979 resultados para Grapevine rust mite


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This study aimed to determine the effect of sucrose ester on the control of Varroa destructor mite infestation in Africanized honeybees. For the in vitro experiments, the product was tested in bees and mites at five concentrations obtained through dilution in water (T0: 100% distilled water; T1: 0.5%; T2: 1%; T3: 2%; T4: 5%; and T5: 10% sucrose ester).For the field studies, the experimental design was completely randomized, with four treatments and seven replicates, totaling 28 colonies, from which seven were the controls, seven were treated with 0.1% sucrose ester, seven with 0.2% sucrose ester, and seven hives with 0.5% sucrose ester diluted in water. In the in vitro study, the sucrose ester at 0.5% concentration caused mite and bee mortality. In the field tests, the product at 0.2% concentration reduced Varroa destructor infestation in Africanized honeybees and, therefore, may be used as a tool to control this pest. At 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5% concentrations, sucrose ester did not impair the establishment of open and capped brood areas, as well as stored food areas in the hive, suggesting it is not toxic to Africanized honeybees.


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Background: Rust caused by Puccinia psidii Winter has been limiting for the establishment of new Eucalyptus plantations, as well as for resprouting of susceptible genetic materials. Identifying host genes involved in defense responses is important to elucidate resistance mechanisms. Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR is the most common method of mRNA quantitation for gene expression analysis. This method generally employs a reference gene as an internal control to normalize results. A good endogenous control transcript shows minimal variation due to experimental conditions. Findings. We analyzed the expression of 13 genes to identify transcripts with minimal variation in leaves of 60-day-old clonal seedlings of two Eucalyptus clones (rust-resistant and susceptible) subjected to biotic (P. psidii) and abiotic (acibenzolar-S-methyl, ASM) stresses. Conclusions. For tissue samples of clones that did not receive any stimulus, a combination of the eEF2 and EglDH genes was the best control for normalization. When pathogen-inoculated and uninoculated plant samples were compared, eEF2 and UBQ together were more appropriate as normalizers. In ASM-treated and untreated leaves of both clones, transcripts of the CYP and elF4B genes combined were the ones with minimal variation. Finally, when comparing expression in both clones for ASM-treated leaves, P. psidii-inoculated leaves, ASM-treated plus P. psidii-inoculated leaves, and their respective controls, the genes with the most stable expression were EgIDH and UBQ. The chitinase gene, which is highly expressed in studies on plant resistance to phytopathogens, was used to confirm variation in gene expression due to the treatments. © 2010 Laia et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Nectarivorous flower mites can reduce the volume of nectar available to pollinators. The effects of the flower mite Proctolaelaps sp. on nectar availability in flowers of a melittophilous bromeliad Neoregelia johannis (Bromeliaceae) was evaluated in a coastal rain forest in south-eastern Brazil. In a randomized block experiment utilizing 18 flower pairs, one per bromeliad ramet, pollinators (Bombus morio) and mites were excluded, and then nectar volume, sugar concentration and sugar mass were quantified over the anthesis period. Mites significantly reduced nectar volume early in the morning (6h00-8h00), but not later (10h00-12h00). Mites decreased total volume of nectar available up to 22%. Sugar concentration in nectar was higher earlier in the morning, and decreased between 10h00-12h00. The pronounced consumption of nectar by mites during the period of higher sugar concentration reduced the total amount of sugar available to pollinators by 31%. This is the first study showing that flower mites decrease nectar rewards in a melittophilous plant. Because nectar volume by itself incompletely describes nectar production rates and the effects of nectar removal by flower mites on the availability of sugar, our study highlights the inclusion of sugar content in future studies assessing the effects of thieves on nectar production rates. Copyright © 2010 Cambridge University Press.


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O manejo de irrigação pode influenciar o comportamento ecofisiológico e a produção da videira. O objetivo desse trabalho, conduzido em 2010 em Petrolina – PE, no Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, foi avaliar a influência de diferentes estratégias de manejo de irrigação no potencial de água na folha e em aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos das uvas do primeiro ciclo de produção da videira cv. Syrah/Paulsen 1103. O sistema de irrigação utilizado foi gotejamento e a lâmina de água foi estimada com base na evapotranspiração da cultura. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, em 4 repetições e com 3 tratamentos: irrigação plena, realizada durante todo o ciclo de produção; a irrigação com déficit, onde a aplicação de água foi interrompida na fase fenológica de cacho fechado; e a irrigação com déficit controlado, onde a irrigação, também interrompida na fase de cacho fechado, foi eventualmente realizada após a interrupção, de acordo com o monitoramento da água no solo. A imposição de déficit hídrico às plantas favoreceu uma maior concentração de açúcares e a redução da acidez nos frutos, contribuindo para a melhoria da qualidade das uvas para vinificação.


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The litchi erineum mite, Aceria litchii (Keifer) is found in all producing regions attacking leaves and flowers of litchi plants. The mite attack young leaves and causes the erinea on leaf surface, which later become brown galls with velvety appearance. Severe attacks can cause leaf drop and destruction of branches end directly production affecting. In 2009 year it was registered a heavy infestation of the pest on litchi plants (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) in the municipality of Casa Branca, São Paulo, Brazil (2127'O; 4702'S; 679 m altitude). In June, many galls caused by mite infestation showed a mycelium of white coloration and many eriophyid dead. The fungus was identified as Hirsutella thompsonii (Fischer). The results suggest that galls may facilitate the fungus development and its permanence on the plants. Thus, the possibility of mite biological control with H. thompsonii should be investigated.


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Our aim was to investigate the population fluctuation and the damage caused by the phytophagous mites Calacarus heveae Feres, Tenuipalpus heveae Baker, and Eutetranychus banksi (McGregor) on clones FX 2784, FX 3864, and MDF 180 in rubber tree crops from southeastern Bahia, Brazil. Moreover, we tested for the influence of climatic variables on occurrence patterns of these species throughout weekly samples performed from October to April. The infestation peaks was between mid-January and late February. The clones FX 2784 and FX 3864 had the highest infestations and more severe damage possibly caused by C. heveae, which was the most frequent and abundant species in all clones. We found that sunlight duration and rainfall were the most important factors for C. heveae while T. heveae was affected by rainfall and temperature. Eutetranychus banksi was only affected by sunlight duration. However, the best models had low goodness of fit. We concluded that the clones FX 2784 and FX 3864 had a higher susceptibility to mite attack, and the association between climatic variables and favorable physiological conditions were determinant for the population increase of the species from January to April. © 2012 Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate different citrus leprosis management tactics during seven seasons, based in pruning and acaricide applications, considering technical and economic aspects of each tactic. The trial was conducted from October 2003 to August 2010 in an orange plantation of Pera cv. located in the municipality of Reginópolis-SP, Brazil. The plants of citrus used were12 years old and grafted onto Cleopatra tangerine. The experimental design used was randomized blocks, in a factorial scheme, made up of factors type of pruning (A), with six levels: (1) drastic pruning, (2) intermediate pruning without leprosis lesions, (3) intermediate pruning with leprosis lesions (4) light pruning, (5) without pruning and (6) replant; acaricide applications factor (B), with three levels: (1) without acaricides applications, (2) with lime sulfur applications and (3) spirodiclofen or cyhexatin applied in rotation; pruning factor to remove leprosis symptomatic branches (C), with two levels: (1) with pruning for removal, (2) without removal pruning. The combination of factors, with respective levels (6 x 3 x 2), resulted in 36 treatments that were repeated four times, with each parcel being made up of three plants in a row. After seven years, it was observed that the types of the pruning and remove of leprosis symptomatic branches used as single management tactic, is not sufficient to leprosis control. Therefore, the results demonstrated that for leprosis management, it is essential the association between tactics, especially the control mite vector. For ensuring the citrus production economically, the use of acaricides highly efficient is essential in B. phoenicis control. The recommendation of the type of pruning should be in function of the leprosis incidence and severity in the orchard. In orchards with low leprosis incidence and severity the light pruning is more appropriate, because it is efficient and ensures greater financial balance. However, in orchards with high leprosis incidence and severity it is indicated the severe pruning for reducing or eliminating inoculum source. Between the severe prunings, the intermediate pruning with leprosis lesions is the most relevant, because the financial return will be faster. Replant is indicated only for young orchards, because does not imply in changes onto cultural practices.


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Eurhizococcus brasiliensis (Wille) (Hemiptera: Margarodidae) is a soil scale that is considered the main pest of vineyards in Brazil. The ant Linepithema micans (Forel) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is frequently found associated with this species of scale in infested areas. The effect of the presence of L. micans on the infestation and dispersal capacity of E. brasiliensis on vine roots was measured in a greenhouse, using Paulsen 1103 rootstock seedlings planted in simple and double Gallotti Cages. Treatments measured were: infestation of roots with E. brasiliensis or L. micans, and infestation with both species together. In the experiment using simple Gallotti Cages, with E. brasiliensis associated with L. micans, higher mean numbers of cysts and ants per plant were recorded, a result significantly different from that found for infestation with scale only. When double Gallotti Cages were used, first-instar nymphs were transported between the cages. The results showed that L. micans transports and aids in the attachment of E. brasiliensis to vine plants. © 2013 Entomological Society of America.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the total number of clusters per plant and the sugar concentration of Superior Seedless grapevine branches under different soil water tensions conditions. The statistical design was a randomized block with 4 treatments (a) control, b) 70 kPa tension, c) 50 kPa tension, d) 30 kPa tension, and 6 replications, each plot consisting of two plants. Soil moisture curves were plotted in laboratory and field conditions, potential bud fertility (carried out with the help of a 30x magnifier glass and collecting 17 branches in the primary arm of the plant with 15 buds each), actual fertility (given by the fertile buds to sprouted buds per plant ratio) and total sugars. Laboratory conditions helped stress to reach a -70 kPa level in just 21 days during the procedure to determine the retention curve in the laboratory. The different stress levels applied to the soil did not cause significant differences in the total number of clusters per plant. However, a -30 kPa stress showed a 68% reduction in water depth when compared to control and different soil water stress affected the carbohydrate percentage in branches of the Superior Seedless vine.


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Three new species of the feather mite subfamily Proctophyllodinae are described from passerines in Brazil: Nycteridocaulus guaratubensis sp. nov. from Phylloscartes kronei (Rhynchocyclidae), Mimicalges neopelmae sp. nov. from Neopelma pallescens (Pipridae) and Atrichophyllodes leucopterus sp. nov. from Pyriglena leucoptera (Thamnophilidae). The females of Mimicalges are described for the first time. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:88E17B8B-CBFD-4B05-94B9-23FFCC34910. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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In the present article, we review the feather mites of the genus Anisodiscus Gaud & Mouchet, 1957 associated with sunbirds of Madagascar (Passeriformes: Nectariniidae). Anisodiscus goodmani sp. nov. is described from Cinnyris sovimanga (Gmelin, 1788). This species, as far as we know, bears the longest male intromittent organ (aedeagus) in relation to its body size of any described mite. Anisodiscus megalurus (Trouessart, 1899) is redescribed and illustrated for the first time based on type specimens from the Trouessart collection and recently collected material.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F1E8A6DB-63CD-4A36-99C5-DC54184FAAE7. © 2013 Copyright Taylor & Francis.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)