821 resultados para Infrastructures sanitaires


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Traffic demand increases are pushing aging ground transportation infrastructures to their theoretical capacity. The result of this demand is traffic bottlenecks that are a major cause of delay on urban freeways. In addition, the queues associated with those bottlenecks increase the probability of a crash while adversely affecting environmental measures such as emissions and fuel consumption. With limited resources available for network expansion, traffic professionals have developed active traffic management systems (ATMS) in an attempt to mitigate the negative consequences of traffic bottlenecks. Among these ATMS strategies, variable speed limits (VSL) and ramp metering (RM) have been gaining international interests for their potential to improve safety, mobility, and environmental measures at freeway bottlenecks. Though previous studies have shown the tremendous potential of variable speed limit (VSL) and VSL paired with ramp metering (VSLRM) control, little guidance has been developed to assist decision makers in the planning phase of a congestion mitigation project that is considering VSL or VSLRM control. To address this need, this study has developed a comprehensive decision/deployment support tool for the application of VSL and VSLRM control in recurrently congested environments. The decision tool will assist practitioners in deciding the most appropriate control strategy at a candidate site, which candidate sites have the most potential to benefit from the suggested control strategy, and how to most effectively design the field deployment of the suggested control strategy at each implementation site. To do so, the tool is comprised of three key modules, (1) Decision Module, (2) Benefits Module, and (3) Deployment Guidelines Module. Each module uses commonly known traffic flow and geometric parameters as inputs to statistical models and empirically based procedures to provide guidance on the application of VSL and VSLRM at each candidate site. These models and procedures were developed from the outputs of simulated experiments, calibrated with field data. To demonstrate the application of the tool, a list of real-world candidate sites were selected from the Maryland State Highway Administration Mobility Report. Here, field data from each candidate site was input into the tool to illustrate the step-by-step process required for efficient planning of VSL or VSLRM control. The output of the tool includes the suggested control system at each site, a ranking of the sites based on the expected benefit-to-cost ratio, and guidelines on how to deploy the VSL signs, ramp meters, and detectors at the deployment site(s). This research has the potential to assist traffic engineers in the planning of VSL and VSLRM control, thus enhancing the procedure for allocating limited resources for mobility and safety improvements on highways plagued by recurrent congestion.


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The issue of sustainability is at the top of the political and societal agenda, being considered of extreme importance and urgency. Human individual action impacts the environment both locally (e.g., local air/water quality, noise disturbance) and globally (e.g., climate change, resource use). Urban environments represent a crucial example, with an increasing realization that the most effective way of producing a change is involving the citizens themselves in monitoring campaigns (a citizen science bottom-up approach). This is possible by developing novel technologies and IT infrastructures enabling large citizen participation. Here, in the wider framework of one of the first such projects, we show results from an international competition where citizens were involved in mobile air pollution monitoring using low cost sensing devices, combined with a web-based game to monitor perceived levels of pollution. Measures of shift in perceptions over the course of the campaign are provided, together with insights into participatory patterns emerging from this study. Interesting effects related to inertia and to direct involvement in measurement activities rather than indirect information exposure are also highlighted, indicating that direct involvement can enhance learning and environmental awareness. In the future, this could result in better adoption of policies towards decreasing pollution.


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The development of ICT infrastructures has facilitated the emergence of new paradigms for looking at society and the environment over the last few years. Participatory environmental sensing, i.e. directly involving citizens in environmental monitoring, is one example, which is hoped to encourage learning and enhance awareness of environmental issues. In this paper, an analysis of the behaviour of individuals involved in noise sensing is presented. Citizens have been involved in noise measuring activities through the WideNoise smartphone application. This application has been designed to record both objective (noise samples) and subjective (opinions, feelings) data. The application has been open to be used freely by anyone and has been widely employed worldwide. In addition, several test cases have been organised in European countries. Based on the information submitted by users, an analysis of emerging awareness and learning is performed. The data show that changes in the way the environment is perceived after repeated usage of the application do appear. Specifically, users learn how to recognise different noise levels they are exposed to. Additionally, the subjective data collected indicate an increased user involvement in time and a categorisation effect between pleasant and less pleasant environments.


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise est une analyse politique d'une organisation devant coordonner les services sociaux et les services de santé dans la région du Centre du Québec. Elle porte sur la Commission des Services Communautaires appelée aussi Commission Administrative Régionale (CAR). Nous étudierons la vie de cette organisation depuis sa fondation en janvier 1978 jusqu'à son avant-dernière réunion inclusivement en juin 1979. Elle y a tenu treize assemblées durant cette période. Pour situer le lecteur, nous précisons les aspects géographiques suivants ainsi que la division territoriale des D.S.C., C.S.S. et C.L.S.C. La région 04 se situe entre la région de Québec (03) à l'est, fa région de Montréal (06A, 068, 06C) à l'ouest et la région de l'Estrie (05) au sud. Le fleuve St-Laurent divise cette région en son milieu et il constitue une barrière psychologique pour les gens de la Mauricie au Nord et les gens du Sud fortement attirés par Sherbrooke, Québec et Montréal. Cette région administrative ne polarise pas facilement les populations et les services socio-sanitaires vers son centre, Trois-Rivières. Unir les gens de La Tuque et de Louiseville aux citadins de Drummondville et de Victoriaville ne va pas de soi. Une certaine rivalité existe même entre ces deux dernières cités. Quinze centres hospitaliers desservent cette région. Trois de ces centres opèrent un Département de Santé Communautaire: deux au nord (Centre Hospitalier Ste-Marie à Trois-Rivières et le Centre Hospitalier Régional de la Mauricie à Shawinigan) et un au sud (le Centre Hospitalier Ste-Croix). Enfin, le territoire est partagé en treize bassins de Centres Locaux de Services Communautaires, sept sur le territoire nord et six au sud. Seulement quatre bassins sont équipés de Centres Locaux de Services Communautaires. Enfin, un seul Centre de Services Sociaux dessert le territoire, ce dernier ayant intégré les succursales de Victoriaville, Drummondville, Nicolet, Trois-Rivières, et Shawinigan. Maintenant que nous sommes situés, nous tenterons de répondre à la question suivante: Pourquoi la C.A.R. s'est-elle soldée par un échec du fait que les acteurs n'ont pas voulu jouer? Cependant, la réponse à cette question nécessite, a priori, une insertion dans l'ensemble du contexte où s'est fait le développement de la C.A.R. En effet, celle-ci se situe dans le cadre de la politique de décentralisation amorcée par le gouvernement du Québec depuis 1977. Les pages suivantes vont nous situer dans le contexte dans un premier temps et situer plus clairement la question dans un deuxième temps.


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Fiber optical sensors have played an important role in applications for monitoring the health of civil infrastructures, such as bridges, oil rigs, and railroads. Due to the reduction in cost of fiber-optic components and systems, fiber optical sensors have been studied extensively for their higher sensitivity, precision and immunity to electrical interference compared to their electrical counterparts. A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) strain sensor has been employed for this study to detect and distinguish normal and lateral loads on rail tracks. A theoretical analysis of the relationship between strain and displacement under vertical and horizontal strains on an aluminum beam has been performed, and the results are in excellent agreement with the measured strain data. Then a single FBG sensor system with erbium-doped fiber amplifier broadband source has been carried out. Force and temperature applied on the system have resulted in changes of 0.05 nm per 50 με and 0.094 nm per 10 oC at the center wavelength of the FBG. Furthermore, a low cost fiber-optic sensor system with a distributed feedback (DFB) laser as the light source has been implemented. We show that it has superior noise and sensitivity performances compared to strain gauge sensors. The design has been extended to accommodate multiple sensors with negligible cross talk. When two cascaded sensors on a rail track section are tested, strain readings of the sensor 20 inches away from the position of applied force decay to one seventh of the data of the sensor at the applied force location. The two FBG sensor systems can detect 1 ton of vertical load with a square wave pattern and 0.1 ton of lateral loads (3 tons and 0.5 ton, respectively, for strain gauges). Moreover, a single FBG sensor has been found capable of detecting and distinguishing lateral and normal strains applied at different frequencies. FBG sensors are promising alternatives to electrical sensors for their high sensitivity,ease of installation, and immunity to electromagnetic interferences.


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Knowledge Exchange organised the workshop 'Virtual Research Environments: Catalysts of change', following the success of the Virtual Research Environments: The next steps workshop which took place in Rotterdam, 2010. Changing research behaviour and practice have repercussions for funding programmes, policy and technology infrastructures. The development of tools has the potential to transform research practice, but as these tools become part of the digital infrastructure, challenges of use, maintenance and sustainably inevitably arise. This workshop allowed Knowledge Exchange and its partners to share their experience and understanding with leading experts, influencers and funders, including members of the European Commission. The workshop offered new perspectives and debate on: changing researcher behaviours policies in the creation and use of VREs sustainability re-use of tools and technologies.


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The recently reported Monte Carlo Random Path Sampling method (RPS) is here improved and its application is expanded to the study of the 2D and 3D Ising and discrete Heisenberg models. The methodology was implemented to allow use in both CPU-based high-performance computing infrastructures (C/MPI) and GPU-based (CUDA) parallel computation, with significant computational performance gains. Convergence is discussed, both in terms of free energy and magnetization dependence on field/temperature. From the calculated magnetization-energy joint density of states, fast calculations of field and temperature dependent thermodynamic properties are performed, including the effects of anisotropy on coercivity, and the magnetocaloric effect. The emergence of first-order magneto-volume transitions in the compressible Ising model is interpreted using the Landau theory of phase transitions. Using metallic Gadolinium as a real-world example, the possibility of using RPS as a tool for computational magnetic materials design is discussed. Experimental magnetic and structural properties of a Gadolinium single crystal are compared to RPS-based calculations using microscopic parameters obtained from Density Functional Theory.


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Marine Renewable Energy Conversion systems comprise wave energy and tidal stream converters as well as offshore-wind turbines for electrical generation. These technologies are currently at different stages of development but are mostly at the pre-commercial stage and require research to be undertaken at a series of scales along the path to commercialization. However each of these technologies also needs specific research infrastructures in order to conduct this research. The aim of the MARINET initiative is to coordinate research and development at all scales (small models through to prototype scales, from laboratories through to open sea tests) and to allow access for researchers and developers to infrastructures which are not available universally in Europe, including test facilities for components such as power take-off systems, grid integration, moorings and environmental monitoring so as to ensure a focusing of activities in this area. The initiative offers researchers and developers access to 45 research facilities as well as to the associated network of expertise at all scales in Offshore Marine Renewable Energy technology research and development. The aim of this paper is to present this MARINET initiative that was started in 2011, bringing together a network of 29 partners spread across twelve countries. Details of the MARINET Transnational Access (TA) program are presented, for which over 260 applications were received throughout the 5 official calls for proposals. In particular, statistics on applications and completed projects are presented which provide an overview of the global development progress of the different offshore renewable energy conversion technologies at a European level. It also provides a good overview of the current research activity, as well as evidence of the requirement for specialised research facilities, in this burgeoning field.


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L'Amérique latine se caractérise comme une région ayant la pire répartition de la richesse et le Mexique n'y fait pas exception. Malgré que la dernière décennie lui ait apporté la stabilisation économique et la libéralisation des échanges commerciaux, l'écart entre les riches et les pauvres continue de croître. Pour certains experts, la cause principale de cette situation réside dans les effets de la mondialisation. Bien qu'ils contribuent à déstabiliser les économies locales, d'autres éléments présents au Mexique menacent autant le développement durable des communautés mexicaines. Notons la fragilité des démocraties, la faiblesse des institutions financières, les histoires de corruption et de trafic de drogue, l'exclusion sociale et la dégradation de l'environnement. Plusieurs programmes de développement socioéconomiques ont été mis en place par différents gouvernements mexicains. Que ce soit, des programmes en matière de santé et d'éducation, des programmes alimentaires et agricoles ou de construction d'infrastructures, ils visent essentiellement à réduire la pauvreté en milieux ruraux. Les problèmes sociaux en zones urbaines ne font pas partie des priorités actuelles de l'agenda politique du gouvernement fédéral. Les communautés urbaines doivent donc se tourner vers d'autres moyens pour assurer leur développement et, la micro-finance est l'une des solutions qui a depuis longtemps fait ses preuves en matière de mobilisation des populations hasardeuses. En effet, elle permet aux populations exclues des systèmes financiers traditionnels d'avoir un plus grand contrôle de leur avenir par l'auto emploi et par le développement endogène de leur communauté. Elle introduit donc une dynamique d'autonomie et vise des changements économiques et sociaux à long terme. Par contre, une des plus grandes erreurs commises est pourtant de prétendre que la micro-finance est le remède de toutes les calamités. Les besoins des populations moins nanties en zones urbaines ne se limitent pas aux besoins de financement. Les pauvres ont également besoin de logements salubres, d'eau potable, d'électricité, de soins de santé, d'écoles et d'infrastructure, ce en quoi tout être humain est en droit de posséder. De plus, le développement durable n'est pas qu'une question de solution aux problèmes de pauvreté, il concerne également tous les citadins. Lorsque l'on parle de qualité de vie, on parle également d'emplois disponibles, de revitalisation de quartiers, d'aménagement d'espaces verts, de construction de centres sportifs et culturels, pour en nommer que quelques-uns. En l'absence de volonté ou de moyens politiques en la matière, la coopérative d'épargne et de crédit peut-elle être un levier de développement local pour une communauté urbaine mexicaine? C'est la question à laquelle je me suis attardée ces derniers mois, en analysant le contexte socio-économique de la ville de Querétaro au Mexique. Pour ce faire, j'ai exécuté d'abord une intervention dans une importante coopérative d'épargne et de crédit et je me suis ensuite documentée à travers des entrevues formelles et informelles, des observations, des conférences diverses et la littérature locale et internationale. Après avoir présenté, dans le premier chapitre, le contexte socio-politico-économique du Mexique et en particulier celui de la municipalité de Querétaro, je décris, au chapitre 2, les différents problèmes que vivent au quotidien les citadins. Le chapitre 3 est consacré à l'environnement et aux ressources qu'offrent les coopératives mexicaines d'épargne et de crédit: leur importance, les principes, la législation, les forces et les faiblesses, les menaces et les opportunités, etc. Le chapitre suivant définit le développement local en zone urbaine, ses principes, le processus qui l'accompagne, les acteurs impliqués et la finalité. Enfin le chapitre 5 nous amène au coeur même de la réflexion, c'est-à-dire évaluer si la coopérative d'épargne et de crédit possède le potentiel nécessaire pour être un acteur important de développement local en zones urbaines mexicaines.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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Public agencies are increasingly required to collaborate with each other in order to provide high-quality e-government services. This collaboration is usually based on the service-oriented approach and supported by interoperability platforms. Such platforms are specialized middleware-based infrastructures enabling the provision, discovery and invocation of interoperable software services. In turn, given that personal data handled by governments are often very sensitive, most governments have developed some sort of legislation focusing on data protection. This paper proposes solutions for monitoring and enforcing data protection laws within an E-government Interoperability Platform. In particular, the proposal addresses requirements posed by the Uruguayan Data Protection Law and the Uruguayan E-government Platform, although it can also be applied in similar scenarios. The solutions are based on well-known integration mechanisms (e.g. Enterprise Service Bus) as well as recognized security standards (e.g. eXtensible Access Control Markup Language) and were completely prototyped leveraging the SwitchYard ESB product.


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Le logiciel est devenu omniprésent dans nos vies de sorte qu'on le retrouve dans plusieurs domaines de la vie courante. Cependant cette omniprésence, n'est pas sans conséquences. Les bogues de logiciel peuvent causer de vrais désastres, économiques, écologiques voire sanitaires. Vu la forte omniprésente du logiciel dans nos vies, le fonctionnement de nos sociétés dépend fortement de sa qualité. La programmation par contrat a pour but de produire des logiciels fiables, c'est-à-dire corrects et robustes. En effet, ce paradigme de programmation vise à introduire des assertions qui sont des spécifications de services. Ces spécifications représentent une forme de contrat. Les contrats définissent les responsabilités entre le client et le fournisseur. Le respect des contrats permet de garantir que le logiciel ne fait ni plus ni moins que ce que l'on attend de lui qu'il fasse. Le test unitaire est un test qui permet de s'assurer du bon fonctionnement d'une partie précise d'un logiciel. C'est un test dont la vérification se fait en exécutant une petite unité de code. En somme, un test unitaire est un code qui exécute de manière indirecte le code d'une classe pour vérifier que le code fonctionne bien. L'outil Génération de Squelettes des Contrats de classes et des tests unitaires (GACTUS) permet la génération automatique de squelettes de contrats de classes et celles des classes des tests unitaires d'un projet Java. La génération automatique du code source permet d'obtenir un code uniforme. GACTUS est un plug-in pour l'environnement de développement Eclipse écrit en Java. L'objectif principal de GACTUS est de faciliter la réalisation de logiciel de qualité grâce à la génération automatique des squelettes de contrats de classe et celui des tests unitaires et aussi d'accroître la productivité des développeurs. Pour faciliter son utilisation, GACTUS dispose d'une interface graphique permettant de guider l'utilisateur.


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The explosion in mobile data traffic is a driver for future network operator technologies, given its large potential to affect both network performance and generated revenue. The concept of distributed mobility management (DMM) has emerged in order to overcome efficiency-wise limitations in centralized mobility approaches, proposing not only the distribution of anchoring functions but also dynamic mobility activation sensitive to the applications needs. Nevertheless, there is not an acceptable solution for IP multicast in DMM environments, as the first proposals based on MLD Proxy are prone to tunnel replication problem or service disruption. We propose the application of PIM-SM in mobility entities as an alternative solution for multicast support in DMM, and introduce an architecture enabling mobile multicast listeners support over distributed anchoring frameworks in a network-efficient way. The architecture aims at providing operators with flexible options to provide multicast mobility, supporting three modes: the first one introduces basic IP multicast support in DMM; the second improves subscription time through extensions to the mobility protocol, obliterating the dependence on MLD protocol; and the third enables fast listener mobility by avoiding potentially slow multicast tree convergence latency in larger infrastructures, by benefiting from mobility tunnels. The different modes were evaluated by mathematical analysis regarding disruption time and packet loss during handoff against several parameters, total and tunneling packet delivery cost, and regarding packet and signaling overhead.


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The occurrence frequency of failure events serve as critical indexes representing the safety status of dam-reservoir systems. Although overtopping is the most common failure mode with significant consequences, this type of event, in most cases, has a small probability. Estimation of such rare event risks for dam-reservoir systems with crude Monte Carlo (CMC) simulation techniques requires a prohibitively large number of trials, where significant computational resources are required to reach the satisfied estimation results. Otherwise, estimation of the disturbances would not be accurate enough. In order to reduce the computation expenses and improve the risk estimation efficiency, an importance sampling (IS) based simulation approach is proposed in this dissertation to address the overtopping risks of dam-reservoir systems. Deliverables of this study mainly include the following five aspects: 1) the reservoir inflow hydrograph model; 2) the dam-reservoir system operation model; 3) the CMC simulation framework; 4) the IS-based Monte Carlo (ISMC) simulation framework; and 5) the overtopping risk estimation comparison of both CMC and ISMC simulation. In a broader sense, this study meets the following three expectations: 1) to address the natural stochastic characteristics of the dam-reservoir system, such as the reservoir inflow rate; 2) to build up the fundamental CMC and ISMC simulation frameworks of the dam-reservoir system in order to estimate the overtopping risks; and 3) to compare the simulation results and the computational performance in order to demonstrate the ISMC simulation advantages. The estimation results of overtopping probability could be used to guide the future dam safety investigations and studies, and to supplement the conventional analyses in decision making on the dam-reservoir system improvements. At the same time, the proposed methodology of ISMC simulation is reasonably robust and proved to improve the overtopping risk estimation. The more accurate estimation, the smaller variance, and the reduced CPU time, expand the application of Monte Carlo (MC) technique on evaluating rare event risks for infrastructures.


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Participation Space Studies explore eParticipation in the day-to-day activities of local, citizen-led groups, working to improve their communities. The focus is the relationship between activities and contexts. The concept of a participation space is introduced in order to reify online and offline contexts where people participate in democracy. Participation spaces include websites, blogs, email, social media presences, paper media, and physical spaces. They are understood as sociotechnical systems: assemblages of heterogeneous elements, with relevant histories and trajectories of development and use. This approach enables the parallel study of diverse spaces, on and offline. Participation spaces are investigated within three case studies, centred on interviews and participant observation. Each case concerns a community or activist group, in Scotland. The participation spaces are then modelled using a Socio-Technical Interaction Network (STIN) framework (Kling, McKim and King, 2003). The participation space concept effectively supports the parallel investigation of the diverse social and technical contexts of grassroots democracy and the relationship between the case-study groups and the technologies they use to support their work. Participants’ democratic participation is supported by online technologies, especially email, and they create online communities and networks around their goals. The studies illustrate the mutual shaping relationship between technology and democracy. Participants’ choice of technologies can be understood in spatial terms: boundaries, inhabitants, access, ownership, and cost. Participation spaces and infrastructures are used together and shared with other groups. Non-public online spaces, such as Facebook groups, are vital contexts for eParticipation; further, the majority of participants’ work is non-public, on and offline. It is informational, potentially invisible, work that supports public outputs. The groups involve people and influence events through emotional and symbolic impact, as well as rational argument. Images are powerful vehicles for this and digital images become an increasingly evident and important feature of participation spaces throughout the consecutively conducted case studies. Collaboration of diverse people via social media indicates that these spaces could be understood as boundary objects (Star and Griesemer, 1989). The Participation Space Studies draw from and contribute to eParticipation, social informatics, mediation, social shaping studies, and ethnographic studies of Internet use.