915 resultados para Horizontal loading
The Flat Horizontal Plane, the platform, is more than just one of the most basic mechanisms of Architecture. In this essay, I would like to move towards understanding this Flat Horizontal Plane not only as the primary mechanism of Architecture, but also, when it is erected, as the spatial limit between the stereotomic and the tectonic.
The latest technology and architectural trends have significantly improved the use of a large variety of glass products in construction which, in function of their own characteristocs, allow to design and calculate structural glass elements under safety conditions. This paper presents the evaluation and analysis of the damping properties of rectangular laminated glass plates of 1.938 m x 0.876 m with different thickness depending on the number of PVB interlayers arranged. By means of numerical simulation and experimental verification, using modal analysis, natural frequencies and damping of the glass plates were calculated, both under free boundary conditions and operational conditions for the impact test equipment used in the experimental program, as the European standard UNE-EN 12600:2003 specifies.
While static fracture toughness is a widely studied and standardised parameter, its dynamic counterpart has not been exhaustively examined. Therefore, in this research a series of quasi-static and different loading-rate dynamic tests were carried out to determine the evolution of fracture toughness with the velocity of the application of the load on aluminium 7017-T73 alloy. Three-point bending tests of pre-fatigued standard specimens (ASTM E399) at four loading-rates were carried out. The experiments were conducted by employing the subsequent apparatus ordered from lowest to highest load application velocity: a servo-hydraulic universal testing machine, a free-drop tower, a modified Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar and an explosive load testing device. In order to perform the dynamic fracture toughness tests, it was necessary to design and develop some experimental devices. The fracture-initiation toughness of the aluminium 7017-T73 alloy did not exhibit a significant variation for the studied cases. As a conclusion, the research showed that fracture-initiation toughness remained constant regardless of the velocity at which the load was applied.
With the growing body of research on traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injury, computational neuroscience has recently focused its modeling efforts on neuronal functional deficits following mechanical loading. However, in most of these efforts, cell damage is generally only characterized by purely mechanistic criteria, function of quantities such as stress, strain or their corresponding rates. The modeling of functional deficits in neurites as a consequence of macroscopic mechanical insults has been rarely explored. In particular, a quantitative mechanically based model of electrophysiological impairment in neuronal cells has only very recently been proposed (Jerusalem et al., 2013). In this paper, we present the implementation details of Neurite: the finite difference parallel program used in this reference. Following the application of a macroscopic strain at a given strain rate produced by a mechanical insult, Neurite is able to simulate the resulting neuronal electrical signal propagation, and thus the corresponding functional deficits. The simulation of the coupled mechanical and electrophysiological behaviors requires computational expensive calculations that increase in complexity as the network of the simulated cells grows. The solvers implemented in Neurite-explicit and implicit-were therefore parallelized using graphics processing units in order to reduce the burden of the simulation costs of large scale scenarios. Cable Theory and Hodgkin-Huxley models were implemented to account for the electrophysiological passive and active regions of a neurite, respectively, whereas a coupled mechanical model accounting for the neurite mechanical behavior within its surrounding medium was adopted as a link between lectrophysiology and mechanics (Jerusalem et al., 2013). This paper provides the details of the parallel implementation of Neurite, along with three different application examples: a long myelinated axon, a segmented dendritic tree, and a damaged axon. The capabilities of the program to deal with large scale scenarios, segmented neuronal structures, and functional deficits under mechanical loading are specifically highlighted.
This article investigates experimentally the application of health monitoring techniques to assess the damage on a particular kind of hysteretic (metallic) damper called web plastifying dampers, which are subjected to cyclic loading. In general terms, hysteretic dampers are increasingly used as passive control systems in advanced earthquake-resistant structures. Nonparametric statistical processing of the signals obtained from simple vibration tests of the web plastifying damper is used here to propose an area index damage. This area index damage is compared with an alternative energy-based index of damage proposed in past research that is based on the decomposition of the load?displacement curve experienced by the damper. Index of damage has been proven to accurately predict the level of damage and the proximity to failure of web plastifying damper, but obtaining the load?displacement curve for its direct calculation requires the use of costly instrumentation. For this reason, the aim of this study is to estimate index of damage indirectly from simple vibration tests, calling for much simpler and cheaper instrumentation, through an auxiliary index called area index damage. Web plastifying damper is a particular type of hysteretic damper that uses the out-of-plane plastic deformation of the web of I-section steel segments as a source of energy dissipation. Four I-section steel segments with similar geometry were subjected to the same pattern of cyclic loading, and the damage was evaluated with the index of damage and area index damage indexes at several stages of the loading process. A good correlation was found between area index damage and index of damage. Based on this correlation, simple formulae are proposed to estimate index of damage from the area index damage.
Brick facades are a construction type, strongly linked to local construction characteristics and methods. In Spain, particularly in Castilla, the facades have been built since the '80s with Castilian half foot (11.5 cm), resting on the edge of slabs. The design of these facades, to horizontal loads from wind, depending on the codes used, can lead to completely different valid solutions. Applying same loads, the facades studied with current European standard (Eurocode 6), have a maximum length of 7.1 m between supports, while the Spanish code, Technical Building Code - Structural Safety Masonry, (CTE SE-F), 8.4 m can be achieved. This represents an increase of flexural strength, depending on the calculation model used, which can reach until 8 times. This is due to the difference of the calculation method and the structural model in one and another standard, depending on if this facade is analyzed as a vertical or horizontal beam or by formation of a vertical or horizontal archh. This paper analyzes the constructive solution of the brick facades that results from applying Spanish or European standards and how it affects the model applied in the safety of the resulting facade.
En el presente estudio se pretende abordar la situación de estudio en la que actualmente se encuentra el estudio y análisis del comportamiento de juntas de hormigón a esfuerzo rasante pero sin armadura pasante concretamente en este trabajo realizado se ha procedido analizar el comportamiento de paneles para la empresa INDAGSA que ha desarrollado unos paneles prefabricados portantes que sus juntas se componen de una barra corrugada embebida a lo largo de la junta en el hormigón ejecutado in situ. El estudio será enfocado desde un punto de vista específico para los paneles que desarrolla el grupo INDAGSA ya que posteriormente se realizaran ensayos en laboratorio de paneles prefabricados para comparar su comportamiento con los modelos analizados en este trabajo, aunque la aplicación que se explica esta principalmente como indica la actual normativa se trata como una junta entre hormigones de distinta edad concretamente uno prefabricado y el otro perteneciente a la junta ejecutado in situ. El análisis del comportamiento a esfuerzo rasante de juntas de hormigón sin armadura pasante se ha abordado escasas veces por lo que tampoco existen muchos estudios en los que basarse y más en elementos tan esbeltos como son los paneles prefabricados que se han analizado de 10 cm de espesor, 2,2 m de altura y un vano de 6,4 m. Los paneles se analizaran mediante el software de cálculo estructural Sap2000 mediante modelado y análisis con elementos finitos. Después de modelar los paneles sencillos es decir que no forman parte de ninguna estructura sino que se analizaran como viga biapoyada, modelada la junta con elementos muelle o muelles verificando que se aproximan a los valores teóricos obtenidos de tensión en el acero y esfuerzo rasante generado en la junta. Una vez modelados y verificados se usaran los parámetros de los paneles sencillos para modelar una vivienda de dos plantas y se analizara su comportamiento a carga horizontal estudiando la forma por la que puede fallar la vivienda si es a causa de la rotura por esfuerzo rasante de las juntas o por plastificación de la armadura anclada en la cimentación. Posteriormente con estos resultados obtenidos INDAGSA tiene el prototipo de vivienda en escala real para someterlo a un ensayo a carga horizontal como el simulado y analizado con Sap2000 para comprobar y ajustar el modelo.
La presente Tesis se ha centrado en un análisis de la tecnología para la generación de energía eléctrica utilizando las corrientes marinas. El contenido desarrollado ha consistido en un análisis de las distintas alternativas para poder aprovechar la energía oceánica con especial interés en los desarrollos tecnológicos de las corrientes marinas. Posteriormente se ha descrito un nuevo prototipo, basado en un diseño de un generador en inmersión con rotor de eje horizontal con estructura en Y, denominado proyecto GESMEY. Se han analizado diversas localizaciones para poder implantar un prototipo experimental del proyecto GESMEY, así como las posibles localizaciones para implementar un parque de explotación comercial basado en esta tecnología, llegando a conclusiones importantes referidas a la costa española, y definiendo localizaciones muy interesantes en la costa Escocesa. Finalmente se han analizado diversos parámetros de definición de estos parques de aprovechamiento de la energía, clasificándolos como parámetros técnicos, de ubicación, de utilización, medioambientales y económicos. A la vista de la investigación realizada se ha concluido que hay muchas líneas de investigación que desarrollar, y que desde un punto de vista estratégico hay muchas actuaciones que poner en marcha para potenciar la tecnología de las energías renovables marinas mediante corrientes marinas. ABSTRACT This thesis has focused on an analysis of technology for generating electrical power using ocean currents. The content developed consisted of an analysis of the alternatives to take advantage of ocean energy with special emphasis on the technological developments of ocean currents. Subsequently it described a new prototype, based on a design of a generator rotor immersion horizontal axis Y structure, called GESMEY project. We analyzed different locations to implement an experimental prototype GESMEY project and possible locations to deploy a fleet of commercial exploitation based on this technology, reaching important conclusions regarding the Spanish coast, and defining interesting locations on the coast Scottish. Finally, we have analyzed various parameters defining these parks use of energy, classifying them as technical parameters, location, utilization, environmental and economic. In view of the conducted research has concluded that there are many lines of research to develop, and that from a strategic point of view there are many actions to implement to enhance the technology of marine renewable energies by sea currents.
Campos de juego de Noguchi y Van Eyck. El plano horizontal
In this work, some results obtained by Trabucho and Viaño for the shear stress distribution in beam cross sections using asymptotic expansions of the three-dimensional elasticity equations are compared with those calculated by the classical formulae of the Strength of Materials. We use beams with rectangular and circular cross section to compare the degree of accuracy reached by each method.
Increasingly, studies of genes and genomes are indicating that considerable horizontal transfer has occurred between prokaryotes. Extensive horizontal transfer has occurred for operational genes (those involved in housekeeping), whereas informational genes (those involved in transcription, translation, and related processes) are seldomly horizontally transferred. Through phylogenetic analysis of six complete prokaryotic genomes and the identification of 312 sets of orthologous genes present in all six genomes, we tested two theories describing the temporal flow of horizontal transfer. We show that operational genes have been horizontally transferred continuously since the divergence of the prokaryotes, rather than having been exchanged in one, or a few, massive events that occurred early in the evolution of prokaryotes. In agreement with earlier studies, we found that differences in rates of evolution between operational and informational genes are minimal, suggesting that factors other than rate of evolution are responsible for the observed differences in horizontal transfer. We propose that a major factor in the more frequent horizontal transfer of operational genes is that informational genes are typically members of large, complex systems, whereas operational genes are not, thereby making horizontal transfer of informational gene products less probable (the complexity hypothesis).
Ambient light conditions affect the morphology of synaptic elements within the cone pedicle and modulate the spatial properties of the horizontal cell receptive field. We describe here that the effects of retinoic acid on these properties are similar to those of light adaptation. Intraorbital injection of retinoic acid into eyes of dark-adapted carp that subsequently were kept in complete darkness results in the formation of numerous spinules at the terminal dendrites of horizontal cells, a typical feature of light-adapted retinae. The formation of these spinules during light adaptation is impaired in the presence of citral, a competitive inhibitor of the dehydrogenase responsible for the generation of retinoic acid in vivo. Intracellularly recorded responses of horizontal cells from dark-adapted eyecup preparations superfused with retinoic acid reveal typical light-adapted spatial properties. Retinoic acid thus appears to act as a light-signaling modulator. Its activity appears not to be at the transcriptional level because its action was not blocked by actinomycin.
The replication system of bacteriophage T4 uses a trimeric ring-shaped processivity clamp (gp45) to tether the replication polymerase (gp43) to the template-primer DNA. This ring is placed onto the DNA by an ATPase-driven clamp-loading complex (gp44/62) where it then transfers, in closed form, to the polymerase. It generally has been assumed that one of the functions of the loading machinery is to open the clamp to place it around the DNA. However, the mechanism by which this occurs has not been fully defined. In this study we design and characterize a double-mutant gp45 protein that contains pairs of cysteine residues located at each monomer-monomer interface of the trimeric clamp. This mutant protein is functionally equivalent to wild-type gp45. However, when all three monomer-monomer interfaces are tethered by covalent crosslinks formed (reversibly or irreversibly) between the cysteine pairs these closed clamps can no longer be loaded onto the DNA nor onto the polymerase, effectively eliminating processive strand-displacement DNA synthesis. Analysis of the individual steps of the clamp-loading process shows that the ATPase-dependent interactions between the clamp and the clamp loader that precede DNA binding are hyperstimulated by the covalently crosslinked ring, suggesting that binding of the closed ring induces a futile, ATP-driven, ring-opening cycle. These findings and others permit further characterization and ordering of the steps involved in the T4 clamp-loading process.
The evolutionary dynamics existing between transposable elements (TEs) and their host genomes have been likened to an “arms race.” The selfish drive of TEs to replicate, in turn, elicits the evolution of host-mediated regulatory mechanisms aimed at repressing transpositional activity. It has been postulated that horizontal (cross-species) transfer may be one effective strategy by which TEs and other selfish genes can escape host-mediated silencing mechanisms over evolutionary time; however, to date, the most definitive evidence that TEs horizontally transfer between species has been limited to class II or DNA-type elements. Evidence that the more numerous and widely distributed retroelements may also be horizontally transferred between species has been more ambiguous. In this paper, we report definitive evidence for a recent horizontal transfer of the copia long terminal repeat retrotransposon between Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila willistoni.
We have established a differential peptide display method, based on a mass spectrometric technique, to detect peptides that show semiquantitative changes in the neurointermediate lobe (NIL) of individual rats subjected to salt-loading. We employed matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, using a single-reference peptide in combination with careful scanning of the whole crystal rim of the matrix-analyte preparation, to detect in a semiquantitative manner the molecular ions present in the unfractionated NIL homogenate. Comparison of the mass spectra generated from NIL homogenates of salt-loaded and control rats revealed a selective and significant decrease in the intensities of several molecular ion species of the NIL homogenates from salt-loaded rats. These ion species, which have masses that correspond to the masses of oxytocin, vasopressin, neurophysins, and an unidentified putative peptide, were subsequently chemically characterized. We confirmed that the decreased molecular ion species are peptides derived exclusively from propressophysin and prooxyphysin (i.e., oxytocin, vasopressin, and various neurophysins). The putative peptide is carboxyl-terminal glycopeptide. The carbohydrate moiety of the latter peptide was determined by electrospray tandem MS as bisected biantennary Hex3HexNAc5Fuc. This posttranslational modification accounts for the mass difference between the predicted mass of the peptide based on cDNA studies and the measured mass of the mature peptide.