977 resultados para HCV polymerase
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The efficacy and tolerability of faldaprevir, a potent hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3/4A protease inhibitor, plus peginterferon (PegIFN) and ribavirin (RBV) was assessed in a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 study of treatment-naïve patients with HCV genotype-1 infection. METHODS: Patients were randomly assigned (1:2:2) to PegIFN/RBV plus: placebo (arm 1, n = 132) for 24 weeks; faldaprevir (120 mg, once daily) for 12 or 24 weeks (arm 2, n = 259); or faldaprevir (240 mg, once daily) for 12 weeks (arm 3, n = 261). In arms 2 and 3, patients with early treatment success (HCV-RNA <25 IU/ml at week 4 and undetectable at week 8) stopped all treatment at week 24. Other patients received PegIFN/RBV until week 48 unless they met futility criteria. The primary endpoint was sustained virologic response 12 weeks post-treatment (SVR12). RESULTS: SVR12 was achieved by 52%, 79%, and 80% of patients in arms 1, 2, and 3, respectively (estimated difference for arms 2 and 3 vs. arm 1: 27%, 95% confidence interval 17%-36%; and 29%, 95% confidence interval, 19%-38%, respectively; p < 0.0001 for both). Early treatment success was achieved by 87% (arm 2) and 89% (arm 3) of patients, of whom 86% and 89% achieved SVR12. Adverse event rates were similar among groups; few adverse events led to discontinuation of all regimen components. CONCLUSIONS: Faldaprevir plus PegIFN/RBV significantly increased SVR12, compared with PegIFN/RBV, in treatment-naïve patients with HCV genotype-1 infection. No differences were seen in responses of patients given faldaprevir once daily at 120 or 240 mg.
Introduktion: HCV är en globalt utbredd virusinfektion som angriper levern och kan orsaka stort lidande för individen. Infektionen kan orsaka akuta eller kroniska tillstånd och de som infekterats löper en ökad risk att drabbas av följdsjukdomar som bland annat levercirros och levercancer. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa patienters upplevelser av att leva med HCV i ett välfärdssamhälle. Metod: Studien är utformad som en litteraturstudie efter Polit och Beck (2012) niostegsmodell. Artikelsökningarna är gjorda i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och PsykINFO. Resultatet i studien bygger på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som granskats utifrån Polit och Becks (2012) granskningsmallar för kvalitativ respektive kvantitativ metod. Resultat: Resultatet utgörs av fem teman: Fysiska och psykiska symtoms inverkan på livskvalitet, Skiftande bemötande inom sjukvården, Stigmatisering och rädsla för stigmatisering Stöd i mellanmänskliga relationer samt HCV innebär livsomställningar. Resultatet visar att HCV-diagnosticerade patienter upplever olika fysiska och psykiska besvär. Det framgår även att de upplever stigmatisering och diskriminering av samhället vilket har en negativ inverkan på dessa personers upplevelse av livskvalitet. Slutsats: HCV-diagnostiserade personer upplever ofta stigmatisering och diskriminering i sitt möte med sjukvården och i övriga relationer. Detta resulterar i att de undviker att söka vård och att berätta om sin diagnos, vilket leder till isolering och försämrad hälsa, både fysiskt och psykiskt.
We report a case of parotid gland oncocytoma in a patient with chronic infection from hepatitis C virus (HCV) and associated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and xerophthalmia. Our case confirms the triple tropism of the HCV: hepatotropism, lymphotropism and sialotropism.
Heterodera glycines, the soybean cyst nematode, is the major pathogen of Glycine max (soybean). Effective management of this pathogen is contingent on the use of resistant cultivars, thus screening for resistant cultivars is essential. The purpose of this research was to develop a method to assess infection of soybean roots by H. glycines with real-time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR), a prelude to differentiation of resistance levels in soybean cultivars. Two experiments were conducted. In the first one, a consistent inoculation method was developed using to provide active second-stage juveniles (J2). Two-day-old soybean roots were infested with 0 and 1000 J2/mL. Twenty-four hours after infestation, the roots were surface sterilized and DNA was extracted with the DNA FastKit (MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana, CA)). For the qPCR assay, primer pair for single copy gene HgSNO, which codes for a protein involved in the production of vitamin B6, was selected for H. glycines DNA amplification within soybean roots. In the second experiment, compatible Lee 74, incompatible Peking and cultivars with different levels of resistance to H. glycines were inoculated with 0 and 1,000 J2/seedlings. Twenty-four hours post inoculation they were transplanted into pasteurized soil. Subsequently they were harvested at 1, 7, 10, 14 and 21 days post inoculation for DNA extraction. With the qPCR assay, the time needed to differentiate highly resistant cultivars from the rest was reduced. Quantification of H. glycines infection by traditional means (numbers of females produced in 30 days) is a time-consuming practice; the qPCR method can replace the traditional one and improve precision in determining infection levels.
Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly aggressive and fatal brain cancer that is associated with a number of diagnostic, therapeutic, and treatment monitoring challenges. At the time of writing, inhibition of a protein called poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) in combination with chemotherapy was being investigated as a novel approach for the treatment of these tumours. However, human studies have encountered toxicity problems due to sub-optimal PARP-1 inhibitor and chemotherapeutic dosing regiments. Nuclear imaging of PARP-1 could help to address these issues and provide additional insight into potential PARP-1 inhibitor resistance mechanisms. Furthermore, nuclear imaging of the translocator protein (TSPO) could be used to improve GBM diagnosis, pre-surgical planning, and treatment monitoring as TSPO is overexpressed by GBM lesions in good contrast to surrounding brain tissue. To date, relatively few nuclear imaging radiotracers have been discovered for PARP-1. On the other hand, numerous tracers exist for TSPO many of which have been investigated in humans. However, these TSPO radiotracers suffer from either poor pharmacokinetic properties or high sensitivity to human TSPO polymorphism that can affect their binding to TSPO. Bearing in mind the above and the high attrition rates associated with advancement of radiotracers to the clinic, there is a need for novel radiotracers that can be used to image PARP-1 and TSPO. This thesis reports the pre-clinical discovery programme that led to the identification of two potent PARP-1 inhibitors, 4 and 17, that were successfully radiolabelled to generate the potential SPECT and PET imaging agents [123I]-4 and [18F]-17 respectively. Evaluation of these radiotracers in mice bearing subcutaneous human GBM xenografts using ex vivo biodistribution techniques revealed that the agents were retained in tumour tissue due to specific PARP-1 binding. This thesis also describes the pre-clinical in vivo evaluation of [18F]-AB5186, which is a novel radiotracer discovered previously within the research group with potential for PET imaging of TSPO. Using ex vivo autoradiography and PET imaging the agent was revealed to accumulate in intracranial human GBM tumour xenografts in good contrast to surrounding brain tissue, which was due to specific binding to TSPO. The in vivo data for all three radiolabelled compounds warrants further pre-clinical investigations with potential for clinical advancement in mind.
Aquaculture has been expanded rapidly to become a major commercial and food-producing sector worldwide in recent decade. In parallel, viral diseases rapidly spread among farms causing enormous economic losses. The accurate detection of pathogens at early stages of infection is a key point for disease control in aquaculture. Spring Viraemia of Carp Virus (SVCV) is a very severe pathogen of carp fishes in different parts of the world and is categorized as a reportable listed disease in the annual published list of World Organization for animal Health (OIE). The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate RT- PCR test for detecting SVC virus and also the sensitivity and specificity of this test. A semi nested RT- PCR was designed using combination of three primers: two external (SVCF , SVCR) and one internal (SVCS) primers which based on conserved region of G gen. The specificity of designed primers (only external ones) by examination on Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV) and Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHNV) was confirmed. For optimizing of the PCR test, primer concentration, primer annealing temperature, cycle number and Mgcl2 concentration were surveyed. Also for validity test, prevention of false negative and Assurance of its accuracy, a competitive internal control (mimic) designed and its suitable concentration was defined. Evaluation of the sensitivity of designed test were conducted first by comparing the different commercially available RNA isolation guidelines, two guidelines: isotiocyanate phenol–chloroform based protocols (RNX–Plus Iran, Iq2000 kit Taiwan ) and two column based protocols (Cinna pure RNA Iran , high pure viral RNA kit, Roche Germany ). The results indicated that the column based protocols (Roche method and Cinna pure), yield 36.77 ng/μl and 16/47 ng/μl RNA concentration respectively, which were significantly higher than other protocols(P<0.05). Then for evaluation of extracted RNA sensitivity, Serial dilution of SVCV strain 56.70 grown in EPC (1.9×105 TCID50/ml) was examined To compare sensitivity. Extracted RNA from serial dilution with stone's primers and commercial IQ-2000 kit were examined simultaneously. The result indicated that designed semi- nested RT- PCR was able to recognize SVC virus to 10-4 dilution and stone's primer recognize to 10-3 dilution whereas Iq-2000 commercial kit did not recognized in any dilution. In high virus titer in designed test two DNA band (462 bp and 266 bp) produced, and by decreasing virus titer 462 bp was omitted. In low virus titer or lack of virus, just DNA band (mimic) 729 bp can propagate. After designing and optimizing PCR test, a total of 400 suspected cultured Cyprinus carpio with high mortality from 4 aquaculture zone of Khuzestan province were collected and tested for SVCV during 2012- 2013 using developed PCR method and IQ- 2000. The results indicated that SVC virus was not observed in samples using both methods.
Leishmania donovani is the known causative agent of both cutaneous (CL) and visceral leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka. CL is considered to be under-reported partly due to relatively poor sensitivity and specificity of microscopic diagnosis. We compared robustness of three previously described polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based methods to detect Leishmania DNA in 38 punch biopsy samples from patients presented with suspected lesions in 2010. Both, Leishmania genus-specific JW11/JW12 KDNA and LITSR/L5.8S internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1 PCR assays detected 92% (35/38) of the samples whereas a KDNA assay specific for L. donovani (LdF/LdR) detected only 71% (27/38) of samples. All positive samples showed a L. donovani banding pattern upon HaeIII ITS1 PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. PCR assay specificity was evaluated in samples containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Mycobacterium leprae , and human DNA, and there was no cross-amplification in JW11/JW12 and LITSR/L5.8S PCR assays. The LdF/LdR PCR assay did not amplify M. leprae or human DNA although 500 bp and 700 bp bands were observed in M. tuberculosis samples. In conclusion, it was successfully shown in this study that it is possible to diagnose Sri Lankan CL with high accuracy, to genus and species identification, using Leishmania DNA PCR assays.
Chronic Chagas disease diagnosis relies on laboratory tests due to its clinical characteristics. The aim of this research was to review commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic test performance. Performance of commercial ELISA or PCR for the diagnosis of chronic Chagas disease were systematically searched in PubMed, Scopus, Embase, ISI Web, and LILACS through the bibliography from 1980-2014 and by contact with the manufacturers. The risk of bias was assessed with QUADAS-2. Heterogeneity was estimated with the I2 statistic. Accuracies provided by the manufacturers usually overestimate the accuracy provided by academia. The risk of bias is high in most tests and in most QUADAS dimensions. Heterogeneity is high in either sensitivity, specificity, or both. The evidence regarding commercial ELISA and ELISA-rec sensitivity and specificity indicates that there is overestimation. The current recommendation to use two simultaneous serological tests can be supported by the risk of bias analysis and the amount of heterogeneity but not by the observed accuracies. The usefulness of PCR tests are debatable and health care providers should not order them on a routine basis. PCR may be used in selected cases due to its potential to detect seronegative subjects.
This study aimed to standardise an in-house real-time polymerase chain reaction (rtPCR) to allow quantification of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum or plasma samples, and to compare this method with two commercial assays, the Cobas Amplicor HBV monitor and the Cobas AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan HBV test. Samples from 397 patients from the state of São Paulo were analysed by all three methods. Fifty-two samples were from patients who were human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus positive, but HBV negative. Genotypes were characterised, and the viral load was measure in each sample. The in-house rtPCR showed an excellent success rate compared with commercial tests; inter-assay and intra-assay coefficients correlated with commercial tests (r = 0.96 and r = 0.913, p < 0.001) and the in-house test showed no genotype-dependent differences in detection and quantification rates. The in-house assay tested in this study could be used for screening and quantifying HBV DNA in order to monitor patients during therapy.
Currently, it is accepted that there are three species that were formerly grouped under Candida parapsilosis : C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, Candida orthopsilosis , and Candida metapsilosis . In fact, the antifungal susceptibility profiles and distinct virulence attributes demonstrate the differences in these nosocomial pathogens. An accurate, fast, and economical identification of fungal species has been the main goal in mycology. In the present study, we searched sequences that were available in the GenBank database in order to identify the complete sequence for the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1-5.8S-ITS2 region, which is comprised of the forward and reverse primers ITS1 and ITS4. Subsequently, an in silico polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was performed to differentiate the C. parapsilosis complex species. Ninety-eight clinical isolates from patients with fungaemia were submitted for analysis, where 59 isolates were identified as C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, 37 were identified as C. orthopsilosis, and two were identified as C. metapsilosis. PCR-RFLP quickly and accurately identified C. parapsilosis complex species, making this method an alternative and routine identification system for use in clinical mycology laboratories.
Vesiculoviruses (VSV) are zoonotic viruses that cause vesicular stomatitis disease in cattle, horses and pigs, as well as sporadic human cases of acute febrile illness. Therefore, diagnosis of VSV infections by reliable laboratory techniques is important to allow a proper case management and implementation of strategies for the containment of virus spread. We show here a sensitive and reproducible real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detection and quantification of VSV. The assay was evaluated with arthropods and serum samples obtained from horses, cattle and patients with acute febrile disease. The real-time RT-PCR amplified the Piry, Carajas, Alagoas and Indiana Vesiculovirus at a melting temperature 81.02 ± 0.8ºC, and the sensitivity of assay was estimated in 10 RNA copies/mL to the Piry Vesiculovirus. The viral genome has been detected in samples of horses and cattle, but not detected in human sera or arthropods. Thus, this assay allows a preliminary differential diagnosis of VSV infections.
Inhibitors are the main complication in the treatment of haemophilia. A high percentage of adult patients were infected in past decades by HIV and HCV through factor concentrates. This study compared the quality of life of patients with hemophilia (QoL) and illness behavior in adult patients with haemophilia according to the development of inhibitors and HIV or HCV co-infection. This is an observational clinical study. 69 adult patients with haemophilia participated. We used A36 Hemophilia-QoL and IBQ questionnaires to measure the QoL and illness behavior, respectively. The dependent variables were type and severity of haemophilia, type of treatment, development of inhibitors, HIV and HCV infection, or both. We observed significant differences in the perception of QoL and illness behavior in patients according to the development of inhibitor and coinfection with HIV-HCV. We obtained four groups: the first and second group, which comprise 67% of the sample, exhibit behavior patterns indicating good adaptation to the disease and good QoL. The other two groups, which comprise 33% of the sample show behavior that is not well adapted to the disease, and poor quality of life. The development of inhibitors itself does not influence the quality of life and illness behavior in patients with haemophilia. Patients infected with HIV or HCV do not have a worse illness behavior compared to those uninfected. The development of inhibitors and HIV-HCV co-infection has a negative impact on quality of life and illness behavior in patients with haemophilia.
Chemotherapeutic drugs can in many ways disrupt the replication machinery triggering apoptosis in cancer cells: some act directly on DNA and others block the enzymes involved in preparing DNA for replication. Cisplatin-based drugs are common as first-line cancer chemotherapics. Another example is etoposide, a molecule that blocks topoisomerase II α leading to the inhibition of dsDNA replication. Despite their efficacy, cancer cells can respond to these treatments over time by overtaking their effects, leading to drug resistance. Chemoresistance events can be triggered by the action of enzymes like DNA polymerase ƞ (Pol η). This polymerase helps also to bypass drug-induced damage in cancer cells, allowing DNA replication and cancer cells proliferation even when cisplatin-based chemotherapeutic drugs are in use. Pol ƞ is a promising drug discovery target, whose inhibition would help in overcoming of drug resistance. This study aims to identify a potent and selective Pol ƞ inhibitor able to improve the efficacy of platinum-based chemotherapeutic drugs. We report the discovery of compound 64 (ARN24964), after an extensive SAR reporting 35 analogs. We evaluated compound 64 on four different cell lines. Interestingly, the molecule is a Pol η inhibitor able to act synergistically with cisplatin. Moreover, we also synthesized a prodrug form that allowed us to improve its stability and the bioavailability. This compound represents an advanced scaffold featuring good potency and DMPK properties. In addition to this central theme, this thesis also describes our efforts in developing and characterize a novel hybrid inhibitor/poison for the human topoisomerase II α enzyme. In particular, we performed specific assays to study the inhibiton of Topoisomesare II α and we evaluated compounds effect on three cancer cell lines. These studies allowed us to identify a compound that is able to inhibit the enzyme with a good pK and a good potency.
To detect the presence of male DNA in vaginal samples collected from survivors of sexual violence and stored on filter paper. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate 10 vaginal samples spotted on sterile filter paper: 6 collected at random in April 2009 and 4 in October 2010. Time between sexual assault and sample collection was 4-48hours. After drying at room temperature, the samples were placed in a sterile envelope and stored for 2-3years until processing. DNA extraction was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction for human β-globin, and the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was quantified. The presence of the Y chromosome was detected using primers for sequences in the TSPY (Y7/Y8 and DYS14) and SRY genes. β-Globin was detected in all 10 samples, while 2 samples were positive for PSA. Half of the samples amplified the Y7/Y8 and DYS14 sequences of the TSPY gene and 30% amplified the SRY gene sequence of the Y chromosome. Four male samples and 1 female sample served as controls. Filter-paper spots stored for periods of up to 3years proved adequate for preserving genetic material from vaginal samples collected following sexual violence.
Intermittent fasting (IF) is an often-used intervention to decrease body mass. In male Sprague-Dawley rats, 24 hour cycles of IF result in light caloric restriction, reduced body mass gain, and significant decreases in the efficiency of energy conversion. Here, we study the metabolic effects of IF in order to uncover mechanisms involved in this lower energy conversion efficiency. After 3 weeks, IF animals displayed overeating during fed periods and lower body mass, accompanied by alterations in energy-related tissue mass. The lower efficiency of energy use was not due to uncoupling of muscle mitochondria. Enhanced lipid oxidation was observed during fasting days, whereas fed days were accompanied by higher metabolic rates. Furthermore, an increased expression of orexigenic neurotransmitters AGRP and NPY in the hypothalamus of IF animals was found, even on feeding days, which could explain the overeating pattern. Together, these effects provide a mechanistic explanation for the lower efficiency of energy conversion observed. Overall, we find that IF promotes changes in hypothalamic function that explain differences in body mass and caloric intake.