998 resultados para Gorén, Silvio


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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This article presents some results of a study investigating the use of the simulator VLAB, developed by Carnegie Mellon University, to increase the capacity of graduate students in Chemistry in the preparation of experimental procedures. The activity was conducted in two stages, first the students were asked a manuscript describing in detail the procedure and equipment used in the technique of dissolution and delivering it to the teacher. Later in the computer lab, each student performed the same procedure using the simulator. The activity has been proposed to determine if there could be accuracy gains of the description of the process when performed by the simulator. One of the main positive aspects obtained using the simulator students was the recognition of error, important in that the great majority recognized omitted or confused any process step. This reflection showed the students that in addition to testing a procedure using the simulator facilitates the organization of thought and helps arrange it logically. With the use of simulators, students are encouraged to take risks, to explore, to experience a new way, and a real lab usually offers much less room for risk, exploitation and failure.


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This paper presents the results of a study that investigated the use of simulators to improve physics teaching. The study population consisted of eight classes totaling 205 second year high school students from Brazilian public school. The research methodology adopted compares the average performance of students on tests conducted in the classroom to performance on tests conducted in the laboratory using computer simulators. The results obtained showed that students’ performance on tests improved after the use of simulators. It was found that the students had more homogeneous test results when using the simulator.


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This paper discuss possibilities of use of 3D animation as a tool for teaching Chemistry support. The research proposes to investigate the conception process and development of educational animations to use in a Blended Learning environment in undergraduate chemistry. Associated with general chemistry teachers, were raised the demands and difficulties on the content transmission, and the most relevant topics, about "Atomic Theory" with propose to create appropriate animations to meeting needs of themes. Thinking about offering more dynamic materials, we elaborate animations in a format of "micro-documentary", with a length between 4 and 7 minutes. We use the narration aloud to the subject-matter understanding, leaving the external text as a complement of the animation. The conclusions are positives, students accepted well the format and they proved are able to remember, organize and systematize several information presented in animations. These skills don't ensure knowledge acquisition, but may be considered prerequisites to learning occur.


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The main objective of this paper is to realize a review of literature about use of Interactive Digital Whiteboard, as a tool for improving the quality of education. We intend to show some results already reported in several studies in this area, and thus contribute to the systematization of knowledge about this resource. We found that the positive impacts of digital interactive whiteboards are specific and depend on the model followed in its implementation. Although the literature on this technology still emerging, there is evidences of good practice and positive results in all areas of the curriculum. The outcome of this research shows that to get potential benefits of digital whiteboard will be necessary, at first, to understand the process implementation and appropriation. If hardware and software of Interactive Digital Whiteboard not available and adequately used all their potential benefits not will take effect.


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Este artigo descreve um conjunto de atividades educativas desenvolvidas no âmbito do projeto “Lab InCognITA – Laboratório de Inovação em Cognição, Informação, Tecnologia e Aprendizagem”, que objetiva promover o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de atividades e projetos com escolas públicas de nível médio, vinculadas à Diretoria de Ensino de Guaratinguetá, buscando despertar o interesse dos alunos para as áreas tecnológicas e engenharias. Destaca-se a importância dos recursos didáticos, em especial os baseados em experimentação, para promover uma melhoria no interesse dos estudantes pelas ciências exatas. A operacionalização do projeto é descrita por meio da apresentação das atividades previstas para o seu desenvolvimento, e de como estas são realizadas durante eventos denominados “Visita à UNESP”, em que alunos das escolas vêm até o Campus da UNESP – Guaratinguetá. Os resultados parciais obtidos sugerem que as atividades desenvolvidas durante as visitas têm contribuído para despertar o interesse dos estudantes para as áreas de Exatas e Engenharias.


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Thinking about improving public education in Brazil means thinking not just what we wish to develop competencies and skills in individuals, but understands clearly identify the type of citizens who are training and what kind of society we want for the future. So if there are social and cultural changes they should have their comtraponto within the classroom considering education steeped in culture and therefore in the forms of modern communication. The challenge for school education is to show the students inside the classroom, as will be outside.


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To assess the impact of the "Dentistry for Infants" early dental care program run by Jacareí County (SP) by comparing the caries of individuals participating and not participating in this program. Methods: In total, 300 children between 0 and 48 months old were assessed in the following two groups: infants not participating in the program (G1, n = 100) and infants participating in the program (G2, n = 200). Each group was further divided according to age in subgroups of 0 to 24 months and 25 to 48 months. All children were clinically assessed for carious lesions using the visual-tactile method. The data were statistically analyzed using a paired Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test, and c 2 test at a 5% significance level. Results: There was a significant difference in the prevalence (P) and mean index of deciduous teeth (deft) (C) that were decayed, indicated for extraction and filled, and the highest values were observed in G1 (p < 0.0001). The values were as follows: PG1, 73%; PG2, 22%; CG1, 3.45 ± 3.84; and CG2, 0.66 ± 1.57. Conclusion: Participating in the program positively impacted the infants' oral health.


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This study ev aluated oral health indic ators by determining the pr evalence of dental c aries, periodontal diseases, prosthetic conditions and need in pr egnant women; identifi ed self-perceived oral health status and evaluated association bet ween variables. A clinical examination was performed in fi fty pregnant women assisted in the Preventive Dentistry Clinic-FOAr-UNESP using traditional oral health indicators: DMFT, C ommunity Periodontal Index ( CPI) and pr osthetic c onditions. A semi-struc tured questionnair e was applied to identify oral health perception and to collect sociodemographic variables. For data analysis, pregnant women were allocated in three groups according to their oral health perception (good, fair, poor) and compared according to clinical variables by the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. DMFT was high, all of them showed periodontal changes, most do not use and do not r equire any type of prosthesis; 36% considered their oral appearance as good. There was signifi cant diff erence between groups for the DMFT index and prosthetic need. It may be concluded that despite dental caries experience of pregnant women was found to be high, the prosthetic need have been detected in most of them and the presence of calculus was observed in all the volunteers, the majority considered their oral health status satisfactory.


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Introduction: Breast-feeding has stood out as health care measure and is part of the Government’s National Health Policy, involving dental professionals. However, it has been suggested that breast milk could be a risk factor for the development of early childhood caries. Objective: The purpose of this report was to search for scientific evidence that would support or refute the statement that breastfeeding is associated with the development of early childhood caries. Method: Medline and SciELO databases were consulted to retrieve studies, ranging from laboratory investigations to epidemiological surveys, which relate breastfeeding to dental caries. The key words ‘breast-feeding’ and ‘dental caries’ were used on the reference search. There was no scientific evidence that could demonstrate a clear relationship between breast milk and cariogenicity. This is attributed to fact that dental caries is a multifactorial disease that is susceptible to multiple confusing factors, among which the early introduction of sucrose to the infant’s diet and late introduction of oral hygiene habits. The dentist should encourage exclusive breast-feeding because, in addition to the undeniable benefits to the child’s physical and psychological health, it contributes to a harmonic facial growth and prevents the development of atypical deglutition and malocclusions, in combination with early introduction of oral hygiene habits and noncariogenic diet. Conclusion: There is no scientific evidence to demonstrate an association between breast-feeding and early childhood caries.


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The objective was to assess in women with children under 5 years old what happened to your pregnancy in relation to dental care, coupled with a probable correlation between the level of their knowledge on dental health and possible reasons which lead or have led to a late seeking such treatment. The interviews were conducted in an environment of health center in the city center and the Odontoly Faculty in Araraquara. Among the interviews mothers, 57% refused the dental treatment during pregnancy. It appears on mothers that are afraid to perform a dental treatment during pregnancy. The misinformation on this issue often associated with this belief in the medical field that dental care during the first three months of pregnancy is harmful to the baby. Such information passed on to mothers leads to a hesitancy with dental treatment during this period. The educational level of mothers did not interfere in this pursuit, and 24.5% of them avoid treatment during pregnancy. The difference, however, is between those mothers of high educational level, performing oral prevention before pregnancy.


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To determine the prevalence and intensity of orofacial pain in adults that participated in a health program at Ribeirão Preto. Methodology: The study was conducted by a self-administered questionnaire, with 19 questions in 99 people aged 18 to 66 years. The method used for data collection was the index Oral Impacton Daily Performances (OIDP), which evaluated the six months preceding the survey, pain experiences in the mouth, teeth or dentures and how these factors interfere with daily activities. Statistical analysis was performed using Epi Info version 3.4. Results: The majority of the adults who participated in this survey (52.5%) reported having an excellent or good oral health, reported having problems with their teeth (60.6%), no problems with the gums (77.8%), no bad taste in mouth (77.8%) or bad breath (77.8%). Among the participants of the study, 56.6% felt orofacial pain in the last six months and the pain were more frequently caused by cold or hot liquids (30.3%), spontaneous pain (17.2%), during the mouth opening (17.2%), pain in the face (13.1%) and ATM (13.1%). Regarding the severity rate, the highest proportion varied from mild to moderate. Conclusions: Even observing a low severity of orofacial pain, its prevalence was high, which probably has a negative effect on life quality of these people.


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Temporomandibular disorder describes a variety of conditions including joint and muscle in the stomatognathic system, characterized by pain, TMJ sounds, functions irregular jaw and represent the leading cause of nondental pain in the orofacial region. The objective of this research was to evaluate the prevalence of ophthalmological, otological and cognitive-behavioral changes, parafunctional habits in individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). A total of 117 medical records of female and male individuals, aged 18 to 60 years, from the Occlusion, Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain of the Ribeirão Preto School of Dentistry – USP, between 2010 and 2011. The anamnesis index proposed by Helkimo was used to classify the individuals according to TMD severity degree and to divide them into two groups: AiI (mild to moderate) with 69 individuals and AiII (severe) with 48 individuals. The groups were then subdivided with respect to gender (72.64% female and 27.36% male) and age. There was predominance in the 18-40 year age group (60.68%) when compared to the 41-60 year age group (39.32%). Data were collected through an interview with questions about the presence of parafunctional habits, otological, ophthalmological and behavioral changes. Data were subjected to the statistical analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The prevalence of each change was also evaluated. The results showed statistically significant for all groups according to gender, age and degree of severity. Individuals with temporomandibular disorders exhibited high prevalence of systemic and local dysfunctions.