942 resultados para Greenhouse gardening.
"Greenhouse heating" of the atmosphere due to trace gases seems apparent to those who model with averages but not to those who examine individual temperature records. Temperature trends are on the minds of all those concerned with the environmental influence of the increasing human population. The big problem remains - where and how do we take the Earth's temperature? ... In California, there are 112 temperature records for 1910 to 1989; all of them were used here to examine trends in annual temperature.
Climatic and environmental records from low, middle, and high latitude ice cores greatly increase our knowledge of the course of past events. This historical perspective is essential to predict climatic oscillations, dominated as they may be by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. Forcing factors, internal and external, that have operated in the past will continue to influence the course of events.
放牧和开垦目前是内蒙古草原最主要的两种人类生产活动,采用静态箱一气象色谱法对这两种土地利用方式下草原主要温室气体(CH4、N20和C02)地-气交换通量进行了原位观测,同时结合草原生态系统碳循环特征对放牧生态系统碳素收支状况进行了初步探讨,首次对开垦前后内蒙古草原CH4吸收和NzO排放的季节、昼夜变化特征进行了分析研究,对不同牧压梯度下内蒙古草原碳的损失进行了估算。主要研究结果包括以下4个方面: 1.内蒙古草甸草原开垦是大气CH4的汇,开垦为农田后,土壤.植物系统吸收大气CH4的能力增强。测定期间,农田与邻近的天然草原CH4平均吸收通量为23.38和24.57 ugCm'2h.1;尽管农业活动改变了草原CH4地.气交换通量,但是通量的量级仍是由当地季节性变化的气候条件决定的,其CH4吸收通量具有强烈的季节变化规律,表现为“春秋季高,夏季低”的特点;耕作使得土壤-植物系统CH4吸收通量的季节变化趋于平缓。 2.内蒙古天然草甸草原是大气N20的源。测定期间的平均排放通量为1.922ugNm'2h.1,通量范围为-0.484~7.425 ugNm.2h.1;天然草原N20排放具有明显的昼夜变化规律和季节变化特征,排放通量出现两个高峰期,整个生长季表现为高(5月中旬)一低(5月下旬至7月中下旬)一高(7月下旬至8月中旬)一低(8月下旬至9月)的趋势;农垦增强了土壤.植物系统排放N2O的能力。观测期间平均排放通量为2.914 ugNm'2h-l,比天然草原高52%,排放通量的季节规律性减弱,整个生长季呈现波动性变化,通量变化与天然草原相比趋于平缓。 3.内蒙古冷蒿小禾草草原与天然草甸草原一样,起着CH4汇、NzO源的功 能。主要温室气体CH4、N2O和C02的地.气交换通量受水热因子控制,与温度之间存在显著相关关系,具有季节变化特征:时间尺度对于讨论不同放牧压力下甲烷通量具有重要意义,不同放牧率处理9年后,土壤吸收甲烷的能力在当地自然气候条件下没有显著变化;放牧对草原N20排放通量影响显著,依次是轻度放牧<围栏封育<中度放牧<重度放牧;放牧增大了C02排放通量,观测期间四种处理间C02通量差异显著,C02排放通量四种处理依次为:围栏封育<轻牧<重牧<中牧。 4.对内蒙古草原放牧条件下碳收支状况的研究表明,冷蒿-小禾草草原受自然条件和人为因素双重作用存在由碳库(积累碳)向碳源(释放碳)转化的可能性。
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The characterization of inter-decadal climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere is severely constrained by the shortness of the instrumental climate records. To help relieve this constraint, we have developed and analyzed a reconstruction of warm-season (November-April) temperatures from Tasmanian tree rings that now extends back to 800 BC. A detailed analysis of this reconstruction in the time and frequency domains indicates that much of the inter-decadal variability is principally confined to four frequency bands with mean periods of 31, 57, 77, and 200 years. ... In so doing, we show how a future greenhouse warming signal over Tasmania could be masked by these natural oscillations unless they are taken into account.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Evaluations of the impact of climate change (such as a greenhouse effect) upon water resources should represent both the expected change and the uncertainty in that expectation. Since water resources such as streamflow and reservoir levels depend on a variety of factors, each of which is subject to significant uncertainty, it is desirable to formulate methods of representing that uncertainty in the forcing factors and from this determine the uncertainty in the response variables of interest. We report here progress in the representation of the uncertainty in climate upon the uncertainty in the estimated hydrologic response.
本文采用野外观测和室内测定相结合的方法,研究了内蒙古草原两种主要的土地利用方式(开垦和放牧)对土壤碳库和温室气体通量的影响,结果如下: 1.内蒙古草甸草原开垦后30年后,与天然草原相比,在休闲年份0~20 cm土壤有机碳和土壤微生物量碳含量均没有显著下降,但开垦导致土壤易分解碳下降了24%。土壤易氧化碳受季节性水热因子的驱动,表现出明显的季节变化动态。因此,土壤易分解碳的较土壤碳库的其他组分对开垦更敏感,是表征土壤管理措施引起有机质变化的一个重要指标。 草原开垦后,土壤-植物系统氧化大气甲烷的能力明显提高,农田和天然草原CH4平均吸收通量分别是48.9 和 29.0 μg C m-2 h-1,开垦后增加了1.7倍。开垦没有改变CH4吸收通量 “夏季高秋季低” 的季节变化规律(由降水决定);开垦使N2O的平均释放通量增加了47%,农田和天然草原N2O平均吸收通量分别是56.6 和 38.6 ugN m-2 h-1;开垦同时也增大了通量的变异幅度;但没有改变N2O季节变化规律,只是出现高峰的时间较天然草原推后约10天左右。 2.开垦后的农田土壤在模拟添加厩肥后,刺激了土壤微生物的呼吸代谢,使CO2的释放量增加了5-7倍。试验期间总体排放的CO2中,约60%来源于羊粪,40% 来源于土壤。两种土壤即羊草顶级草原土壤(高碳高氮)和冷蒿-小禾草退化草原土壤(低碳低氮),在CO2的释放总量和释放比例上都没有显著性差异。添加厩肥均造成两种土壤碳库的净碳损失,并且退化草原土壤(7.0%)的土壤净碳损失要大于羊草草原(2.6%)。说明与开垦后的高C土壤相比,在已经退化草原的低C土壤上施厩肥将趋向于土壤更大的净碳损失。 3.自由放牧22年后,羊草草原0~10 cm土壤有机碳、微生物量碳和易分解碳分别下降了14.1%、27.9%和22.0%;大针茅草原0~5 cm土壤有机碳和微生物量碳分别下降了27.6%和38.2%。两类草原土壤碳组分的季节变化受水热因子的驱动,大针茅草原季节波动出现高峰的时间较羊草草原迟。土壤微生物量碳在表征羊草草原和大针茅草原土壤碳素的动态变化时,要敏感于土壤总有机碳。放牧对冷蒿-小禾草草原土壤各碳素组分影响不明显。在表征放牧对冷蒿-小禾草草原土壤的影响指示上,MB-C/ Org-C和Lab-C/ Org-C要比MB-C和Lab-C更加敏感。这说明在研究放牧对草原土壤碳库影响时,不同的草原类型应使用不同的指标来表征其变化。 内蒙古羊草草原是大气CH4的汇,自由放牧增加土壤对CH4的吸收。CH4平均吸收通量增加了27%,但CH4吸收的季节变化形式没有改变;放牧使。自由放牧还增大了N2O的排放通量,将原来N2O源、汇的双重功能改变为单一的源功能;放牧使N2O平均释放通量增加了1倍;放牧显著增加了羊草草原向大气排放CO2的量(p<0.05),并且年度排放量范围也有所增大。 4.草原羊尿斑土壤的pH和NH4+浓度在施后显著升高,但土壤微生物C和N没有明显变化,尿斑N素会发生大量的流失。粪斑和厩肥斑中各有46%和27%的N素分解后转移到植物中。羊草种群斑块上粪尿斑引起CO2和N2O通量的变化,要大于星毛委陵菜种群斑块。与植被类型的影响相比,羊粪尿斑尤其是尿斑对温室气体通量的影响更大。尿斑既降低了土壤对CH4的吸收,又增加了CO2和N2O的释放,使粪尿斑上相当于CO2的净排放量比对照土壤增加了15%。 在内蒙古草原中等放牧条件下,家畜粪尿斑在放牧草地上的覆盖面积约只有2%,与未被家畜排泄物覆盖的草原土壤 相比,粪尿斑对内蒙古草原温室气体总体收支产生的影响可以忽略不计。因此内蒙古草原地区温室气体减排措施的重点,应放在家畜的食性食量对温室气体的影响以及厩肥的科学利用上。但随放牧强度的加大,家畜排泄物覆盖草地的面积将大大增加,加之放牧生态系统中家畜瘤胃代谢产生的的大量温室气体,其对草原温室气体的核算将会产生的影响也是不容忽视的。
虫(nematodes)是世界农业生产的一大障碍,每年给世界农业生产造成约1000亿美元的巨额损失,是世界各国一直关注的重点病害之一。线虫可以危害各种大田作物和各种温室植物,几乎所有的栽培植物都有线虫危害发生。随着人们环保意识的增强以及健康意识的觉醒,传统防治根结线虫的药物如溴甲烷等因对环境的破坏作用,或者由于高毒、使用不便、抗药性等原因而迅速退出历史舞台,研究环保高效防治线虫成为世界各国竞相发展的技术之一。本研究尝试通过物理方式防治蔬菜根结线虫,并调查了对土壤质量的影响,主要内容包括: 1. 设计制造了功率20 Kw,频率为915 MHz的大功率土壤微波处理机,并通过了田间试验; 2. 设计制造了每小时120 g臭氧产量的便携式臭氧土壤处理机,并通过了田间试验; 3. 采用4因素3水平正交法L9(34)在山东寿光蔬菜大棚进行了蔬菜根结线虫的防治试验,综合考察微波、臭氧、微波吸收剂、EM菌等不同处理水平对根结线虫和对土壤质量的影响,结果表明: 1) 大棚土壤经微波60 s照射能够显著降低甜瓜根结线虫数和根结指数(p < 0.05),盆栽试验只需处理10 s即可显著防治甜瓜根结线虫(p < 0.01);以120 g/h臭氧浓度处理5 s也能显著降低甜瓜根结线虫的数量(p < 0.05);田间施入5 g/m2的EM菌,能够显著降低甜瓜根结线虫的数量(p < 0.05);盆栽试验中微波吸收剂具有降低根结线虫数量的趋势,但是不同处理水平之间差异不显著,田间试验则具有增加根结线虫的趋势,不同处理水平之间也没有显著差异。 2) 微波不同处理水平之间对甜瓜单瓜重的影响没有显著差异;以120 g/h臭氧浓度处理甜瓜能够显著增加甜瓜单瓜重(p < 0.05);200 g/m2微波吸收剂能够显著提高甜瓜单瓜重(p < 0.05);以5 g/m2EM菌处理土壤则显著降低甜瓜单瓜重(p < 0.05)。 3) 微波、臭氧、微波吸收剂不同处理水平对甜瓜糖度的影响没有显著差异;以3 g/m2的EM菌处理甜瓜能够显著降低甜瓜的糖度。 4) 不同因素对甜瓜硬度的影响没有显著差异。 5) 微波处理60 s能够显著提高甜瓜的果型指数(p < 0.1),臭氧、微波吸收剂、EM菌等因素不同处理水平之间对果型指数影响差异不显著。 6) EM菌5 g/m2处理浓度能够显著降低甜瓜株高(p < 0.1),微波、臭氧、微波吸收剂不同处理水平之间对株高的影响没有显著差异。 7) EM菌5 g/m2处理浓度能够显著降低甜瓜根径(p < 0.1),微波、臭氧、微波吸收剂不同处理水平之间对根径的影响没有显著差异。 8) 微波处理60 s能够显著降低表层土壤(0-5 cm)的有机质含量(p < 0.01);以120 g/h的臭氧浓度处理,则可以显著提高10-15 cm土壤的有机质含量(p < 0.05),其它处理因素的不同水平对有机质的影响差异不显著。 9) 微波不同处理水平对土壤全氮的影响没有显著差异(p < 0.05);120 g/h臭氧处理浓度能够显著降低表层土壤(0-5 cm)的土壤全氮量(p < 0.1);100 g/m2微波吸收剂处理水平能够显著提高10-15 cm土壤全氮量(p < 0.05);EM菌3 g/m2的处理水平则显著降低5-10 cm土壤全氮量(p < 0.05)。 10) 微波、微波吸收剂、EM菌不同处理水平之间对土壤全磷没有显著影响;240 g/h臭氧浓度处理5 s能够显著降低10-15 cm土层的土壤全磷含量(p < 0.05)。 11) 微波、微波吸收剂对土壤全磷没有显著影响;臭氧处理具有降低土壤有效磷的趋势,EM菌处理则有提高土壤有效磷的趋势,但是 不同处理水平之间差异不显著(p > 0.05)。 12) 微波处理对土壤EC值没有显著影响;臭氧、微波吸收剂、EM菌处理具有降低土壤EC值的趋势,但是不同处理水平之间差异不显著(p > 0.05)。 13) 微波处理30 s能够显著降低表层土壤的pH值(p < 0.05),臭氧、微波吸收剂、EM菌处理具有提高土壤pH值的趋势,但是不同处理水平之间差异不显著。
人类活动能显著地改变生态系统的属性和功能。这些变化不仅发生在容易观察的局部层面上,如土壤沙化、植被退化等;还能更深刻地影响到微生物控制的温室气体释放,进而影响大尺度上气候的变化。本论文根据2 年田间试验结果报告了人类干扰(草地退耕和施肥)和降水增加30%对中国北部农牧交错区(内蒙古多伦县)半干旱草地生态系统生产力和温室气体排放的影响。 本研究发现氮是影响该区草地和弃耕地生产力的最重要因子,即使低量的氮肥应用(5 g N y-1)也能使该区草地地上净初级生产力(ANPP)增加36-46%。然而氮对草地生产力影响主要集中在地上部分,对地下净初级生产力(BNPP) 影响比较微弱。单独使用磷肥对ANPP 和BNPP 均无显著影响,氮磷混施对ANPP 有显著正交互作用。增加的降水对草地和弃耕地ANPP 和BNPP 有弱的正效应,增加30%降水使草地对照ANPP 增加9-25%,BNPP 增加12%-17%,弃耕地对照ANPP 增加7%-37%,BNPP 增加36%-37% 。草地和弃耕地对照ANPP 并无显著差别,由于高于弃耕地1-3 倍的BNPP,总体上草地比弃耕地有更高的固碳能力。这个结果也说明草地能更有效地把植物地上部分固定的碳转移到地下,这与草地长期发育积累的丰富地下根系和高根冠比物种组成有关。 水肥处理及土地利用方式也深刻改变了温室气体排放。温带草地和弃耕地CO2 排放(系统呼吸:Re)存在显著季节变化,温度、水分和地上生物量是控制这些变化的主要因子。在气候温暖的6-9 月份,生物量和土壤水分是决定系统呼吸季节变化主要因子,而与温度无明显相关。随着氮肥使用,草地和弃耕地呼吸速率加大,其温度敏感系数Q10 也明显升高,这主要与氮肥使用后增加的地上生物量有关。由于水分促进作用和生物量的弱增长,增加的降水也加大了草地和弃耕地CO2 排放。低的地下生物量和有机碳氮并没有导致弃耕地低的CO2 排放,显示了农垦后土壤结构破坏导致的有机碳分解增加不会在农业弃耕后短期内(5-6 年)停止。 除了对生物量的不敏感性外,中国北部半干旱生态系统N2O 排放表现出与CO2 排放类似的变化规律:水分和温度是N2O 季节变化的主导因子;氮肥使用和降水增加都增加了N2O 排放;N2O 排放在草地对照和弃耕地对照之间没有显著差别。更少的根系对无机氮的竞争导致了弃耕地比草地有更高的N2O 释放因子(单位氮添加所引起N2O 释放)。低的土壤水分(<70% WFPS )和无机氮都是限制反硝化发生的重要条件,因此硝化可能是草地和弃耕地N2O 的最主要来源。半干旱草地生态系统N2O 排放与CO2 排放之间存在着显著线性关系。 中国北部半干旱草地和弃耕地都起着CH4 汇的生态功能。水分是控制CH4 吸收季节变异的主导变量,土壤空隙水含量(WFPS)与CH4 指数递减方程能解释其变异的64%-83% 。增加的降水导致了土壤水分增加,从而引起甲烷氧化菌所需基质(CH4 和O2)扩散受阻,减小了土壤CH4 吸收功能。施肥并没有抑制CH4 吸收,相反由于施肥后植物速生对土壤水的抽干作用,施肥增加了植物速生期时的CH4 吸收。CH4 吸收对农垦引起的土壤微生物生境结构破坏非常敏感,在农业措施停止5-6 年后的弃耕地,CH4 吸收仍比草地低24%。 本研究初步分析了影响中国北部农牧交错区草地生态系统生产力及温室气体排放的自然环境因子和人为因子,给出了它们之间的定性、定量关系,为科学地管理中国北部草地,充分发挥其生态和经济效益功能提供了有效信息。
随着青藏高原气候变暖进程及放牧压力与开垦面积的逐年加大,非常有必要评价青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统温室气体通量对气候变暖、放牧(包括粪尿斑)和开垦的响应和反馈。与此同时,我们进行了粪尿斑及开垦对土壤理化性质影响研究。本研究对于青藏高原高寒草甸C、N循环关键过程对全球变化响应的认识具有重要意义。 本文通过2年(2006-2007)增温(白天+1.2℃,晚上+1.7℃)与放牧耦合试验,在生长季观测了增温与放牧对高寒草甸生态系统温室气体通量的影响。研究初步表明,增温试验显著增加10 cm土壤温度1℃左右;在放牧频度相对较高的2007年,放牧也显著增加了土壤温度1℃左右。总体上,增温对土壤湿度的影响不显著。 增温可以促进土壤对CH4的吸收,而放牧对CH4通量影响不大或起到一定程度抑制作用。在较低放牧频度的2006年,放牧显著降低了植物-土壤系统CO2总释放量,增温促进了CO2的释放。而在放牧频度相对较高的2007年生长季,没有发现增温及放牧对土壤-植被系统CO2释放显著的影响。2006年放牧后,增温促进了高寒草甸土壤N2O的释放;2007年,增温不放牧小区N2O总通量较对照增加了24.6%,同时放牧处理也促进了N2O释放。基于土壤温度和土壤湿度的线性回归模型可以解释55%-89%的CH4通量变异,而土壤湿度较土壤温度对CH4通量影响更大。土壤温度是影响CO2和N2O通量的主要因子,通过拟合的指数型曲线,土壤温度可以分别解释43%-63%CO2通量变异与65%-81%N2O通量变异。 在2005年与2006年夏季放牧期间,对牦牛粪尿斑处理对高寒草甸CH4、CO2和N2O通量进行了观测。牛粪小区2年观测期内CH4平均通量为687 μg m-2 h-1,而尿斑和对照土壤吸收CH4(平均通量分别为-34 μg m-2 h-1和-39 μg m-2 h-1)。牛粪小区CO2在2005年和2006年观测期内累积释放量较对照分别增加了35.8%和49.7%,而牛尿小区与对照累积释放量差异不显著。牛尿与牛粪小区N2O累积释放量显著高于对照,在2005年牛尿与牛粪小区N2O累积释放量较对照分别增加了3.7和3.5倍,而在2006年分别增加了2.1和1.8倍。因此,在估算放牧高寒草甸生态系统N2O释放时,来自牛粪斑释放量是不能被忽略的。但在中等放牧强度下(1.45头ha-1 y-1),有粪尿斑覆盖的高寒草甸在观测期内全球变暖潜势较相同面积没有粪尿斑覆盖的草甸仅增加了1%。土壤水分孔隙度(WFPS)可以解释牛尿小区35%和对照小区36%CH4通量变异。土壤温度是控制CO2释放的主要因子之一,它可以解释所有处理40-75% CO2的变异。牛尿处理(34%)、牛粪处理(48%)及对照(56%)N2O时间变异则同时受土壤温度和WFPS的驱动。在观测期内,牛尿可以显著提高土壤的pH值。粪尿斑对土壤微生物量碳氮没有产生显著性影响,但在一定时段内能显著增加土壤无机氮含量。 通过在青藏高原高寒草甸开展的人工草地试验,初步探讨了不同土地利用方式(种植燕麦、开垦后闲置及自然恢复)对CO2、CH4和N2O通量,以及土壤无机氮和微生物量氮的影响。燕麦地、自然恢复草地及开垦闲置地与天然草地相比,吸收CH4的能力均表现为增强(CH4的吸收总量分别增加了31.9%、57.2%和71.0%)。由于燕麦地生物量低于天然草地与恢复草地,造成了燕麦地土壤-植被CO2释放量低于天然草地和恢复草地。而闲置地几乎没有植被覆盖,其CO2释放量显著低于天然草地。草地恢复8年后,CO2释放基本恢复到天然草地的水平。闲置地N2O总通量显著高于天然草地,较天然草地增加了60.5%。观测期内燕麦地与天然草地相比,N2O总通量增加了24.3%,但没有达到显著性水平。开垦及种植燕麦,增加了土壤硝态氮的含量,而自然恢复地、燕麦地、天然草地和闲置地在观测期内土壤铵态氮平均含量没有观察到显著性差异。燕麦地土壤微生物量氮平均含量最低(119.7 mg N kg-1),而自然恢复草地、天然草地和闲置地土壤微生物量氮差异不大。
State and regional policies, such as low carbon fuel standards (LCFSs), increasingly mandate that transportation fuels be examined according to their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We investigate whether such policies benefit from determining fuel carbon intensities (FCIs) locally to account for variations in fuel production and to stimulate improvements in FCI. In this study, we examine the FCI of transportation fuels on a lifecycle basis within a specific state, Minnesota, and compare the results to FCIs using national averages. Using data compiled from 18 refineries over an 11-year period, we find that ethanol production is highly variable, resulting in a 42% difference between carbon intensities. Historical data suggests that lower FCIs are possible through incremental improvements in refining efficiency and the use of biomass for processing heat. Stochastic modeling of the corn ethanol FCI shows that gains in certainty due to knowledge of specific refinery inputs are overwhelmed by uncertainty in parameters external to the refiner, including impacts of fertilization and land use change. The LCA results are incorporated into multiple policy scenarios to demonstrate the effect of policy configurations on the use of alternative fuels. These results provide a contrast between volumetric mandates and LCFSs. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Consumer goods manufacturers aiming to reduce the environmental impact associated with their products commonly pursue incremental change strategies, but more radical approaches may be required if we are to address the challenges of sustainable consumption. One strategy to realize step change reductions is to prepare a portfolio of innovations providing different levels of impact reduction in exchange for different levels of organizational resource commitment. In this research a tool is developed to support this strategy, starting with the assumption that through brainstorming or other eco-innovation approaches, a long-list of candidate innovations has been created. The tool assesses the potential greenhouse gas benefit of an innovative option against the difficulty of its implementation. A simple greenhouse gas benefit assessment method based on streamlined LCA was used to analyze impact reduction potential, and a novel measure of implementation difficulty was developed. The predictions of implementation difficulty were compared against expert opinion, and showed similar results indicating the measure can be used sensibly to predict implementation difficulty. The assessment of the environmental gain versus implementation difficulty is visualized in a matrix, showing the trade-offs of several options. The tool is deliberately simple with scalar measures of CO 2 emissions benefits and implementation difficulty so tool users must remain aware of other potential environmental burdens besides greenhouse gases (e.g. water, waste). In addition, although relative life cycle emissions benefits of an option may be low, the absolute impact of an option can be high and there may be other co-benefits, which could justify higher levels of implementation difficulty. Different types of consumer products (e.g. household, personal care, foods) have been evaluated using the tool. Initial trials of the tool within Unilever demonstrate that the tool facilitates rapid evaluation of low-carbon innovations. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Concerns over climate change mean engineers need to understand the greenhouse gas emissions associated with infrastructure projects. Standard coefficients are increasingly used to calculate the embodied emissions of construction materials, but these are not generally appropriate to inherently variable earthworks. This paper describes a new tool that takes a bottom-up approach to calculating carbon dioxide emissions from earthworks operations. In the case of bulk earthworks this is predominantly from the fuel used by machinery moving materials already on site. Typical earthworks solutions are explored along with the impact of using manufactured materials such as lime.
The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, is a major pest of tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, in Yunnan province, China, where its control still depends on the use of insecticides. In recent years, the local government and farmers have sought to improve the biological control of this tobacco pest. In this paper, we present methods for mass rearing Aphidius gifuensis, a dominant endoparasitoid of M. persicae on tobacco plants in this region. The tobacco cultivar K326 (N. tabacum) was used as the host plant and M. persicae as the host insect. In the greenhouse, we collected tobacco seedlings for about 35 days (i.e., until the six-true-leaf stage), transferred them to 7.5-cm diameter pots, and kept these plants in the greenhouse for another 18 days. These pots were then transferred to an insectary-greenhouse, where the tobacco seedlings were inoculated with five to seven wingless adult M. persicae per pot. After 3 days, the infested seedlings were moved to a second greenhouse to allow the aphid population to increase, and after an additional 4 +/- 1 days when 182 +/- 4.25 aphid adults and nymphs were produced per pot, they were inoculated with A. gifuensis. With this rearing system, we were able to produce 256 +/- 8.8 aphid mummies per pot, with an emergence rate of 95.6 +/- 2.45%; 69% were females. The daily cost of parasite production (recurring costs only) was US$ 0.06 per 1000 aphid mummies. With this technique, we released 109 800 parasitoids in 1998, 196 000 in 1999, 780 000 in 2000, and 5 600 000 in 2001 during a 2-month period each year This production method is discussed with respect to countrywide usage in biological control and integrated control of M. persicae.
Identifying strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from steel production requires a comprehensive model of the sector but previous work has either failed to consider the whole supply chain or considered only a subset of possible abatement options. In this work, a global mass flow analysis is combined with process emissions intensities to allow forecasts of future steel sector emissions under all abatement options. Scenario analysis shows that global capacity for primary steel production is already near to a peak and that if sectoral emissions are to be reduced by 50% by 2050, the last required blast furnace will be built by 2020. Emissions reduction targets cannot be met by energy and emissions efficiency alone, but deploying material efficiency provides sufficient extra abatement potential.
Nowadays nuclear is the only greenhouse-free source that can appreciably respond to the increasing worldwide energy demand. The use of Thorium in the nuclear energy production may offer some advantages to accomplish this task. Extensive R&D on the thorium fuel cycle has been conducted in many countries around the world. Starting from the current nuclear waste policy, the EU-PUMA project focuses on the potential benefits of using the HTR core as a Pu/MA transmuter. In this paper the following aspects have been analysed: (1) the state-of-the-art of the studies on the use of Th in different reactors, (2) the use of Th in HTRs, with a particular emphasis on Th-Pu fuel cycles, (3) an original assessment of Th-Pu fuel cycles in HTR. Some aspects related to Thorium exploitation were outlined, particularly its suitability for working in pebble-bed HTR in a Th-Pu fuel cycle. The influence of the Th/Pu weight fraction at BOC in a typical HTR pebble was analysed as far as the reactivity trend versus burn-up, the energy produced per Pu mass, and the Pu isotopic composition at EOC are concerned. Although deeper investigations need to be performed in order to draw final conclusions, it is possible to state that some optimized Th percentage in the initial Pu/Th fuel could be suggested on the basis of the aim we are trying to reach. Copyright © 2009 Guido Mazzini et al.