996 resultados para Getting Real


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Venäjän lainsäädäntö mahdollistaa erilaisten rajoitusten asettamisen liikenteelle kelirikkoajan aikana ja alhaisten painorajoitusten asettaminen on tällöin yleistä. Kelirikon aikaisiin rajoituksiin liittyvä lainsäädäntö on pääosin tarkoituksenmukainen, mutta sitä sovelletaan tavalla, jolla vaikeutetaan huomattavasti yritysten toimintaa ja tarvittavien kuljetusten järjestämistä. Diplomityössä tutkitaan kelirikon vaikutuksia liiketoimintaan erityisesti caseyksikössä, joka on metsäteollisuusyhtiön Venäjällä sijaitseva tuotantoyksikkö. Venäläinen liiketoimintaympäristö eroaa huomattavasti suomalaisesta, ja kelirikon aikana korostuvat etenkin korruption ja henkilökohtaisten suhteiden merkitys. Suuri osa havaituista sallitun painon ylityksistä hoidetaan kelirikon aikana maksamalla epävirallisia maksuja suoraan tarkastajille. Myös virallisia kulkulupia myydään, mutta niiden hankinta on kallista ja aikaa vievää. Työn lähtökohta kiteytyy lainsäädännön, viranomaisten tulkinnan ja todellisen tilanteen välisten ristiriitojen avaamiseen ja selvittämiseen, ja tavoitteena on ollut mahdollisimman objektiivisen kokonaiskuvan luominen tilanteesta. Case-yksikössä on kehitetty vaihtoehtoisia toimintamalleja kelirikkoajan kuljetusten varmistamiseksi. Rautatiekuljetusten määrää on lisätty huomattavasti ja välivarastointiterminaalin rakentamista on suunniteltu. Vaihtoehtoiset toimintamallit aiheuttavat kuitenkin huomattavia lisäkustannuksia. Tutkimuksen tuottamien tietojen avulla case-yhtiössä voidaan jatkossa arvioida todellisia riskejä sekä vaihtoehtoisten toimintamallien tarpeellisuutta ja kustannustehokkuutta aikaisempaa tarkemmin.


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Ao evidenciar que as relações estabelecidas por homens e mulheres com o meio concreto engendram o real, a dialética torna exequível a revolução do status quo por possibilitar a compreensão de que o mundo é sempre resultado da práxis humana, seja ela marcada por relações de dominação que reificam e fetichizam a prática social, seja marcada por relações que operam a humanização dos homens e mulheres. Ao romper com os fetiches, ou seja, ao perceber que os objetos não devem sujeitá-los, homens e mulheres avançam de encontro à reificação, alçando-se a possibilidade de revolucionar suas condições de existência. Assim, o rompimento da pseudoconcreticidade ocorre no momento em que se evidencia que a realidade social se concretiza por meio das condições de produção e reprodução da existência social das pessoas, que é em nossa sociedade marcada pela luta de classes. Este processo de rompimento exige um esforço construtor de uma interpretação do real que vá para além de uma representação caótica do todo, típico das vivências cotidianas. Este artigo postula que o método materialista histórico dialético pode auxiliar neste processo. Partindo desta constatação, elabora-se reflexão sobre este método de análise do real.


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This thesis discusses the design and implementation of a real-time musical pair improvisation scenario for mobile devices. In the scenario transferring musical information over a network connection was required. The suitability of available wireless communication technologies was evaluated and communication was analyzed and designed on multiple layers of TCP/IP protocol stack. Also an application layer protocol was designed and implemented for the scenario. The implementation was integrated into a mobile musical software for children using available software components and libraries although the used platform lead to hardware and software constraints. Software limitations were taken into account in design. The results show that real-time musical improvisation can be implemented with wireless communication and mobile technology. The results also show that link layer had the most significant effect on real-time communication in the scenario.


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This study examines international entry of an SME to Brazil using foreign direct investment as a mode of entry. The case company discussed is a small real estate investment company that has operated in Finland and has recently internationalized to Brazil. The work examines how does an SME internationalize, what entry mode is advisable to use and it gives a brief insight of the Brazilian market today.


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We discuss mathematical and physical arguments against continuity and in favor of discreteness, with particular emphasis on the ideas of Émile Borel (1871-1956).


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Since the introduction of automatic orbital welding in pipeline application in 1961, significant improvements have been obtained in orbital pipe welding systems. Requirement of more productive welding systems for pipeline application forces manufacturers to innovate new advanced systems and welding processes for orbital welding method. Various methods have been used to make welding process adaptive, such as visual sensing, passive visual sensing, real-time intelligent control, scan welding technique, multi laser vision sensor, thermal scanning, adaptive image processing, neural network model, machine vision, and optical sensing. Numerous studies are reviewed and discussed in this Master’s thesis and based on a wide range of experiments which already have been accomplished by different researches the vision sensor are reported to be the best choice for adaptive orbital pipe welding system. Also, in this study the most welding processes as well as the most pipe variations welded by orbital welding systems mainly for oil and gas pipeline applications are explained. The welding results show that Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and its variants like Surface Tension Transfer (STT) and modified short circuit are the most preferred processes in the welding of root pass and can be replaced to the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) in many applications. Furthermore, dual-tandem gas metal arc welding technique is currently considered the most efficient method in the welding of fill pass. Orbital GTAW process mostly is applied for applications ranging from single run welding of thin walled stainless tubes to multi run welding of thick walled pipes. Flux cored arc welding process is faster process with higher deposition rate and recently this process is getting more popular in pipe welding applications. Also, combination of gas metal arc welding and Nd:YAG laser has shown acceptable results in girth welding of land pipelines for oil and gas industry. This Master’s thesis can be implemented as a guideline in welding of pipes and tubes to achieve higher quality and efficiency. Also, this research can be used as a base material for future investigations to supplement present finding.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as perdas de solo provenientes de trechos de estradas de uso florestal inseridas na região de Itaiópolis, Santa Catarina, que apresenta relevo ondulado a fortemente ondulado em dois tipos de solo: Cambissolo Húmico Distrófico típico e Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico típico. A erosividade da chuva foi calculada através de pluviogramas e de dados de pluviosidade da empresa Rigesa - Soluções em Embalagens MeadWestvaco; a erosividade do solo foi calculada em função dos resultados de análises, a declividade e comprimento de rampa foram medidos em campo e os fatores C e P, estipulados através da literatura. A hipótese de similaridade entre os valores reais monitorados pelo período de um ano e os valores estimados pela RUSLE foi evidenciada através de análise estatística, que apresentou alta correlação nos tratamentos avaliados e se manteve dentro do limite crítico proposto pela análise, validando, portanto, essa hipótese.


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This work contains a series of studies on the optimization of three real-world scheduling problems, school timetabling, sports scheduling and staff scheduling. These challenging problems are solved to customer satisfaction using the proposed PEAST algorithm. The customer satisfaction refers to the fact that implementations of the algorithm are in industry use. The PEAST algorithm is a product of long-term research and development. The first version of it was introduced in 1998. This thesis is a result of a five-year development of the algorithm. One of the most valuable characteristics of the algorithm has proven to be the ability to solve a wide range of scheduling problems. It is likely that it can be tuned to tackle also a range of other combinatorial problems. The algorithm uses features from numerous different metaheuristics which is the main reason for its success. In addition, the implementation of the algorithm is fast enough for real-world use.


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o desempenho germinativo de sementes de palmeira-australiana em diferentes substratos e estabelecer a granulometria e intensidade de umedecimento adequado. A semeadura foi realizada com quatro repetições de 25 sementes em solo, areia, rolo de papel e em vermiculita de diferentes granulometrias: mícron (0,15-0,20 mm), superfina (0,21-0,30 mm), fina (0,30-0,50 mm) e média (1,19-0,50 mm), umedecidas com 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; e 2,0 vezes o seu peso em água. O teste de germinação foi conduzido a 20-30 °C, avaliando-se a primeira contagem do teste aos sete dias após a semeadura e, semanalmente, a germinação (plântulas normais) até os 35 dias, quando foram contabilizadas, também, as plântulas anormais e as sementes mortas. Calcularam-se o tempo médio e frequência relativa de germinação. A vermiculita mícron umedecida com uma vez o seu peso em água apresentou o melhor desempenho como substrato para o teste de germinação de sementes de palmeira-real-australiana, por possibilitar a máxima germinação das sementes (90%) e velocidade de germinação, demandando tempo médio de 15,3 dias nesse processo.


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Prostate cancers form a heterogeneous group of diseases and there is a need for novel biomarkers, and for more efficient and targeted methods of treatment. In this thesis, the potential of microarray data, RNA interference (RNAi) and compound screens were utilized in order to identify novel biomarkers, drug targets and drugs for future personalized prostate cancer therapeutics. First, a bioinformatic mRNA expression analysis covering 9873 human tissue and cell samples, including 349 prostate cancer and 147 normal prostate samples, was used to distinguish in silico prevalidated putative prostate cancer biomarkers and drug targets. Second, RNAi based high-throughput (HT) functional profiling of 295 prostate and prostate cancer tissue specific genes was performed in cultured prostate cancer cells. Third, a HT compound screen approach using a library of 4910 drugs and drug-like molecules was exploited to identify potential drugs inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth. Nine candidate drug targets, with biomarker potential, and one cancer selective compound were validated in vitro and in vivo. In addition to androgen receptor (AR) signaling, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) function, arachidonic acid (AA) pathway, redox homeostasis and mitosis were identified as vital processes in prostate cancer cells. ERG oncogene positive cancer cells exhibited sensitivity to induction of oxidative and ER stress, whereas advanced and castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) could be potentially targeted through AR signaling and mitosis. In conclusion, this thesis illustrates the power of systems biological data analysis in the discovery of potential vulnerabilities present in prostate cancer cells, as well as novel options for personalized cancer management.