852 resultados para Government – Public Policies


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O presente trabalho procura, inicialmente, fazer um breve momento da história da Educação Especial no Brasil, com o interesse de ressaltar a sua evolução. Em seguida, iremos dar ênfase ao perfil do professor na educação inclusiva e às políticas públicas voltadas para esta modalidade de educação. Para dar suporte metodológico à temática, fundamentamos-nos em Mantoan (2002); Carvalho (2008); Mazzota (2005); Mittler (2003); Stainback & Stainback (1999). No que se refere ao método histórico da pesquisa fundamentamos-nos em Minayo (2009), para a utilização das fontes e das técnicas para a realização deste trabalho. Sendo este um estudo de caso, fomos a campo, observamos e registramos fatos de um grupo social, utilizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com o gestor da escola, professores e pais dos alunos. Consultamos livros, revistas e documentos, além das observações informais, tudo isso com a intenção de esclarecer e fundamentar o nosso trabalho. A instituição onde realizamos esta pesquisa é a Escola Caminho do Saber, que faz parte da rede particular de ensino e atua na perspectiva da educação inclusiva. O seu trabalho de inclusão deu início em 1991, quando pela primeira vez recebeu um aluno com deficiência e desde então vem criando expectativas para a educação inclusiva em Sergipe. Quanto à aprendizagem, a escola trabalha com a exploração das potencialidades dos alunos, de certo que para a perspectiva da inclusão, a instituição precisa fazer algumas adequações para atender a todos os alunos. Quanto ao convívio com as diversidades, a escola se mostra capaz de favorecer um cotidiano saudável, mesmo tendo que enfrentar desafios. O nosso interesse em relação a este trabalho é contribuir para que esta temática possa criar novas expectativas à sociedade e que outras pessoas possam se interessar por este assunto, dando continuidade no que se refere a iniciativas e lutas civis em busca de conquistas de direitos das pessoas com deficiências. Contudo, entendemos que toda mudança provoca anseios e inquietações, mas os desafios na educação são diários, e isto faz com que os professores reflitam e busquem novas estratégias para, juntamente com os alunos, desenvolver um processo de aprendizagem proveitoso. Por fim, mostraremos os resultados da pesquisa e as considerações finais.


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A presente dissertação teve como objetivo compreender como se promove a Gestão da Divisão de Vigilância Sanitária pela Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública/SESPA no combate do HIV/AIDS no Estado do Pará. A pesquisa contemplou o processo de Gestão de Políticas Públicas em Saúde da Divisão de Vigilância em Saúde da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública SESPA no combate do HIV/AIDS no Estado do Pará, destacando os resultados dessa gestão nos casos notificados. Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo, cujos dados foram coletados a partir de levantamento bibliográfico e documental com aplicação de questionário na Divisão de Vigilância em Saúde da Secretaria do Estado de Saúde Pública/SESPA. O referencial teórico enfocou aspectos da contextualização da Gestão Pública e Privada, assim como fez referencia a Gestão de Políticas Públicas em Saúde em Portugal e no Brasil. Os resultados mostraram que a Gestão da Divisão de Vigilância Sanitária /SESPA consiste em uma Gestão Pública que realiza suas atividades sobre uma estrutura burocrata e centralizada impedindo que a mesma supra adequadamente, enquanto organização, às demandas do Estado do Pará e aos desafios impostos pelo HIV/AIDS, que se reafirma como assunto de saúde pública. Como conclusão, o estudo evidenciou que Gestão da Divisão da Vigilância em Saúde da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde Pública/SESPA no combate do HIV/AIDS não promoveu adequadamente suas ações, apresentando resultados satisfatórios, pois necessita de melhores políticas públicas que propiciem ações para o cumprimento de suas metas, fortalecendo a capacidade de organização e de articulação, como a redução efetiva das vulnerabilidades sociais e políticas que agenciam a expansão da epidemia, crescentemente associada às desigualdades sociais que vigoram no Estado do Pará.


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El autor realiza una aproximación al contexto de la experiencia socio-estatal y gubernamental que se está empezando a vivir en Bolivia y cuyas políticas públicas, al menos las más importantes, están comenzando a diseñarse desde la perspectiva de la des-colonialidad. Este horizonte teórico y político plantea una serie de posibilidades y también de desafíos. A la dilucidación de tales emergencias, riesgos y retos está dedicada la presente reflexión.


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El artículo aborda las iniciativas que en materia de economía popular viene impulsando el Estado venezolano desde 2004, concretamente a través de la Misión Vuelvan Caras. Describe el devenir del proceso revolucionario venezolano desde 1998 hasta inicios de 2006, haciendo énfasis en el argumento de que la estrategia desestabilizadora de la oposición venezolana ha sido respondida desde el Estado y el movimiento popular con una radicalización del proceso político. En este contexto se explica la consolidación de una idea-fuerza que sostiene un profundo cuestionamiento del modelo de desarrollo imperante en Venezuela, lo que ha hecho posible la aplicación de políticas públicas de orientación anticapitalista.


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El artículo analiza los avances de las negociaciones comerciales del Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas. Se sostiene que Ecuador debe tomar previsiones, principalmente dada la dolarización. Falconí plantea un necesario cambio de perspectiva de la política pública y la gestión microeconómica para así generar un régimen especial para los países menores. Se propone también algunas líneas generales de un Programa de Cooperación Hemisférica. Dado que el ALCA podría implicar riesgos para la región, se enfatiza la necesidad de una estrategia a largo plazo.


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El artículo estudia el pensamiento social y político sobre la juventud en el Ecuador y América Latina. Traza el desarrollo de la perspectiva teórica dominante sobre este aspecto, desde los años 1980, y muestra cómo se han formulado las políticas públicas ecuatorianas siguiendo esa perspectiva. Concretamente, caracteriza la promoción de políticas públicas, y, además, reúne varios textos que se refieren a ellas. Finalmente, evalúa el impacto que han tenido en la formulación de nuevas prioridades nacionales.


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En versiones no oficiales del nuevo Código Orgánico de Relaciones Laborales que se discute actualmente en el país, se contempla la posibilidad de distribuir el máximo de 40 horas semanales en seis días en lugar de cinco, reconociendo el recargo de apenas el 25% (en lugar del 100%) en las horas que se ejecuten durante el sexto día de labor, en franca oposición a los principios esenciales de la intangibilidad y de no regresividad de los derechos laborales, a los postulados de la Constitución, que reconoce y garantiza a toda persona una vida digna que asegure, entre otros derechos, el trabajo, el empleo, el descanso, el ocio y la salud (en definitiva los medios para conciliar el trabajo con la vida personal y familiar), y a las políticas públicas reflejadas en los Planes Nacionales del Buen Vivir.


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This article examines the conceptual framework and the institutional context of the Geographical Indications and Social Management in Spain on the European Union space. Then, providing a comparative study, Argentina’s and Brazil’s cases are analyzed. The emphasis is on identity and territorial development, where family farming has a central role. Thereafter, public policy drawings and implementation are projected in order to strength concrete agenda and measures elaboration based on Spanish and European experiences’. In both the Argentinean and Brazilian cases, the conclusions point to the need of an adjustment on public policies to better situate and implement actions and objectives. In Brazil the disclosure, financing and strengthening of the Geographical Indications should be bounded to the Programa Territórios da Cidadania, linked to the Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário, which is the place of the family farming strengthening policies. In Argentina, with the same logic, the actions should be situated on the Programa Nacional de Apoyo al Desarrollo de los Territórios.


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In this article we present a critique of a series of public policy documents that aim at improvement in health for the general population, particularly families, but fail to recognize or appreciate the implications of gender for the everyday and the long-term experiences of family members. Drawing upon considerations of gender, families, health time and space and previous theoretical work (McKie et al, 2002), we propose the concept of healthscapes to aid the analysis and development of public policies. A healthscapes approach allows analysis of health policy within the diverse and multi-dimensional notions of time, space and gender that infuse the lifecourse. We assert that consideration of the gendered and generational project of caring particularly in relation to the (re)production of health, should involve a reflective inter-play between theory research and policy.


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Aims: We conducted a systematic review of studies examining relationships between measures of beverage alcohol tax or price levels and alcohol sales or self-reported drinking. A total of 112 studies of alcohol tax or price effects were found, containing 1003 estimates of the tax/priceconsumption relationship. Design: Studies included analyses of alternative outcome measures, varying subgroups of the population, several statistical models, and using different units of analysis. Multiple estimates were coded from each study, along with numerous study characteristics. Using reported estimates, standard errors, t-ratios, sample sizes and other statistics, we calculated the partial correlation for the relationship between alcohol price or tax and sales or drinking measures for each major model or subgroup reported within each study. Random-effects models were used to combine studies for inverse variance weighted overall estimates of the magnitude and significance of the relationship between alcohol tax/price and drinking. Findings: Simple means of reported elasticities are -0.46 for beer, -0.69 for wine and -0.80 for spirits. Meta-analytical results document the highly significant relationships (P < 0.001) between alcohol tax or price measures and indices of sales or consumption of alcohol (aggregate-level r = -0.17 for beer, -0.30 for wine, -0.29 for spirits and -0.44 for total alcohol). Price/tax also affects heavy drinking significantly (mean reported elasticity = -0.28, individual-level r = -0.01, P < 0.01), but the magnitude of effect is smaller than effects on overall drinking. Conclusions: A large literature establishes that beverage alcohol prices and taxes are related inversely to drinking. Effects are large compared to other prevention policies and programs. Public policies that raise prices of alcohol are an effective means to reduce drinking.


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There have been limited recent advances in understanding of what influences uptake of innovations despite the current international focus on smallholder agriculture as a means of achieving food security and rural development. This paper provides a rigorous study of factors influencing adoption by smallholders in central Mexico and builds on findings to identify a broad approach to significantly improve research on and understanding of factors influencing adoption by smallholders in developing countries. Small-scale dairy systems play an important role in providing income, employment and nutrition in the highlands of central Mexico. A wide variety of practices and technologies have been promoted by the government public services to increase milk production and economic efficiency, but there have been very low levels of uptake of most innovations, with the exception of improving grassland through introduction of grass varieties together with management practices. A detailed study was conducted with 80 farmers who are already engaged with the use of this innovation to better understand the process of adoption and identify socioeconomic and farm variables, cognitive (beliefs), and socialpsychological (social norms) factors associated with farmers' use of improved grassland. The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was used as a theoretical framework and Spearman Rank Order correlation was conducted to analyse the data. Most farmers (92.5%) revealed strong intention to continue to use improved grassland (which requires active management and investment of resources) for the next 12 months; whereas 7.5% of farmers were undecided and showed weak intention, which was associated with farmers whose main income was from non-farm activities as well as with farmers who had only recently started using improved grassland. Despite farmers' experience of using improved grassland (mean of 18 years) farmers' intentions to continue to adopt it was influenced almost as much by salient referents (mainly male relatives) as by their own attitudes. The hitherto unnoticed longevity of the role social referents play in adoption decisions is an important finding and has implications for further research and for the design of extension approaches. The study demonstrates the value and importance of using TRA or TPB approaches to understand social cognitive (beliefs) and socialpsychological (social norms) factors in the study of adoption. However, other factors influencing adoption processes need to be included to provide fuller understanding. An approach that would enable this, and the development of more generalisable findings than from location specific case studies, and contribute to broader conceptualisation, is proposed.


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From 2001, the construction of flats and high-density developments increased in England and the building of houses declined. Does this indicate a change in taste or is it a result of government planning policies? In this paper, an analysis is made of the long-term effects of the policy of constraint which has existed for the past 50 years but the increase in density is identified as occurring primarily after new, revised, planning guidance was issued in England in 2000 which discouraged low-density development. To substantiate this, it is pointed out that the change which occurred in England did not occur in Scotland where guidance was not changed to encourage high-density residential development. The conclusion that the change is the result of planning policies and not of a change in taste is confirmed by surveys of the occupants of new high-rise developments in Leeds. The new flat-dwellers were predominantly young and childless and expressed the intention, in the near future, when they could, of moving out of the city centre and into houses. From recent changes in guidance by the new coalition government, it is expected that the construction of flats in England will fall back to earlier levels over the next few years.


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This paper explores international transmission mechanism and its role in contagion effect in the housing markets across six major Asian cities. The analysis is based on the identification of house price diffusion effects through a global vector autoregressive (GVAR) model estimated using quarterly data for six major Asian cities (Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei and Bangkok) from 1991Q1 to 2011Q2. The empirical results indicate that the open economies heavily relying on international trade such as Singapore, Japan (Tokyo), Taiwan (Taipei) and Thailand (Bangkok) show positive correlations between the economy's openness and house prices, which is consistent with the BalassaSamuelson hypothesis. Interestingly, some region-specific conditions also appear to play important roles as determinants of house price movements, which may be driven by restrictive housing policies and demandsupply imbalances such as Singapore and Bangkok. These results are reasonably robust across several model specifications. The findings bear significant implications for formulation of investment strategy and public policies.


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Over the past 30 years, costbenefit analysis (CBA) has been applied to various areas of public policies and projects. The aim of this essay is to describe the origins of CBA, classify typologies of costs and benefits, define efficiency under CBA and discuss issues associated with the use of a microeconomic tool in macroeconomic contexts.


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Objective To assess trends in the prevalence and social distribution of child stunting in Brazil to evaluate the effect of income and basic service redistribution policies implemented in that country in the recent past. Methods The prevalence of stunting (height-for-age z score below 2 using the Child Growth Standards of the World Health Organization) among children aged less than 5 years was estimated from data collected during national household surveys carried out in Brazil in 1974-75 (n = 34 409), 1989 (n = 7374), 1996 (n = 4149) and 2006-07 (n = 4414). Absolute and relative socioeconomic inequality in stunting was measured by means of the slope index and the concentration index of inequality, respectively. Findings Over a 33-year period, we documented a steady decline in the national prevalence of stunting from 37.1% to 7.1%. Prevalence dropped from 59.0% to 11.2% in the poorest quintile and from 12.1% to 3.3% among the wealthiest quintile. The decline was particularly steep in the last 10 years of the period (1996 to 2007), when the gaps between poor and wealthy families with children under 5 were also reduced in terms of purchasing power; access to education, health care and water and sanitation services; and reproductive health indicators. Conclusion In Brazil, socioeconomic development coupled with equity-oriented public policies have been accompanied by marked improvements in living conditions and a substantial decline in child undernutrition, as well as a reduction of the gap in nutritional status between children in the highest and lowest socioeconomic quintiles. Future studies will show whether these gains will be maintained under the current global economic crisis.