1000 resultados para Hábitos Saudáveis
The inadequacy about eating habits have been established as a serious problem nowadays. It is a multifactorial and difficult to handle, given their different nuances and causes. A population particularly exposed to the bad eating habits arising harm are individuals with Down syndrome, both with regard to the aspects inherent to the individual's own condition, regarding eating misfits, making it the weight control a necessary measure for a proper development. Thus, this study aimed to develop and evaluate a proposal based nutrition education from the assumptions of mediated learning, with children three to four years with Down syndrome. The participants were five children, four girls and a boy. Also included his parents and / or guardians. The data collection procedure involved the use of eight playful workshops with children and nutritional evaluation of those five meetings with parents and three home visits with each participating family. We tried to build with these children and their families a nutritional education to contribute to their daily choices of eating. Using listening, observation and questionnaire, besides playful interventions, it was observed that the first meaning of the act of eating is built in the family and reinforced by their social life. Overall, our sample characteristics seem to agree with the literature. During the intervention, the children showed attention, but little understanding of the content. With mothers, the results were different, with reflections on the inadequate power both the type of food offered, and quantity and so this offer is performed, conducted along the interventions changes in your lifestyle, such as perception of influence they had on their children in the formation of their eating habits, as well as less frequent intake of soft drinks and sweets. Nutritional interventions and mediations conducted with the mothers is that they seem to be effective strategies to combat obesity. Face of what was discussed, we see the importance of implementing intervention measures in combating and preventing overweight or obese since childhood, particularly with children with Down syndrome. One should prevent childhood obesity with educational and informative measures from birth, with family and with each child, through the primary health care and schools.
The number of overweight people has increased in the last few years. Factors such as attention to diet and changes in lifestyle are crucial in the prevention and control of obesity and diseases related to it. Experts believe that such actions are most effective when initiated during childhood, and that children raised in an environment that encourages physical activity ultimately become healthier adults. However, to arouse and maintain interest in such activities represent a major challenge, which are initially perceived as repetitive and boring, and, thus, soon abandoned. Computer games, traditionally seen as stimulants to a sedentary lifestyle are changing this perception using non-conventional controls that require constant movement of the player. Applications that combine the playfulness of such games to physical activity through devices, like Microsoft Kinect, might become interesting tools in this scenario, by using the familiarity of Natural User Interfaces along with the challenge and the fun of video games, in order to make attractive exercise routines for schoolchildren. The project carried out consists of an exergame composed of several activities designed and implemented with the participation of a Physical Educator, aimed at children between eight and ten years old, whose performance and progress can be remotely monitored by a professional via web interface. The application arising from this work was accompanied by tests with a group of graduating Physical Education students from the University of Rio Verde GO, and subsequently validated through questionnaires whose results are shown on this work.
The current study includes theoretical and methodological reflections on the quality of life in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. It started from the thought that the quality of life is multifactorial and is permanently under construction and the main objective of analyzing it as one of the componets of Healthy Cities's moviment. The theoretical research focused on the concepts of healthy cities, quality of life, health, sustainability, well-being, happiness, indexes and indicators. From the use of multiple search strategies, documentary and on field of quantitative and qualitative character, this research of exploratory descriptive nature can offers a contribution to the studies on the quality of life in cities. It is proposed that the studies startes to work with some concept, like some notions os life quality adequated for some paticular reality, whose notions can approach concepts already established as health. This step is important on the exploratory researches. The studies may include aspects of objective analysis, subjective or both. The objective dimension, which is most common approach, are traditionally considered variables and indicators related to: the urban infrastructure (health, education, leisure, security, mobility), dwelling (quantitative and qualitative dwlling deficit), the urban structure (density and mix uses), socioeconomic characteristics (age, income, education), urban infrastructure (sanitation, communication), governance (social mobilization and participation). To focus on the subjective dimension, most recent and unusual, it is proposed to consider the (dis)satisfaction, the personal assessment in relation to the objective aspects. In conclusion, being intrinsically related to the health, the quality of life also has a number of determinants, and the ideal of the reach of quality of life depends on the action of all citizens based on the recognition of networks and territories, in a interescalar perspective and intersectoral. Therefore, emphasis in given on the potential of tools, such as the observatories, to monitor and intervent in reality, aiming in a building process of healthy cities.
A number of studies in the areas of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences have employed machine learning tools to develop methods capable of identifying patterns in different sets of data. Despite its extinction in many countries of the developed world, Hansen’s disease is still a disease that affects a huge part of the population in countries such as India and Brazil. In this context, this research proposes to develop a method that makes it possible to understand in the future how Hansen’s disease affects facial muscles. By using surface electromyography, a system was adapted so as to capture the signals from the largest possible number of facial muscles. We have first looked upon the literature to learn about the way researchers around the globe have been working with diseases that affect the peripheral neural system and how electromyography has acted to contribute to the understanding of these diseases. From these data, a protocol was proposed to collect facial surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals so that these signals presented a high signal to noise ratio. After collecting the signals, we looked for a method that would enable the visualization of this information in a way to make it possible to guarantee that the method used presented satisfactory results. After identifying the method's efficiency, we tried to understand which information could be extracted from the electromyographic signal representing the collected data. Once studies demonstrating which information could contribute to a better understanding of this pathology were not to be found in literature, parameters of amplitude, frequency and entropy were extracted from the signal and a feature selection was made in order to look for the features that better distinguish a healthy individual from a pathological one. After, we tried to identify the classifier that best discriminates distinct individuals from different groups, and also the set of parameters of this classifier that would bring the best outcome. It was identified that the protocol proposed in this study and the adaptation with disposable electrodes available in market proved their effectiveness and capability of being used in different studies whose intention is to collect data from facial electromyography. The feature selection algorithm also showed that not all of the features extracted from the signal are significant for data classification, with some more relevant than others. The classifier Support Vector Machine (SVM) proved itself efficient when the adequate Kernel function was used with the muscle from which information was to be extracted. Each investigated muscle presented different results when the classifier used linear, radial and polynomial kernel functions. Even though we have focused on Hansen’s disease, the method applied here can be used to study facial electromyography in other pathologies.
A number of studies in the areas of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences have employed machine learning tools to develop methods capable of identifying patterns in different sets of data. Despite its extinction in many countries of the developed world, Hansen’s disease is still a disease that affects a huge part of the population in countries such as India and Brazil. In this context, this research proposes to develop a method that makes it possible to understand in the future how Hansen’s disease affects facial muscles. By using surface electromyography, a system was adapted so as to capture the signals from the largest possible number of facial muscles. We have first looked upon the literature to learn about the way researchers around the globe have been working with diseases that affect the peripheral neural system and how electromyography has acted to contribute to the understanding of these diseases. From these data, a protocol was proposed to collect facial surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals so that these signals presented a high signal to noise ratio. After collecting the signals, we looked for a method that would enable the visualization of this information in a way to make it possible to guarantee that the method used presented satisfactory results. After identifying the method's efficiency, we tried to understand which information could be extracted from the electromyographic signal representing the collected data. Once studies demonstrating which information could contribute to a better understanding of this pathology were not to be found in literature, parameters of amplitude, frequency and entropy were extracted from the signal and a feature selection was made in order to look for the features that better distinguish a healthy individual from a pathological one. After, we tried to identify the classifier that best discriminates distinct individuals from different groups, and also the set of parameters of this classifier that would bring the best outcome. It was identified that the protocol proposed in this study and the adaptation with disposable electrodes available in market proved their effectiveness and capability of being used in different studies whose intention is to collect data from facial electromyography. The feature selection algorithm also showed that not all of the features extracted from the signal are significant for data classification, with some more relevant than others. The classifier Support Vector Machine (SVM) proved itself efficient when the adequate Kernel function was used with the muscle from which information was to be extracted. Each investigated muscle presented different results when the classifier used linear, radial and polynomial kernel functions. Even though we have focused on Hansen’s disease, the method applied here can be used to study facial electromyography in other pathologies.
El embarazo o gestación se define como el período de desarrollo intrauterino, que abarca entre 38 y 42 semanas, y que comprende desde la concepción hasta el nacimiento. Desde el punto de vista nutricional, esta etapa constituye una de las más vulnerables en la vida de la mujer, ya que, además de tratarse de un periodo en el cual las necesidades de nutrientes son especialmente elevadas, pues la gestante no sólo debe cubrir sus propias necesidades, sino también las del feto en crecimiento y las derivadas de la síntesis de nuevos tejidos, cualquier error nutricional podría tener repercusiones más graves que en otras etapas de la vida y afectar, no sólo a la salud de la madre, sino también a la del descendiente, y no sólo durante el proceso gestacional, sino también en etapas posteriores de la vida. Por otro lado, si bien el embarazo, puede ser una etapa altamente motivadora para que la mujer modifique su comportamiento alimentario, constituyendo un momento óptimo para inculcar la importancia de una alimentación y un estilo de vida saludable, diversos trabajos han comprobado que, en muchas ocasiones, los conocimientos nutricionales de las gestantes no son los más acertados, hecho que unido a los antojos, o a los cambios en el apetito y el gusto, declarados de forma frecuente por las embarazadas, hace que la dieta no sea siempre adecuada, especialmente, en las gestantes con un menor nivel educacional. En base a todo ello, el objeto de la presente tesis doctoral ha sido conocer los hábitos alimentarios, el estilo de vida y los conocimientos en nutrición de un grupo de gestantes de la Comunidad de Madrid y, analizar las diferencias existentes en función de distintas variables como la edad, el IMC previo al embarazo, el nivel de estudios y el país de origen de la embarazada...
Relatório de Estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em ensino de Pré-Escolar e de 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
BRUNO, S. S. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Modulação pela progesterona da sensibilidade dolorosa a estímulos mecânicos e isquêmicos em mulheres saudáveis e jovens. RBGO. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , v. 30, p. 306-311, 2008
Programa de doctorado: Avances en Traumatología, Medicina del Deporte, Cuidado de heridas (Interdepartamental) (Bienio 2008/2010)
Programa de doctorado: Clínica y terapéutica (Interdepartamental)
Introdução: A adolescência é um dos períodos mais desafiadores no desenvolvimento humano. As alterações que ocorrem a diferentes níveis (e.g. físicas) geram repentinas mudanças na perceção do eu, incluindo na perceção da imagem corporal, além de criarem necessidades nutricionais especiais. A literatura reconhece que existem diferenças importantes na prevalência, sintomatologia específica de perturbação do comportamento alimentar (PCA) e hábitos/comportamentos alimentares por sexo, mas ainda poucos estudos em Portugal, abordaram esta temática. Assim, são nossos objetivos, considerando separadamente os rapazes e raparigas de uma amostra de adolescente: 1) verificar a prevalência de diferentes hábitos/comportamentos alimentares; 2) apurar a prevalência de sintomas específicos de perturbação do comportamento alimentar (PCA), avaliados através dos itens de um questionário que avalia atitudes alimentares, associadas às PCA, o Teste de Atitudes Alimentares (TAA-25); 3) verificar a prevalência de jovens que apresenta pontuação superior/igual a 19 no TAA-25, indicadora de eventual PCA e 4) averiguar a prevalência das diferentes categorias de índice de massa corporal (IMC) (magreza, peso normal, excesso de peso e obesidade). Pretendemos, também, explorar associações entre a variável sexo e diversas variáveis: 1) o IMC categorizado; 2) as dimensões do TAA-25 e o IMC (enquanto variável contínua); 3) a pontuação do TAA-25 dicotomizada pelo ponto de corte de 19; 4) itens relativos aos hábitos/comportamentos alimentares e 5) itens individuais do TAA-25. A título exploratório, pretendemos, ainda, verificar eventuais associações entre diferentes sociodemográficas e os itens que avaliam hábitos/comportamentos alimentares. Métodos: A nossa amostra é constituída por 308 adolescentes (M = 14,5 anos DP = 1,67; raparigas, n = 184, 59,7%). Todos preencheram um protocolo composto por um questionário sociodemográfico e pelo Teste de Atitude Alimentares-25/Eating Attitudes Test-25. Resultados: Não se encontraram associações estatisticamente significativas entre a variável sexo e as variáveis IMC categorizado, dimensões do TAA-25, IMC, TAA-25 (categorizado pelo ponto de corte de 19) e os itens que avaliam hábitos/comportamentos alimentares. Porém, alguns itens particulares do TAA-25 revelaram uma associação significativa com o sexo. Relativamente TAA-25 dicotomizado segundo o ponto de corte 19 verificou-se que em ambos os sexos, a grande maioria dos jovens apresenta uma pontuação abaixo desse ponto de corte. Quanto aos itens que avaliam hábitos/comportamentos alimentares e as variáveis sociodemográficas e familiares, a frequência com que os jovens bebem refrigerantes e ingerem vegetais mostraram-se estatisticamente associadas à escolaridade do pai. Igualmente, a frequência com que ingerem vegetais e com que ingerem fast food também se mostraram estatisticamente associadas à zona da escola que frequentam. Discussão: No geral, na nossa amostra, os hábitos/comportamentos alimentares dos adolescentes não são tão negativos como os relatados por alguma literatura (e.g. percentagem elevada de jovens que “salta” o pequeno almoço). Igualmente, não parecem existir diferenças significativas de sexo quanto às atitudes alimentares, eventual PCA, IMC e hábitos/comportamentos alimentares. No entanto, existem diferenças de sexo em alguma da sintomatologia específica avaliada pelo TAA-25. É bom verificar que ambos os sexos revelam uma prevalência baixa de eventual PCA, embora as raparigas revelam um valor superior. Algumas variáveis sociodemográficas revelam associações com os hábitos/comportamentos alimentares. As implicações dos resultados encontrados são discutidas pela autora.
Introdução: Quer na literatura internacional, quer nacional são poucos os estudos que exploram a associação entre os estilos educativos parentais, os hábitos/comportamentos alimentares e a sintomatologia de perturbação do comportamento alimentar (PCA). Pretende-se, então, com este estudo, fundamentalmente, explorar associações entre as dimensões de um instrumento que avalia estilos educativos parentais (o Parental Rearing Style Questionnaire for use With Adolescents/EMBU-A), dimensões de um teste que avalia sintomatologia de PCA (Teste de Atitudes Alimentares/TAA-25), índice de massa corporal (IMC), itens que avaliam hábitos/comportamentos alimentares e diferentes variáveis sociodemográficas, familiares e de saúde. Em função das associações encontradas pretendemos, igualmente, explorar quais as variáveis preditivas da sintomatologia de PCA e dos hábitos/comportamentos alimentares. Metodologia: 402 adolescentes (raparigas: n = 241, 60%) entre os 12 e 18 anos (M = 14,2; DP = 1,62) das cidades de Coimbra, Cantanhede e Matosinhos preencheram um protocolo composto por um questionário sobre variáveis sociodemográficas, familiares e de saúde, o EMBU-A e o TAA-25. Resultados: Verificou-se, de uma forma geral, uma associação negativa entre a dimensão Suporte Emocional do EMBU-A, as dimensões do TAA-25 e a pontuação total deste instrumento. No sentido oposto, verificou-se, genericamente, uma associação positiva geral entre as dimensões Sobreproteção e Rejeição e os mesmos resultados relativos ao TAA-25. A prática de desporto mostrou-se associada a uma pontuação média superior de Motivação para a Magreza e da pontuação total do TAA-25. Nas análises preditivas foi possível constatar que o Suporte Emocional tende a diminuir a probabilidade dos jovens manifestarem sintomatologia de PCA. Por oposição, a Rejeição tende a aumentar a probabilidade dos jovens apresentarem esta sintomatologia. Conclusão/Discussão: A dimensão Suporte Emocional do EMBU-A parece ser protetora do surgimento de sintomatologia de PCA e de hábitos/comportamentos disfuncionais nos adolescentes, enquanto a dimensão Rejeição parece aumentar o risco do desenvolvimento dessa sintomatologia e desses hábitos/comportamentos alimentares. Neste sentido, devem ser trabalhadas estas dimensões junto dos pais, eventualmente através de programas psicoeducativos. Também nas escolas e centros de saúde podem ser implementados programas com vista a melhorar os hábitos/comportamentos alimentares e ajudar a prevenir o surgimento de PCA. / Introduction: There are few studies both in the international and national literature exploring the association between parental educational styles, eating habits/behaviours and symptoms of Eating Disorders (ED). With this study we intend to examine the associations between the dimensions of an instrument assessing parenting styles (Parental Rearing Style Questionnaire for Adolescents/ EMBU-A), dimensions of a test assessing symptoms of eating disorders(Eating Attitudes Test-25/EAT-25), Body Mass Index (BMI), items assessing eating habits/behaviors and different sociodemographic family and health variables. Based on the associations found, we also intend to explore which are the variables that show to be predictors of symptoms of eating disorders and eating habits/behaviours. Methodology: 402 adolescents (girls: n = 241, 60%) between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14,2, SD = 1,62) from Coimbra, Cantanhede and Matosinhos completed a protocol consisting of a sociodemographic questionnaire, the EMBU-A and the EAT-25. Results: In general, we found a negative association between the Emotional Support dimension of EMBU-A, the EAT-25 dimensions and the total score of this instrument. In opposition, there was, generally, a positive association between the Overprotection and Rejection dimensions (EMBU-A) and the same results of the EAT-25. Sports’ practice was associated with a higher mean score of Motivation for Thinness and the total score of the EAT-25. In the predictive analyses, we verified that Emotional Support tends to decrease the likelihood of adolescents manifesting symptoms of ED. In contrast, Rejection tends to increase the likelihood of young people presenting these symptoms. Conclusion/Discussion: The dimension of seems to be protective of the appearance of symptoms of ED and of dysfunctional eating habits/behaviors in adolescents, while Rejection appears to increase the risk of developing such symptoms and these eating habits/behaviors. For these reasons, these dimensions should be worked together with parents, eventually by means of psicoeducational programs. Also, in schools and health centers programs can be implemented in order to improve eating habits/behaviors and to help prevent the development of ED.
O autismo é uma condição que faz parte de um grupo de perturbações do desenvolvimento global das funções cerebrais e que, por regra, é diagnosticada no início da infância. A dificuldade na linguagem e comunicação, o défice na interação social, as esteriotipias e os interesses específicos e comportamentos repetitivos caracterizam os indivíduos portadores desta patologia. A saúde oral das crianças autistas é geralmente precária e as necessidades de tratamento dentário elevadas. No entanto, os problemas comportamentais destes doentes fazem com que os pais não recorram às consultas de medicina dentária, outras vezes quando recorrem à consulta as dificuldades de colaboração impedem a prestação de cuidados de saúde oral adequados a estas crianças. Pretendeu-se assim, com este trabalho, realizar uma revisão sistemática de literatura científica, publicada nos últimos 15 anos, acerca dos problemas orais que atingem os pacientes autistas, e simultaneamente, compilar diretrizes de atuação clínica para orientar o médico dentista no atendimento destes doentes. Para isto, durante os meses de Outubro de 2014 a Outubro de 2015, procedeu-se a uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados PubMed e B-on, sendo consultados também outros bancos de dados como LILACS – BIREME, SciELO, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: “autism”, “pediatric dentistry”, “Asperger Syndrome”, “Rett Syndrome”, “Childhood Disintegrative Disorder”, “prevalence”, “neurobiology”, “etiology”, “diagnosis”, “diagnostic criteria”, “comorbidity”, “oral health”, “dental caries”, “periodontal disease”, “oral habits”, “bruxism”, “self-injury”, “dental trauma”, “dental injury”, “malocclusion”, “behavior management techniques” separadas ou associadas pelo operador de pesquisa booleano AND. Na pesquisa foram empregues os seguintes limites: artigos publicados nos últimos 15 anos, abstract disponível, estudos em humanos e artigos e língua inglesa, francesa, portuguesa e espanhola. Desta pesquisa resultou um total de 150 artigos que foram selecionados primeiramente pelos títulos, seguidamente pela leitura dos abstracts e, finalmente, do artigo por inteiro, obtendo-se assim 95 artigos, para revisão. Foram ainda considerados artigos de referência publicados em anos anteriores, livros de texto médicos e publicações portuguesas com dados epidemiológicos sobre as Perturbações do Espetro do Autismo em Portugal. As doenças orais encontradas nas crianças autistas são semelhantes às das crianças sem qualquer perturbação mental, contudo a preferência por alimentos cariogénicos, a diminuição do fluxo salivar induzida pelos fármacos, associadas a uma pobre higiene oral, justificam uma maior prevalência de cárie. As doenças periodontais, também muito prevalentes neste grupo, desenvolvem-se em virtude da combinação da falta de hábitos de higiene oral, com os efeitos secundários de fármacos administrados a estes doentes, como os anticonvulsivantes. No seu atendimento na consulta dentária recorre-se às mesmas estratégias de orientação de comportamento aplicadas nas crianças saudáveis, para contornar os sentimentos de medo, ansiedade, desconfiança e a incapacidade de interação social, e assim evitar comportamentos de recusa durante a consulta dentária. É no entanto de salientar que os distúrbios comportamentais, o défice da comunicação e a falta de capacidades de interação social, caraterísticas do autismo impossibilitam a eficácia das técnicas de controlo do comportamento comunicativas, obrigando, muitas vezes, ao uso de técnicas de controlo de comportamento avançadas para prestação de cuidados de saúde oral com eficácia e em segurança. É importante uma grande motivação de pais/responsáveis para a saúde e higiene oral das crianças com Perturbações do Espetro do Autismo, e que todos os profissionais de saúde envolvidos no cuidado destes doentes contribuam para a aprendizagem de comportamentos que promovam a saúde oral destes doentes.
BRUNO, S. S. ; SOUSA, M. B. C. . Modulação pela progesterona da sensibilidade dolorosa a estímulos mecânicos e isquêmicos em mulheres saudáveis e jovens. RBGO. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia , v. 30, p. 306-311, 2008