999 resultados para Gramàtica comparada i genera l-- Negacions
Martín Abad. Post-incunables,
Contiene: T. I: 1e partie. Idéologie proprement dite (An XIII [1804] ; 2 ?ed. ; XXXII, 456 p.) -- T. II: 2e partie. Grammaire (An XI [1803] ; XII, 454 p.) -- T. III: 3e partie. Logique (An XII [1805] ; VIII, 671 p.) -- T. IV: 4e et 5e parties. Traité de la volanté et de ses effects (Vve. Cournier, 1815 ; VI, 578 p.)
Mode of access: Internet.
I. De l'Olympe à l'agora.--I. D'Eschyle à Aristophanes.
Mode of access: Internet.
1. Smertʹ bogov (I︠U︡līan otstupnik) -- 2. Voskresshīe bogi (Leonardo da Vinchi) -- 3. Antikhrist (Petr i Aleksi︠e︡ĭ).
Vol. 8, pt. 2-12, pt. 2 have errata slips inserted.
"Grecheskīi︠a︡ i latinskīi︠a︡ rukopisi Biblīoteki Moskovskago glavnago arkhiva": v.7, p. [CXXVI]-CCXXXV.
History of the town of Smithfield [R.I.] from its organization, in 1730-1, to its division, in 1871,
In 1871 a part of the town of Smithfield was added to Woonsocket and other portions were set off to form the new towns of Lincoln and North Smithfield.
Fiatal felnőttek nagyarányú jelenléte a szülői háztartásokban nemcsak Magyarországon és Európában jellemző, de a fejlett ipari országokban általánosan megfigyelhető jelenség. Az Európai Unióban élő 18–34 év közötti fiatalok 46%-a él együtt legalább egyik szülőjével, a magyar fiatalok esetében hasonló az arány. A fiatalok kitolódó felnőtté válása azt is jelenti, hogy a szülők egyre későbbi időponttól kezdve rendelkeznek szabadabban idejükkel és anyagi forrásaikkal, a fiatal felnőttek döntései pedig részben szüleik részvételével történik. Jelen cikk arra keresi a választ, hogy a szülői fészekben élő vagy a szüleiktől részben függő fiatalok milyen döntési mintákkal rendelkeznek, illetve vásárlási döntéseikben mennyire önállóak. A kérdés vizsgálatát a szülői háztól függő egyetemista fiatalok körében végzett kérdőíves megkérdezés segítségével a szerzők elemezték, és arra is lehetőségük volt, hogy a családtagok által írt rövid esszék segítségével a kérdést több oldalról vizsgálják meg. Eredményeik szerint a szülői háztól függő fiatal felnőttek önálló döntésre képes, sok esetben szakértő fogyasztók, döntéseik önállóságát azonban a termékkategória, a családdal való kapcsolattartás gyakorisága, a családforma és a nemi szerepek is befolyásolják. ____ High ratio of adult children is still living in their parents’ home. This is a significant phenomenon that can be observed in Hungary and throughout Europe, while influences living trends globally. In the EU, 46% of youth between 18-34 years live with at least one of their parents and this same statistic holds true in the case of Hungary. This postponement of adulthood allows parents to enjoy more free time and have higher disposable income from later in life. The young adults, however, in the household make their consumer decisions under parental control. The purpose of this study is to explore the decisionmaking styles of young adults and their independence from their parents in shopping-related decision-making through a literature review and primary study. The survey focused on university students who are dependent on their parental home and short essays were also collected from family members of the target group in order to gain a more complex view on this phenomenon. According to the results the following conclusion can be made: young adults living in their parents’ home are competent consumers with individual decisions, in addition, they are consumer experts within the family in many cases. However, their independent shopping-related decision-making is influenced by product category, frequency of connection to the family home, family form and also sex role orientations.
This research analyzes the average previous stressed vowels [ε] and [e] and later [ɔ] and [o] in nominal and verbal forms in the 1st person singular and 3rd person singular and plural in the present tense, specifically the umlaut process of mid vowels /e/ and /o/, which assimilate in /ε/ and /ᴐ/ in stressed position. The general objective of this research is to describe and quantify the occurrence of umlaut and subsequently analyze in which words there is regularity or not. As specific objectives we have: i) to compile and to label an oral, spontaneous, synchronic and regional corpus, from radio programs produced in the city of Ituiutaba, Minas Gerais; ii) to describe the characteristics of the corpus to be compiled; iii) to investigate the alternating timbre of mid vowels in stressed position; iv) to identify instances of nominal and verbal umlaut of the middle vowels in stressed position; v) to describe the identified cases of nominal and verbal umlaut; vi) to analyze the probable causes for the variation of the middle vowels. To perform the proposed analysis, we have adopted as a theoretical-methodological basis multi-representational models: Phonology of Use (BYBEE, 2001) and Exemplar Theory (PIERREHUMBERT, 2001) combined with the precepts of Corpus Linguistics (BEBER SARDINHA, 2004). The corpus consisted of 16 radio programs – eight political and eight religious – from the city of Ituiutaba-MG, with recordings of about 20 to 40 minutes. We note, by means of the results generated by WordSmith Tools® software, version 6.0 (SCOTT, 2012), that the analyzed forms show little variation, which shows that the umlaut is a process already lexicalized in participants of the radio programs analyzed. We conclude that the results converge with the proposal of the Phonology of Use (BYBEE, 2001; PHILLIPS, 1984) that less frequent words that have no phonetic environment conducive to change, are changed first.
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting patients with life-limiting illness use medicines inappropriately and unnecessarily. In this context, the perspective of patients, their carers and the healthcare professionals responsible for prescribing and monitoring their medication is important for developing deprescribing strategies. The aim of this study was to explore the lived experience of patients, carers and healthcare professionals in the context of medication use in life-limiting illness.
MethodsIn-depth interviews, using a phenomenological approach: methods of transcendental phenomenology were used for the patient and carer interviews, while hermeneutic phenomenology was used for the healthcare professional interviews.
ResultsThe study highlighted that medication formed a significant part of a patient’s day-to-day routine; this was also apparent for their carers who took on an active role-as a gatekeeper of care-in managing medication. Patients described the experience of a point in which, in their disease journey, they placed less importance on taking certain medications; healthcare professionals also recognize this and refer it as a ‘transition’. This point appeared to occur when the patient became accepting of their illness and associated life expectancy. There was also willingness by patients, carers and healthcare professionals to review and alter the medication used by patients in the context of life-limiting illness.
ConclusionsThere is a need to develop deprescribing strategies for patients with life-limiting illness. Such strategies should seek to establish patient expectations, consider the timing of the discussion about ceasing treatment and encourage the involvement of other stakeholders in the decision-making progress.
La toile de fond de notre essai est la transformation du travail social depuis dix (10) ou quinze (15) ans au Québec. Cette transformation est un phénomène inégal suivant les secteurs de travail. Nous l'observons, nous, en Protection de la jeunesse seulement, secteur où elle a été la plus rapide, la plus vive. Secteur aussi qui serait comme un phare pour les autres. C'est aussi un phénomène global et complexe. Il y a des dimensions technocratique [gestion des populations à risques, évaluation épidémiologique, décision centralisée...), juridique [accessibilité à la justice, changements dans les pouvoirs du juge, les Chartes des droits de la personne...), et idéologique [statuts social de l'enfance, primauté de la santé...). Ne pouvant tout aborder dans cet essai nous considérerons deux (2) dimensions qui, ensemble, constitue une systématisation du travail social. La dimension 1: l'institutionnalisation fine du contrôle social sur des situations dites de «protection» et; la dimension 2 la rationalisation du travail concret ou gestion formalisée des opérations. Compte tenu des limites de notre travail, nous ne traiterons pas ces deux (2) dimensions avec une égale énergie. Pour la dimension 1 nous reprendrons les résultats d'autres recherches et nous nous attarderons particulièrement à la dimension 2 en présentant le mouvement de rationalisation dit «Rapport Harvey» et en analysant plus en détail encore son mode d'implantation et ses effets quant à un sous-programme [i.e. l'évaluation-orientation] dans un centre de services sociaux. Avant le Rapport Harvey, il y a eu la mise en oeuvre de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse, une «nouvelle façon» de protéger les enfants qu'on appelle institutionnalisation de la Protection de la jeunesse (Chapitre II). Cette institutionnalisation continue comme processus socio-judiciaire global [à preuve Rapport Bouchard et Jasmin aujourd'hui). Quant à nous nous en considérons seulement un aspect particulier: le travail concret ou la définition fine et la mise en forme des opérations. Le tout commence avec la demande du Ministère des services de santé et des services sociaux à un spécialiste en «gestion des opérations».
Non-finite clauses are sentential constituents with a verbal head that lacks a morphological specification for tense and agreement. In this paper I contend that these clauses are defective not only morphologically but also syntactically, in the sense that they all lack some of the functional categories that make up a full sentence. In particular I argue that to-infinitive clauses, gerund(ive) clauses and participial clauses differ among themselves, and with respect to other subordinate clauses, in the degree of structural defectiveness they display, which goes from the almost complete functional structure of the infinitive to the maximal degree of syntactic truncation of participial clauses (analyzed here as verbal small clauses). I also show the significant parallelism that exists in this respect between English and Spanish non-finite clauses, pointing to the implication this may have for a cross-linguistic approach to the cartography of syntactic structures.