917 resultados para Influenza A Virus H1N1 Subtype


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OBJETIVO: Mesmo gratuita e disponível no Brasil desde 1999, a cobertura vacinal contra a influenza ainda é inadequada em diversos municípios do País. O objetivo da pesquisa foi estimar a cobertura vacinal e identificar fatores relacionados à vacinação contra a influenza em idosos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se inquérito domiciliar em amostra aleatória sistemática (N=365) da população urbana maior de 60 anos em Botucatu, São Paulo. Foi aplicado modelo de regressão logística múltipla, cuja variável dependente foi ter sido vacinado em 2002. Foram testadas no modelo as covariáveis: sexo, idade, socioeconômicas (renda per capita, número de pessoas por cômodo, escolaridade, estado civil, ocupação, tempo de moradia), antecedentes mórbidos, de internação, hábito de fumar, sintomas respiratórios nos últimos 15 dias e atividades comunitárias (trabalho voluntário, atividades no bairro, igreja). RESULTADOS: Registrou-se cobertura vacinal de 63,2% (IC 95%: 58,3-68,2). Foi observado menor percentual de vacinados entre os idosos na faixa etária de 60 a 64 anos. As variáveis que se mostraram associadas à vacinação e permaneceram no modelo final foram: idade (OR=1,09 por ano; IC 95%: 1,06-1,13); hipertensão arterial (OR=1,92; IC 95%: 1,18-3,13); inserção em atividades na comunidade (OR=1,63; IC 95%: 1,01-2,65). A vacinação em portadores de doenças crônicas não atingiu níveis adequados conforme esperado para este grupo de risco, com exceção dos hipertensos. A participação em atividades comunitárias e sociais foi relacionada com o estado vacinal. CONCLUSÕES: Condições socioeconômicas, hábitos e idade não restringiram o acesso à campanha vacinal. Por outro lado, campanhas específicas, endereçadas a indivíduos da faixa de 60 a 64 anos, podem ampliar a cobertura da vacinação.


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In man brain cancer is an aggressive, malignant form of tumour, it is highly infiltrative in nature, is associated with cellular heterogeneity and affects cerebral hemispheres of the brain. Current drug therapies are inadequate and an unmet clinical need exists to develop new improved therapeutics. The ability to silence genes associated with disease progression by using short interfering RNA (siRNA) presents the potential to develop safe and effective therapies. In this work, in order to protect the siRNA from degradation, promote cell specific uptake and enhance gene silencing efficiency, a PEGylated cyclodextrin (CD)-based nanoparticle, tagged with a CNS-targeting peptide derived from the rabies virus glycoprotein (RVG) was formulated and characterized. The modified cyclodextrin derivatives were synthesized and co-formulated to form nanoparticles containing siRNA which were analysed for size, surface charge, stability, cellular uptake and gene-knockdown in brain cancer cells. The results identified an optimised co-formulation prototype at a molar ratio of 1:1.5:0.5 (cationic cyclodextrin:PEGylated cyclodextrin:RVG-tagged PEGylated cyclodextrin) with a size of 281±39.72nm, a surface charge of 26.73±3mV, with efficient cellular uptake and a 27% gene-knockdown ability. This CD-based formulation represents a potential nanocomplex for systemic delivery of siRNA targeting brain cancer.


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OBJECTIVE : To analyze studies that evaluated the role of infections as well as indirect measures of exposure to infection in the risk of childhood leukemia, particularly acute lymphoblastic leukemia. METHODS : A search in Medline, Lilacs, and SciELO scientific publication databases initially using the descriptors “childhood leukemiaand “infection” and later searching for the words “childhood leukemiaand “maternal infection or disease” or “breastfeeding” or “daycare attendance” or “vaccination” resulted in 62 publications that met the following inclusion criteria: subject aged ≤ 15 years; specific analysis of cases diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia or total leukemia; exposure assessment of mothers’ or infants’ to infections (or proxy of infection), and risk of leukemia. RESULTS : Overall, 23 studies that assessed infections in children support the hypothesis that occurrence of infection during early childhood reduces the risk of leukemia, but there are disagreements within and between studies. The evaluation of exposure to infection by indirect measures showed evidence of reduced risk of leukemia associated mainly with daycare attendance. More than 50.0% of the 16 studies that assessed maternal exposure to infection observed increased risk of leukemia associated with episodes of influenza, pneumonia, chickenpox, herpes zoster, lower genital tract infection, skin disease, sexually transmitted diseases, Epstein-Barr virus, and Helicobacter pylori . CONCLUSIONS : Although no specific infectious agent has been identified, scientific evidence suggests that exposure to infections has some effect on childhood leukemia etiology.


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OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Brazil’s inmate population.METHODS Systematic review on hepatitis C virus infection in the inmate population. Brazilian studies published from January 1, 1989 to February 20, 2014 were evaluated. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using a scale of 0 to 8 points.RESULTS Eleven eligible studies were analyzed and provided data on hepatitis C virus infection among 4,375 inmates from seven states of Brazil, with a mean quality classification of 7.4. The overall hepatitis C virus prevalence among Brazilian inmates was 13.6% (ranging from 1.0% to 41.0%, depending on the study). The chances of inmates being seropositive for hepatitis C virus in the states of Minas Gerais (MG), Sergipe (SE), Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Goiás (GO) and Espirito Santo (ES) were 84.0% (95%CI 0.06;0.45), 92.0% (95%CI 0.04;0.13), 88.0% (95%CI 0.09;0.18), 74.0% (95%CI 0.16;0.42), 84.0% (95%CI 0.08;0.31) and 89.0% (95%CI 0.01;0.05) respectively, lower than that observed in the Sao Paulo state (seroprevalence of 29.3%). The four studies conducted in the city of Sao Paulo revealed a lower prevalence in more recent studies compared to older ones.CONCLUSIONS The highest prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Brazil’s inmate population was found in Sao Paulo, which may reflect the urban diversity of the country. Despite Brazilian studies having good methodological quality to evaluate the prevalence of the hepatitis C virus, they are scarce and lack data on risk factors associated with this infection, which could support decisions on prevention and implementation of public health policies for Brazilian prisons.


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A sample of 1,288 inhabitants of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, were submitted to the determination of anti-HBs using radioimmunoassay procedure, and analysed according to age, sex and income. Overall prevalence of anti-HBs was 11,8%. ranging from 6,7% among children aged less than three years old to 26,1% among those aged 30 years and older. Males presented prevalence of anti-HBs similar to female individuals, and those with a higher income showed frequencies of anti-HBs greater than those with a lower income level. The following conclusions were drawn: The high prevalence of anti-HBs observed among children suggests early contact with hepatitis B virus, possibly due to vertical transmission and intrafamiliar dissemination of the disease; the frequency of anti-HBs increases with age; the lower prevalence of anti-HBs among those with low income suggests that this group may present higher prevalence of carriers of the hepatitis B virus surface antigen.


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Células epiteliais primárias obtidas do trato respiratório de camundongos jovens foram infectadas com o Vírus Hemaglutinante do Japão (HVJ, Sendai Virus) e, a progénie viral, tratada ou não com tripsina foi titulada através do método de Imunofluorescência Indireta. A progénie de Sendai Virus obtida de células epiteliais primárias de camundongo apresentou um título considerável, demonstrando-se que há ativação das partículas virais, capazes de infectar células LLC-MK 2, nas quais, a progénie viral foi titulada.


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Anti-HAV was detected by enzyme - immunoassay in sera collected from 6 (18,75%) of 32 Didelphis marsupialis trapped in the Amazon region. No anti-HAV were found in the sera from 136 other wild animals, including small rodents, reptiles and other marsupials.


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Schedule for vaccination against HBV infection has usually been based on three separate injections of 20 meg of the vaccine by intramuscular route. One of the main shortcomings to its use in large scale programs has been its high cost. Ninety out of 300 health workers were submitted to three injections of 2 meg of plasma-derived vaccine (PDV) by intradermal (ID) route on days 0, 30, and 180. Anti-HBs was detected in 74 (82.2%) after the second dose and in 80 (88.9%) after the third dose, a non-significant difference. However, levels above 10 times the cut-off were observed in 29 (32.2%) and 77 (85.5%), respectively (p < 0.001). The results showed that a low-dose schedule is effective when used in health workers and should be tried with other risk groups.


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280 students, between 6 and 14 years old, residents in the Iguape county, southern coast of the State of São Paulo, were studied in order to identify the existence of a possible association between the prevalence of specific antibodies to the hepatitis B virus and the exposure to haematophagous mosquitoes, evaluated indirectly through the prevalence of antibodies to 17 arboviruses isolated in Brazil. The children were from 4 areas with different topographical characteristics: 89 of the children were from the urban zone of the town of Iguape, 89 were from the periurban zone, 30 were from the rural area with extensive banana plantations, and 72 were from the jungle zone. Previous studies had shown significantly higher prevalence of antibodies to different arboviruses in the cultivated zone and the jungle zone, when compared to the urban and periurban zones of Iguape. The detection of antibodies to the HBV surface antigen (HBs Ag) was done through the radioimmunoassay (Ausab, Abbott Laboratory). The cases considered positive were confirmed through the presence of anti-core HBV antibodies (anti-HBc-EIA Roche). A significantly higher prevalence of anti-HBV antibodies was observed in children from the jungle zone (26/72 = 36,1% ) when compared to those from the urban zone (5/89 = 5,6%), peri-urban (6/89 = 6,7%) or from the cultivated zone (0/30 = 0%). The result suggest the existence of a common factor in the dissemination of the arboviruses and the hepatitis B virus, supporting the hypothesis that mosquitoes may play an important role in the HBV transmission in tropical forested region.


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São apresentados dois casos de paracoccidioidomicose, um em paciente com a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida e o outro em paciente com infecção pelo HIV. Trata-se dos primeiros relatos em que esta associação é descrita na literatura. No primeiro, a micose se evidenciou durante o acompanhamento de paciente com AIDS, que passou a apresentar hépato-esplenomegalia e febre elevada. A ecografia, radiografia simples e tomografia computadorizada do abdômen, demonstraram nódulos sólidos, alguns calcificados, no parênquima esplénico. A punção aspirativa da medula óssea confirmou o diagnóstico; o conjunto dos achados caracterizou a forma aguda disseminada da paracoccidioidomicose, a qual levou o paciente ao óbito. No segundo relato, em paciente com infecção pelo HIV, a propósito de investigação de tumoração na região inguinal e fossa ilíaca à direita, constatou-se a associação de doença de Hodgkin, tipo celularidade mista e paracoccidioidomicose. Avalia-se a importância destes relatos frente a expansão da infecção pelo HIV e estima-se que mais casos venham a ser relatados em pacientes com AIDS, procedentes de áreas endêmicas desta micose. Propõe-se a inclusão da paracoccidioidomicose como infecção oportunística potencial em pacientes HIV positivos nestas áreas.


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The detection of HBV-DNA in serum by molecular hybridization is the most sensitive and specific marker of replication and infectivity of hepatitis B virus and currently is proposed as a routine diagnostic technique in the follow-up of HBV - related diseases. Comparing different techniques already described, we found that direct spotting of serum samples on nitrocellulose membranes under vacuum filtration, followed by denaturing and neutralizing washes is more practical, simple, sensible and reproducible. DNA polymerase assay using phosphonoformic acid as specific viral inhibitor has shown 86.8% of concordance with HBV-DNA detection, and so, it is an useful alternative in the follow-up of hepatitis B chronic patients. We found 19.2% HBeAg positive samples with no other markers of viral replication and no anti-HBe positive sample had detectable HBV-DNA. Discordance between the 2 systems have been extensively described, and we confirm this for the first time in our country. Molecular biological techniques are essential to determine the replication status of chronic hepatitis B patients.


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Among the 424 serum samples examined, the prevalence of hepatitis virus infection turned out to be 89.6%, with 15.6% of HBsAg positivity. Some of the samples belonged to an afferent population and some other to workers of a West Africa rural hospital (Pop. Rep. of Benin). 27.3% of the positive subjects presented active replication of the virus, shown by the presence of HBeAg. Among the HBcAb positive subjects the anti-delta antibodies showed a positivity frequency of 19.7%. HBsAg presence in 15% of pregnant women suggested the importance of HBV mother-foetal transmission in the district. The examined results can be compared with those obtained in other African areas, with similar socio-economic conditions.


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A total of 138 patients with the age of 4 months to 57 years were attended in different hospitals of São Paulo State with aseptic meningitis. A probable new agent was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of 35 of 53 specimens examined. Replication of the agent with similar characteristics was detected by CPE produced in the MDCK cell line. Virus-like particles measuring about 40 nm in diameter were observed by negative staining electron microscopy. No hemaglutinating activity was detected at pH 7.2 by using either human, guinea pig, chicken and at pH ranged 6.0 - 7.2 with goose red blood cells. The agent was not pathogenic to newborn or adult mice. Virus infectivity as measured by CPE was sensitive to chloroform and not inhibited by BuDR, suggesting that agent is an enveloped virus with RNA genome.