971 resultados para Infrared thermal imaging


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Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) is a relatively new contrast in MR imaging. Previous studies have found an effect of caffeine in the contrast generated by SWI images. The present study investigates the effect of caffeine on contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in SWI.


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We present new Rayleigh-wave dispersion maps of the western Iberian Peninsula for periods between 8 and 30 s, obtained from correlations of seismic ambient noise, following the recent increase in seismic broadband network density in Portugal and Spain. Group velocities have been computed for each station pair using the empirical Green's functions generated by cross-correlating one-day-length seismic ambient-noise records. The resulting high-path density allows us to obtain lateral variations of the group velocities as a function of period in cells of 0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees with an unprecedented resolution. As a result we were able to address some of the unknowns regarding the lithospheric structure beneath SW Iberia. The dispersion maps allow the imaging of the major structural units, namely the Iberian Massif, and the Lusitanian and Algarve Meso-Cenozoic basins. The Cadiz Gulf/Gibraltar Strait area corresponds to a strong low-velocity anomaly, which can be followed to the largest period inverted, although slightly shifted to the east at longer periods. Within the Iberian Massif, second-order perturbations in the group velocities are consistent with the transitions between tectonic units composing the massif. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The formation of amyloid structures is a neuropathological feature that characterizes several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s disease. Up to now, the definitive diagnosis of these diseases can only be accomplished by immunostaining of post mortem brain tissues with dyes such Thioflavin T and congo red. Aiming at early in vivo diagnosis of Alzheimer´s disease (AD), several amyloid-avid radioprobes have been developed for b-amyloid imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The aim of this paper is to present a perspective of the available amyloid imaging agents, special those that have been selected for clinical trials and are at the different stages of the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) approval.


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Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) are important environmental contaminants which are toxic to human and environmental receptors. Several analytical methods have been used to quantify TPH levels in contaminated soils, specifically through infrared spectrometry (IR) and gas chromatography (GC). Despite being two of the most used techniques, some issues remain that have been inadequately studied: a) applicability of both techniques to soils contaminated with two distinct types of fuel (petrol and diesel), b) influence of the soil natural organic matter content on the results achieved by various analytical methods, and c) evaluation of the performance of both techniques in analyses of soils with different levels of contamination (presumably non-contaminated and potentially contaminated). The main objectives of this work were to answer these questions and to provide more complete information about the potentials and limitations of GC and IR techniques. The results led us to the following conclusions: a) IR analysis of soils contaminated with petrol is not suitable due to volatilisation losses, b) there is a significant influence of organic matter in IR analysis, and c) both techniques demonstrated the capacity to accurately quantify TPH in soils, irrespective of their contamination levels.


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Introduction Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) is a very important tool in the assessment of Coronary Artery Disease ( CAD ) patient s and worldwide data demonstrate an increasingly wider use and clinical acceptance. Nevertheless, it is a complex process and it is quite vulnerable concerning the amount and type of possible artefacts, some of them affecting seriously the overall quality and the clinical utility of the obtained data. One of the most in convenient artefacts , but relatively frequent ( 20% of the cases ) , is relate d with patient motion during image acquisition . Mostly, in those situations, specific data is evaluated and a decisi on is made between A) accept the results as they are , consider ing that t he “noise” so introduced does not affect too seriously the final clinical information, or B) to repeat the acquisition process . Another possib ility could be to use the “ Motion Correcti on Software” provided within the software package included in any actual gamma camera. The aim of this study is to compare the quality of the final images , obtained after the application of motion correction software and after the repetition of image acqui sition. Material and Methods Thirty cases of MPI affected by Motion Artefacts and repeated , were used. A group of three, independent (blinded for the differences of origin) expert Nuclear Medicine Clinicians had been invited to evaluate the 30 sets of thre e images - one set for each patient - being ( A) original image , motion uncorrected , (B) original image, motion corrected, and (C) second acquisition image, without motion . The results so obtained were statistically analysed . Results and Conclusion Results obtained demonstrate that the use of the Motion Correction Software is useful essentiall y if the amplitude of movement is not too important (with this specific quantification found hard to define precisely , due to discrepancies between clinicians and other factors , namely between one to another brand); when that is not the case and the amplitude of movement is too important , the n the percentage of agreement between clinicians is much higher and the repetition of the examination is unanimously considered ind ispensable.


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Introduction: A major focus of data mining process - especially machine learning researches - is to automatically learn to recognize complex patterns and help to take the adequate decisions strictly based on the acquired data. Since imaging techniques like MPI – Myocardial Perfusion Imaging on Nuclear Cardiology, can implicate a huge part of the daily workflow and generate gigabytes of data, there could be advantages on Computerized Analysis of data over Human Analysis: shorter time, homogeneity and consistency, automatic recording of analysis results, relatively inexpensive, etc.Objectives: The aim of this study relates with the evaluation of the efficacy of this methodology on the evaluation of MPI Stress studies and the process of decision taking concerning the continuation – or not – of the evaluation of each patient. It has been pursued has an objective to automatically classify a patient test in one of three groups: “Positive”, “Negative” and “Indeterminate”. “Positive” would directly follow to the Rest test part of the exam, the “Negative” would be directly exempted from continuation and only the “Indeterminate” group would deserve the clinician analysis, so allowing economy of clinician’s effort, increasing workflow fluidity at the technologist’s level and probably sparing time to patients. Methods: WEKA v3.6.2 open source software was used to make a comparative analysis of three WEKA algorithms (“OneR”, “J48” and “Naïve Bayes”) - on a retrospective study using the comparison with correspondent clinical results as reference, signed by nuclear cardiologist experts - on “SPECT Heart Dataset”, available on University of California – Irvine, at the Machine Learning Repository. For evaluation purposes, criteria as “Precision”, “Incorrectly Classified Instances” and “Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Areas” were considered. Results: The interpretation of the data suggests that the Naïve Bayes algorithm has the best performance among the three previously selected algorithms. Conclusions: It is believed - and apparently supported by the findings - that machine learning algorithms could significantly assist, at an intermediary level, on the analysis of scintigraphic data obtained on MPI, namely after Stress acquisition, so eventually increasing efficiency of the entire system and potentially easing both roles of Technologists and Nuclear Cardiologists. In the actual continuation of this study, it is planned to use more patient information and significantly increase the population under study, in order to allow improving system accuracy.


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A instalação de sistemas de videovigilância, no interior ou exterior, em locais como aeroportos, centros comerciais, escritórios, edifícios estatais, bases militares ou casas privadas tem o intuito de auxiliar na tarefa de monitorização do local contra eventuais intrusos. Com estes sistemas é possível realizar a detecção e o seguimento das pessoas que se encontram no ambiente local, tornando a monitorização mais eficiente. Neste contexto, as imagens típicas (imagem natural e imagem infravermelha) são utilizadas para extrair informação dos objectos detectados e que irão ser seguidos. Contudo, as imagens convencionais são afectadas por condições ambientais adversas como o nível de luminosidade existente no local (luzes muito fortes ou escuridão total), a presença de chuva, de nevoeiro ou de fumo que dificultam a tarefa de monitorização das pessoas. Deste modo, tornou‐se necessário realizar estudos e apresentar soluções que aumentem a eficácia dos sistemas de videovigilância quando sujeitos a condições ambientais adversas, ou seja, em ambientes não controlados, sendo uma das soluções a utilização de imagens termográficas nos sistemas de videovigilância. Neste documento são apresentadas algumas das características das câmaras e imagens termográficas, assim como uma caracterização de cenários de vigilância. Em seguida, são apresentados resultados provenientes de um algoritmo que permite realizar a segmentação de pessoas utilizando imagens termográficas. O maior foco desta dissertação foi na análise dos modelos de descrição (Histograma de Cor, HOG, SIFT, SURF) para determinar o desempenho dos modelos em três casos: distinguir entre uma pessoa e um carro; distinguir entre duas pessoas distintas e determinar que é a mesma pessoa ao longo de uma sequência. De uma forma sucinta pretendeu‐se, com este estudo, contribuir para uma melhoria dos algoritmos de detecção e seguimento de objectos em sequências de vídeo de imagens termográficas. No final, através de uma análise dos resultados provenientes dos modelos de descrição, serão retiradas conclusões que servirão de indicação sobre qual o modelo que melhor permite discriminar entre objectos nas imagens termográficas.


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Purpose - This study aims to investigate the influence of tube potential (kVp) variation in relation to perceptual image quality and effective dose (E) for pelvis using automatic exposure control (AEC) and non-AEC in a Computed Radiography (CR) system. Methods and materials - To determine the effects of using AEC and non-AEC by applying the 10 kVp rule in two experiments using an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom. Images were acquired using 10 kVp increments (60–120 kVp) for both experiments. The first experiment, based on seven AEC combinations, produced 49 images. The mean mAs from each kVp increment were used as a baseline for the second experiment producing 35 images. A total of 84 images were produced and a panel of 5 experienced observers participated for the image scoring using the two alternative forced choice (2AFC) visual grading software. PCXMC software was used to estimate E. Results - A decrease in perceptual image quality as the kVp increases was observed both in non-AEC and AEC experiments, however no significant statistical differences (p > 0.05) were found. Image quality scores from all observers at 10 kVp increments for all mAs values using non-AEC mode demonstrates a better score up to 90 kVp. E results show a statistically significant decrease (p = 0.000) on the 75th quartile from 0.37 mSv at 60 kVp to 0.13 mSv at 120 kVp when applying the 10 kVp rule in non-AEC mode. Conclusion - Using the 10 kVp rule, no significant reduction in perceptual image quality is observed when increasing kVp whilst a marked and significant E reduction is observed.


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A celulose é o polímero renovável mais abundante do mundo. É conhecido pela sua excelente biocompatibilidade, propriedades térmicas e mecânicas. A celulose assim como os polipéptideos e o ADN, pertence a uma família de moléculas orgânicas que dão origem à formação de fases líquidas cristalinas (LCs) colestéricas. A Passiflora Edulis, tal como outras plantas trepadeiras, possui longas e flexíveis gavinhas que permitem à planta encontrar um suporte para se fixar. As gavinhas podem assumir a forma de espirais ou de hélices consoante sejam sustentadas por apenas uma ou por ambas as extremidades. As hélices apresentam muitas vezes duas porções helicoidais, uma esquerda e outra direita, separadas por um segmento recto denominado perversão. Este comportamento é consequência da curvatura intrínseca das gavinhas produzidas pela planta trepadeira. O mesmo comportamento pode ser observado em micro e nanofibras celulósicas fabricadas a partir de soluções líquido-cristalinas, numa escala três a quatro ordens de grandeza inferior à das gavinhas. Este facto sugere que o modelo físico utilizado tenha invariância de escala. Neste trabalho é feito o estudo de fibras e jactos que imitam as estruturas helicoidais apresentadas pelas gavinhas das plantas trepadeiras. As fibras e jactos são produzidos a partir de soluções líquidas cristalinas celulósicas. De modo a determinar as características morfológicas e estruturais, que contribuem para a curvatura das fibras, foram utilizadas técnicas de imagem por ressonância magnética (MRI), microscopia óptica com luz polarisada (MOP), microscopia electrónica de varrimento (SEM) e microscopia de força atómica (AFM) . A variação da forma das estruturas helicoidais com a temperatura parece ser relevante para o fabrico de membranas não tecidas para aplicação em sensores termo-mecânicos.


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Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has been used to analyse and evaluate the vocal tract shape through different techniques and with promising results in several fields. Our purpose is to demonstrate the relevance of MR and image processing for the vocal tract study. The extraction of contours of the air cavities allowed the set - up of a number of 3D reconstruction image stacks by means of the combination of orthogonally oriented sets of slices for e ach articulatory gesture, as a new approach to solve the expected spatial under sampling of the imaging process. In result these models give improved information for the visualization of morphologic and anatomical aspects and are useful for partial measure ments of the vocal tract shape in different situations. Potential use can be found in Medical and therapeutic applications as well as in acoustic articulatory speech modelling.


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Background: An asynchronous eLearning system was developed for radiographers in order to promote a better knowledge about senology and mammography. Objectives: to assess the learners’ satisfaction. Methods: Target population included radiographers and radiogr aphy students, in order to assess eLearning satisfaction according to different experience levels in breast imaging. Satisfaction was measured through a questionnaire developed especially for eLearning systems, using a seven - point Likert scale. Main topics related are content, interface, personalization and learning community. Results: Overall, 85% of learners were satisfied with the course and 87,5% considered that the course is successful. Main areas that were evaluated by most learners in a positive way were interface and content (between six and seven - point); on the other hand, learning community presented a wider distribution of answers . Conclusions: The course provides an overall high degree of learner satisfaction, thus providing more effective knowle dge gain on breast imaging for radiographers.


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Aim - A quantative primary study to determine whether increasing source to image distance (SID), with and without the use of automatic exposure control (AEC) for antero-posterior (AP) pelvis imaging, reduces dose whilst still producing an image of diagnostic quality. Methods - Using a computed radiography (CR) system, an anthropomorphic pelvic phantom was positioned for an AP examination using the table bucky. SID was initially set at 110 cm, with tube potential set at a constant 75 kVp, with two outer chambers selected and a fine focal spot of 0.6 mm. SID was then varied from 90 cm to 140 cm with two exposures made at each 5 cm interval, one using the AEC and another with a constant 16 mAs derived from the initial exposure. Effective dose (E) and entrance surface dose (ESD) were calculated for each acquisition. Seven experienced observers blindly graded image quality using a 5-point Likert scale and 2 Alternative Forced Choice software. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) was calculated for comparison. For each acquisition, femoral head diameter was also measured for magnification indication. Results - Results demonstrated that when increasing SID from 110 cm to 140 cm, both E and ESD reduced by 3.7% and 17.3% respectively when using AEC and 50.13% and 41.79% respectively, when the constant mAs was used. No significant statistical (T-test) difference (p = 0.967) between image quality was detected when increasing SID, with an intra-observer correlation of 0.77 (95% confidence level). SNR reduced slightly for both AEC (38%) and no AEC (36%) with increasing SID. Conclusion - For CR, increasing SID significantly reduces both E and ESD for AP pelvis imaging without adversely affecting image quality.