994 resultados para Hierarchical document


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One reason for semi-supervised clustering fail to deliver satisfactory performance in document clustering is that the transformed optimization problem could have many candidate solutions, but existing methods provide no mechanism to select a suitable one from all those candidates. This paper alleviates this problem by posing the same task as a soft-constrained optimization problem, and introduces the salient degree measure as an information guide to control the searching of an optimal solution. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in the improvement of the performance, especially when the amount of priori domain knowledge is limited.


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We modify a selection of interactive modeling tools for use in a procedural modeling environment. These tools are selection, extrusion, subdivision and curve shaping. We create human models to demonstrate that these tools are appropriate for use on hierarchical objects. Our tools support the main benefits of procedural modeling, which are: the use of parameterisation to control and very a model, varying levels of detail, increased model complexity, base shape independence and database amplification. We demonstrate scripts which provide each of these benefits.


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This paper presents a hierarchical pattern matching and generalisation technique which is applied to the problem of locating the correct speaker of quoted speech found in fiction books. Patterns from a training set are generalised to create a small number of rules, which can be used to identify items of interest within the text. The pattern matching technique is applied to finding the Speech-Verb, Actor and Speaker of quotes found in ction books. The technique performs well over the training data, resulting in rule-sets many times smaller than the training set, but providing very high accuracy. While the rule-set generalised from one book is less effective when applied to different books than an approach based on hand coded heuristics, performance is comparable when testing on data closely related to the training set.


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In this paper, we present a document clustering framework incorporating instance-level knowledge in the form of pairwise constraints and attribute-level knowledge in the form of keyphrases. Firstly, we initialize weights based on metric learning with pairwise constraints, then simultaneously learn two kinds of knowledge by combining the distance-based and the constraint-based approaches, finally evaluate and select clustering result based on the degree of users’ satisfaction. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of the proposed method.


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We describe the design of a directory-based shared memory architecture on a hierarchical network of hypercubes. The distributed directory scheme comprises two separate hierarchical networks for handling cache requests and transfers. Further, the scheme assumes a single address space and each processing element views the entire network as contiguous memory space. The size of individual directories stored at each node of the network remains constant throughout the network. Although the size of the directory increases with the network size, the architecture is scalable. The results of the analytical studies demonstrate superior performance characteristics of our scheme compared with those of other schemes.


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Directly modeling the inherent hierarchy and shared structures of human behaviors, we present an application of the hierarchical hidden Markov model (HHMM) for the problem of activity recognition. We argue that to robustly model and recognize complex human activities, it is crucial to exploit both the natural hierarchical decomposition and shared semantics embedded in the movement trajectories. To this end, we propose the use of the HHMM, a rich stochastic model that has been recently extended to handle shared structures, for representing and recognizing a set of complex indoor activities. Furthermore, in the need of real-time recognition, we propose a Rao-Blackwellised particle filter (RBPF) that efficiently computes the filtering distribution at a constant time complexity for each new observation arrival. The main contributions of this paper lie in the application of the shared-structure HHMM, the estimation of the model's parameters at all levels simultaneously, and a construction of an RBPF approximate inference scheme. The experimental results in a real-world environment have confirmed our belief that directly modeling shared structures not only reduces computational cost, but also improves recognition accuracy when compared with the tree HHMM and the flat HMM.


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In this paper we present a coherent approach using the hierarchical HMM with shared structures to extract the structural units that form the building blocks of an education/training video. Rather than using hand-crafted approaches to define the structural units, we use the data from nine training videos to learn the parameters of the HHMM, and thus naturally extract the hierarchy. We then study this hierarchy and examine the nature of the structure at different levels of abstraction. Since the observable is continuous, we also show how to extend the parameter learning in the HHMM to deal with continuous observations.


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The hierarchical hidden Markov model (HHMM) is an extension of the hidden Markov model to include a hierarchy of the hidden states. This form of hierarchical modeling has been found useful in applications such as handwritten character recognition, behavior recognition, video indexing, and text retrieval. Nevertheless, the state hierarchy in the original HHMM is restricted to a tree structure. This prohibits two different states from having the same child, and thus does not allow for sharing of common substructures in the model. In this paper, we present a general HHMM in which the state hierarchy can be a lattice allowing arbitrary sharing of substructures. Furthermore, we provide a method for numerical scaling to avoid underflow, an important issue in dealing with long observation sequences. We demonstrate the working of our method in a simulated environment where a hierarchical behavioral model is automatically learned and later used for recognition.


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In this paper, we propose a novel solution for segmenting an instructional video into hierarchical topical sections. Incorporating the knowledge of education-oriented film theory with our previous study of expressive functions namely the content density and the thematic functions, we develop an algorithm to effectively structuralize an instructional video into a two-tiered hierarchy of topical sections at the main and sub-topic levels. Our experimental results on a set of ten industrial instructional videos demonstrate the validity of the detection scheme.