991 resultados para Industrial statistics


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With its genesis in New England during the 1800's, the purse seine fishery for Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, expanded south and by the early 1900's ranged the length of the eastern seaboard. The purse seine fishery for Gulf menhaden. B. patronus, is of relatively recent development, exploitation of the stock beginning in the late 1940's. Landings from both fisheries annually comprise 35-40% of the total U. S. fisheries landings, ranking menhaden first in terms of volume landed. Technological advances in harvesting methods, fish-spotting capabilities, and vessel designs accelerated after World War II, resulting in larger, faster, and wider-ranging carrier vessels, improved speed and efficiency of the harvest, and reduction in labor requirements. Chief products of the menhaden industry are fish meal, fish oil, and solubles, but research into new product lines is underway. Since 1955 on the Atlantic coast and 1964 on the Gulf coast, the NMFS has monitored the fisheries for biostatistical data. Annual data summaries of numbers-of-fish-at-age harvested, catch tonnage, and fishing effort of the fleet form the basis of routine stock assessments and annual catch forecasts to industry for the upcoming fishing season. After landings declined in the 1960's, the Atlantic menhaden stock has recovered through the 1970's and 1980's. Exceptional year classes of Gulf menhaden in recent years account for record landings during the 1980's.


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1989 produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) in 1989. This report is focused on the maintenance, improvement and development of fisheries of England and Wales. This report is the first on salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales published by the National Rivers Authority (NRA). From 1989 onwards, these statistics will appear each year as NRA fisheries statistics reports replacing the Data Report Series which was published by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF) Directorate of Fisheries Research. This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1990 produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) in 1992. This report is focused on the maintenance, improvement and development of fisheries of England and Wales. This report is the second compilation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales published by the National Rivers Authority (NRA). Before 1989, these statistics were published by the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (MAFF) Directorate of Fisheries Research in their Data Report Series. The 1990 data have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1989. However, two further NRA regions, four in all, provided effort data for rod fisheries in 1990. This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1992 produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) in 1994. This report is focused on the maintenance, improvement and development of fisheries of England and Wales. This report is the fourth compilation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales published by the National Rivers Authority. For the years 1983-88, these statistics were published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), Directorate of Fisheries Research in their Data Report Series. Other than for rod catches, the 1992 data have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1991, Presentation of the rod data however has changed considerably due to the introduction in January 1992 of the first National Rod Fishing Licence. This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1994 produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) in 1995. This report is focused on the maintenance, improvement and development of fisheries of England and Wales. This report is the sixth compilation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales produced by the National Rivers Authority. For the years 1983-88, these statistics were published by the Ministry o f Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), Directorate of Fisheries Research in their Data Report Series. The 1994 data have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1993.This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1996 produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. The principal aim of the Environment Agency in respect of fisheries is to maintain improve and develop fish stocks, the basic fisheries resource, in order to optimise the social and economic benefits from their sustainable exploitation. This report is the second collation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales produced by the Environment Agency. For the years 1989-94, these statistics were published by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) and the years 1983-88 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Directorate of Fisheries Research in its Data Report series. The 1996 data, have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1995. This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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This is the Irwell: Story of an industrial river document produced by the North West Water in 1979. This report is a leaflet format document. It focuses on the historical evolution of River Irwell, since it was “born” the river Irwell, about three hundred million years ago when shallow seas covered most of south east Lancashire and Europe to present years. It looks at Irwell’s pollution, highlighting the Irwell’s lower stretches were some of the region was the most polluted due to the population growth and establishment of industrial activities i.e. Lancashire’s great cotton industry, breach and dye works, paper mills, tanneries, chemical and gas works. Wastes from these industries were discharged directly to the river, together with crude sewage from an ever increasing population. However over the years the condition of the Irwell was gradually improved.


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Esta Dissertação teve como objetivo,a síntese de hidrogéis à base de alginato e nanopartículas magnéticas (maghemita) preparadas in situ. Os hidrogéis foram preparados em diferentes concentrações de alginato de sódio (2 e 3% m/v), FeSO4 (0,3 e 0,5 mol L-1) e CaCl2 (0,1 e 0,3 mol L-1). As propriedades físico-químicas dos hidrogéis foram analisadas e, posteriormente, foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de remoção de íons Ni2+ e Mn2+ de soluções aquosas. Para caracterização das amostras foram utilizadas diversas técnicas de análises, tais como, análise granulométrica, microscopia óptica (OM), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (TEM), magnetometria de amostra vibrante (VSM), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), difratometria de raios-X (XRD), espectroscopia Mössbauer, e análise termogravimétrica (TGA). Foram preparados hidrogéis com morfologia predominantemente esférica e dimensões micrométricas (500 a 850 m), com átomos de Fe e Ca dispersos uniformemente em sua estrutura. Os hidrogéis apresentaram boa resistência térmica e comportamento superparamagnético. As amostras foram intumescidas em água deionizada durante um intervalo de tempo a fim de avaliar o grau de intumescimento (Q) para determinar a amostra com a melhor resposta para posterior aplicação em solução aquosa contendo íons metálicos (Ni2+ e Mn2+). Os resultados revelaram que a amostra cuja concentração de 3% m/v de alginato de sódio, 0,3 mol L-1 de FeSO4 e 0,3 mol L-1 de CaCl2 obteve maior Q (50%). Em consequência deste resultado, optou-se por utilizar estaamostra, na remoção de metais pesados presentes em soluções aquosas e em efluentes industriais. Vários parâmetros,tais como: tempo de contato,pH, concentração inicial do íon e massa de hidrogel foram estudados.Os resultados, para efluente sintético, revelaram que o tempo de equilíbrio foi de 60 minutos; a capacidade de remoção dos metais melhora com o aumento de pH (3 a 9), sendo máxima em pH 7;quanto menor a concentração inicial da solução iônica (50 a 500 mg L-1), maior a capacidade de remoção, 52% de Ni2+ e 49% de Mn2+ (concentração inicial de 50 mg L-1). No efluente industrial, a remoção foi de 61% de Ni2+ e 57% de Mn2+(300 mg de hidrogel). Os resultados encontrados revelaram que os hidrogéis magnéticos produzidos à base de alginato têm potencial uso no tratamento de efluentes industriais contaminados com metais pesados