942 resultados para Human skeletal-muscle


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Congenital pseudomyotonia in Chianina cattle is a muscle function disorder very similar to that of Brody disease in humans. Mutations in the human ATP2A1 gene, encoding SERCA1, cause Brody myopathy. The analysis of the collected Chianina pedigree data suggested monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance and revealed that all 17 affected individuals traced back to a single founder. A deficiency of SERCA1 function in skeletal muscle of pseudomyotonia affected Chianina cattle was observed as SERCA1 activity in affected animals was decreased by about 70%. Linkage analysis showed that the mutation was located in the ATP2A1 gene region on BTA25 and subsequent mutation analysis of the ATP2A1 exons revealed a perfectly associated missense mutation in exon 6 (c.491G>A) leading to a p.Arg164His substitution. Arg164 represents a functionally important and strongly conserved residue of SERCA1. This study provides a suitable large animal model for human Brody disease.


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INTRODUCTION Results on mitochondrial dysfunction in sepsis are controversial. We aimed to assess effects of LPS at wide dose and time ranges on hepatocytes and isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria. METHODS Human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2) were exposed to placebo or LPS (0.1, 1, and 10 μg/mL) for 4, 8, 16, and 24 hours and primary human hepatocytes to 1 μg/mL LPS or placebo (4, 8, and 16 hours). Mitochondria from porcine skeletal muscle samples were exposed to increasing doses of LPS (0.1-100 μg/mg) for 2 and 4 hours. Respiration rates of intact and permeabilized cells and isolated mitochondria were measured by high-resolution respirometry. RESULTS In HepG2 cells, LPS reduced mitochondrial membrane potential and cellular ATP content but did not modify basal respiration. Stimulated complex II respiration was reduced time-dependently using 1 μg/mL LPS. In primary human hepatocytes, stimulated mitochondrial complex II respiration was reduced time-dependently using 1 μg/mL LPS. In isolated porcine skeletal muscle mitochondria, stimulated respiration decreased at high doses (50 and 100 μg/mL LPS). CONCLUSION LPS reduced cellular ATP content of HepG2 cells, most likely as a result of the induced decrease in membrane potential. LPS decreased cellular and isolated mitochondrial respiration in a time-dependent, dose-dependent and complex-dependent manner.


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Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have the potential to differentiate to all adult somatic cells. This property makes hESCs a very promising area of research for the treatment of disorders in which specific cell populations need to be restored. Despite this potential, research that focuses on producing mesodermally derived cell populations from hESCs is decidedly limited, notwithstanding the prevalence of disorders involving mesodermal tissues for which treatment options are limited. Skeletal muscle myoblasts are derivatives of mesodermal cells and are characterized by the expression of the MyoD gene. These cells are difficult to obtain from hESCs in a reproducible and efficient manner. Recent developments in the field have showed some success in obtaining myogenic cells from hESCs through a mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-like intermediate population. MSCs, which are an adult stem cell population typically derived from the bone marrow, are capable of generating multiple cell types including skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to develop an efficient method that derives myoblasts from an MSC-like intermediate. To accomplish this goal, we first set out to isolate and expand the MSC-like intermediate from hESCs differentiated in vitro. Difficulties in reproducing published cell-differentiation methodologies, which represent a significant and familiar challenge in hESC research, are highlighted in this report.


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Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is the central enzyme in plasma triglyceride hydrolysis. In vitro studies have shown that LPL also can enhance lipoprotein uptake into cells via pathways that are independent of catalytic activity but require LPL as a molecular bridge between lipoproteins and proteoglycans or receptors. To investigate whether this bridging function occurs in vivo, two transgenic mouse lines were established expressing a muscle creatine kinase promoter-driven human LPL (hLPL) minigene mutated in the catalytic triad (Asp156 to Asn). Mutated hLPL was expressed only in muscle and led to 3,100 and 3,500 ng/ml homodimeric hLPL protein in post-heparin plasma but no hLPL catalytic activity. Less than 5 ng/ml hLPL was found in preheparin plasma, indicating that proteoglycan binding of mutated LPL was not impaired. Expression of inactive LPL did not rescue LPL knock-out mice from neonatal death. On the wild-type (LPL2) background, inactive LPL decreased very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-triglycerides. On the heterozygote LPL knock-out background (LPL1) background, plasma triglyceride levels were lowered 22 and 33% in the two transgenic lines. After injection of radiolabeled VLDL, increased muscle uptake was observed for triglyceride-derived fatty acids (LPL2, 1.7×; LPL1, 1.8×), core cholesteryl ether (LPL2, 2.3×; LPL1, 2.7×), and apolipoprotein (LPL1, 1.8×; significantly less than cholesteryl ether). Skeletal muscle from transgenic lines had a mitochondriopathy with glycogen accumulation similar to mice expressing active hLPL in muscle. In conclusion, it appears that inactive LPL can act in vivo to mediate VLDL removal from plasma and uptake into tissues in which it is expressed.


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Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, which has a molecular mass of 265 kDa (ACC-alpha), catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of long-chain fatty acids. In this study we report the complete amino acid sequence and unique features of an isoform of ACC with a molecular mass of 275 kDa (ACC-beta), which is primarily expressed in heart and skeletal muscles. In these tissues, ACC-beta may be involved in the regulation of fatty acid oxidation, rather than fatty acid biosynthesis. ACC-beta contains an amino acid sequence at the N terminus which is about 200 amino acids long and may be uniquely related to the role of ACC-beta in controlling carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity and fatty acid oxidation by mitochondria. If we exclude this unique sequence at the N terminus the two forms of ACC show about 75% amino acid identity. All of the known functional domains of ACC are found in the homologous regions. Human ACC-beta cDNA has an open reading frame of 7,343 bases, encoding a protein of 2,458 amino acids, with a calculated molecular mass of 276,638 Da. The mRNA size of human ACC-beta is approximately 10 kb and is primarily expressed in heart and skeletal muscle tissues, whereas ACC-alpha mRNA is detected in all tissues tested. A fragment of ACC-beta cDNA was expressed in Escherichia coli and antibodies against the peptide were generated to establish that the cDNA sequence that we cloned is that for ACC-beta.


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A unique gene, RBP-MS, spanning over 230 kb in the human chromosome 8p11-12 near the Werner syndrome gene locus is described. The single-copy RBP-MS gene is alternatively spliced, resulting in a family of at least 12 transcripts (average length of 1.5 kb). Nine different types of cDNAs that encode an RNa-binding motif at the N terminus and helix-rich sequences at the C terminus have been identified thus far. Among the 16 exons identified, four 5'-proximal exons contained sequences homologous to the RNA-binding domain of Drosophila couch potato gene. Northern blot analysis showed that the RBP-MS gene was expressed strongly in the heart, prostate, intestine, and ovary, and poorly in the skeletal muscle, spleen, thymus, brain, and peripheral leukocytes. The possible role of this gene in RNA metabolism is discussed.


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PCR was used to isolate nucleotide sequences that may encode novel members of the neuropeptide Y receptor family. By use of a PCR product as a hybridization probe, a full-length human cDNA was isolated that encodes a 375-aa protein with a predicted membrane topology identifying it as a member of the G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily. After stable transfection of the cDNA into human embryonic kidney 293 cells, the receptor exhibited high affinity (Kd = 2.8 nM) for 125I-labeled human pancreatic polypeptide (PP). Competition binding studies in whole cells indicated the following rank order of potency: human PP = bovine PP > or = human [Pro34]peptide YY > rat PP > human peptide YY = human neuropeptide Y. Northern blot analysis revealed that human PP receptor mRNA is most abundantly expressed in skeletal muscle and, to a lesser extent, in lung and brain tissue. A rat cDNA clone encoding a high-affinity PP receptor that is 74% identical to the human PP receptor at the amino acid level was also isolated. These receptor clones will be useful in elucidating the functional role of PP and designing selective PP receptor agonists and antagonists.


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Neuroblastoma (NB) is characterized by the second highest spontaneous regression of any human malignant disorder, a phenomenon that remains to be elucidated. In this study, a survey of 94 normal human adult sera revealed a considerable natural humoral cytotoxicity against human NB cell lines in approximately one-third of the tested sera of both genders. Specific cell killing by these sera was in the range of 40% to 95%. Serum cytotoxicity was dependent on an intact classical pathway of complement. By several lines of evidence, IgM antibodies were identified as the cytotoxic factor in the sera. Further analyses revealed that a 260-kDa protein was recognized by natural IgM of cytotoxic sera in Western blots of NB cell extracts. The antigen was expressed on the surface of seven human NB cell lines but not on human melanoma or other control tumor cell lines derived from kidney, pancreas, colon, bone, skeletal muscle, lymphatic system, and bone marrow. Furthermore, no reactivity was observed with normal human fibroblasts, melanocytes, and epidermal keratinocytes. The antigen was expressed in vivo as detected by immunohistochemistry in both the tumor of a NB patient and NB tumors established in nude rats from human NB cell lines. Most interestingly, the IgM anti-NB antibody was absent from the sera of 11 human NB patients with active disease. The anti-NB IgM also could not be detected in tumor tissue obtained from a NB patient. Collectively, our data suggest the existence of a natural humoral immunological tumor defense mechanism, which could account for the in vivo phenomenon of spontaneous NB tumor regression.


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Mutations in the human phosphofructokinase muscle subunit gene (PFKM) are known to cause myopathy classified as glycogenosis type VII (Tarui disease). Previously described molecular defects include base substitutions altering encoded amino acids or resulting in abnormal splicing. We report a mutation resulting in phosphofructokinase deficiency in three patients from an Ashkenazi Jewish family. Using a reverse transcription PCR assay, PFKM subunit transcripts differing by length were detected in skeletal muscle tissue of all three affected subjects. In the longer transcript, an insertion of 252 nucleotides totally homologous to the structure of the 10th intron of the PFKM gene was found separating exon 10 from exon 11. In addition, two single base transitions were identified by direct sequencing: [exon 6; codon 95; CGA (Arg) to TGA (stop)] and [exon 7; codon 172; ACC (Thr) to ACT (Thr)] in either transcript. Single-stranded conformational polymorphism and restriction enzyme analyses confirmed the presence of these point substitutions in genomic DNA and strongly suggested homozygosity for the pathogenic allele. The nonsense mutation at codon 95 appeared solely responsible for the phenotype in these patients, further expanding genetic heterogeneity of Tarui disease. Transcripts with and without intron 10 arising from identical mutant alleles probably resulted from differential pre-mRNA processing and may represent a novel message from the PFKM gene.


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AIM: To establish a simple method to quantify muscle/fat constituents in cervical muscles of asymptomatic women using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to determine whether there is an age effect within a defined age range. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRI of the upper cervical spine was performed for 42 asymptomatic women aged 18-45 years. The muscle and fat signal intensities on axial spin echo T1-weighted images were quantitatively classified by taking a ratio of the pixel intensity profiles of muscle against those of intermuscular fat for the rectus capitis posterior major and minor and inferior obliquus capitis muscles bilaterally. Inter- and intra-examiner agreement was scrutinized. RESULTS: The average relative values of fat within the upper cervical musculature compared with intermuscular fat indicated that there were only slight variations in indices between the three sets of muscles. There was no significant correlation between age and fat indices. There were significant differences for the relative fat within the muscle compared with intermuscular fat and body mass index for the right rectus capitis posterior major and right and left inferior obliquus capitis muscles (p = 0.032). Intraclass correlation coefficients for intraobserver agreement ranged from 0.94 to 0.98. Inter-rater agreement of the measurements ranged from 0.75 to 0.97. CONCLUSION: A quantitative measure of muscle/fat constituents has been developed, and results of this study indicate that relative fatty infiltration is not a feature of age in the upper cervical extensor muscles of women aged 18-45 years. (C) 2005 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Caveolae are an abundant feature of many animal cells. However, the exact function of caveolae remains unclear. We have used the zebrafish, Danio rerio, as a system to understand caveolae function focusing on the muscle-specific caveolar protein, caveolin-3 (Cav3). We have identified caveolin-1 (alpha and beta), caveolin-2 and Cav3 in the zebrafish. Zebrafish Cav3 has 72% identity to human CAV3, and the amino acids altered in human muscle diseases are conserved in the zebrafish protein. During embryonic development, cav3 expression is apparent by early segmentation stages in the first differentiating muscle precursors, the adaxial cells and slightly later in the notochord. cav3 expression appears in the somites during mid-segmentation stages and then later in the pectoral fins and facial muscles. Cav3 and caveolae are located along the entire sarcolemma of late stage embryonic muscle fibers, whereas beta-dystroglycan is restricted to the muscle fiber ends. Down-regulation of Cav3 expression causes gross muscle abnormalities and uncoordinated movement. Ultrastructural analysis of isolated muscle fibers reveals defects in myoblast fusion and disorganized myofibril and membrane systems. Expression of the zebrafish equivalent to a human muscular dystrophy mutant, CAV3P104L, causes severe disruption of muscle differentiation. In addition, knockdown of Cav3 resulted in a dramatic up-regulation of eng1a expression resulting in an increase in the number of muscle pioneer-like cells adjacent to the notochord. These studies provide new insights into the role of Cav3 in muscle development and demonstrate its requirement for correct intracellular organization and myoblast fusion.


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There are proposals for the implementation of beta(2)-adrenoceptor agonists for the management of muscle wasting diseases. The idea has been initiated by studies in animal models which show that beta(2)-adrenoceptor agonists cause hypertrophy of skeletal muscle. Their use in clinical practice will also need an understanding of possible effects of activation of human heart beta(2)-adrenoceptors. Consequences could include an increased probability of arrhythmias in susceptible patients.


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OBJECTIVE: Central melanocortin pathways are well-established regulators of energy balance. However, scant data exist about the role of systemic melanocortin peptides. We set out to determine if peripheral α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) plays a role in glucose homeostasis and tested the hypothesis that the pituitary is able to sense a physiological increase in circulating glucose and responds by secreting α-MSH.

METHODS: We established glucose-stimulated α-MSH secretion using humans, non-human primates, and mouse models. Continuous α-MSH infusions were performed during glucose tolerance tests and hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps to evaluate the systemic effect of α-MSH in glucose regulation. Complementary ex vivo and in vitro techniques were employed to delineate the direct action of α-MSH via the melanocortin 5 receptor (MC5R)-PKA axis in skeletal muscles. Combined treatment of non-selective/selective phosphodiesterase inhibitor and α-MSH was adopted to restore glucose tolerance in obese mice.

RESULTS: Here we demonstrate that pituitary secretion of α-MSH is increased by glucose. Peripheral α-MSH increases temperature in skeletal muscles, acts directly on soleus and gastrocnemius muscles to significantly increase glucose uptake, and enhances whole-body glucose clearance via the activation of muscle MC5R and protein kinase A. These actions are absent in obese mice, accompanied by a blunting of α-MSH-induced cAMP levels in skeletal muscles of obese mice. Both selective and non-selective phosphodiesterase inhibition restores α-MSH induced skeletal muscle glucose uptake and improves glucose disposal in obese mice.

CONCLUSION: These data describe a novel endocrine circuit that modulates glucose homeostasis by pituitary α-MSH, which increases muscle glucose uptake and thermogenesis through the activation of a MC5R-PKA-pathway, which is disrupted in obesity.


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Aging in humans is associated with a loss in neuromuscular function and performance. This is related, in part, to the reduction in muscular strength and power caused by a loss of skeletal muscle mass (sarcopenia) and changes in muscle architecture. Due to these changes, the force-velocity (f-v) relationship of human muscles alters with age. This change has functional implications such as slower walking speeds. Different methods to reverse these changes have been investigated, including traditional resistance training, power training and eccentric (or eccentrically-biased) resistance training. This review will summarise the changes of the f-v relationship with age, the functional implications of these changes and the various methods to reverse or at least partly ameliorate these changes.


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Background: It has been proposed that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) released from red blood cells (RBCs) may contribute to the tight coupling between blood flow and oxygen demand in contracting skeletal muscle. To determine whether ATP may contribute to the vasodilatory response to exercise in the forearm, we measured arterialised and venous plasma ATP concentration and venous oxygen content in 10 healthy young males at rest, and at 30 and 180 seconds during dynamic handgrip exercise at 45% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Results: Venous plasma ATP concentration was elevated above rest after 30 seconds of exercise (P < 0.05), and remained at this higher level 180 seconds into exercise (P < 0.05 versus rest). The increase in ATP was mirrored by a decrease in venous oxygen content. While there was no significant relationship between ATP concentration and venous oxygen content at 30 seconds of exercise, they were moderately and inversely correlated at 180 seconds of exercise (r = -0.651, P = 0.021). Arterial ATP concentration remained unchanged throughout exercise, resulting in an increase in the venous-arterial ATP difference. Conclusions: Collectively these results indicate that ATP in the plasma originated from the muscle microcirculation, and are consistent with the notion that deoxygenation of the blood perfusing the muscle acts as a stimulus for ATP release. That ATP concentration was elevated just 30 seconds after the onset of exercise also suggests that ATP may be a contributing factor to the blood flow response in the transition from rest to steady state exercise.