868 resultados para Ideologia e cinema


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A partir de uma abordagem histórica, esta pesquisa apresenta como objetivo específico a análise da presença da ideologia do trabalho na sociedade brasileira e o modo como foi difundida nos livros didáticos no período de 1910 a 1930. O início do século XX foi marcado por grandes mudanças no Brasil. Nesta pesquisa, levaremos em conta apenas mudanças no Estado de São Paulo, que recebeu grande parte dos imigrantes europeus e concentrou muitas das indústrias brasileiras. Após a abolição da escravatura e da proclamação da República, o Brasil sofreu grandes transformações. O desenvolvimento da economia preocupava o Estado e a classe dominante, uma vez que não se encontravam indivíduos para a realização de trabalhos manuais. A sociedade ainda defendia a ideologia de que o trabalho manual era algo vergonhoso e de menos importância hierárquica. Foi então que os imigrantes foram contratados para exercer esse tipo de atividade. As péssimas condições de moradia, trabalho e participação política contribuíram para que os imigrantes reivindicassem seus direitos por meio de greves e manifestações. O governo não poderia permitir que os imigrantes com ideologias anarquistas disseminassem tais conceitos revolucionários e ideológicos no seio da massa operária e, consequentemente, na população. O Estado utilizou a educação para a inculcação de novas ideologias sobre a importância do trabalho, sustentando que o operário deveria cumprir suas obrigações dentro das indústrias sem questionar. Para tanto, era necessário que a escola adotasse algum tipo de material didático que difundisse ideologias a respeito do amor ao trabalho. Desde então, o livro didático foi utilizado como um forte transmissor destas ideologias: ele não foi usado como um simples material de apoio pedagógico, mas, sim, como um difusor de ideologias da classe dominante.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer, discutir e analisar as motivações e aspirações dos alunos inseridos nos cursos pré-vestibulares para negros e carentes da ONG EDUCAFRO, bem como a inserção desses jovens no Ensino Superior e no mercado de trabalho, considerando os mecanismos de inclusão e exclusão dos negros no Sistema Educacional Brasileiro. Dentre muitos estudos importantes, que abordam a temática do negro no sistema educacional, gostaríamos de destacar os Movimentos Sociais, de Educação e Cidadania, a dissertação: Um Estudo sobre os Cursos Pré-Vestibulares Populares, apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre de Alexandre do Nascimento UERJ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em 1999 e a dissertação de Mestrado de Cristiane Maria Ribeiro sob o título Anti-Racismo e Educação: O Projeto Político-Pedagógico das Lideranças Negras de Uberlândia em 2000. A leitura dessas obras foi essencial para o encaminhamento dos estudos que integram este trabalho, uma vez que argumentam sobre a dívida social que o Brasil tem com os afro-descendentes no sistema educacional. Destacamos também o professor, escritor e ativista dos direitos humanos, o historiador negro nascido nos EUA, John Hope Franklin declara que as políticas compensatórias foram aplicadas desde a década de sessenta. Essas políticas pretendiam oferecer aos afro-americanos a chance de participar das mudanças sociais. De modo que as universidades foram obrigadas a implantar políticas de cotas e também implantar procedimentos que fossem favoráveis à população negra. No Brasil, essa luta está sendo organizada pela ONG EDUCAFRO que vem desenvolvendo há alguns anos mecanismos de inclusão social, justificando-os por meio da necessidade de compensar os negros pela discriminação sofrida no passado, beneficiando de alguma forma essa porcentagem da população brasileira. No decorrer da pesquisa bibliográfica, encontramos, por meio das diversas obras consultadas, uma grande preocupação dos autores com a questão das Ações Afirmativas como meio de compensar a população negra, apesar da resistência por parte daqueles que temem o progresso social dos negros, no entanto, pesquisas s indicam caminhos para reverter esse quadro negativo. Diante dessa realidade, fica o grande desafio: o que motiva e quais são as metas dos professores que ministram voluntariamente aulas nos Cursinhos Comunitários? O que almejam os alunos com o seu acesso no Ensino Superior? A pesquisa confirmou que os alunos do Núcleo estudado buscam na ONG EDUCAFRO uma forma alternativa de inserção no Ensino Superior e, que essa inserção os motiva e os inspira no vislumbre de se colocarem também no mercado de trabalho. Vale ressaltar que o presente estudo não tem a pretensão de esgotar o assunto, mas de abrir espaços


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A partir do estudo de caso de uma unidade pública de ensino, esta pesquisa almejou investigar a existência de mecanismos ideológicos presentes no discurso docente a cerca do fracasso escolar das camadas menos favorecidas, buscando captar algumas das estratégias acionadas pelos professores para se eximir de qualquer responsabilidade que possa recair sobre eles quanto ao baixo rendimento escolar dos alunos. Apoiado na conexão existente entre a valorização do capital cultural e os processo de seleção desempenhado pelo sistema escolar dentro do modelo capitalista e tendo como principais referenciais teóricos os autores Pierre Bourdieu & Jean Claude Passeron e Christian Baudelot & Roger Establet, os quais fazem uma crítica social ao sistema de ensino, pretendeu-se verificar a participação do professor enquanto agente social do sistema escolar, que contribui para a reprodução das relações sociais, buscando analisar como os docentes se reconhecem no sucesso ou fracasso escolar de seus aluno e os mecanismos ideológicos veiculados por eles para ocultar sua contribuição no processo de produção do fracasso escolar, em especial, dos alunos das classes sociais menos favorecidas, que muitas vezes são rotulados e estigmatizados como fracassados ou incapazes, por não conseguirem obter êxito nas atividades escolares.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa de pós-graduação em nível de Mestrado em Educação, pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, esforça-se em promover uma reflexão acerca das políticas públicas, desde a Constituição do Império em 1824 até a Constituição de 1988, que impediram o analfabeto de votar em relação com as políticas educacionais que propunham erradicar o analfabetismo no país, analisando, como um caso específico, a ideologia do trabalho por competências na rede pública estadual de São Paulo. A base conceitual-analítica é dada por teorias marxistas francesas contemporâneas, em particular de Althusser, com relação ao Aparelho Ideológico de Estado e estudos de Baudelot e Establet, tendo como hipótese que a escola pública operou e ainda opera em função dos interesses burgueses de produção. Está dividida em cinco capítulos, estruturalmente adequadas da seguinte forma: Introdução que apresenta o referencial teórico usado para a construção da reflexão proposta, à luz dos estudos de Althusser, Baudelot e Establet e Saes; os capítulos 1 e 2 trazem o esforço da busca histórica e legal das Constituições Brasileiras, do Império até 1988, trazendo sempre um breve histórico das épocas em que elas foram promulgadas, a fim de subsidiar o estudo e apresentar que a proibição do voto do analfabeto sempre esteve presente nas constituições, até 1985 com a Emenda Constitucional que declarava o voto do analfabeto como facultativo , sempre atrelado à situação de competências leitoras e escritoras para o exercício pleno da cidadania; o terceiro capítulo apresenta o levantamento histórico sobre os dados de analfabetismo no Brasil desde os anos de 1900 até o último dado do IBGE nos anos 2000, trazendo um referencial explicativo baseado nos estudos de história da educação de ROMANELLI e na tese de doutoramento do professor da USP, Celso de Rui Beisiegel, o que possibilitou traçar um panorama das políticas públicas da educação consoantes aos acontecimentos políticos e históricos; o quarto capítulo apresenta a Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo (SEE/SP, 2008), possibilitando um breve panorama sobre essa política pública de educação na referida rede e o quinto capítulo apresenta uma reflexão das teorias e dados apresentados, no esforço de refletir a situação do ensino por competências, no caso o das leitoras e escritoras, sempre presentes no enfoque social e econômico do país com um olhar crítico ao analfabetismo e as políticas públicas de educação.


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Desde a sua origem que a Animação é utilizada como um meio de espelhar a sociedade através de técnicas e expressões que o cinema tradicional não permite. Ao incorporar a sátira na sua representação social e política está a expor uma crítica a características negativas com o intuito de alterar percepções e estereótipos, motivando a sua vulgarização ou correção. O projeto #LINGO consiste na realização de uma curta-metragem de animação com recurso à sátira, pretendendo incidir sobre um dos problemas em expansão no século XXI, a dependência nos dispositivos digitais e redes sociais.


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This article will acquaint you with ten of the more important leftwing films I have reviewed over the past sixteen years as a member of New York Film Critics Online. You will not see listed familiar works such as “The Battle of Algiers” but instead those that deserve wider attention, the proverbial neglected masterpieces. They originate from different countries and are available through Internet streaming, either freely from Youtube or through Netflix or Amazon rental. In several instances you will be referred to film club websites that like the films under discussion deserve wider attention since they are the counterparts to the small, independent theaters where such films get premiered. The country of origin, date and director will be identified next to the title, followed by a summary of the film, and finally by its availability.


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Lecture on the topic of the representation of violence in motion pictures, presented at Books & Books Coral Gables on January 29, 2013.


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Japan is an important ally of the United States–the world’s third biggest economy, and one of the regional great powers in Asia. Making sense of Japan’s foreign and security policies is crucial for the future of peace and stability in Northeast Asia, where the possible sources of conflict such as territorial disputes or the disputes over Japan’s war legacy issues are observed. This dissertation explored Japan’s foreign and security policies based on Japan’s identities and unconscious ideologies. It employed an analysis of selected Japanese films from the late 1940s to the late 1950s, as well as from the late 1990s to the mid-2000s. The analysis demonstrated that Japan’s foreign and security policies could be understood in terms of a broader social narrative that was visible in Japanese popular cultural products, including films and literatures. Narratives of Japanese families from the patriarch’s point of view, for example, had constantly shaped Japan’s foreign and security policies. As a result, the world was ordered hierarchically in the eyes of the Japan Self. In the 1950s, Japan tenaciously constructed close but asymmetrical security relations with the U.S. in which Japan willingly subjugated itself to the U.S. In the 2000s, Japan again constructed close relations with the U.S. by doing its best to support American responses to the 9/11 terrorist attacks by mobilizing Japan’s SDFs in the way Japan had never done in the past. The concepts of identity and unconscious ideology are helpful in understanding how Japan’s own understanding of self, of others, and of the world have shaped its own behaviors. These concepts also enable Japan to reevaluate its own behaviors reflexively, which departs from existing alternative approaches. This study provided a critical analytical explanation of the dynamics at work in Japan’s sense of identity, particularly with regard to its foreign and security policies.


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the street demonstrations occurred last June and July 2013, which appear as samples of the hegemonic fights in course in Brazil, during the so-called Big Wave of the social groups in conflict nowadays in the country. Among other questions, this study tries to explain how the varied stages of these fighting groups influenced their late ones. For that, it takes into consideration the bibliography available not only on these groups, but also on the social and political contemporary Brazil. That is why it evaluates political documents, as well as opinion pieces, news and others disseminated by the press or by political groups. Speeches made by political leaderships, as, for example, that one the President Dilma Roussef made on 21 July 2013, deserves close analysis. This also applies to contributions made by secondary data, poll institutions and IBGE’s socio-economic data. Categories and concepts of Antonio Gramsci’s political sociology are used here as theoretic bases. In fact, it favors the hypothesis that, during the dispute for the intellectual and moral command of demonstrations on July 2013, a certain middle-class conservative ideology emerged on scene. This group conquered the agreement of hegemonic mass media acting now as a political party, here designated as media party. These media resorted to platforms preexistent to the demonstration movements, especially their rejection to political organizations and programs in order to ascend as the demonstrations’ leaders along a certain period in which corruption appeared as the central theme of these efforts, while the government tried to get control of the situation. In view of the several forces and issues at stake, the present study contributes to the discussion about the current reality in Brazil and its perspectives, without losing sight of the centrality of the June Movements as political and ideological milestones


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Taking into account the Environmental Restorative Theory (ERT) , created by Fre derick Law Olmsted in mid XIX ce ntury , according which, urban parks can contribute to solve problems arisen from crowding , particularly urban stress, we analize how the ERT arrived at XXI century, having as approach the evaluation of New York Central Park (CP). Considering that the CP and the cinema were born around at the same, we question if the North American cinema produced between 1960 and 2013 show the ideals, which engendered the CP. By answering this question we defend the hypothesis that, even though has existed adjusts and modificati ons in the CP plan through time, it kept reasonably faithful to the ERT premises, propitiating to the XX and XXI centuries cinema identify and bring forth the presence of the Olmsted’s Ideals in the present days. The thesis main objective was nonetheless u nderstand similarities and/or differences between the XIX century ideals (that gave birth to CP) and the way the cinema represents the present uses of the place, taking into account that the Olmstedian ERT proposal have survived to the context changes (soc ial, economic, political and cultural). Methodologically , we drew upon bibliographical and documental analysis to build the first chapters and to the cinema as analytical lenses to investigate the ERT. The results point that although the CP plan has kept r elatively intact and faithful to the ERT – with the presence of natural elements in the films (notably vegetation and water) – many of contemporary behaviors were not foreseen previously, especially in relation to sports practice, the massive feminine pres ence, as well as criminality.


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This study aims to diagnose and analyze the use of film in school space, more precisely, in the teaching of history, from the theoretical perspective of the German historian Jörn Rüsen and thus try to observe together with the assumptions of the Didactics of History elements such as public uses that are made for cinema history. In this sense, research propositions movies found in textbooks of history, paths to offer insights about the impacts caused by learning the historical film narrative, this being a learning also occurs in everyday life of students and not just in school space. For both, the textbooks present in Memorial do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), approved in the following editions PNLD/2005 and PNLD/2008 were used. To perform this diagnostic use, in addition to books, the Call Notices and Guides Textbook PNLD as a way to understand how to perform the theoretical and methodological discussions and recommendations about the potential of cinematic narrative for history lessons and these possible approaches to the theory of history.


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The knowledge is only possible due to we exist bodily. However, during the educational experience, the epistemic potency of the body is neglected, declining the registers of the intelligibility. The current thesis approaches that problem obliquely: from a body and image philosophy which has revealed other ways of doing those registers in the modernity – understood not as period itself, but as a qualification for the negotiations between the real and the intelligible. The referred ways are explored through Merleau- Ponty’s and Michel Foucault’s works, which offer a spectrum about that new negotiation of the real. In order to approach the studied problem, the visibility and the human body motricity in the cinema are taken as analysis object. The mentioned objects have been analyzed through a corpus of movies of which plots are centered at the formal education and they require from the characters and the spectators engagement into a visual performance. Aiming to approach the object, it is questioned how the Education phenomenon is represented by the cinema; how the body is exposed and how spectators can see it. Analyzing the corpus and articulating Merleau- Ponty’s and Michel Foucault’s theories, it has been possible to state the following thesis: the cinema as an education of the gaze. The general objective of this study is to reveal the educational potency of the filmic experience, which provides a new path of intelligibility for Education. In that sense, the body as a visual operator widens the capacity of understanding the real. The current work is divided in three chapters. The first one brings the methodological approach: it is pointed how the theoretical articulation is properly arranged; it explains the method of using the images as indirect language as part of the reality description; the filmic corpus is presented, as well the criteria for the films choices and for the construction of instrument adopted during the object analysis are described. In the second chapter, it is problematized the incapacity of the western society of formulating the real discursively by debating Merleau-Ponty’s and Foucault’s theoretical contributions about the visual performance displayed on the images while the films are watched and analyzed. In the third chapter, the implications of the education of the gaze provided by the cinema are developed, mainly concerning about the place attributed to the visibility during the formulation of the real. Finally, paths are designed for the construction of another approach for the visibility in Education. Assuming the gaze as an experience of knowledge, this study aims to present other ways of being, seeing, thinking and feeling the world. Therefore, it is a proposal to reset the epistemic and subjectification patterns at the educational context.


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This work aims to study about the importance of cinema for cultural and professional training of teachers of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The educational potential of cinema is emphasizing by different authors, which also reveal the teachers' training gap in this issue (media). In this study, we defend the audiovisual language of cinema as an integrating element of Arts and Science for cultural and professional training of teachers. This subject has been developed by different authors, in which the emphasis has been the importance of intelligent dialogue with the world. Specifically, the training of science teachers and mathematics, by the approach of Cinema in its formation, It envisions the possibility of minimizing the dichotomy between humanistic and scientific training, already much discussed by some researchers. Educational products contribute to an effective experience and reflection on the cultural and educational role of the Seventh Art. Considering the Cinema as a possible "bridge" between the two cultures (scientific culture and humanistic culture) and promoting ownership of audiovisual language in teacher training It was accomplished the I Exhibition - Cultural Spring: Cinema and Science Education in UFRN. The production of the booklet "Topics of History, Language and Art of Cinema for Science and Mathematics Teachers," and its application in a short course in the XXI National Symposium on Physics Teaching also aimed to contribute to the approximation of Science and Art in training teachers.


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This dissertation uncovers the path of Pernambuco’s independent cinema of the Retomada, of its production in the second half of the 1990s until mid 2012 when the sector manages to secure a funding edict (Funcultura) for its films and at the same time establishes a few symbolic mechanisms which contributed to the consolidation of a new cycle, the post-Retomada, namely: cinephilia and brodagem. Because it is a cinematography (pernambucana) outside the Rio-São Paulo axis, that is, outside the great center of the brazillian culture industry, the cinema produced in Pernambuco built a very specific modus operandi, in which a material basis, the consolidation of Funcultura, intercrossed with two symbolic practices feeding on each other, cinephilia and brodagem. In this regard, we seek not to establish the material perspective as the primary determination as opposed to the symbolic one. Futhermore, we followed the path of cinephilia in its direct commucation with the brodagem, and how both these logics pressured authorities to institute an incentive funding separated from other artforms in the state. From this point of view, we attempted to trace the trajectory of this cinematography in its external nuances, but also taking into account the internal nuances of its works of art (films). Following this, we created categories to define and distinguish the nuances of the Retomada and post-Retomada productions regarding ethical and aesthetical choices made by directors from both generations.


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This dissertation uncovers the path of Pernambuco’s independent cinema of the Retomada, of its production in the second half of the 1990s until mid 2012 when the sector manages to secure a funding edict (Funcultura) for its films and at the same time establishes a few symbolic mechanisms which contributed to the consolidation of a new cycle, the post-Retomada, namely: cinephilia and brodagem. Because it is a cinematography (pernambucana) outside the Rio-São Paulo axis, that is, outside the great center of the brazillian culture industry, the cinema produced in Pernambuco built a very specific modus operandi, in which a material basis, the consolidation of Funcultura, intercrossed with two symbolic practices feeding on each other, cinephilia and brodagem. In this regard, we seek not to establish the material perspective as the primary determination as opposed to the symbolic one. Futhermore, we followed the path of cinephilia in its direct commucation with the brodagem, and how both these logics pressured authorities to institute an incentive funding separated from other artforms in the state. From this point of view, we attempted to trace the trajectory of this cinematography in its external nuances, but also taking into account the internal nuances of its works of art (films). Following this, we created categories to define and distinguish the nuances of the Retomada and post-Retomada productions regarding ethical and aesthetical choices made by directors from both generations.