952 resultados para Health Personnel -- education


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Durante o processo de envelhecimento ocorrem alterações morfofisiológicas que podem acarretar em dificuldades na realização de atividades da vida diária (AVDs), diminuindo conseqüentemente a independência do idoso e comprometendo sua qualidade de vida. Para atenuar e/ou retardar tais alterações, diversos autores têm recomendado a prática regular de atividade física voltada para o desenvolvimento dos componentes de capacidade funcional (CF). Especificamente para a flexibilidade, a realização de exercícios de alongamento tem sido amplamente recomendada pela literatura. De qualquer forma, poucos estudos analisaram o efeito crônico do treinamento da flexibilidade em diferentes volumes sobre a CF de idosos. Desta forma, o objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o efeito de 16 semanas de treinamento de flexibilidade, através de alongamento estático, realizado com dois diferentes volumes, sobre a CF de idosas. Participaram deste estudo 23 mulheres (67,4 ± 7,3 anos; 64,9 ± 8,7 kg; 155,1 ± 5,8 cm; 27,5 ± 3,5 kg/m2) divididas em dois grupos: Grupo Treinamento de 30 segundos (GT30, n=15) e Grupo Treinamento de 60 segundos (GT60, n=8). As participantes do GT30 e GT60 foram submetidas ao treinamento de flexibilidade, com duração de 16 semanas e freqüência de três vezes semanais. Durante cada sessão de treinamento, as participantes realizaram três séries de exercícios de alongamento para os grupos musculares de membros superiores, inferiores e tronco, com intervalo de 30 segundos entre as repetições e entre os exercícios. A CF foi avaliada por meio da bateria de testes motores da American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) tanto no momento pré quanto após oito e 16 semanas de treinamento. Para o tratamento dos dados foi utilizada estatística descritiva (média e desviopadrão), test t de Student para amostras independentes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is a chronic, neurodegenerative and progressive disorder, characterized by cognitive decline, affecting brain functions like memory, reasoning and communication, occurrence of behavioral disturbances and difficulty in performing activities of daily living (ADLs). These conditions lead to patient’s dependence, which can cause depressive symptoms in caregivers, due to physical and mental burden caused by of the difficulties of the act of caring. Whereupon, it became necessary to find strategies to improve the caregivers’ quality of life. An interesting hypothesis is that physical activity can be considered a non-pharmacological alternative in reducing depressive symptoms, being an important factor for maintaining the physical and mental well-being of the general population, especially on positive changes in mood and social interaction. This study aimed to analyze the effects of a physical activity protocol on depressive symptoms and burden of caregivers of patients with AD. This experimental study, of longitudinal character, comprised a sample of 19 caregivers, of both genders, divided into two groups: a) intervention group – IG (10 caregivers who participated in a physical activity protocol) and b) control group – CG (9 caregivers who didn’t participate in the physical activity protocol). This protocol, which worked the components of functional ability and social interaction of participants, was held three times a week, being 48 sessions of 60 minutes each, for 16 weeks. Data collect was performed at pre and post-intervention for both groups. The assessment instruments used were: a) Zarit Burden Interview, b) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) and c) battery of motor tests of the American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD). Nonparametric statistics was used, with intra-group comparison by Wilcoxon test... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The goal of this study was to apprehend conceptualizations and professional experiences concerning child maltreatment as reported by physicians and nurses working for the Family Health Strategy implemented in a medium-sized city in São Paulo state. It is a descriptive qualitative study in which 20 professionals were included and semi-structured taped interviews were used. The data obtained were analyzed according to the Collective Subject Discourse and systematized into five themes: Conceptualizations of child maltreatment; Professional training to work in this field; Professional experiences related to such aggravations; Difficult and easy aspects faced during care provision to child maltreatment in the Family Health Strategy; Proposals to promote child safety. It was concluded that care provision to such aggravation types by family health units is configured as an important strategy to promote child safety and support families in relation to this issue. However, it was observed that, in order to qualify professionals for such care provision, it is necessary to invest in continuing education for the multiprofessional team. Also, municipal policies concerning care provision to child abuse, particularly in the organization of integrated work of the health care, education, social welfare and justice sectors must be urgently established by actively including the general society in such process


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The practice of regular physical activity has been considered a protective factor against the degenerative processes of the body, acting as a promoter of health, especially for risk groups such as obese and resistant groups exercise adherence as among the intellectually disabled (ID) . This study involved the administration of a training protocol and the physical parameters of longitudinal health in a subject about 43 years, intellectually deficient, hypertensive, obese and with a strong predisposition to develop diabetes and heart disease. The main objective of long-term program was to reduce body weight and normalize blood pressure (BP) after the student's physical activity and preferentially interfere with BP values at rest (ie before the daily schedule). The other objective was to improve general physical fitness. The protocol involved four meetings per week lasting one hour, in addition to participation in the program PROEFA (twice a week with sessions of one hour each), totaling 57 sessions spread over five months. The evaluation protocol included in each session the following tests: blood pressure measurements and heart rate, and amount of physical activity recorded via pedometer. Tests applied before and after the training included: anthropometric assessment, agility test, flexibility test, test drive through vertical and horizontal jumps and endurance to the test bench. The mass (kg) and BMI corresponded to the initial values of 127.7 kg and 42.05 kg m-2, and 5 months after 113.2 kg and 37.48 kg m-2, respectively. The waist-hip ratio was close to 1 after the intervention and this value corresponded to 0.98. For the test of agility (shuttle run) was not found improvement in performance. To test the values of the horizontal jump in pre-test were 52 cm and 56 cm post-test, vertical jump has been improved and...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Introdução: O envelhecimento e/ou fatores a ele associados pode levar à diminuição dos componentes de capacidade funcional (CF). Tal redução pode comprometer a realização das atividades da vida diária (AVDs), a independência e a qualidade de vida do idoso. A avaliação de tais componentes reveste-se de importância para conhecer o estado funcional bem como prescrever programas de atividades físicas para a população idosa. Objetivo: Analisar os níveis dos componentes de CF em idosos com 80 anos ou mais de idade, assim como verificar e comparar os resultados entre gêneros desse mesmo estudo e também com outras faixas de idade através de resultados já existentes na literatura. Método: Sessenta idosos (30 homens e 30 mulheres) com idade de 80 anos ou mais realizaram a bateria de testes motores da American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), que avaliou os seis componentes de CF (flexibilidade, coordenação, agilidade, equilíbrio, força e capacidade aeróbia). Os dados foram analisados pela estatística descritiva e pela comparação de médias entre os dois gêneros e com os resultados, já previamente existentes, de outras faixas etárias, por meio do teste t de Student e teste t (resumo amostral) para p <0,05. Resultados: A comparação entre gêneros apresentou resultados com diferença estatisticamente significativa no componente capacidade aeróbia, com melhores valores para os homens, e nos componentes força e flexibilidade com melhores resultados para as mulheres. A comparação com faixas etárias mais jovens revelou diferença estatisticamente significativa para todos os componentes, sendo que apenas a flexibilidade apresentou melhores resultados para as idosas com 80 anos ou mais. Conclusão: Conclui-se, dessa forma, que homens com 80 anos ou mais de idade possuem menores valores de flexibilidade e resistência de força... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The Alzheimer’s dementia represents a clinical condition inherent to many chronic and neurodegenerative diseases that are usually related to a decline in the cognitive and physical functions. The objective of this experimental design research was to analyze the effects of a regular and systemized physical activity program over the cognitive functions, balance and risk of falls of elderly with Alzheimer’s Dementia (DA). The sample was made of 16 elderly with DA, distributed in two groups: a) intervention group – GI (9 subjects that had participated in a program of physical activity, that consisted of 3 weekly sessions of 60 minutes each, in alternated days and with a duration of 6 months); b) control group – GC (7 subjects that did not participate in the program of physical activity). Both groups maintained the doctoral and pharmacological assistance routine. The subjects passed through two different evaluations (pre and post-intervention) the questionnaire (Mini-exam of Mental State for cognitive functions) and motor tests (Berg Functional Balance Scale – EEFB, Timed Up-and-Go (TUG) time (TUGs) and steps (TUGp) and the test of agility and dynamic balance (AGILEQ) of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance for elderly). The obtained results were, respectively in the pre and post-intervention moments: a) AGILEQ (GI = 39,1 ± 10,2 and 38,4 ± 8,9 and GC = 45,6 ± 16,7 and 59,9 ± 22,0 seconds) with the statistically interaction significant (ANOVA two-way; F1,14 = 32,07; p=0,01) between groups and moments; b) TUGs (GI = 9,8 ± 2,5 and 9,5 ± 3,3 and GC = 10,6 ± 4,5 and 12,7 ± 7,3 seconds) the test UMann Whitney did not appoint any significant differences between the groups in the post-intervention moment, however the analyzes of Wilcoxon evidenced a ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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This is a reflection upon 17 years of experience in the production of an interdisciplinary scientific journal, the publication “Interface: Communication, Health, Education,” whose scope is in the fields of Collective (Public) Health, Education and Communication. It also examines retrospectively the themes published by the journal, seeking to identify them in different sections of this publication. Finally, the evolution of the journal is analyzed.


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Sedentary habits or insufficient activities to promote health benefits can influence the occurrence of chronic diseases. The cardiovascular risk factors arise, at least partially, from the individual-environment interaction during life, and worsen with aging and lack of physical exercise. Health promotion and prevention are among the greatest challenges of public health policies. However, physical activity turns out to be rarely recommended and, thus have a very poor adhesion. In spite of consensus about the benefits of physical activity in both primary and secondary prevention, only 32% of adults and 66% of children and adolescents, according to Healthy People 2010 guideline, practice leisure-time physical activity. Thus, the regular practice of physical activity and healthy habits require changes in basic concepts in government and social policies. The higher involvement of public and private sectors related to health and education, the more expressive would be the reduction in socioeconomic costs and the improvement in quality of life.


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Mammography is the best exam for early diagnosis of breast cancer. Developing countries frequently have a low income of mammography and absence of organized screening. The knowledge of vulnerable population and strategies to increase adherence are important to improve the implementation of an organized breast-screening program. A mammography regional-screening program was implemented in a place around 54.238 women, aged 40-69 years old. It was proposed to perform biannual mammography free of cost for the women. We analyze the first 2 years of the implementation of the project. Mammography was realized in 17.964 women. 42.1% of the women hadn't done de mammography in their lives and these women were principally from low socio-economic status (OR=2.99), low education (OR=3.00). The best strategies to include these women were mobile unit (OR=1.43) and Family Health Program (OR=1.79). The incidence of early breast tumors before the project was 14.5%, a fact that changed to 43.2% in this phase. Multivariate analysis showed that the association of illiterate and the mobile unit achieve more women who had not performed mammography in their lives. The strategies to increase adherence to mammography must be multiple and a large organization is necessary to overpass the barriers related to system health and education.