908 resultados para Graduate Education


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This paper appears in International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education edited by Lawrence A. Tomei (Ed.) Copyright 2007, IGI Global, www.igi-global.com. Posted by permission of the publisher. URL:http://www.idea-group.com/journals/details.asp?id=4287.


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The results presented in the article are part of a wider PhD project developed under the Doctoral program in Multimedia in Education from the University of Aveiro. The project, which sought to understand student ID in Higher education through the use of Digital Storytelling, was made possible through the Doctoral Grant awarded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).


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Introduction: Alcohol consumption starts at an early age in Portuguese people. Health problems and risk behavior associated with excessive consumption can be prevented or highly reduced through effective school programs. Health professionals, such as biomedical scientists, (BSc), are important in promoting healthy lifestyles through the transmission of knowledge. Objective: Explore the role of the BSc in promoting health via intervention and clarification actions, (ICA), with 9th grade students from Agrupamento de Escolas da Portela e Moscavide (AEPM) and Visconde Juromenha (AEVJ); Verify the relationship between participating in the ICA and the level of knowledge acquired from it. Methods: Behaviors and beliefs concerning alcohol consumption and knowledge about the repercussions of it in the human body, mainly regarding the liver, were assessed by questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed before and after the ICA, by the control group (CG) and the study group (SG), respectively. The answers concerning knowledge were given points, later converted to a score from 0 to 100%. Data was analyzed applying descriptive statistics and the t-student test using SPSS 20.0. Results: After statistical analysis, it was found an average score of 48.8% for SG and 46.2% for CG. The difference between groups was statistically significant only in AEPM where ICA included a practical methodology (microscopic and macroscopic observation of pork livers), contrary to AEVJ. Conclusions: BSc intervention through ICA’s improves teenagers’ knowledge. Theoretical knowledge associated with practical approaches improves the retention of information and the development of a conscious behavior about the consumption of alcohol.


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This paper discusses the changes brought by the communication revolution in teaching and learning in the scope of LSP. Its aim is to provide an insight on how teaching which was bi-dimensional, turned into a multidimensional system, gathering other complementary resources that have transformed, in a incredibly short time, the ways we receive share and store information, for instance as professionals, and keep in touch with our peers. The increasing rise of electronic publications, the incredible boom of social and professional networks, search engines, blogs, list servs, forums, e-mail blasts, Facebook pages, YouTube contents, Tweets and Apps, have twisted the way information is conveyed. Classes ceased to be predictable and have been empowered by digital platforms, innumerous and different data repositories (TILDE, IATE, LINGUEE, and so many other terminological data banks) that have definitely transformed the academic world in general and tertiary education in particular. There is a bulk of information to be digested by students, who are no longer passive but instead responsible and active for their academic outcomes. The question is whether they possess the tools to select only what is accurate and important for a certain subject or assignment, due to that overflow? Due to the reduction of the number of course years in most degrees, after the implementation of Bologna and the shrinking of the curricula contents, have students the possibility of developing critical thinking? Both teaching and learning rely on digital resources to improve the speed of the spreading of knowledge. But have those changes been effective to promote really communication? Furthermore, with the increasing Apps that have already been developed and will continue to appear for learning foreign languages, for translation among others, will the students feel the need of learning them once they have those Apps. These are some the questions we would like to discuss in our paper.


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Proceedings of EDEN 10th Anniversary Conference, 10-13 June 2001 Stockholm, Sweden


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The purpose of this paper is to present a framework that increases knowledge sharing and collaboration in Higher Education Institutions. The paper discusses the concept of knowledge management in higher education institutions, presenting a systematization of knowledge practices and tools to linking people (students, teachers, researchers, secretariat staff, external entities)and promoting the knowledge sharing across several key processes and services in a higher education institution, such as: the research processes, learning processes, student and alumni services, administrative services and processes, and strategic planning and management. The framework purposed in this paper aims to improve knowledge practices and processes which facilitate an environment and a culture of knowledge collaboration,sharing and discovery that should characterize an institution of higher education.


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The change of paradigm imposed by the Bologna process, in which the student will be responsible for their own learning, and the presence of a new generation of students with higher technological skills, represent a huge challenge for higher education institutions. The use of new Web Social concepts in teaching process, supported by applications commonly called Web 2.0, with which these new students feel at ease, can bring benefits in terms of motivation and the frequency and quality of students' involvement in academic activities. An e-learning platform with web-based applications as a complement can significantly contribute to the development of different skills in higher education students, covering areas which are usually in deficit.


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The Online Mathematics Education Project (MatActiva) is an exciting new initiative which aims to support and enhance mathematics education. The project is led by the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP), part of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). It provides innovative resources and carefully constructed materials around themes such as Elementary Mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Statistics and Financial Mathematics to help support and inspire students and teachers of mathematics. The goal is to increase mathematical understanding, confidence and enjoyment, enrich the mathematical experience of each person, and promote creative and imaginative approaches to mathematics. Furthermore the project can be used to deliver engaging and effective mathematics instruction through the flipped classroom model. This paper also presents the findings of a large survey, whose propose was to study the student’s reaction to the project.


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This communication aims to present some reflections regarding the importance of information in organizational context, especially in business context. The ability to produce and to share expertise and knowledge among its employees is now a key factor in the success of any organization. However, it’s also true that workers are increasingly feeling that too much information can hurt their performance. The existence of skilled professionals able to organize, evaluate, select and disseminate information in organizations appears to be a prerequisite for success. The skills necessary for the formation of a professional devoted to the management of information and knowledge in the context of business organizations will be analysed. Then data collected in two focus group discussion with students from a graduate course in Business Information, from Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, a will be examined.


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This chapter appears in Encyclopaedia of Distance Learning 2nd Edition edit by Rogers, P.; Berg, Gary; Boettecher, Judith V.; Howard, Caroline; Justice, Lorraine; Schenk, Karen D.. Copyright 2009, IGI Global, www.igi-global.com. Posted by permission of the publisher. URL: http://www.igi-global.com/reference/ details.asp?ID=9703&v=tableOfContents


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RESUMO: A fisioterapia caminha inevitavelmente para a especialização em determinadas áreas de intervenção (WCPT, 2007), nomeadamente na da fisioterapia respiratória. Este facto ocorre, por um lado, por se tratar de uma área de intervenção da fisioterapia com um papel específico e de carácter especializado e, por outro lado, devido à enorme procura deste tipo de serviços, causada também pelo aumento da prevalência de doenças respiratórias crónicas, que se tem vindo a verificar e que se prevê que se continue a verificar (OMS, 2005), e ainda à enorme transversalidade deste tipo de intervenção. A formação pós-graduada em fisioterapia respiratória, com o objectivo de fornecer aos formandos competências teórico-práticas que os apetreche para uma prática baseada na evidência, parece ser fundamental, mas a formação de adultos acarreta um compromisso com os princípios da aprendizagem específicos desta população. Os modelos de formação nesta área específica deverão incluir metodologias e conteúdos que cumpram objectivos reais, baseados não totalmente em curricula pré-estabelecidos, mas nas necessidades e expectativas de quem vive esta realidade, para além de se sustentarem nos referenciais teóricos. Assim, este estudo pretende avaliar a eficácia de um programa de formação pósgraduada em fisioterapia respiratória, baseado nas necessidades e expectativas dos sujeitos que estão envolvidos neste processo, e sustentado nos referenciais teóricos que se conhecem sob a forma de “standards”, “guidelines” ou recomendações. Os nossos objectivos específicos foram: a) Aferir quais as características que são importantes para garantir a eficácia de metodologia de um programa de formação pós-graduada na área da fisioterapia respiratória, ou seja, a “dinâmica” do processo. b) Aferir quais os conteúdos base que deverão fazer parte dessa formação e, c) Aferir se há vantagens distintas para formandos que já detenham experiência clínica e para recém-licenciados, e que frequentem o referido curso, ou seja, aferir o público-alvo. O desenho metodológico considerado para atingir os objectivos a que se propõe este estudo teve como base uma abordagem essencialmente qualitativa, mas recorreu a preciosas ferramentas quantitativas. Trata-se assim de uma abordagem de carácter misto. A nossa amostra, de conveniência, foi constituída pelos 22 formandos que se matricularam no único curso de pós-graduação em fisioterapia respiratória, que neste momento existe no nosso país. A recolha de dados obedeceu a uma estratégia comum nas abordagens qualitativas e que incluiu a “triangulação” de várias fontes e de vários métodos de recolha, a fim de permitir articular diferentes pontos de vista sobre um mesmo objecto. Assim, após a análise de referenciais teóricos considerados relevantes, recorreu-se à opinião de diferentes sujeitos, através de painéis, e de questionários, (questionários de opinião, questionários de caracterização, questionários de avaliação de conhecimentos e atitudes, à entrada e no final) bem como à avaliação de comportamentos, competências e atitudes, observados em ambiente simulado e real. A filosofia de formação que esteve subjacente ao nosso programa foi um constante compromisso entre a teoria, a prática e a clínica, em que o fenómeno de “transfert” foi potencializado por algumas características como o “fio condutor” entre os conteúdos, a presença de utentes reais nas aulas, os workshops temáticos e os estágios profissionais, a apresentação e discussão de estudos de caso com profissionais de referência, e os períodos de pausa entre seminários, em que estão facilitadas a reflexão, aplicação e experimentação de novas competências. Estas características estiveram na base dessa estreita relação entre a teoria, a prática e a clínica. Os critérios de selecção do corpo docente, capazes de funcionar como fontes de informação credível e actual e, sobretudo, capazes de funcionar como modelos profissionais, foram cruciais. Também o conhecimento das expectativas iniciais dos formandos e a monitorização facilitaram o processo de aprendizagem e o ajuste do programa ao longo do período de formação, assim como as avaliações formativas frequentes. Acreditamos que estas características do nosso programa foram fundamentais para a eficácia do mesmo, e que através delas obtivemos resultados positivos, em que se destacam a obtenção dos melhores resultados situados, sobretudo, nos níveis de complexidade relativos à resolução de problemas, e a valorização das competências ao do domínio afectivo. Corroborámos a teoria de que pessoas com formações e /ou experiências diferentes agem de maneiras diferentes, e aprendem de maneiras diferentes, e concluímos que os resultados nos estadios de aprendizagem e nas expectativas e necessidades colmatadas são generalizadamente positivos, o que torna qualquer dos grupos estudados, um público-alvo deste tipo de formação, embora possam ser apontadas algumas vantagens distintas conforme a experiência profissional de cada um, sendo os formandos com mais experiência, aqueles que mais evoluem em todos os domínios de aprendizagem. O aumento da empregabilidade dos formandos, directa ou indirectamente relacionado com a frequência do curso, parece ter sido um resultado positivo e inesperado. A possível caducidade do programa, o acompanhamento do grupo após o término do curso, o peso que os métodos de avaliação podem ter tido nos resultados, são algumas questões que ficam por esclarecer, e que merecem estudos futuros. Apesar disto, julgamos poder afirmar que este modelo de formação foi eficaz.


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Identity achievement is related to personality, as well as cognitive and interpersonal development. In tandem with the deep structural changes that have taken place in society, education must also shift towards a teaching approach focused on learning and the overall development of the student. The integration of technology may be the drive to foster the needed changes. We draw on the literature of multiple subject areas as basis for our work, namely: identity construction and self-representation, within a psychological and social standpoint; Higher Education (HE) in Portugal after Bologna, college student development and other intrinsic relationships, namely the role of emotions and interpersonal relationships in the learning process; the technological evolution of storytelling towards Digital Storytelling (DS) – the Californian model – and its connections to identity and education. Ultimately we propose DS as the aggregator capable of humanizing HE while developing essential skills and competences. Grounded on an interpretative/constructivist paradigm, we implemented a qualitative case study to explore DS in HE. In three attempts to collect student data, we gathered detailed observation notes from two Story Circles; twelve student written reflections; fourteen Digital Stories and detailed observation notes from one Story Show. We carried out three focus groups with teachers where we discussed their perceptions of each student prior to and after watching the Digital Stories, in addition to their opinion on DS in HE as a teaching and learning method and its influence on interpersonal relationships. We sought understandings of the integration of DS to analyze student selfperception and self-representation in HE contexts and intersected our findings with teachers’ perceptions of their students. We compared teachers’ and students’ perspectives, through the analysis of data collected throughout the DS process – Story Circle, Story Creation and Story Show – and triangulated that information with the students’ personal reflections and teacher perceptions. Finally we questioned if and how DS may influence teachers’ perceptions of students. We found participants to be the ultimate gatekeepers in our study. Very few students and teachers voluntarily came forth to take part in the study, confirming the challenge remains in getting participants to see the value and understand the academic rigor of DS. Despite this reluctance, DS proved to be an asset for teachers and students directly and indirectly involved in the study. DS challenges HE contexts, namely teacher established perception of students; student’s own expectations regarding learning in HE; the emotional realm, the private vs. public dichotomy and the shift in educational roles.


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Dramatic narratives give emphasis to the process of storytelling of daily life. The script or story is constructed as a dialogue between actors. The words acquire a signification through a dynamic process of communication, where narratives are written not with a pencil but with the body, not written with the mind but with anima. In this paper we present a phenomenological analysis of an experience conducted in a middle grade school of Italy with the proposal to analyze how boys and girls see themselves and the opposite gender and how they perceive the equal opportunity between female and masculine roles.