980 resultados para Harvard University--Alumni and alumnae--Diaries
This volume contains lectures delivered by Sewall to Harvard students. The first lecture in the volume, Lecture XV, was read on March 9, 1767; October 8, 1770, August 22, 1774, and December 13, 1778. The last lecture in the volume, Lecture XXVII, was read on June 13, 1768; May 4, 1772; July 29, 1776; and June 5, 1780.
This volume contains lectures delivered by Sewall to Harvard students. The volume begins with a continuation of Lecture XIV from Volume 2. The first complete lecture in the volume, Lecture XXXIV, was delivered August 29, 1768; May 18, 1772; September 23, 1776; and June 19 1780. The last lecture in the volume, Lecture LV was delivered February 11, 1771, November 7, 1774, and May 31, 1779.
The first lecture in this volume, Lecture LVI, was delivered on March 4, 1771; November 28, 1774; and June 14, 1779. The last lecture in the volume, Lecture LXXII was delivered in December 19, 1774; August 17, 1778; and September 16, 1782. The volume also contains a table of the variation of the magnetic needle observed at Cambridge from November 1796 to August 1797.
Small pamphlet bound in brown paper containing a handwritten nine-page copy of Stephen Sewall's funeral oration for Hollis Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosophy John Winthrop delivered May 8, 1779. The title page includes the inscription: "The lips of the wise disperse knowledge,/ A Man shall be comended [sic] according to his Wisdom -- Solomon."
Title copied from the volume's title page.
Title copied from the volume's title page.
Title copied from the volume's title page.
This one-page printed form appoints Thomas Wigglesworth as the "true and lawful Attorney" for Stephen Sewall. The form is notarized by Samuel Barrett and witnessed by Barrett and his daughter Peggy Barrett.
This list appears to be the most comprehensive in this series. Although its contents are very similar to those of the list in Folder 2, there are some discrepancies. Entries are arranged by format (folio, quarto, octavo) and include the date the book was "delivered" (loaned), the name of the individual who borrowed it, and its author, title, and volume number. Many of the books had been out of the library for decades prior to the fire, with some loaned out since as early as 1742.
This list appears to be a draft of the list in Folder 1. Although most of the entries match, there are some discrepancies.
List of benefactors who contributed to replacement of books and philosophical apparatus, May 4, 1764
This document lists the names of subscribers who promised funds towards the rebuilding of the library and philosophical apparatus. Entries are divided among three columns, "Apparatus," "Library," and "At large," and include the donor's name and amount promised. Gifts to the library included actual books as well as funds for book purchases.