925 resultados para Implant-based breast reconstruction


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Stress recovery techniques have been an active research topic in the last few years since, in 1987, Zienkiewicz and Zhu proposed a procedure called Superconvergent Patch Recovery (SPR). This procedure is a last-squares fit of stresses at super-convergent points over patches of elements and it leads to enhanced stress fields that can be used for evaluating finite element discretization errors. In subsequent years, numerous improved forms of this procedure have been proposed attempting to add equilibrium constraints to improve its performances. Later, another superconvergent technique, called Recovery by Equilibrium in Patches (REP), has been proposed. In this case the idea is to impose equilibrium in a weak form over patches and solve the resultant equations by a last-square scheme. In recent years another procedure, based on minimization of complementary energy, called Recovery by Compatibility in Patches (RCP) has been proposed in. This procedure, in many ways, can be seen as the dual form of REP as it substantially imposes compatibility in a weak form among a set of self-equilibrated stress fields. In this thesis a new insight in RCP is presented and the procedure is improved aiming at obtaining convergent second order derivatives of the stress resultants. In order to achieve this result, two different strategies and their combination have been tested. The first one is to consider larger patches in the spirit of what proposed in [4] and the second one is to perform a second recovery on the recovered stresses. Some numerical tests in plane stress conditions are presented, showing the effectiveness of these procedures. Afterwards, a new recovery technique called Last Square Displacements (LSD) is introduced. This new procedure is based on last square interpolation of nodal displacements resulting from the finite element solution. In fact, it has been observed that the major part of the error affecting stress resultants is introduced when shape functions are derived in order to obtain strains components from displacements. This procedure shows to be ultraconvergent and is extremely cost effective, as it needs in input only nodal displacements directly coming from finite element solution, avoiding any other post-processing in order to obtain stress resultants using the traditional method. Numerical tests in plane stress conditions are than presented showing that the procedure is ultraconvergent and leads to convergent first and second order derivatives of stress resultants. In the end, transverse stress profiles reconstruction using First-order Shear Deformation Theory for laminated plates and three dimensional equilibrium equations is presented. It can be seen that accuracy of this reconstruction depends on accuracy of first and second derivatives of stress resultants, which is not guaranteed by most of available low order plate finite elements. RCP and LSD procedures are than used to compute convergent first and second order derivatives of stress resultants ensuring convergence of reconstructed transverse shear and normal stress profiles respectively. Numerical tests are presented and discussed showing the effectiveness of both procedures.


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In this treatise we consider finite systems of branching particles where the particles move independently of each other according to d-dimensional diffusions. Particles are killed at a position dependent rate, leaving at their death position a random number of descendants according to a position dependent reproduction law. In addition particles immigrate at constant rate (one immigrant per immigration time). A process with above properties is called a branching diffusion withimmigration (BDI). In the first part we present the model in detail and discuss the properties of the BDI under our basic assumptions. In the second part we consider the problem of reconstruction of the trajectory of a BDI from discrete observations. We observe positions of the particles at discrete times; in particular we assume that we have no information about the pedigree of the particles. A natural question arises if we want to apply statistical procedures on the discrete observations: How can we find couples of particle positions which belong to the same particle? We give an easy to implement 'reconstruction scheme' which allows us to redraw or 'reconstruct' parts of the trajectory of the BDI with high accuracy. Moreover asymptotically the whole path can be reconstructed. Further we present simulations which show that our partial reconstruction rule is tractable in practice. In the third part we study how the partial reconstruction rule fits into statistical applications. As an extensive example we present a nonparametric estimator for the diffusion coefficient of a BDI where the particles move according to one-dimensional diffusions. This estimator is based on the Nadaraya-Watson estimator for the diffusion coefficient of one-dimensional diffusions and it uses the partial reconstruction rule developed in the second part above. We are able to prove a rate of convergence of this estimator and finally we present simulations which show that the estimator works well even if we leave our set of assumptions.


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The thesis contributed to the volcanic hazard assessment through the reconstruction of some historical flank eruptions of Etna in order to obtain quantitative data (volumes, effusion rates, etc.) for characterizing the recent effusive activity, quantifying the impact on the territory and defining mitigation actions for reducing the volcanic risk as for example containment barriers. The reconstruction was based on a quantitative approach using data extracted from aerial photographs and topographic maps. The approach allows to obtain the temporal evolution of the lava flow field and estimating the Time Average Discharge Rate (TADR) by dividing the volume emplaced over a given time interval for the corresponding duration. The analysis concerned the 2001, 1981 and 1928 Etna eruptions. The choice of these events is linked to their impact on inhabited areas. The results of the analysis showed an extraordinarily high effusion rate for the 1981 and 1928 eruptions (over 600 m^3/s), unusual for Etna eruptions. For the 1981 Etna eruption an eruptive model was proposed to explain the high discharge rate. The obtained TADRs were used as input data for simulations of the propagation of the lava flows for evaluating different scenarios of volcanic hazard and analyse different mitigation actions against lava flow invasion. It was experienced how numerical simulations could be adopted for evaluating the effectiveness of barrier construction and for supporting their optimal design. In particular, the gabions were proposed as an improvement for the construction of barriers with respect to the earthen barriers. The gabion barriers allow to create easily modular structures reducing the handled volumes and the intervention time. For evaluating operational constrain an experimental test was carried out to test the filling of the gabions with volcanic rock and evaluating their deformation during transport and placement.


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Die Elektrische Impedanztomographie soll als kostengünstige und nebenwirkungsfreie Tomographiemethode in der medizinischen Diagnostik, z. B. in der Mammographie dienen. Mit der EIT läßt sich Krebsgewebe von gesundem Gewebe unterscheiden, da es eine signifikant erhöhte Leitfähigkeit aufweist. Damit kann die EIT als Ergänzung zu den klassischen Diagnoseverfahren dienen. So ist z.B. bei jungen Frauen mit einem dichteren Fettgewebe die Identifizierung eines Mammakarzinoms mit der Röntgentomographie nicht immer möglich. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen Prototypen für die Impedanztomographie zu entwickeln und mögliche Anwendungen zu testen. Der Tomograph ist in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. K.H.Georgi gebaut worden. Der Tomograph erlaubt es niederohmige, Wechselströme an Elektroden auf der Körperoberfläche einzuspeisen. Die Potentiale können an diesen Elektroden programmierbar vorgegeben werden. Weitere hochohmige Elektroden dienen zur Potentialmessung. Um den Hautwiderstand zu überbrücken, werden Wechselstromfrequenzen von 20-100 kHz eingesetzt. Mit der Möglichkeit der Messung von Strom und Potential auf unterschiedlichen Elektroden kann man das Problem des nur ungenau bekannten Hautwiderstandes umgehen. Prinzipiell ist es mit dem Mainzer EIT System möglich, 100 Messungen in der Sekunde durchzuführen. Auf der Basis von mit dem Mainzer EIT gewonnenen Daten sollten unterschiedliche Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen getestet und weiterentwickelt werden. In der Vergangenheit sind verschiedene Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen für das mathematisch schlecht gestellte EIT Problem betrachtet worden. Sie beruhen im Wesentlichen auf zwei Strategien: Die Linearisierung und iterative Lösung des Problems und Gebietserkennungsmethoden. Die iterativen Verfahren wurden von mir dahingehend modifiziert, dass Leitfähigkeitserhöhungen und Leitfähigkeitserniedrigungen gleichberechtigt behandelt werden können. Für den modifizierten Algorithmus wurden zwei verschiedene Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen programmiert und mit synthetischen Daten getestet. Zum einen die Rekonstruktion über die approximative Inverse, zum anderen eine Rekonstruktion mit einer Diskretisierung. Speziell für die Rekonstruktion mittels Diskretisierung wurde eine Methode entwickelt, mit der zusätzliche Informationen in der Rekonstruktion berücksichtigt werden können, was zu einer Verbesserung der Rekonstruktion beiträgt. Der Gebietserkennungsalgorithmus kann diese Zusatzinformationen liefern. In der Arbeit wurde ein neueres Verfahren für die Gebietserkennung derart modifiziert, dass eine Rekonstruktion auch für getrennte Strom- und Spannungselektroden möglich wurde. Mit Hilfe von Differenzdaten lassen sich ausgezeichnete Rekonstruktionen erzielen. Für die medizinischen Anwendungen sind aber Absolutmessungen nötig, d.h. ohne Leermessung. Der erwartende Effekt einer Inhomogenität in der Leitfähigkeit ist sehr klein und als Differenz zweier grosser Zahlen sehr schwierig zu bestimmen. Die entwickelten Algorithmen kommen auch gut mit Absolutdaten zurecht.


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Perfluoroalkylated substances are a group of chemicals that have been largely employed during the last 60 years in several applications, widely spreading and accumulating in the environment due to their extreme resistance to degradation. As a consequence, they have been found also in various types of food as well as in drinking water, proving that they can easily reach humans through the diet. The available information concerning their adverse effects on health has recently increased the interest towards these contaminants and highlighted the importance of investigating all the potential sources of human exposure, among which diet was proved to be the most relevant. This need has been underlined by the European Union through Recommendation 2010/161/EU: in this document, Member States were called to monitor their presence of in food, producing accurate estimations of human exposure. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which is the result of a partnership between an Italian and a French laboratory, was to develop reliable tools for the analysis of these pollutants in food, to be used for generating data on potentially contaminated matrices. An efficient method based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of 16 different perfluorinated compounds in milk has been validated in accordance with current European regulation guidelines (2002/657/EC) and is currently under evaluation for ISO 17025 accreditation. The proposed technique was applied to cow, powder and human breast milk samples from Italy and France to produce a preliminary monitoring on the presence of these contaminants. In accordance with the above mentioned European Recommendation, this project led also to the development of a promising technique for the quantification of some precursors of these substances in fish. This method showed extremely satisfying performances in terms of linearity and limits of detection, and will be useful for future surveys.


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Arrhythmia is one kind of cardiovascular diseases that give rise to the number of deaths and potentially yields immedicable danger. Arrhythmia is a life threatening condition originating from disorganized propagation of electrical signals in heart resulting in desynchronization among different chambers of the heart. Fundamentally, the synchronization process means that the phase relationship of electrical activities between the chambers remains coherent, maintaining a constant phase difference over time. If desynchronization occurs due to arrhythmia, the coherent phase relationship breaks down resulting in chaotic rhythm affecting the regular pumping mechanism of heart. This phenomenon was explored by using the phase space reconstruction technique which is a standard analysis technique of time series data generated from nonlinear dynamical system. In this project a novel index is presented for predicting the onset of ventricular arrhythmias. Analysis of continuously captured long-term ECG data recordings was conducted up to the onset of arrhythmia by the phase space reconstruction method, obtaining 2-dimensional images, analysed by the box counting method. The method was tested using the ECG data set of three different kinds including normal (NR), Ventricular Tachycardia (VT), Ventricular Fibrillation (VF), extracted from the Physionet ECG database. Statistical measures like mean (μ), standard deviation (σ) and coefficient of variation (σ/μ) for the box-counting in phase space diagrams are derived for a sliding window of 10 beats of ECG signal. From the results of these statistical analyses, a threshold was derived as an upper bound of Coefficient of Variation (CV) for box-counting of ECG phase portraits which is capable of reliably predicting the impeding arrhythmia long before its actual occurrence. As future work of research, it was planned to validate this prediction tool over a wider population of patients affected by different kind of arrhythmia, like atrial fibrillation, bundle and brunch block, and set different thresholds for them, in order to confirm its clinical applicability.


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Quality control of medical radiological systems is of fundamental importance, and requires efficient methods for accurately determine the X-ray source spectrum. Straightforward measurements of X-ray spectra in standard operating require the limitation of the high photon flux, and therefore the measure has to be performed in a laboratory. However, the optimal quality control requires frequent in situ measurements which can be only performed using a portable system. To reduce the photon flux by 3 magnitude orders an indirect technique based on the scattering of the X-ray source beam by a solid target is used. The measured spectrum presents a lack of information because of transport and detection effects. The solution is then unfolded by solving the matrix equation that represents formally the scattering problem. However, the algebraic system is ill-conditioned and, therefore, it is not possible to obtain a satisfactory solution. Special strategies are necessary to circumvent the ill-conditioning. Numerous attempts have been done to solve this problem by using purely mathematical methods. In this thesis, a more physical point of view is adopted. The proposed method uses both the forward and the adjoint solutions of the Boltzmann transport equation to generate a better conditioned linear algebraic system. The procedure has been tested first on numerical experiments, giving excellent results. Then, the method has been verified with experimental measurements performed at the Operational Unit of Health Physics of the University of Bologna. The reconstructed spectra have been compared with the ones obtained with straightforward measurements, showing very good agreement.


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This master’s thesis describes the research done at the Medical Technology Laboratory (LTM) of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute (IOR, Bologna, Italy), which focused on the characterization of the elastic properties of the trabecular bone tissue, starting from october 2012 to present. The approach uses computed microtomography to characterize the architecture of trabecular bone specimens. With the information obtained from the scanner, specimen-specific models of trabecular bone are generated for the solution with the Finite Element Method (FEM). Along with the FEM modelling, mechanical tests are performed over the same reconstructed bone portions. From the linear-elastic stage of mechanical tests presented by experimental results, it is possible to estimate the mechanical properties of the trabecular bone tissue. After a brief introduction on the biomechanics of the trabecular bone (chapter 1) and on the characterization of the mechanics of its tissue using FEM models (chapter 2), the reliability analysis of an experimental procedure is explained (chapter 3), based on the high-scalable numerical solver ParFE. In chapter 4, the sensitivity analyses on two different parameters for micro-FEM model’s reconstruction are presented. Once the reliability of the modeling strategy has been shown, a recent layout for experimental test, developed in LTM, is presented (chapter 5). Moreover, the results of the application of the new layout are discussed, with a stress on the difficulties connected to it and observed during the tests. Finally, a prototype experimental layout for the measure of deformations in trabecular bone specimens is presented (chapter 6). This procedure is based on the Digital Image Correlation method and is currently under development in LTM.


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Bivalve mollusk shells are useful tools for multi-species and multi-proxy paleoenvironmental reconstructions with a high temporal and spatial resolution. Past environmental conditions can be reconstructed from shell growth and stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios, which present an archive for temperature, freshwater fluxes and primary productivity. The purpose of this thesis is the reconstruction of Holocene climate and environmental variations in the North Pacific with a high spatial and temporal resolution using marine bivalve shells. This thesis focuses on several different Holocene time periods and multiple regions in the North Pacific, including: Japan, Alaska (AK), British Columbia (BC) and Washington State, which are affected by the monsoon, Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Such high-resolution proxy data from the marine realm of mid- and high-latitudes are still rare. Therefore, this study contributes to the optimization and verification of climate models. However, before using bivalves for environmental reconstructions and seasonality studies, life history traits must be well studied to temporally align and interpret the geochemical record. These calibration studies are essential to ascertain the usefulness of selected bivalve species as paleoclimate proxy archives. This work focuses on two bivalve species, the short-lived Saxidomus gigantea and the long-lived Panopea abrupta. Sclerochronology and oxygen isotope ratios of different shell layers of P. abrupta were studied in order to test the reliability of this species as a climate archive. The annual increments are clearly discernable in umbonal shell portions and the increments widths should be measured in these shell portions. A reliable reconstruction of paleotemperatures may only be achieved by exclusively sampling the outer shell layer of multiple contemporaneous specimens. Life history traits (e.g., timing of growth line formation, duration of the growing season and growth rates) and stable isotope ratios of recent S. gigantea from AK and BC were analyzed in detail. Furthermore, a growth-temperature model based on S. gigantea shells from Alaska was established, which provides a better understanding of the hydrological changes related to the Alaska Coastal Current (ACC). This approach allows the independent measurement of water temperature and salinity from variations in the width of lunar daily growth increments of S. gigantea. Temperature explains 70% of the variability in shell growth. The model was calibrated and tested with modern shells and then applied to archaeological specimens. The time period between 988 and 1447 cal yrs BP was characterized by colder (~1-2°C) and much drier (2-5 PSU) summers, and a likely much slower flowing ACC than at present. In contrast, the summers during the time interval of 599-1014 cal yrs BP were colder (up to 3°C) and fresher (1-2 PSU) than today. The Aleutian Low may have been stronger and the ACC was probably flowing faster during this time.


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Stratigraphic studies carried out over the last decades in Italy and elsewhere testify a growing interest in Quaternary deposits and in the influence of climate change on their architecture. The subsurface of the Po Plain, in its topmost portion, is made up of alluvial deposits organized in depositional cycles at different scales. This PhD thesis provides millennial-scale stratigraphic reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene deposits beneath the southern Po Plain, based on basin-scale correlation of laterally-extensive buried soil horizons. Far from the aim of characterizing palaeosols from a mineralogical and geochemical point of view, we focused on the physical and stratigraphic significance of these horizons. In the Bologna urban area, which hosts an abundance of stratigraphic data, the correlation between seventeen continuously-cored boreholes led to the identification of five vertically-stacked palaeosol-bounded sequences within the 14C time window. In a wide portion of the alluvial plain north of Bologna, far away from the Apenninic margin and from the Po River, where subsurface stratigraphic architecture is dominated by markedly lenticular sediment bodies, palaeosols revealed to be the only stratigraphic marker of remarkable lateral continuity. These horizons are characterized by peculiar resistance values, which make them easily identifiable via pocket penetration tests. Palaeosols reveal specific geometric relationships with the associated alluvial facies associations, allowing reliable estimates of soil development as a function of alluvial dynamics. With the aid of sixty new radiocarbon dates, a reliable age attribution and likely time intervals of exposure were assigned to each palaeosol. Vertically-stacked palaeosols delimitate short-term depositional cycles, likely related to the major episodes of climatic change of the last 40 ky. Through integration of stratigraphic data with 750 archaeological reports from the Bologna area, the impact of human settlements on depositional and pedogenic processes during the late Holocene was investigated.


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The research aims at developing a framework for semantic-based digital survey of architectural heritage. Rooted in knowledge-based modeling which extracts mathematical constraints of geometry from architectural treatises, as-built information of architecture obtained from image-based modeling is integrated with the ideal model in BIM platform. The knowledge-based modeling transforms the geometry and parametric relation of architectural components from 2D printings to 3D digital models, and create large amount variations based on shape grammar in real time thanks to parametric modeling. It also provides prior knowledge for semantically segmenting unorganized survey data. The emergence of SfM (Structure from Motion) provides access to reconstruct large complex architectural scenes with high flexibility, low cost and full automation, but low reliability of metric accuracy. We solve this problem by combing photogrammetric approaches which consists of camera configuration, image enhancement, and bundle adjustment, etc. Experiments show the accuracy of image-based modeling following our workflow is comparable to that from range-based modeling. We also demonstrate positive results of our optimized approach in digital reconstruction of portico where low-texture-vault and dramatical transition of illumination bring huge difficulties in the workflow without optimization. Once the as-built model is obtained, it is integrated with the ideal model in BIM platform which allows multiple data enrichment. In spite of its promising prospect in AEC industry, BIM is developed with limited consideration of reverse-engineering from survey data. Besides representing the architectural heritage in parallel ways (ideal model and as-built model) and comparing their difference, we concern how to create as-built model in BIM software which is still an open area to be addressed. The research is supposed to be fundamental for research of architectural history, documentation and conservation of architectural heritage, and renovation of existing buildings.


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A method for automatic scaling of oblique ionograms has been introduced. This method also provides a rejection procedure for ionograms that are considered to lack sufficient information, depicting a very good success rate. Observing the Kp index of each autoscaled ionogram, can be noticed that the behavior of the autoscaling program does not depend on geomagnetic conditions. The comparison between the values of the MUF provided by the presented software and those obtained by an experienced operator indicate that the procedure developed for detecting the nose of oblique ionogram traces is sufficiently efficient and becomes much more efficient as the quality of the ionograms improves. These results demonstrate the program allows the real-time evaluation of MUF values associated with a particular radio link through an oblique radio sounding. The automatic recognition of a part of the trace allows determine for certain frequencies, the time taken by the radio wave to travel the path between the transmitter and receiver. The reconstruction of the ionogram traces, suggests the possibility of estimating the electron density between the transmitter and the receiver, from an oblique ionogram. The showed results have been obtained with a ray-tracing procedure based on the integration of the eikonal equation and using an analytical ionospheric model with free parameters. This indicates the possibility of applying an adaptive model and a ray-tracing algorithm to estimate the electron density in the ionosphere between the transmitter and the receiver An additional study has been conducted on a high quality ionospheric soundings data set and another algorithm has been designed for the conversion of an oblique ionogram into a vertical one, using Martyn's theorem. This allows a further analysis of oblique soundings, throw the use of the INGV Autoscala program for the automatic scaling of vertical ionograms.


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In 3D human movement analysis performed using stereophotogrammetric systems and skin markers, bone pose can only be estimated in an indirect fashion. During a movement, soft tissue deformations make the markers move with respect to the underlying bone generating soft tissue artefact (STA). STA has devastating effects on bone pose estimation and its compensation remains an open question. The aim of this PhD thesis was to contribute to the solution of this crucial issue. Modelling STA using measurable trial-specific variables is a fundamental prerequisite for its removal from marker trajectories. Two STA model architectures are proposed. Initially, a thigh marker-level artefact model is presented. STA was modelled as a linear combination of joint angles involved in the movement. This model was calibrated using ex-vivo and in-vivo STA invasive measures. The considerable number of model parameters led to defining STA approximations. Three definitions were proposed to represent STA as a series of modes: individual marker displacements, marker-cluster geometrical transformations (MCGT), and skin envelope shape variations. Modes were selected using two criteria: one based on modal energy and another on the selection of modes chosen a priori. The MCGT allows to select either rigid or non-rigid STA components. It was also empirically demonstrated that only the rigid component affects joint kinematics, regardless of the non-rigid amplitude. Therefore, a model of thigh and shank STA rigid component at cluster-level was then defined. An acceptable trade-off between STA compensation effectiveness and number of parameters can be obtained, improving joint kinematics accuracy. The obtained results lead to two main potential applications: the proposed models can generate realistic STAs for simulation purposes to compare different skeletal kinematics estimators; and, more importantly, focusing only on the STA rigid component, the model attains a satisfactory STA reconstruction with less parameters, facilitating its incorporation in an pose estimator.


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This thesis investigates interactive scene reconstruction and understanding using RGB-D data only. Indeed, we believe that depth cameras will still be in the near future a cheap and low-power 3D sensing alternative suitable for mobile devices too. Therefore, our contributions build on top of state-of-the-art approaches to achieve advances in three main challenging scenarios, namely mobile mapping, large scale surface reconstruction and semantic modeling. First, we will describe an effective approach dealing with Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) on platforms with limited resources, such as a tablet device. Unlike previous methods, dense reconstruction is achieved by reprojection of RGB-D frames, while local consistency is maintained by deploying relative bundle adjustment principles. We will show quantitative results comparing our technique to the state-of-the-art as well as detailed reconstruction of various environments ranging from rooms to small apartments. Then, we will address large scale surface modeling from depth maps exploiting parallel GPU computing. We will develop a real-time camera tracking method based on the popular KinectFusion system and an online surface alignment technique capable of counteracting drift errors and closing small loops. We will show very high quality meshes outperforming existing methods on publicly available datasets as well as on data recorded with our RGB-D camera even in complete darkness. Finally, we will move to our Semantic Bundle Adjustment framework to effectively combine object detection and SLAM in a unified system. Though the mathematical framework we will describe does not restrict to a particular sensing technology, in the experimental section we will refer, again, only to RGB-D sensing. We will discuss successful implementations of our algorithm showing the benefit of a joint object detection, camera tracking and environment mapping.


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Breast cancer (BC) is the most often diagnosed cancer entity of women worldwide. No molecular biomarkers are usable in the clinical routine for the early detection of BC. Proteomics is one of the dynamic tools for the successful examination of changes on the protein level. In this thesis different proteomics-based investigations were performed for the detection of protein and autoantibody biomarkers in serum samples of BC and healthy (CTRL) subjects. First, protein levels of candidates from previous profiling studies were investigated via antibody-microarray platform. Three proteins were found in distinct levels in both groups: secretoglobin family 1D member 1, alpha-2 macroglobulin and inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member 4. The second part was dedicated to the de novo exploration of potentially immunogenic tumor antigens (TA’s) with immunoprecipitation and Western immunoblotting followed by identification over mass spectrometry. Autoantibody levels were verified in individual serum profiling via the protein microarray platform. Two autoantibody’ cohorts (anti-Histone 2B and anti-Recoverin) were found in different levels in both groups. The findings of this PhD thesis underline deregulated serum protein and autoantibody levels in the presence of BC. Further investigations are needed to confirm the results in an independent study population.