Schwann cell-rich mouse sciatic nerve at 17 time points throughout life, from day of birth until senescence. By combining these data with the gene expression data of myelin mouse mutants carrying deletions of either Pmp22, SCAP, or Lpin1, we found that the majority of age-related transcripts were also affected in myelin mutants (54.4%) and were regulated during PNS development (59.5%), indicating a high level of overlap in implicated molecular pathways. The expression profiles in aging copied the direction of transcriptional changes observed in neuropathy models; however, they had the opposite direction when compared with PNS development. The most significantly altered biological processes in aging involved the inflammatory/immune response and lipid metabolism. Interestingly, both these pathways were comparably changed in the aging optic nerve, suggesting that similar biological processes are affected in aging of glia-rich parts of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Our comprehensive comparison of gene expression in three distinct biological conditions including development, aging, and myelin disease thus revealed a previously unanticipated relationship among themselves and identified lipid metabolism and inflammatory/immune response pathways as potential therapeutical targets to prevent or delay so far incurable age-related and inherited forms of neuropathies.
Trypanosomosis is the most economically important disease constraint to livestock productivity in sub-Saharan Africa and has significant negative impact in other parts of the world. Livestock are an integral component of farming systems and thus contribute significantly to food and economic security in developing countries. Current methods of control for trypanosomosis are inadequate to prevent the enormous socioeconomic losses resulting from this disease. A vaccine has been viewed as the most desirable control option. However, the complexity of the parasite's antigenic repertoire made development of a vaccine based on the variable surface glycoprotein coat unlikely. As a result, research is now focused on identifying invariant trypanosome components as potential targets for interrupting infection or infection-mediated disease. Immunosuppression appears to be a nearly universal feature of infection with African trypanosomes and thus may represent an essential element of the host-parasite relationship, possibly by reducing the host's ability to mount a protective immune response. Antibody, T cell and macrophage/monocyte responses of infected cattle are depressed in both trypanosusceptible and trypanotolerant breeds of cattle. This review describes the specific T cell and monocyte/macrophage functions that are altered in trypanosome-infected cattle and compares these disorders with those that have been described in the murine model of trypanosomosis. The identification of parasite factors that induce immunosuppression and the mechanisms that mediate depressed immune responses might suggest novel disease intervention strategies.
In areas of Leishmania chagasi transmission the ability to control leishmania infection is associated with IFN-g production. In visceral leishmaniasis down-regulation of T cell responses is mediated by interleukin-10 (IL-10). In this study we evaluated the lymphoproliferative response, IFN-g and IL-10 production on lymphocyte cultures stimulated with recombinant leishmania antigens in subjects with asymptomatic L. chagasi infection. There was a statistically significant difference in the lymphoproliferative response of the subjects with asymptomatic infection as compared to patients with visceral leishmaniasis and healthy subjects with respect to crude antigens (p<0.01), gp-63 (p<0.05) and hsp-70 (p<0.01), as well as between asymptomatic L. chagasi infected subjects and patients with visceral leishmaniasis with respect to the response to all antigens tested. The IFN-g production observed in the group with asymptomatic infection with all the three recombinant antigens tested was higher (p<0.01) than that observed in patients with visceral leishmaniasis and in healthy subjects. Furthermore, in individuals with asymptomatic infection, IL-10 levels in cultures stimulated with recombinant antigens were very low. This study shows that lymphocytes from individuals with asymptomatic L. chagasi infection are able to recognize recombinant leishmania antigens with production of a cytokine that is associated with leishmania killing.
Philander opossum and Didelphis marsupialis considered the most ancient mammals and an evolutionary success, maintain parasitism by Trypanosoma cruzi without developing any apparent disease or important tissue lesion. In order to elucidate this well-balanced interaction, we decided to compare the humoral immune response kinetics of the two didelphids naturally and experimentally infected with T. cruzi and immunized by different schedules of parasite antigens, employing an indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). Both didelphids responded with high serological titers to different immunization routes, while the earliest response occurred with the intradermic route. Serological titers of naturally infected P. opossum showed a significant individual variation, while those of D. marsupialis remained stable during the entire follow-up period. The serological titers of the experimentally infected animals varied according to the inoculated strain. Our data suggest that (1) IFAT was sensitive for follow-up of P. opossum in natural and experimental T. cruzi infections; (2) both P. opossum and D. marsupialis are able to mount an efficient humoral immune response as compared to placental mammals; (3) experimentally infected P. opossum and D. marsupialis present distinct patterns of infection, depending on the subpopulation of T. cruzi, (4) the differences observed in the humoral immune responses between P. opossum and D. marsupialis, probably, reflect distinct strategies selected by these animals during their coevolution with T. cruzi.
Artemether-lumefantrine (AL) is the first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Its efficacy during pregnancy has recently been challenged due to altered pharmacokinetic (PK) properties in this vulnerable group. The aim of this study was to determine the PK profile of AL in pregnant and nonpregnant women and assess their therapeutic outcome. Thirty-three pregnant women and 22 nonpregnant women with malaria were treated with AL (80/480 mg) twice daily for 3 days. All patients provided five venous plasma samples for drug quantification at random times over 7 days. Inter- and intraindividual variability was assessed, and the effects of covariates were quantified using a nonlinear mixed-effects modeling approach (NONMEM). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination with linear metabolism from drug to metabolite fitted the data best for both arthemether (AM) and lumefantrine (LF) and their metabolites. Pregnancy status and diarrhea showed a significant influence on LF PK. The relative bioavailability of lumefantrine and its metabolism rate into desmethyl-lumefantrine were, respectively, 34% lower and 78% higher in pregnant women than in nonpregnant patients. The overall PCR-uncorrected treatment failure rates were 18% in pregnant women and 5% in nonpregnant women (odds ratio [OR] = 4.04; P value of 0.22). A high median day 7 lumefantrine concentration was significantly associated with adequate clinical and parasitological response (P = 0.03). The observed reduction in the relative bioavailability of lumefantrine in pregnant women may explain the higher treatment failure in this group, mostly due to lower posttreatment prophylaxis. Hence, a modified treatment regimen of malaria in pregnancy should be considered.
The analysis of the phytoplankton and environmental parameters of the time series in Alfacs and Fangar bays (north western Mediterranean) from 1990 to 2009 shows some trends. There is an increase in the average water column temperature, 0.11, 0.01, 0.80 and 0.23 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter respectively in Alfacs Bay and 1.76, 0.71, 1.33, 0.89 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter in Fangar Bay. The trends in phytoplankton populations show a shift in the timing of occurrence of Karlodinium spp. blooms and an increase of the Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundances. There is a lack of correlation between the average seasonal temperatures and the toxic phytoplankton abundances.
Abstract :The majority of land plants form the symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The AM symbiosis has existed for hundreds of millions of years but little or no specificity seems to have co- evolved between the partners and only about 200 morphospecies of AMF are known. The fungi supply the plants most notably with phosphate in exchange for carbohydrates. The fungi improve plant growth, protect them against pathogens and herbivores and the symbiosis plays a key role in ecosystem productivity and plant diversity. The fungi are coenocytic, grow clonally and no sexual stage in their life cycle is known. For these reasons, they are presumed ancient asexuals. Evidence suggests that AMF contain populations of genetically different nucleotypes coexisting in a common cytoplasm. Consequently, the nucleotype content of new clonal offspring could potentially be altered by segregation of nuclei at spore formation and by genetic exchange between different AMF. Given the importance of AMF, it is surprising that remarkably little is known about the genetics and genomics of the fungi.The main goal of this thesis was to investigate the combined effects of plant species differences and of genetic exchange and segregation in AMF on the symbiosis. This work showed that single spore progeny can receive a different assortment of nucleotypes compared to their parent and compared to other single spore progeny. This is the first direct evidence that segregation occurs in AMF. We then showed that both genetic exchange and segregation can lead to new progeny that differentially alter plant growth compared to their parents. We also found that genetic exchange and segregation can lead to different development of the fungus during the establishment of the symbiosis. Finally, we found that a shift of host species can differentially alter the phenotypes and genotypes of AMF progeny obtained by genetic exchange and segregation compared to their parents.Overall, this study confirms the multigenomic state of the AMF Glomus intraradices because our findings are possible only if the fungus contains genetically different nuclei. We demonstrated the importance of the processes of genetic exchange and segregation to produce, in a very short time span, new progeny with novel symbiotic effects. Moreover, our results suggest that different host species could affect the fate of different nucleotypes following genetic exchange and segregation in AMF, and can potentially contribute to the maintenance of genetic diversity within AMF individuals. This work brings new insights into understanding how plants and fungi have coevolved and how the genetic diversity in AMF can be maintained. We recommend that the intra-ir1dividual AMF diversity and these processes should be considered in future research on this symbiosis.Résumé :La majorité des plantes terrestres forment des symbioses avec les champignons endomycorhiziens arbusculaires (CEA). Cette symbiose existe depuis plusieurs centaines de millions d'années mais peu ou pas de spécificité semble avoir co-évoluée entre les partenaires et seulement 200 morpho-espèces de CEA sont connues. Le champignon fournit surtout aux plantes du phosphate en échange de carbohydrates. Le champignon augmente la croissance des plantes, les protège contre des pathogènes et herbivores et la symbiose joue un rôle clé dans la productivité des écosystèmes et de la diversité des plantes. Les CEA sont coenocytiques, se reproduisent clonalement et aucune étape sexuée n'est connue dans leur cycle de vie. Pour ces raisons, ils sont présumés comme anciens asexués. Des preuves suggèrent que les CEA ont des populations de nucleotypes différents coexistant dans un cytoplasme commun. Par conséquent, le contenu en nucleotype des nouveaux descendants clonaux pourrait être altéré par la ségrégation des noyaux lors de la fonnation des spores et par l'échange génétique entre différents CEA. Etant donné l'importance des CEA, il est surprenant que si peu soit connu sur la génétique et la génomique du champignon.Le principal but de cette thèse a été d'étudier les effets combinés de différentes espèces de plantes et des mécanismes d'échange génétique et de ségrégation chez les CEA sur la symbiose. Ce travail a montré que chaque nouvelle spore produite pouvait recevoir un assortiment différent de noyaux comparé au parent ou comparé à d'autres nouvelles spores. Ceci est la première preuve directe que la ségrégation peut se produire chez les CEA. Nous avons ensuite montré qu'à la fois l'échange génétique et la ségrégation pouvaient mener à de nouveaux descendants qui altèrent différemment la croissance des plantes, comparé à leurs parents. Nous avons également trouvé que l'échange génétique et la ségrégation pouvaient entraîner des développements différents du champignon pendant l'établissement de la symbiose. Pour finir, nous avons trouvé qu'un changement d'espèce de l'hôte pouvait altérer différemment les phénotypes et génotypes des descendants issus d'échange génétique et de ségrégation, comparé à leurs parents.Globalement, cette étude confirme l'état multigénomique du CEA Glumus intraradices car nous résultats sont possibles seulement si le champignon possède des noyaux génétiquement différents. Nous avons démontrés l'importance des mécanismes d'échange génétique et de ségrégation pour produire en très peu de temps de nouveaux descendants ayant des effets symbiotiques nouveaux. De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que différentes espèces de plantes peuvent agir sur le devenir des nucleotypes après l'échange génétique et la ségrégation chez les CEA, et pourraient contribuer à la maintenance de la diversité génétique au sein d'un même CEA. Ce travail apporte des éléments nouveaux pour comprendre comment les plantes et les champignons ont coévolué et comment la diversité génétique chez les CEA peut être maintenue. Nous recommandons de considérer la diversité génétique intra-individuelle des CEA et ces mécanismes lors de futures recherches sur cette symbiose.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a retrovirus which induces a strong immune response and a dramatic increase in the number of infected cells through the expression of a superantigen (SAg). Many cytokines are likely to be involved in the interaction between MMTV and the immune system. In particular, alpha/beta interferon (IFN-alpha/beta) and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) exert many antiviral and immunomodulatory activities and play a critical role in other viral infections. In this study, we have investigated the importance of interferons during MMTV infection by using mice with a disrupted IFN-alpha/beta or IFN-gamma receptor gene. We found that the SAg response to MMTV was not modified in IFN-alpha/betaR(0/0) and IFN-gammaR(0/0) mice. This was true both for the early expansion of B and T cells induced by the SAg and for the deletion of SAg-reactive cells at later stages of the infection. In addition, no increase in the amount of proviral DNA was detected in tissues of IFN-alpha/betaR(0/0) and IFN-gammaR(0/0) mice, suggesting that interferons are not essential antiviral defense mechanisms during MMTV infection. In contrast, IFN-gammaR(0/0) mice had increased amounts of IL-4 mRNA and an altered usage of immunoglobulin isotypes with a reduced frequency of IgG2a- and IgG3-producing cells. This was associated with lower titers of virus-specific antibodies in serum early after infection, although efficient titers were reached later.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland aims to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and Ireland, to tackle inequalities in health and influence public polices in favour of health. In its work, the Institute emphasises a holistic model of health which recognises the interplay of a wide range of health determinants, including economic, social and environmental factors as well as health and social services.
Addictive properties of drugs of misuse are generally considered to be mediated by an increased release of dopamine (DA) in the ventral striatum. However, recent experiments indicated an implication of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors in behavioural responses to psychostimulants and opiates. We show now that DA release induced in the ventral striatum by morphine (20 mg/kg) is completely blocked by prazosin (1 mg/kg), an alpha1-adrenergic antagonist. However, morphine-induced increases in DA release in the ventral striatum were found to be similar in mice deleted for the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (alpha1b-AR KO) and in wild-type (WT) mice, suggesting the presence of a compensatory mechanism. This acute morphine-evoked DA release was completely blocked in alpha1b-AR KO mice by SR46349B (1 mg/kg), a 5-HT2A antagonist. SR46349B also completely blocked, in alpha1b-AR KO mice, the locomotor response and the development of behavioural sensitization to morphine (20 mg/kg) and D-amphetamine (2 mg/kg). Accordingly, the concomitant blockade of 5-HT2A and alpha1b-adrenergic receptors in WT mice entirely blocked acute locomotor responses but also the development of behavioural sensitization to morphine, D-amphetamine or cocaine (10 mg/kg). We observed, nevertheless, that inhibitory effects of each antagonist on locomotor responses to morphine or D-amphetamine were more than additive (160%) in naïve WT mice but not in those sensitized to either drug. Because of these latter data and the possible compensation by 5-HT2A receptors for the genetic deletion of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors, we postulate the existence of a functional link between these receptors, which vanishes during the development of behavioural sensitization.
The main purpose of the Clmate Change Bill is to provide for the adoption of a national policy for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; to support this through the making of mitigation and adaptation action plans; and to make provision for emission reduction targets to support the objective of transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and environmentally sustainable economy.The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.IPH has a keen interest in the effects of climate change on health. In September 2010 the IPH published a paper – Climate Change and Health: A platform for action - to inform policy-makers and the public about the health benefits in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This paper followed a seminar with international speakers, opened by Minister Gormley, on the same topic in February 2010.
The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. As an all-island body, the Institute of Public Health in Ireland particularly welcomes that the Framework for Collaboration has been co-produced by the Department for Regional Development and the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. In addition the Institute of Public Health welcomes a more holistic approach to spatial planning that takes into account the environment and sustainable economic development. A clean environment and a more equitable distribution of prosperity have associated health benefits, as outlined in the IPH’s Active travel – healthy lives (2011) and Health impacts of the built environment- a review (2006).
The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.IPH has a keen interest in the interactions between transport and health. IPH has produced two papers in the recent past on this topic, the most recent being Active travel – healthy lives published in January 2011 which built on the 2005 publication Health impacts of transport. The IPH welcomes the draft transport strategy in terms of addressing each of the key messages outlined in the Active travel – healthy lives paper.IPH is interested in this area not only in terms of increasing ‘active travel’ for healthier lives, but also in terms of the environmental and social impacts of inequitable access to forms of private and public transport.