948 resultados para Hay, Mary Garrett--1857-1928
The soybean (Glycine max) is of great importance to national economic scenario being a major Brazilian agribusiness products. In most regions, the caterpillar-of-soy (Anticarsia gemmatalis) and caterpillar-false-Medideira (Pseudoplusia includes), act as defoliators, with the highest incidence, usually during the growing season, until the end of flowering, and thus causing a significant reduction in the production, which requires control measures. Due to market demands and the large external environmental awareness exists today, the methods of ecological management have been highlighted in modern agriculture. The use of chemical insecticides, besides being harmful to the environment and man, is, in most cases, the high cost to the farmer. The biological pest control using natural enemies can be used as an alternative control method. Thus this literature review is intended to provide the updated information about these pests and biological control as an alternative form of control, as well as one more tool in the integrated pest of soybean.
The Mary E. Frayser Papers consists of correspondence, speeches, reports, clippings, minutes, histories, family histories, constitutions and bylaws, membership lists, program notes, photographs, and other papers, relating to her work with the South Carolina Extension Service (1912-1940) Winthrop College, her involvement with the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1935-1952), the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs (1926-1952), the South Carolina Status of Women Conference (1945-1952), the South Carolina Division of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) (1929, 1935-1949), the South Carolina Interracial Institute (1938-1942), the South Carolina Division of the Southern Regional Council (1944-1951), and the South Carolina Conference of Social Work (1936-1967). There are also papers relating to Frayser’s efforts to promote social and economic legislation and participation by women in public affairs and her interest in libraries and work in the movement for the support of public libraries in South Carolina (1925-1968). Correspondents included G.H. Aault, Evan Chesterman, Wil Lou Gray, Sarah Hughes, Christine South Gee, and Maude Massey Rogers. This collection is a good source of women’s club activities in the twentieth century. Important areas of research would include the way club activity affected social and economic legislation in the state and the various forces involved in the movement for state tax supported libraries. While the papers do range from 1841 to 1953, the greater bulk of the papers extend from the early 1930s to about 1947. Since the work of the various women's club organizations were so inter-related, a researcher working with the papers of a particular organization for a particular time span should consider the Frayser papers of all other organizations. The related papers for the “Correspondence and Related Papers” series for particular organizations are generally similar and include: memoranda, outlines, reports, resolutions, minutes, etc. Additional Frayser information can be found by referring to the Winthrop University Archives (official records).
The Mary Elizabeth Frayser Papers consist of correspondence, related records, and newspaper and magazine clippings. Most of the correspondence is between Estellene Walker and Mary Frayser concerning the work of the State Library Board and the movement for better libraries in South Carolina.
The Mary Eva Hite Papers consists of correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, family history data, photographs, awards, scrapbooks, and other records relating to Mary Eva Hite’s career as an educator and prominent South Carolina public servant. The photograph file provides a visual record of South Carolina elementary school life in the first half of the twentieth century. Correspondence relates to Dr. Hite’s many career activities, including her 1970 correspondence highlighting her work promoting the welfare of senior citizens. The speeches focus on her work with the aged, her travels abroad, and acceptances for awards presented to her by educational and civic organizations. Newspaper clippings provide information concerning awards presented to Dr. Hite and chronicle the advances in education made by the state of South Carolina. Scrapbooks relate to college friends and Dr. Hite’s work with Delta Kappa Gamma. There are also records relating to teacher retirement in South Carolina.
The Mary Elizabeth Massey Papers consist of Dr. Massey’s professional and organizational files and includes biographical data, correspondence, lecture and teaching materials, rough notes and unpublished drafts of Dr. Massey’s journal articles and books, speeches, research notes and photo and typescript copies of historical manuscripts from other repositories. Most of the material pertains to Dr. Massey’s publishing efforts, her work as a Winthrop faculty member and scholar and her involvement with professional organizations, especially the Southern Historical Association and the Civil War Centennial Commission. While there is material extending from Dr. Massey’s student days at Hendrix College (a 1937 graduate), most of the substantive material extends from 1953-1973.
The continued global spread and evolution of HIV diversity pose significant challenges to diagnostics and vaccine strategies. NIAID partnered with the FDA, WRAIR, academia, and industry to form a Viral Panel Working Group to design and prepare a panel of well-characterized current and diverse HIV isolates. Plasma samples that had screened positive for HIV infection and had evidence of recently acquired infection were donated by blood centers in North and South America, Europe, and Africa. A total of 80 plasma samples were tested by quantitative nucleic acid tests, p24 antigen, EIA, and Western blot to assign a Fiebig stage indicative of approximate time from initial infection. Evaluation of viral load using FDA-cleared assays showed excellent concordance when subtype B virus was tested, but lower correlations for subtype C. Plasma samples were cocultivated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from normal donors to generate 30 viral isolates (50-80% success rate for samples with viral load >10,000 copies/ml), which were then expanded to 10(7)-10(9) virus copies per ml. Analysis of env sequences showed that sequences derived from cultured PBMCs were not distinguishable from those obtained from the original plasma. The pilot collection includes 30 isolates representing subtypes B, C, B/F, CRF04_cpx, and CRF02_AG. These studies will serve as a basis for the development of a comprehensive panel of highly characterized viral isolates that reflects the current dynamic and complex HIV epidemic, and will be made available through the External Quality Assurance Program Oversight Laboratory (EQAPOL).
The taxonomic positions of three streptomycetes isolated from a soil sample from a hay meadow were determined using a polyphasic approach. The isolates had chemical and morphological properties typical of the genus Streptomyces and, in phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, formed a distinct subclade that was most closely related to the Streptomyces prasinus subclade. DNA-DNA relatedness studies showed that the novel strains belonged to three different genomic species. The novel strains could be distinguished from one another and from the type strains of the species classified in the S. prasinus subclade using a combination of genotypic and phenotypic properties. On the basis of these data, it is proposed that the novel strains be assigned to the genus Streptomyces as Streptomyces herbaceus sp. nov., Streptomyces incanus sp. nov. and Streptomyces pratens sp. nov., with BK119(T) (=KACC 21001(T) =CGMCC 4.5797(T)), BK128(T) (=KACC 21002(T) =CGMCC 4.5799(T)) and BK138(T) (=KACC 20904(T) =CGMCC 4.5800(T)) as the respective type strains.
Four castrated crossbred horses were used in a randomized block design to study the use of indigestible internal markers iNDF and iADF obtained in situ (from bovines) or in vivo (from equines). Treatments consisted of determining digestibility by the direct method comprising total feces collection (TC) and by the indirect method comprising internal markers iNDF and iADF obtained by in situ incubation in bovine rumen or in vivo by the mobile nylon bag (MNB) technique with horses. iNDF-IV and iADF-IV resulted in better marker recovery rate (RR) (91.50%), similar to TC. The in situ technique resulted in lower RR values for the two indigestible markers, averaging 86.50% (p < 0.05). Estimates of the nutrient coefficient of digestibility (CD) were adequately predicted by iADF-IV, for horses fed on hay exclusively, with rates 46.41, 48.16, 47.92 and 45.51% for dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), FDN and gross energy, respectively. Results show that MNB may be used to obtain iADF in horses fed on coast-cross hay exclusively, whereas NDFi and ADFi were selected for horses fed on mixed diets to predict the coefficient of nutrient digestibility.
Programa de Doctorado: Fuentes, Métodos e Historiografía para la Investigación en el Mundo Atlántico
[ES] La isla La Graciosa está situada al noroeste de Lanzarote y tiene una extensión de 27,05 km2. Se trata de un área que presenta un alto valor ecológico pues está protegida a través de diferentes figuras tales como: Parque Natural y Reserva Marina del Archipiélago Chinijo, Reserva de la Biosfera de Lanzarote, Zona de Especial Protección de aves (ZEPA) y Zona de Especial Conservación (ZEC), entre otras. En la isla hay varios sistemas playa-duna tanto en la mitad nororiental de la isla (Las Conchas, Lambra y El Jablillo) como en su parte meridional (Barranco de Los Conejos, Las Caletas, El Salado y Francesa). Algunas de las playas muestran evidencias de un déficit sedimentario pues tienen una reducida o nula entrada de sedimentos arenosos al sistema y/o muestran procesos erosivos que hacen aparecer el substrato rocoso. Además, se observa en el interior de la isla la estabilización de los mantos eólicos por la vegetación. Estos ambientes eólicos costeros son esenciales, tanto para la preservación de los ecosistemas protegidos, como para la actividad turística insular. En este contexto se están desarrollando investigaciones multidisciplinares para elaborar un diagnóstico científico de esta problemática ambiental, determinando si las causas de este déficit sedimentario son naturales o antrópicas, y proponer soluciones al respecto.
Igor Stravinskij (1882-1971) utilizzò di sovente fonti preesistenti come parte integrante del proprio artigianato compositivo. In questa tesi dottorale ho studiato il processo creativo di Stravinskij negli anni Venti sulle musiche di Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij (1840-1893). Nella prima parte della dissertazione ho indagato la Sleeping Princess (1921) e il successivo Mariage d’Aurore (1922-1929), entrambi allestiti dai Ballets russes di Sergej Djagilev (1872-1929). Dopo aver localizzato e contestualizzato le fonti manoscritte e i materiali d’uso, ho ricostruito le ri-orchestrazioni effettuate da Stravinskij della Danse russe (Coda del Pas de deux n. 28) e del Presto del Finale (n. 30), che erano a tutt’oggi inedite. La ricerca sulla Sleeping Princess si è rivelata fondamentale per la conseguente analisi del Baiser de la Fée (1928, Ballets de Mme Ida Rubinstein), balletto basato su pezzi pianistici e romanze per voce e pianoforte di Čajkovskij. Grazie allo studio dello Skizzenbuch VIII, della partitura pianistica manoscritta e di tutte le fonti rinvenute, ho gettato ulteriore luce sul processo compositivo di Stravinskij sulle fonti čajkovskiane. Ho rinvenuto nuove appropriazioni che finora non erano note.
Proposta di traduzione e commento di "Madres solo hay una y aquí están todas" di Raquel Díaz Reguera
Il presente elaborato contiene una proposta di traduzione di alcuni testi dell’album illustrato per bambini e ragazzi "Madre solo hay una y aquí están todas" della scrittrice e illustratrice spagnola Raquel Díaz Reguera, pubblicato dalla casa editrice Lumen. Le proposte di traduzione sono precedute da una presentazione dell’autrice e da una panoramica sul genere dell’album illustrato per l’infanzia. A seguire, invece, l’analisi delle traduzioni e il commento degli elementi più significativi e problematici che si sono presentati nel processo di traduzione, affrontati da un punto di vista sia linguistico sia culturale, sempre nell’ottica della letteratura per l’infanzia.