985 resultados para Income maintenance programs
The Weatherization Assistance Program is a low-income energy efficiency program administered by the Department of Energy (DOE). Its purpose is to make the homes of low-income clients more energy efficient, thereby reducing the households’ energy bills. The program also improves the health and safety of low-income homes. The energy efficiency and health and safety work is done using the most advanced technologies and testing protocols available in the housing industry. States administer the program in accordance with DOE rules and regulations.
The 81st General Assembly of the Iowa legislature, in Section 85 of House File 868, required the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) to conduct a study of current Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) revenues, and projected roadway construction and maintenance needs.
Report on a special investigation of programs administered by the Central Iowa Employment and Training Consortium (CIETC) and Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) for the period July 1, 2003 through December 15, 2005
G-1 - Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs - February 2007
A-1A - Supplemental Security Income Program, April 2007
G-1 - Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs - April 2007
G-1 - Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs - March 2007
The Iowa Department of Corrections faces a growing prison population expected to quickly exceed current capacities. Additionally, nine out of every ten offenders have a history of alcohol or drug problems often both. Research suggests that alcohol and drugs lead to criminal behavior, which lead offenders right back to prison creating a vicious circle and placing a financial and societal burden on the state. However, research also shows that substance abuse treatment can minimize criminal behavior, and offers a way to shut the revolving prison door. Substance abuse programming attempts to change offender thinking patterns and behavior in order to facilitate re-entry back into the community, lessen substance abuse relapse and reduce recidivism. Yet nearly 60% of offenders with identified needs are not treated, and many lacking treatment are high risk. Additionally, the percentage of offenders returning to prison varies significantly from program to program and some programs can not show they have reduced recidivism when compared to offender groups with substance abuse problems and receiving no treatment at all. All of which minimize the effect substance Abuse programming has in curbing prison population growth and reducing crime.
Abstract OBJECTIVE Check the relationship between the users' contact time in educational programs and self-care and knowledge variables in diabetes mellitus. METHOD A longitudinal study with a quantitative approach with the participation, in the initial phase, of 263 users linked to Basic Health Units in Belo Horizonte, Brazil during the years 2012 and 2013. The data were collected with respect to the total contact time of the users' participation in the educational program as regards knowledge and self-care in acquired diabetes mellitus. The data were analyzed using the Student t-test for comparison of means, considering a 0.05 significance level. RESULTS The final sample included 151 users. The analysis showed that the improvement in self-care scores was statistically higher during an educational intervention of eight hours or more (p-value <0.05). In relation to the scores for knowledge, there was a statistically significant improvement at the end of the educational program. It was not possible to identify a value for the contact time from which there was an increase in mean scores for the ability of knowledge. CONCLUSION To improve the effectiveness of the promotion of skills related to knowledge and self-care in diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to consider the contact time as a relevant factor of the educational program.
In this paper, we address the relationship between age and several dimension of subjective well-being. Whilst literature generally finds a U-shaped age-profile in subjective well-being, this age-pattern might only hold after controlling for objective life circumstances. The observed U-shaped age-profile might further not generalize to other dimensions of well-being and might vary across countries and cultures. Our study examines the relationship between age and several dimensions of well-being as well as the effect of objective life circumstances using the WHO Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE). Our results suggest a decreasing age profile in the raw data associated with evaluative well-being, while experienced well-being shows a rather flat or slightly increasing pattern. However, age per se is not a cause of a decline in evaluative well-being. The negative age-profile in evaluative well-being is mainly explained by changes in life circumstances associated with aging. Controlling for socio-demographic factors, we find higher levels of well-being for older persons relative to their middle-aged counterparts. In contrast, we find that changes in life circumstances have a much smaller effect on experienced well-being.
G-1 - Appeal Activity in the Public Assistance Programs - May 2007
A-1A Supplemental Security Income Program, May 2007
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program (Clean Water Program) and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program (Drinking Water Program), joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, for the year ended June 30, 2006