999 resultados para Iodo-131


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SUMMARYThe dermatophytes, keratinophilic fungi, represent important microorganisms of the soil microbiota, where there are cosmopolitan species and others with restricted geographic distribution. The aim of this study was to broaden the knowledge about the presence of dermatophytes in soils of urban (empty lots, schools, slums, squares, beaches and homes) and rural areas and about the evolution of their prevalence in soils of varying pH in cities of the four mesoregions of Paraiba State, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from 31 cities of Paraiba State. Of 212 samples, 62% showed fungal growth, particularly those from the Mata Paraibana mesoregion (43.5%), which has a tropical climate, hot and humid. Soil pH varied from 4.65 to 9.06, with 71% of the growth of dermatophytes occurring at alkaline pH (7.02 - 9.06) (ρ = 0.000). Of 131 strains isolated, 57.3% were geophilic species, particularly Trichophyton terrestre(31.3%) and Mycrosporum gypseum(21.4%). M. nanum and T. ajelloi were isolated for the first time in Paraiba State. The zoophilic species identified were T. mentagrophytes var.mentagrophytes (31.3 %) and T. verrucosum (7.6 %), and T. tonsurans was isolated as an anthropophilic species. The soils of urban areas including empty lots, schools, slums and squares of cities in the mesoregions of Paraiba State were found to be the most suitable reservoirs for almost all dermatophytes; their growth may have been influenced by environmental factors, soils with residues of human and/or animal keratin and alkaline pH.


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Introduc¸ão: Até ao fim dos anos 80 defendia-se que qualquer nódulo testicular suspeito devia ser excisado com orquidectomia radical. No entanto, com o aumento do diagnóstico incidental de massas testiculares, a maior acuidade dos exames extemporâneos e a evidência das vantagens potenciais da orquidectomia parcial, questionou-se se seria necessário sacrificar, sempre, todo o testículo, mesmo na presenc¸a de um testículo contralateral normal. Caso clínico: Apresentamos o caso de um doente de 23 anos, com o diagnóstico de um nódulo testicular com 7,5 mm, não palpável, assintomático e marcadores tumorais negativos. Foi submetido a orquidectomia parcial guiada por ecografia e exame extemporâneo, no entanto, por suspeita anatomopatológica de provável tumor de células germinativas, optou-se pela totalizac¸ão da orquidectomia. O resultado histológico final foi de tumor de células de Leydig. Tendo em conta a elevada probabilidade de lesões testiculares não palpáveis e de pequenas dimensões serem benignas (até 80%), os efeitos da orquidectomia radical na espermatogénese, func¸ão endócrina e estética e que não devem ser ignorados, a orquidectomia parcial é um procedimento que, embora não seja um procedimento padrão, pode ser equacionado como primeira abordagem em casos selecionados e em centros de referência especializados.


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Introdução: A emergência de enterobacteriáceas produtoras de beta-lactamases de espectro alargado (ESBL) nos últimos anos representa um problema de saúde pública, escasseando alternativas eficazes para o seu tratamento. Vários trabalhos internacionais têm demonstrado uma sensibilidade in vitro muito elevada destas bactérias à fosfomicina, havendo alguns que testaram a eficácia clínica do tratamento de cistites agudas não complicadas no subgrupo das Escherichia coli com resultados promissores. No Hospital Prof. Dr. Fernando Fonseca EPE (HFF) tem havido um aumento anual progressivo do isolamento destes patogéneos. Os autores pretenderam testar a sensibilidade das enterobacteriáceas produtoras de ESBL à fosfomicina no HFF e averiguar o eventual potencial terapêutico. Material e métodos: Estudo prospectivo, durante 6 meses, no qual foi testada a sensibilidade à fosfomicina das enterobacteriáceas produtoras de ESBL isoladas. Foi utilizado o equipamento VITEK 2® para identificação das estirpes. A susceptibilidade à fosfomicina foi determinada através do método de difusão de disco (Oxoid®). O tratamento estatístico foi realizado através do programa Microsoft Excel®. Resultados: Foram identificadas 150 enterobacteriáceas ESBL, das quais 52% corresponderam a Klebsiella pneumoniae e 44% a Escherichia coli. Cerca de 88% das Escherichia coli e 68% das Klebsiella pneumoniae apresentaram sensibilidade à fosfomicina. Conclusões: De acordo com os dados obtidos a nível internacional e no nosso hospital, os autores recomendam a utilização da fosfomicina para tratamento de cistites agudas não complicadas provocadas por Escherichia coli produtoras de ESBL, sugerindo, concomitantemente, a realização de trabalhos futuros de eficácia clínica para consubstanciar esta prática e recomendação.


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O Eritema induratum de Bazin é uma doença rara, considerada uma reacção de hipersensibilidade ao Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Caracteriza-se pelo aparecimento de nódulos firmes, dolorosos, por vezes, ulcerados nos membros inferiores. Descrevemos o caso de uma doente do sexo feminino, 83 anos de idade, com queixas de aproximadamente 3 meses de duração de tumefacção cervical direita indolor e de nódulos subcutâneos de superfície eritematosa envolvendo ambas as pernas.


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O decréscimo das reservas de petróleo e as consequências ambientais resultantes do recurso a combustíveis fósseis nos motores a diesel têm levado à procura de combustíveis alternativos. Esta pesquisa alicerçada nas fontes de energia renovável tornou-se essencial, face à crescente procura de energia e ao limitado fornecimento de combustíveis fósseis . Resíduos de óleo de cozinha, gordura animal, entre outros resíduos de origem biológica, tais como a borra de café, são exemplos de matérias-primas para a produção de biodiesel. A sua valorização tem interesse quer pela perspetiva ambiental, quer pela económica, pois aumenta não só a flexibilidade e diversificação das matérias-primas, mas também contribui para uma estabilidade de custos e alteração nas políticas agrícolas e de uso do solo. É neste contexto que se enquadra o biodiesel e a borra de café, pretendendo-se aqui efetuar o estudo da produção, à escala laboratorial, de biodiesel a partir da borra de café, por transesterificação enzimática, visando a procura das melhores condições reacionais. Iniciando-se com a caracterização da borra de café, foram avaliados antes e após a extração do óleo da borra de café, diversos parâmetros, de entre os quais se destacam: o teor de humidade (16,97% e 6,79%), teor de cinzas (1,91 e 1,57%), teor de azoto (1,71 e 2,30%), teor de proteínas (10,7 e 14,4%), teor de carbono (70,2 e 71,7%), teor de celulose bruta (14,77 e 18,48%), teor de lenhina (31,03% e 30,97%) e poder calorifico superior (19,5 MJ/kg e 19,9 MJ/kg). Sumariamente, constatou-se que os valores da maioria dos parâmetros não difere substancialmente dos valores encontrados na literatura, tendo sido evidenciado o potencial da utilização desta biomassa, como fonte calorifica para queima e geração de energia. Sendo a caracterização do óleo extraído da borra de café um dos objetivos antecedentes à produção do biodiesel, pretendeu-se avaliar os diferentes parâmetros mais significativos. No que diz respeito à caracterização do óleo extraído, distingue-se a sua viscosidade cinemática (38,04 mm2/s), densidade 0,9032 g/cm3, poder calorífico de 37,9 kcal/kg, índice de iodo igual a 63,0 gI2/ 100 g óleo, o teor de água do óleo foi de 0,15 %, o índice de acidez igual a 44,8 mg KOH/g óleo, ponto de inflamação superior a 120 ºC e teor em ácidos gordos de 82,8%. Inicialmente foram efetuados ensaios preliminares, a fim de selecionar a lipase (Lipase RMIM, TL 100L e CALB L) e álcool (metanol ou etanol puros) mais adequados à produção de biodiesel, pelo que o rendimento de 83,5% foi obtido através da transesterificação mediada pela lipase RMIM, utilizando como álcool o etanol. Sendo outro dos objetivos a otimização do processo de transesterificação enzimática, através de um desenho composto central a três variáveis (razão molar etanol: óleo, concentração de enzima e temperatura), recorrendo ao software JMP 8.0, determinou-se como melhores condições, uma razão molar etanol: óleo 5:1, adição de 4,5% (m/m) de enzima e uma temperatura de 45 ºC, que conduziram a um rendimento experimental equivalente a 96,7 % e teor de ésteres 87,6%. Nestas condições, o rendimento teórico foi de 99,98%. Procurou-se ainda estudar o efeito da adição de água ao etanol, isto é, o efeito da variação da concentração do etanol pela adição de água, para teores de etanol de 92%, 85% e 75%. Verificou-se que até 92% decorreu um aumento da transesterificação (97,2%) para um teor de ésteres de (92,2%), pelo que para teores superiores de água adicionada (75% e 85%) ocorreu um decréscimo no teor final em ésteres (77,2% e 89,9%) e no rendimento da reação (84,3% e 91,9%). Isto indica a ocorrência da reação de hidrólise em maior extensão, que leva ao desvio do equilíbrio no sentido contrário à reação de formação dos produtos, isto é, dos ésteres. Finalmente, relativamente aos custos associados ao processo de produção de biodiesel, foram estimados para o conjunto de 27 ensaios realizados neste trabalho, e que corresponderam a 767,4 g de biodiesel produzido, sendo o custo dos reagentes superior ao custo energético, de 156,16 € e 126,02 €, respetivamente. Naturalmente que não esperamos que, a nível industrial os custos sejam desta ordem de grandeza, tanto mais que há economia de escala e que as enzimas utilizadas no processo deveriam ser reutilizadas diversas vezes.


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The present study aimed at measuring seropositivities for infection by Ascaris suum and Toxocara canis using the excretory/secretory (E/S) antigens from Ascaris suum (AES) and Toxocara canis (TES) within an indigenous population. In addition, quantification of cytokine expressions in peripheral blood cells was determined. A total of 50 Warao indigenous were included; of which 43 were adults and seven children. In adults, 44.1% were seropositive for both parasites; whereas children had only seropositivity to one or the other helminth. For ascariosis, the percentage of AES seropositivity in adults and children was high; 23.3% and 57.1%, respectively. While that for toxocariosis, the percentage of TES seropositivity in adults and children was low; 9.3% and 14.3%, respectively. The percentage of seronegativity was comparable for AES and TES antigens in adults (27.9%) and children (28.6%). When positive sera were analyzed by Western blotting technique using AES antigens; three bands of 97.2, 193.6 and 200.2 kDas were mostly recognized. When the TES antigens were used, nine major bands were mostly identified; 47.4, 52.2, 84.9, 98.2, 119.1, 131.3, 175.6, 184.4 and 193.6 kDas. Stool examinations showed that Blastocystis hominis, Hymenolepis nana and Entamoeba coli were the most commonly observed intestinal parasites. Quantification of cytokines IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-6, TGF-β, TNF-α, IL-10 and IL-4 expressions showed that there was only a significant increased expression of IL-4 in indigenous with TES seropositivity (p < 0.002). Ascaris and Toxocara seropositivity was prevalent among Warao indigenous.


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Introduction: The purpose of measuring the burden of disease involves aggregating morbidity and mortality components into a single indicator, the disability-adjusted life year (DALY), to measure how much and how people live and suffer the impact of a disease. Objective: To estimate the global burden of disease due to AIDS in a municipality of southern Brazil. Methods: An ecological study was conducted in 2009 to examine the incidence and AIDS-related deaths among the population residing in the city of Tubarao, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Data from the Mortality Information System in the National Health System was used to calculate the years of life lost (YLL) due to premature mortality. The calculation was based on the difference between a standardized life expectancy and age at death, with a discount rate of 3% per year. Data from the Information System for Notifiable Diseases were used to calculate the years lived with disability (YLD). The DALY was estimated by the sum of YLL and YLD. Indicator rates were estimated per 100,000 inhabitants, distributed by age and gender. Results: A total of 131 records were examined, and a 572.5 DALYs were estimated, which generated a rate of 593.1 DALYs/100,000 inhabitants. The rate among men amounted to 780.7 DALYs/100,000, whereas among women the rate was 417.1 DALYs/100,000. The most affected age groups were 30-44 years for men and 60-69 years for women. Conclusion: The burden of disease due to AIDS in the city of Tubarao was relatively high when considering the global trend. The mortality component accounted for more than 90% of the burden of disease.


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OBJECTIVE: Intensive image surveillance after endovascular aneurysm repair is generally recommended due to continued risk of complications. However, patients at lower risk may not benefit from this strategy. We evaluated the predictive value of the first postoperative computed tomography angiography (CTA) characteristics for aneurysm-related adverse events as a means of patient selection for risk-adapted surveillance. METHODS: All patients treated with the Low-Permeability Excluder Endoprosthesis (W. L. Gore & Assoc, Flagstaff, Ariz) at a tertiary institution from 2004 to 2011 were included. First postoperative CTAs were analyzed for the presence of endoleaks, endograft kinking, distance from the lowermost renal artery to the start of the endograft, and for proximal and distal sealing length using center lumen line reconstructions. The primary end point was freedom from aneurysm-related adverse events. Multivariable Cox regression was used to test postoperative CTA characteristics as independent risk factors, which were subsequently used as selection criteria for low-risk and high-risk groups. Estimates for freedom from adverse events were obtained using Kaplan-Meier survival curves. RESULTS: Included were 131 patients. The median follow-up was 4.1 years (interquartile range, 2.1-6.1). During this period, 30 patients (23%) sustained aneurysm-related adverse events. Seal length <10 mm and presence of endoleak were significant risk factors for this end point. Patients were subsequently categorized as low-risk (proximal and distal seal length ≥10 mm and no endoleak, n = 62) or high-risk (seal length <10 mm or presence of endoleak, or both; n = 69). During follow-up, four low-risk patients (3%) and 26 high-risk patients (19%) sustained events (P < .001). Four secondary interventions were required in three low-risk patients, and 31 secondary interventions in 23 high-risk patients. Sac growth was observed in two low-risk patients and in 15 high-risk patients. The 5-year estimates for freedom from aneurysm-related adverse events were 98% for the low-risk group and 52% for the high-risk group. For each diagnosis, 81.7 image examinations were necessary in the low-risk group and 8.2 in the high-risk group. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the first postoperative CTA provides important information for risk stratification after endovascular aneurysm repair when the Excluder endoprosthesis is used. In patients with adequate seal and no endoleaks, the risk of aneurysm-related adverse events was significantly reduced, resulting in a large number of unnecessary image examinations. Adjusting the imaging protocol beyond 30 days and up to 5 years, based on individual patients' risk, may result in a more efficient and rational postoperative surveillance.


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Os autores referem os efeitos secundários, sobre o feto e o recém-nascido, dos antitiroideus de síntese, dos bloqueadores ß, dos iodetos, do iodoradiactivo(131I), carbonato de lítio e tiroxina. Os fármacos mais frequentemente utilizados são os antitiroideus de síntese e a tiroxina. Os riscos dos antitiroideus estão relacionados com o facto de atravessarem a barreira placentar e poderem provocar bócio e hipotiroidismo fetais. As hormonas tiroideias maternas, que atravessam a placenta, são muito importantes para o normal desenvolvimento neuronal de feto durante o primeiro trimestre.


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Apresentam-se os resultados do estudo prospectivo dos primeiros 145 cateterismos da veia subclávia efectuados na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (U.C.I.P.) do Hospital de Dona Estefânia. Foram submetidos a cateterismo 131 doentes com idades compreendidas entre 1 mês e 15 anos. A técnica utilizada foi a de Seldinger (abordagem infraclavicular). A taxa de sucesso foi de 90.0% e o número médio de tentativas de 2.7 ± 2.4. A duração média da cateterização foi de 7.5 ± 7.2 dias. Houve 22 complicações «major». A incidência de sépsis de cateter foi de 6.9%. A remoção dos cateteres foi electiva em 91 (62.8%) casos. Não houve mortalidade atribuível ao cateterismo. Os resultados obtidos estão em conformidade com os divulgados na literatura; a aprendizagem e execução da técnica são relativamente fáceis e a sua aplicação tem alta taxa de sucesso e baixa incidência de complicações.


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É apresentada a revisão de 204 casos de tuberculose doença diagnosticados e tratados no Hospital de D. Estefânia num período de 5 anos (1990-1994). Refira-se, nos casos estudados (204), a maior percentagem de crianças no grupo etário dos 5 aos 14 anos (67%), uma incidência de 32% para a raça negra e um predomínio nas classes sociais mais desfavorecidas, contribuindo o concelho da Amadora com a maior percentagem de casos. A inoculação prévia de BCG observou-se em 80% dos casos. As formas mediastino-pulmonares verificaram-se em 91% das crianças, tendo ocorrido complicações em 23%. A complicação mais frequente foi o derrame pleural. A tuberculose extrapulmonar observou-se em 9% das formas de tuberculose doença, sendo a meningite a mais frequente. A identificação da fonte de contágio foi possível em 42% dos casos e a pesquisa de BK positiva em 23%. Considerando o grupo racial como factor de variabilidade, verificou-se uma maior frequência de complicações na raça negra (29%) do que na raça branca (17%). Salienta-se a alta prevalência de tuberculose em Portugal e a sua incidência preferencial nas classes sociais mais desfavorecidas e nas zonas habitacionais urbanas mais degradadas.


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Com a finalidade de avaliar o emprego do Antígeno Látex na triagem de pacientes portadores de infecção chagásica o mesmo foi comparado com a Fixação de Complemento em placa e com a Hemoaglutinação, em 3 grupos de soros: a) 920 soros procedentes de inquérito epidemiológicos; b) 131 soros procedentes de pacientes hospitalizados; c) 90 soros procedentes de pacientes hospitalizados e familiares; Os resultados mostraram baixos índices de co-positividade nos três grupos, evidenciando assim escassa sensibilidade por parte do antígeno Látex. Também a comparação entre a Hemoaglutinação e o Antígeno Látex, realizada nos 90 soros do grupo e evidenciou baixo índice de co-positividade. A conclusão dos Autores é que o Antígeno Látex, pela sua escassa sensibilidade, e conseqüente porcentagem de soros falsos negativos, não encontra indicação na triagem sorológica em inquérito epidemiológicos, e na triagem de pacientes hospitalizados.


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Introduction: The clinical importance of humoral-mediated acute rejection has been progressively recognised. Early recognition and treatment with plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulin have recently improved short term prognosis. Case report: In this report we describe the clinical features of three 2nd transplant patients developing severe acute humoral rejection during the first week post-transplant while on anti-thymocyte globulin therapy. Treatment with plasmapheresis/ intravenous immunoglobulin/rituximab resulted in rapid reversal of oliguria,and recovery of renal function within the 1st week of treatment in 2/3 patients. Diagnosis was confirmed by graft biopsies revealing peritubular neutrophiles and C4d deposits. Sequential graft biopsies in all three patients revealed complete histological recovery within two weeks. One patient never recovered renal function, and one patient lost his graft at three months following hemorrhagic shock. After 2 years follow up, the remaining patient maintains a serum creatinine of 1.1mg/dl. Conclusion: The regimen using plasmapheresis plus intravenous immunoglobulin and rituximab was effective in rapidly reversing severe acute humoral rejection.


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ABSTRACT - The problem of how to support “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC) and “behaviour changes” (BC) in smoking cessation when there is a scarcity of resources is a pressing issue in public health terms. The present research focuses on the use of information and communications technologies and their role in smoking cessation. It is developed in Portugal after the ratification of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (on 8 November 2005). The prevalence of smokers over fifteen years of age within the population stood at 20.9% (30.9% for men and 11.8% for women). While the strategy of helping people to quit smoking has been emphasised at National Health Service (NHS) level, the uptake of cessation assistance has exceeded the capacity of the service. This induced the search of new theoretical and practical venues to offer alternative options to people willing to stop smoking. Among these, the National Health Plan (NHP) of Portugal (2004-2010), identifies the use of information technologies in smoking cessation. eHealth and the importance of health literacy as a means of empowering people to make behavioural changes is recurrently considered an option worth investigating. The overall objective of this research is to understand, in the Portuguese context, the use of the Internet to help people to stop smoking. Research questions consider factors that may contribute to “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC) and “behavioural changes” (BC) while using a Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP). Also consideration is given to the trade-off on the use of the Web as a tool for smoking cessation: can it reach a vast number of people for a small cost (efficiency) demonstrating to work in the domain of smoking cessation (efficacy)”? In addition to the introduction, there is a second chapter in which the use of tobacco is discussed as a public health menace. The health gains achieved by stopping smoking and the means of quitting are also examined, as is the use of the Internet in smoking cessation. Then, several research issues are introduced. These include background theory and the theoretical framework for the Sense of Coherence. The research model is also discussed. A presentation of the methods, materials and of the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) follows. In chapter four the results of the use of the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) are presented. This study is divided into two sections. The first describes results related to quality control in relation to the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) and gives an overview of its users. Of these, 3,150 answered initial eligibility questions. In the end, 1,463 met all eligibility requirements, completed intake, decided on a day to quit smoking (Dday) and declared their “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC) while a second targeted group of 650 did not decide on a Dday. With two quit attempts made before joining the platform, most of the participants had experienced past failures while wanting to stop. The smoking rate averaged 21 cigarettes per day. With a mean age of 35, of the participants 55% were males. Among several other considerations, gender and the Sense of Coherence (SOC) influenced the success of participants in their IBC and endeavour to set quit dates. The results of comparing males and females showed that, for current smokers, establishing a Dday was related to gender differences, not favouring males (OR=0.76, p<0.005). Belonging to higher Socio-economic strata (SES) was associated with the intention to consider IBC (when compared to lower SES condition) (OR=1.57, p<0.001) and higher number of school years (OR=0.70, p<0.005) favoured the decision to smoking cessation. Those who demonstrated higher confidence in their likelihood of success in stopping in the shortest time had a higher rate of setting a Dday (OR=0.51, p<0.001). There were differences between groups in IBC reflecting the high and low levels of the SOC score (OR=1.43, p=0.006), as those who considered setting a Dday had higher levels of SOC. After adjusting for all variables, stages of readiness to change and SOC were kept in the model. This is the first Arm of this research where the focus is a discussion of the system’s implications for the participants’ “intentions to make behavioural changes” (IBC). Moreover, a second section of this study (second Arm) offers input collected from 77 in-depth interviews with the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) users. Here, “Behaviour Change” (BC) and the usability of the platform are explored a year after IBC was declared. A percentage of 32.9% of self-reported, 12-month quitters in continuous abstinence from smoking from Dday to the 12-month follow- up point of the use of the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) has been assessed. Comparing the Sense of Coherence (SOC) scores of participants by their respective means, according to the two groups, there was a significant difference in these scores of non smokers (BC) (M=144,66, SD=22,52) and Sense of Coherence (SOC) of smokers (noBC) (M=131,51, SD=21,43) p=0.014. This WATIP strategy and its contents benefit from the strengthening of the smoker’s sense of coherence (SOC), so that the person’s progress towards a life without tobacco may be experienced as comprehensible, manageable and meaningful. In this sample the sense of coherence (SOC) effect is moderate although it is associated with the day to quit smoking (Dday). Some of the limitations of this research have to do with self-selection bias, sample size (power) and self-reporting (no biochemical validation). The enrolment of participants was therefore not representative of the smoking population. It is not possible to verify the Web-Assisted Tobacco Intervention Probe (WATIP) evaluation of external validity; consequently, the results obtained cannot be applied generalized. No participation bias is provided. Another limitation of this study is the associated limitations of interviews. Interviewees’ perception that fabricating answers could benefit them more than telling the simple truth in response to questions is a risk that is not evaluated (with no external validation like measuring participants’ carbon monoxide levels). What emerges in this analysis is the relevance of the process that leads to the establishment of the quit day (Dday) to stop using tobacco. In addition, technological issues, when tailoring is the focus, are key elements for scrutiny. The high number of dropouts of users of the web platform mandates future research that should concentrate on the matters of the user-centred design of portals. The focus on gains in health through patient-centred care needs more research, so that technology usability be considered within the context of best practices in smoking cessation.