947 resultados para Hip dysplasia


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RATIONALE: As more preterm infants recover from severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), it is critical to understand the clinical consequences of this condition on the lung health of adult survivors.

OBJECTIVES: To assess structural and functional lung parameters in young adult BPD survivors and preterm and term controls Methods: Young adult survivors of BPD (mean age 24) underwent spirometry, lung volumes, transfer factor, lung clearance index and fractional exhaled nitric oxide measurements together with high-resolution chest tomographic (CT) imaging and cardiopulmonary exercise testing.

MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: 25 adult BPD survivors, (mean ± SD gestational age 26.8 ± 2.3 weeks; birth weight 866 ± 255 g), 24 adult prematurely born non-BPD controls (gestational age 30.6 ± 1.9 weeks; birth weight 1234 ± 207 g) and 25 adult term birth control subjects (gestational age 38.5 ± 0.9 weeks; and birth weight 3569 ± 2979 g) were studied. BPD subjects were more likely to be wakened by cough (OR 9.7, 95% CI: 1.8 to 52.6), p<0.01), wheeze and breathlessness (OR 12.2, 95%CI: 1.3 to 112), p<0.05) than term controls after adjusting for sex and current smoking. Preterm subjects had greater airways obstruction than term subjects. BPD subjects had significantly lower values for FEV1 and FEF25-75 (% predicted and z scores) than term controls (both p<0.001). Although non-BPD subjects also had lower spirometric values than term controls, none of the differences reached statistical significance. More BPD subjects (25%) had fixed airflow obstruction than non-BPD (12.5%) and term (0%) subjects (p=0.004). Both BPD and non-BPD subjects had significantly greater impairment in gas transfer (KCO % predicted) than term subjects (both p<0.05). Eighteen (37%) preterm participants were classified as small for gestational age (birth weight < 10th percentile for gestational age). These subjects had significantly greater impairment in FEV1 (% predicted and z scores) than those born appropriate for gestational age. BPD survivors had significantly more severe radiographic structural lung impairment than non-BPD subjects. Both preterm groups had impaired exercise capacity compared to term controls. There was a trend for greater limitation and leg discomfort in BPD survivors.

CONCLUSIONS: Adult preterm birth survivors, especially those who developed BPD, continue to experience respiratory symptoms and exhibit clinically important levels of pulmonary impairment.


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La sostituzione totale d’anca è uno degli interventi chirurgici con le più alte percentuali di successo. Esistono due varianti di protesi d’anca che differiscono in base al metodo di ancoraggio all’osso: cementate (fissaggio tramite cemento osseo) e non cementate (fissaggio tramite forzamento). Ad oggi, i chirurghi non hanno indicazioni quantitative di supporto per la scelta fra le due tipologie di impianto, decidendo solo in base alla loro esperienza. Due delle problematiche che interessano le protesi non cementate sono la possibilità di frattura intra-operatoria durante l’inserimento forzato e il riassorbimento osseo nel periodo di tempo successivo all’intervento. A partire da rilevazioni densitometriche effettuate su immagini da TC di pazienti sottoposti a protesi d’anca non cementata, sono stati sviluppati due metodi: 1) per la valutazione del rischio di frattura intra-operatorio tramite analisi agli elementi finiti; 2) per la valutazione della variazione di densità minerale ossea (tridimensionalmente attorno alla protesi) dopo un anno dall’operazione. Un campione di 5 pazienti è stato selezionato per testare le procedure. Ciascuno dei pazienti è stato scansionato tramite TC in tre momenti differenti: una acquisita prima dell’operazione (pre-op), le altre due acquisite 24 ore (post 24h) e 1 anno dopo l’operazione (post 1y). I risultati ottenuti hanno confermato la fattibilità di entrambi i metodi, riuscendo inoltre a distinguere e a quantificare delle differenze fra i vari pazienti. La fattibilità di entrambe le metodologie suggerisce la loro possibilità di impiego in ambito clinico: 1) conoscere la stima del rischio di frattura intra-operatorio può servire come strumento di guida per il chirurgo nella scelta dell’impianto protesico ottimale; 2) conoscere la variazione di densità minerale ossea dopo un anno dall’operazione può essere utilizzato come strumento di monitoraggio post-operatorio del paziente.


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Cette thèse analyse les rappeurs afro-québécois des communautés de Limoilou (Limoilou Starz) et leurs amis de Montcalm comme des acteurs qui s’approprient des éléments identitaires, de lutte sociale et de survie économique, issus des problématiques globales et américaines du hip-hop, au service de leurs défis particuliers. Les divers mérites des luttes menées au moyen de leur art sont acquis par des formes spécifiques de capital. Ainsi les moyens utilisés par les rappeurs sont principalement les paroles de chansons, les prises de parole publique, dans les médias et sur scène, les campagnes d’affichage, l’utilisation des réseaux numériques, l’entreprise économique autonome (photographie, vidéographie, gestion des artistes, vente de vêtements). Ces moyens spécifiques se rattachent à d’autres principes et actions non explicités et sociohistoriquement ancrés. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique menée auprès de 31 participants dans la ville de Québec, j’utilise le concept de « réception différenciée » (Hall, 1980; Morley, 1980) pour décrire le processus de résistance des différents pratiquants et entrepreneurs de la musique aux dominations provenant de groupes divers. Trois principaux groupes de domination sont examinés : les agents d’institutions étatiques (comme les policiers du Service de Police de la Ville de Québec), les agents d’entreprises privées (comme les patrons de grandes boites de nuit et les propriétaires de labels musicaux indépendants) et les groupes et individus du milieu hip-hop, à travers leurs stratégies d’intimidation. La théorie « émergente » ou emergent-fit (Guillemette, 2006; Guillemette et Luckerhoff, 2009) permet d’entrevoir la musique hip-hop en amont comme une structure multidimensionnelle (sociale, identitaire, politique et économique) et intersectionnelle (intersection de plusieurs catégories interreliées, relatives au lieu de résidence, à la race et aux capacités économiques), et en aval comme un champ musical (Bourdieu, 1976 et 1989; Rimmer, 2010) renégocié. Cette structure a pris forme et s’est transformée grâce aux dispositions mentales et physiques (habitus) des acteurs étudiés. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que certains rappeurs et leurs autres collègues artistes hip-hop— ainsi que quelques entrepreneurs— résistent à plusieurs sortes de domination. D’autres encore acceptent ces dominations sous forme d’idéologies, même en le reconnaissant explicitement. Par contre, une infime partie des acteurs étudiés les rejettent complètement. Ainsi, l’appropriation multidimensionnelle et intersectionnelle des sens dominants à travers le hip-hop mène à plusieurs formes de lecture de la domination et de la résistance.


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ão obstante terem passado mais de 10 anos sobre a publicação da Lei de Saúde Mental, o intenso debate e reflexão ocorridos não foram acompanhados por publicação, igualmente profusa, de investigação clínica sobre a epidemiologia dos internamentos compulsivos. Os autores procuraram caracterizar o arquétipo do doente submetido a internamento involuntário em Portugal, apreciando variáveis demográficas, clínicas e legais. Para esse fim, conduziu-se um estudo retrospectivo dos internamentos compulsivos ocorridos entre 2006 e 2008 em dois hospitais: os Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra (HUC) e o Hospital Infante D. Pedro – Aveiro (HIP). Uma amostra de 384 internamentos foi recolhida e caracterizada, apresentando-se resultados desta investigação e discussão dos dados obtidos.


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Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Programa de Trabajo Social


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In a double blind study of ketoprofen and placebo in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the hip, ketoprofen was shown to be significantly more effective. Analysis of results was made using the sequential technique. Major intolerance occurred in two cases and minor intolerance in five cases. Newly diagnosed cases were treated more readily with ketoprofen than chronic cases treated for several months with other drugs which had proved ineffective. There were no changes in biological parameters. Age and sex did not affect the result. The further study of ketoprofen in large open trials appears to be indicated.


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PURPOSE/INTRODUCTION: We have examined the immune status of elderly patients who underwent surgery for a hip fracture, an injury associated with poor postoperative outcomes, to identify specific immune defects. METHODS: In a cohort observational study, 16 patients undergoing surgery for hip fractures had immune function evaluation prior to surgery, and then at 3 and 7 days postoperatively, using flow cytometry for phenotype and for monocyte and granulocyte phagocytic function and respiratory burst. Serum samples were stored and batch analyzed using a human cytokine 25-plex panel. RESULTS: We report significant loss of innate immune function, related specifically to reduced granulocyte numbers by day 7 (P < .0001, flow cytometry; P < .05 white blood cells), and although granulocyte ability to take up opsonized Escherichia coli was increased (P < .05), the ability of those cells to generate a respiratory burst was reduced at days 3 and 7 (P < .05). Monocyte respiratory burst was also significantly reduced (P < .05). Serum cytokine levels indicated very poor T-cell function. CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated that the antimicrobial immune response is profoundly reduced after surgery in elderly patients with hip fractures. The effect was sustained up to 7 days postoperatively, identifying these patients as particularly vulnerable to bacterial infections.


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BACKGROUND: Despite increasing demand for joint replacement surgery and other health services for hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA), barriers and enablers to individual access to care are not well understood. A comprehensive understanding of drivers at all levels is needed to inform efforts for improving access. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore perceived barriers and enablers to receiving conservative (nonsurgical) and surgical treatment for hip and knee OA. DESIGN: This was a qualitative study using directed content analysis. METHODS: Semistructured telephone interviews were conducted, with 33 participants randomly sampled from an Australian population-based survey of hip and knee OA. Each interview covered factors contributing to receiving treatment for OA and perceived barriers to accessing care. Interview transcripts were coded and organized into themes. RESULTS: Key barriers to accessing care for OA included medical opinions about saving surgery for later and the appropriate age for joint replacement. Other common barriers included difficulty obtaining referrals or appointments, long waiting times, work-related issues, and limited availability of primary and specialist care in some areas. Several participants perceived a lack of effective treatment for OA. Private health insurance was the most frequently cited enabler and was perceived to support the costs of surgical and conservative treatments, including physical therapy, while facilitating faster access to surgery. Close proximity to services and assistance from medical professionals in arranging care also were considered enablers. CONCLUSIONS: People with hip or knee OA experience substantial challenges in accessing treatment, and these challenges relate predominantly to health professionals, health systems, and financial factors. Private health insurance was the strongest perceived enabler to accessing care for OA.


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Aim: To assess whether the introduction of a new approach to nutritional care for hip fracture patients, in both acute and subacute admissions, can improve nutritional status, length of stay and pressure injuries. Methods: Medical records of patients admitted to Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia with a fractured hip between January and June 2014 after implementation of a new nutritional care guideline were compared to a historical control group admitted between January and June 2013 prior to introduction of the guideline. Data were collected for both acute and subacute admissions and included length of stay, date of first contact with a dietitian, subjective global assessment category and occurrence of pressure injuries. Results: There was a significantly shorter length of stay overall for patients who received care under the new guideline (21.6 ± 15.1 vs 26.4 ± 20.4 days; P = 0.043) and during the subacute admission (20.1 ± 10.6 vs 28.8 ± 15.8 days; P < 0.001); however, there was no significant difference in the acute hospital length of stay period. The post-guideline group had a significantly shorter time between admission and first contact with a dietitian (4.8 ± 3.3 vs 7.5 ± 6.2 days; P < 0.001). Post-guideline patients also had a significantly lower incidence of pressure injuries with 29, compared to 41 in pre-guideline patients (P = 0.045). There were significantly less malnourished patients in the post-guideline group compared to the pre-guideline group across both acute and subacute admissions (29% vs 35%; P = 0.015). Conclusions: A nutritional care guideline for patients with hip fractures is associated with improved patient outcomes with a significant reduction in overall and subacute length of stay and pressure injury incidence and earlier dietetic assessment and intervention.


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Rapid increase of service demands in healthcare contexts today requires a robust framework enabled by IT (information technology) solutions as well as real-time service handling in order to ensure superior decision making and successful healthcare outcomes. Contemporaneous with the challenges facing healthcare, we are witnessing the development of very sophisticated intelligent tools and technologies such as Business Analytics techniques. Therefore, it would appear to be prudent to investigate the possibility of applying such tools and technologies into various healthcare contexts to facilitate better risk detection and support superior decision making. The following serves to do this in the context of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty and Congenital Heart Disease.