970 resultados para Hereditary Pancreatitis
The white sponge naevus is a rare benign, hereditary autosomal dominant disorder of the mucosa. The oral mucosa is most often affected, but vaginal and anal mucosal surfaces may also be involved. Clinically, a whitish-grey, ragged, and folded surface that has no clear demarcation and appears sponge-like is characteristic, often creating problems in differential diagnosis. A potential risk for malignant transformation of white sponge naevus lesions has not been reported. The therapy for this benign hereditary disorder is unknown, however does not appear to be necessary. In the present report of a family with known white sponge naevus in three different generations, clinical, histopathologic, cytopathologic, DNA-cytomertric, and genetic aspects are described and discussed.
Natal teeth have been defined as teeth which are present at birth, while neonatal teeth erupt during the first 30 days. Their occurrence is rare, the prevalence ranges from 1:2000 to 1:3000 with a higher frequency in the lip and palate clefts and syndroms. In about 85% natal or neonatal teeth are lower central incisors (60% in pairs), rare are upper teeth, molars and multiple teeth. In almost 90% they are part of the deciduous dentition. A lot of possible causes of early eruption are discussed, but only the relation to hereditary factors seems to be evident. An autosomal dominant trait is often described. The appearance of these teeth is dependent on the degree of maturity, but most of the time it is loose, small, discoloured and hypoplastic. Histologically, enamel hypoplasia with normal prism structure is apparent. No significant disturbances of the dentin structures are observed, only cervically dentin becomes atubular with spaces and enclosed cells. A large vascular pulp and failure of root formation are further investigations. Our microhardness measurements showed values from 24.3-32.4 KHN for enamel and 48.3-62.2 KHN for dentin, while normal deciduous teeth have an enamel hardness of 322.0 +/- 17.5 KHN. The thickness of enamel was never more than 280 microm compared to up to 1200 microm in normal teeth. This shows the retarded development of natal and neonatal teeth, because mineralization has not finished at the time of birth. In accordance with developmental age tooth structure and appearence are normal. In consideration of complications as Riga-Fede-disease, feeding problems, possibility of infection and hypermobility most of the time extraction is the treatment of choice, but in the interest of protecting the child this decision should be made carefully.
PURPOSE: To characterize the phenotype and map the locus responsible for autosomal recessive inherited ovine microphthalmia (OMO) in sheep. METHODS: Microphthalmia-affected lambs and their available relatives were collected in a field, and experimental matings were performed to obtain affected and normal lambs for detailed necropsy and histologic examinations. The matings resulted in 18 sheep families with 48 cases of microphthalmia. A comparative candidate gene approach was used to map the disease locus within the sheep genome. Initially, 27 loci responsible for the microphthalmia-anophthalmia phenotypes in humans or mice were selected to test for comparative linkage. Fifty flanking markers that were predicted from comparative genomic analysis to be closely linked to these genes were tested for linkage to the disease locus. After observation of statistical evidence for linkage, a confirmatory fine mapping strategy was applied by further genotyping of 43 microsatellites. RESULTS: The clinical and pathologic examinations showed slightly variable expressivity of isolated bilateral microphthalmia. The anterior eye chamber was small or absent, and a white mass admixed with cystic spaces extended from the papilla to the anterior eye chamber, while no recognizable vitreous body or lens was found within the affected eyes. Significant linkage to a single candidate region was identified at sheep chromosome 23. Fine mapping and haplotype analysis assigned the candidate region to a critical interval of 12.4 cM. This ovine chromosome segment encompasses an ancestral chromosomal breakpoint corresponding to two orthologue segments of human chromosomes 18, short and long arms. For the examined animals, we excluded the complete coding region and adjacent intronic regions of ovine TGIF1 to harbor disease-causing mutations. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first genetic localization for hereditary ovine isolated microphthalmia. It seems unlikely that a mutation in the TGIF1 gene is responsible for this disorder. The studied sheep represent a valuable large animal model for similar human ocular phenotypes.
Hereditary hair length variability in mice and dogs is caused by mutations within the fibroblast growth factor 5 (FGF5) gene. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feline FGF5 orthologue as a functional candidate gene for the long hair phenotype in cats, which is recessive to short hair. We amplified the feline FGF5 cDNA and characterised two alternatively spliced transcripts by RT-PCR. Comparative cDNA and genomic DNA sequencing of long- and short-haired cats revealed four non-synonymous polymorphisms in the FGF5 coding sequence. A missense mutation (AM412646:c.194C>A) was found in the homozygous state in 25 long-haired Somali, Persian, Maine Coon, Ragdoll and crossbred cats. Fifty-five short-haired cats had zero or one copy of this allele. Additionally, we found perfect co-segregation of the c.194C>A mutation within two independent pedigrees segregating for hair length. A second FGF5 exon 1 missense mutation (AM412646:c.182T>A) was found exclusively in long-haired Norwegian Forest cats. The c.182T>A mutation probably represents a second FGF5 mutation responsible for long hair in cats. In addition to the c.194C>A mutation, a frameshift mutation (AM412646:c.474delT) was found with a high frequency in the long-haired Maine Coon breed. Finally, a missense mutation (AM412646:c.475A>C) was also associated with the long-haired phenotype in some breeds. However, as one short-haired cat was homozygous for this polymorphism, it is unlikely that it has a functional role in the determination of hair length.
Alopecia X is a noninflammatory, progressive, bilateral symmetric alopecia in dogs. The disease is mainly found in Nordic breeds. The breed predisposition and a strong familial accumulation suggest a hereditary background. We analyzed the cathepsin L2 gene (CTSL2) as a candidate for alopecia X. The comparative sequencing of 14 affected and 18 control animals revealed ten polymorphisms; however, none of these polymorphisms affected the coding sequence. Haplotype analysis did not reveal an association of one particular CTSL2 haplotype with the disease phenotype; therefore, we conclude that the CTSL2 gene is probably not the causative gene for alopecia X.
Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS) is an extremely rare hereditary bleeding disorder, caused by mutations occurring in the Glycoprotein (GP) Ibalpha, GPIbbeta and GP9 genes that encode for the corresponding subunits of platelet GPIb-V-IX adhesion receptor complex. BSS has been reported in many populations, mostly behaving in an autosomal-recessive manner.While the great majority of BSS mutations are unique to a single individual or family, the GP9 1828A>G Asn45Ser mutation, which we have identified in an undocumented Australian Caucasian, has already been reported in multiple unrelated Caucasian families from various Northern and Central European countries. Haplotype analysis of 19 BSS patients from 15 unrelated Northern European families (including 2 compound heterozygote siblings from a British family previously published, and 17 1828A>G Asn45Ser homozygotes), showed that 14 of these BSS patients from 11 of the 1828A>G Asn45Ser homozygote families share a common haplotype at the chromosomal region 3' to the GP9 gene. Hence, the results suggest that the GP9 1828A>GAsn45Ser mutation in these families is ancient, and its frequent emergence in the European population is the result of a founder effect rather than recurrent mutational events. Association of the 1828A>G Asn45Ser mutation with variant haplotypes in 4 other Northern European BSS families raised the possibility of a second founder event, or rare recombinations in these families. Additional members from these 'atypical' lineages would need to be screened to resolve this question.
Several disease predispositions of Irish Wolfhounds are mentioned in the veterinary literature, but these lists vary greatly between different publications. This article reviews findings on lifespan as well as disease predispositions that have been reported in the literature. Hereditary mechanisms found so far are discussed, including their implications for breeding healthier dogs, the ethical necessity of which is stressed under the aspect of animal welfare. An open health registry, combined with the estimation of breeding values, seems to be the most promising approach. Furthermore, routine male castration is discouraged as being associated with an increased osteosarcoma risk. Mean lifespan estimates in Irish Wolfhounds vary between 4.95 and 8.75 years, but bias due to right censored data is common. The diseases reported to occur most frequently are dilated cardiomyopathy, osteogenic sarcoma, gastric dilation and volvulus and diseases of the osteochondrosis spectrum. Furthermore, intrahepatic portosystemic shunt plays an important role. Several other diseases have been reported in the literature, including rhinitis, epilepsy, progressive retinal atrophy, von Willebrand's Disease, and juvenile fibrocartilaginous embolism.
The cause of porcine congenital progressive ataxia and spastic paresis (CPA) is unknown. This severe neuropathy manifests shortly after birth and is lethal. The disease is inherited as a single autosomal recessive allele, designated cpa. In a previous study, we demonstrated close linkage of cpa to microsatellite SW902 on porcine chromosome 3 (SSC3), which corresponds syntenically to human chromosome 2. This latter chromosome contains ion channel genes (Ca(2+), K(+) and Na(+)), a cholinergic receptor gene and the spastin (SPG4) gene, which cause human epilepsy and ataxia when mutated. We mapped porcine CACNB4, KCNJ3, SCN2A and CHRNA1 to SSC15 and SPG4 to SSC3 with the INRA-Minnesota porcine radiation hybrid panel (IMpRH) and we sequenced the entire open reading frames of CACNB4 and SPG4 without finding any differences between healthy and affected piglets. An anti-epileptic drug treatment with ethosuximide did not change the severity of the disease, and pigs with CPA did not exhibit the corticospinal tract axonal degeneration found in humans suffering from hereditary spastic paraplegia, which is associated with mutations in SPG4. For all these reasons, the hypothesis that CACNB4, CHRNA1, KCNJ3, SCN2A or SPG4 are identical with the CPA gene was rejected.
BACKGROUND ; AIMS: Pancreatic and bile duct carcinomas represent highly aggressive malignancies that evolve from secretin receptor-rich ductular cells. With premessenger RNA splicing abnormalities common in cancer, we evaluated whether an abnormal secretin receptor spliceoform were present, characterized it, and developed a serum assay for it. METHODS: Cancer cell lines and healthy and neoplastic tissue were studied by nested reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. A promising spliceoform was isolated and characterized, and monoclonal antibodies were raised to 2 distinct regions. A dual antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed and applied to blinded serum samples from 26 patients with pancreatic carcinoma, 10 patients with chronic pancreatitis, and 14 controls. RESULTS: Each of 9 pancreatic cancer specimens and no normal tissue expressed a secretin receptor variant with exons 3 and 4 deleted. This encoded a 111-residue peptide with its first 43 residues identical to wild-type receptor, but, subsequent to a shift in coding frame and early truncation, the next 68 residues were unique in the transcriptome/proteome. This nonfunctional soluble protein did not bind or signal in response to secretin and was secreted from transfected MiaPaCa-2 cells. Elevated serum levels of this variant were present in 69% of pancreatic cancer patients, 60% of chronic pancreatitis patients, and 1 of 14 controls. CONCLUSIONS: We identified a novel abnormal spliceoform of the secretin receptor in pancreatic and bile duct cancers and developed a dual antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure it in the circulation. Initial application of this assay in patients with pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis was promising, but additional validation will be required to evaluate its clinical utility.
Nephrocalcinosis is the result of a myriad of hereditary or acquired diseases in the calcium, phosphate or oxalate metabolism that lead to deposition of calcium containing precipitates within the kidney. Nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis are pathophysiologically tightly related and often co-exist. In the case of recurrent nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis has to be excluded. Stone analysis can yield important clues to the underlying disease process. The best way to diagnose nephrocalcinosis and an accompanying nephrolithiasis is by native computer tomography scans. Untreated, nephrocalcinosis will lead to a progressive decline in renal function and eventually to end stage renal disease. Thus, for each case, the underlying disease process has to be determined and a causative therapy initiated.
Migraine is a recurrent disabling disorder predominantly affecting middle-aged women. Migraine occurs with or without aura symptoms. Several studies have shown an increased prevalence of right-to-left shunts (RLSs) in migraine with aura. The overwhelming majority of these shunts were due to a patent foramen ovale (PFO). Furthermore, migraine with aura is more prevalent in clinical entities associated with a RLS, e.g. cryptogenic stroke, decompression illness in divers, or in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic teleangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas. Retrospective studies have consistently shown that shunt closure was associated with a significant reduction in migraine frequency. Its beneficial effect seemed to exceed the efficacy of conventional migraine therapy. Several randomized clinical trials to prospectively assess the benefit of shunt closure in migraine patients have been initiated. The only one completed, the MIST trial (Migraine Intervention with STARFLEX Technology), showed a significant reduction of migraine with aura after device implantation, compared with controls. However, the benefit of PFO closure was more modest than expected. This review recapitulates the current data regarding PFO closure and migraine with aura and summarizes in brief the current knowledge regarding migraine pathophysiology and the link to a RLS.
It is widely accepted that peripheral trauma such as soft tissue injuries can trigger dystonia, although little is known about the underlying mechanism. Because peripheral injury only rarely appears to elicit dystonia, a predisposing vulnerability in cortical motor areas might play a role. Using single and paired-pulse pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation, we evaluated motor cortex excitability of a hand muscle in a patient with peripherally induced foot dystonia, in her brother with craniocervical dystonia, and in her unaffected sister, and compared their results to those from a group of normal subjects. In the patient with peripherally induced dystonia, we found a paradoxical intracortical facilitation at short interstimulus intervals of 3 and 5 milliseconds, at which regular intracortical inhibition (ICI) occurred in healthy subjects. These findings suggest that the foot dystonia may have been precipitated as the result of a preexisting abnormality of motor cortex excitability. Furthermore, the abnormality of ICI in her brother and sister indicates that altered motor excitability may be a hereditary predisposition. The study demonstrates that the paired-pulse technique is a useful tool to assess individual vulnerability, which can be particularly relevant when the causal association between trauma and dystonia is less evident.
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a lethal hereditary disease caused by homozygous deletion/inactivation of the survival of motoneuron 1 (SMN1) gene. The nearby SMN2 gene, despite its identical coding capacity, is only an incomplete substitute, because a single nucleotide difference impairs the inclusion of its seventh exon in the messenger RNA (mRNA). This splicing defect can be corrected (transiently) by specially designed oligonucleotides. Here we have developed a more permanent correction strategy based on bifunctional U7 small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs). These carry both an antisense sequence that allows specific binding to exon 7 and a splicing enhancer sequence that will improve the recognition of the targeted exon. When expression cassettes for these RNAs are stably introduced into cells, the U7 snRNAs become incorporated into small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) particles that will induce a durable splicing correction. We have optimized this strategy to the point that virtually all SMN2 pre-mRNA becomes correctly spliced. In fibroblasts from an SMA patient, this approach induces a prolonged restoration of SMN protein and ensures its correct localization to discrete nuclear foci (gems).
Hereditary thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a rare disorder characterized by occlusive microvascular thrombosis, consumptive thrombocytopenia, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in the ADAMTS13 gene result in a congenital severe ADAMTS13 deficiency and subsequent accumulation of ultra-large von Willebrand factor multimers, which tend to form platelet thrombi in the microcirculation. We report a first case of congenital TTP on the African continent with a new, homozygous mutation in the metalloprotease domain of ADAMTS13. An initially oligo-symptomatic presentation was followed by acute exacerbation with ischemic stroke and acute renal failure highlighting the severity of this syndrome.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: New treatment modalities have become increasingly popular for the treatment of acute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Widespread availability of ADAMTS13 assays resulted in the increased recognition of patients with hereditary thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and specific issues related to acquired ADAMTS13 deficiency. These new aspects with implications on management of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura patients are reviewed here. RECENT FINDINGS: Today, plasma exchange with the replacement of fresh frozen plasma is still the treatment of choice in acute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. The finding of circulating anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies in the majority of patients constitutes the rationale for the concomitant administration of immunosuppressive drugs. Rituximab seems to have a favorable benefit-risk ratio in plasma-refractory and relapsing thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; however, long-term follow-up data are not yet available. Constitutively lacking ADAMTS13 in hereditary thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura can be supplemented by simple plasma infusions. Severe acquired ADAMTS13 deficiency either at presentation or in remission identifies patients at a particularly high risk of relapse. SUMMARY: Despite progress in understanding the pathophysiology of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, acute bouts as well as relapses still represent serious health threats to patients and rapid initiation of plasma exchange is mandatory. Large randomized clinical trials, however, need to determine whether new treatment modalities are superior to standard plasma exchange.