893 resultados para Geraldi, João Wanderley


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The association of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2 (ERAP2) with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) was recently described in the large International Genetics of AS Consortium Immunochip study...


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Ankylosing spondylitis is a common, highly heritable inflammatory arthritis affecting primarily the spine and pelvis. In addition to HLA-B*27 alleles, 12 loci have previously been identified that are associated with ankylosing spondylitis in populations of European ancestry, and 2 associated loci have been identified in Asians. In this study, we used the Illumina Immunochip microarray to perform a case-control association study involving 10,619 individuals with ankylosing spondylitis (cases) and 15,145 controls. We identified 13 new risk loci and 12 additional ankylosing spondylitis-associated haplotypes at 11 loci. Two ankylosing spondylitis-associated regions have now been identified encoding four aminopeptidases that are involved in peptide processing before major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I presentation. Protective variants at two of these loci are associated both with reduced aminopeptidase function and with MHC class I cell surface expression.


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This paper investigates the effect that text pre-processing approaches have on the estimation of the readability of web pages. Readability has been highlighted as an important aspect of web search result personalisation in previous work. The most widely used text readability measures rely on surface level characteristics of text, such as the length of words and sentences. We demonstrate that different tools for extracting text from web pages lead to very different estimations of readability. This has an important implication for search engines because search result personalisation strategies that consider users reading ability may fail if incorrect text readability estimations are computed.


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Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy has been carried out on a metallic film of polypyrrole (PPy doped by PF6). The sample was exposed to air to investigate how the conductivity of the film varies as a function of time. The absorption and dispersion of the film decrease during initial days, and then tend to saturate. The conductivity of unaged sample follows the Drude model, and upon aging the data fit to the localization-modified Drude model. The fitting parameters show that the number of charge carriers decreases during the aging process. The initial rapid decrease in conductivity suggests that some of the delocalized carriers are localized due to aging. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper uses original survey data of the Great East Japan earthquake disaster victims to examine their decision to apply for the temporary housing as well as the timing of application. We assess the effects of victims’ attachment to their locality as well as variation in victims’ information seeking behavior. We additionally consider various factors such as income, age, employment and family structure that are generally considered to affect the decision to choose temporary housing as victims’ solution for their displacement. Empirical results indicate that, ceteris paribus, as the degree of attachment increases, victims are more likely to apply for the temporary housing but attachment does not affect the timing of application. On the other hand, the victims who actively seek information and are able to collect higher quality information are less likely to apply for the temporary housing and if they do apply then they apply relatively later.


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Recently three different experimental studies on ultrafast solvation dynamics in monohydroxy straight-chain alcohols (C-1-C-4) have been carried out, with an aim to quantify the time constant (and the amplitude) of the ultrafast component. The results reported are, however, rather different from different experiments. In order to understand the reason for these differences, we have carried out a detailed theoretical study to investigate the time dependent progress of solvation of both an ionic and a dipolar solute probe in these alcohols. For methanol, the agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experimental results [Bingemann and Ernsting J. Chem. Phys. 1995, 102, 2691 and Horng et al. J: Phys, Chern, 1995, 99, 17311] is excellent. For ethanol, propanol, and butanol, we find no ultrafast component of the time constant of 70 fs or so. For these three liquids, the theoretical results are in almost complete agreement with the experimental results of Horng et al. For ethanol and propanol, the theoretical prediction for ionic solvation is not significantly different from that of dipolar solvation. Thus, the theory suggests that the experiments of Bingemann and Ernsting and those of Horng et al. studied essentially the polar solvation dynamics. The theoretical studies also suggest that the experimental investigations of Joo et al. which report a much faster and larger ultrafast component in the same series of solvents (J. Chem. Phys. 1996, 104, 6089) might have been more sensitive to the nonpolar part of solvation dynamics than the polar part. In addition, a discussion on the validity of the present theoretical approach is presented. In this theory the ultrafast component arises from almost frictionless inertial motion of the individual solvent molecules in the force field of its neighbors.


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This paper reports an experimental investigation of oscillating temperature field beneath a single isolated nucleation site using a non-invasive TLC (thermochromic liquid crystal) based thermography technique. Empirical correlations are presented to demonstrate the influence of system pressure and wall heat flux on different ebullition characteristics in the nucleate pool boiling regime of refrigerant R-134a. TLC transient response and two-phase flow structure are captured using synchronized, high resolution imaging. It is observed that the area of influence of nucleation site exhibits a two-part distinct transient behavior during the bubble growth period and broadens to a maximum of 1.57 times the bubble diameter at the instant of bubble departure. This is accompanied by a sharp fall of 2.5 degrees C in the local excess temperature at the nucleation site, which results in momentary augmentation (similar to 40%) in the local heat transfer coefficient at the nucleation origin. The enhanced heat transfer rate observed during the bubble peel-off event is primarily due to transient micro-convection in the wake of the retreating bubble. Further, the results indicate that a slight increase in system pressure from 813.6 to 882.5 kPa has no considerable effect on either the wall superheat or the overall heat transfer coefficient and ebullition frequency. In addition, correlations have been obtained for bubble Reynolds number, Jackob number and the dimensionless bubble generation frequency in terms of modified boiling number.


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We report the growth of carbon nanoflakes (CNFs) on Si substrate by the hot filament chemical vapor deposition without the substrate bias or the catalyst. CNFs were grown using the single wall carbon nanotubes and the multiwall carbon nanotubes as the nucleation center, in the Ar-rich CH4-H-2-Ar precursor gas mixture with 1% CH4, at the chamber pressure and the substrate temperature of 7.5 Ton and 840 degrees C, respectively. In the H-2-rich condition, CNF synthesis failed due to severe etch-removal of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) while it was successful at the optimized Ar-rich condition. Other forms of carbon such as nano-diamond or mesoporous carbon failed to serve as the nucleation centers for the CNF growth. We proposed a mechanism of the CNF synthesis from the CNTs, which involved the initial unzipping of CNTs by atomic hydrogen and subsequent nucleation and growth of CNFs from the unzipped portion of the graphene layers. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report, for the first time, the photoluminescence properties of Eu3+-doped LiNa3P2O7 phosphor, synthesized by a facile solid-state reaction method in air atmosphere. The crystal structure and phase purity of the phosphors were analyzed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Orthorhombic structural morphology was identified by scanning electron microscopy. The phosphate groups in the phosphor were confirmed by Fourier transform infrared analysis. Bandgap of the phosphor was calculated from the diffuse reflectance spectra data using Kubelka-Munk function. Under 395-nm UV excitation, the phosphors show signs of emitting red color due to the D-5(0) -> F-7(2) transition. In accordance with Judd-Ofelt theory, spectroscopic parameters such as oscillator intensity parameter Omega(t) (t = 2), spontaneous emission probabilities, fluorescence branching ratios and radiative lifetimes were calculated and analyzed for the first time in this system.


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With the increasing availability of wearable cameras, research on first-person view videos (egocentric videos) has received much attention recently. While some effort has been devoted to collecting various egocentric video datasets, there has not been a focused effort in assembling one that could capture the diversity and complexity of activities related to life-logging, which is expected to be an important application for egocentric videos. In this work, we first conduct a comprehensive survey of existing egocentric video datasets. We observe that existing datasets do not emphasize activities relevant to the life-logging scenario. We build an egocentric video dataset dubbed LENA (Life-logging EgoceNtric Activities) (http://people.sutd.edu.sg/similar to 1000892/dataset) which includes egocentric videos of 13 fine-grained activity categories, recorded under diverse situations and environments using the Google Glass. Activities in LENA can also be grouped into 5 top-level categories to meet various needs and multiple demands for activities analysis research. We evaluate state-of-the-art activity recognition using LENA in detail and also analyze the performance of popular descriptors in egocentric activity recognition.


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Reúne depoimentos de servidores da Câmara do Deputados sobre os acontecimentos que marcaram a história do parlamento brasileiro a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Coletados pelo Núcleo de História Oral da Câmara durante as comemorações dos 180 anos do Poder Legislativo em 2003, os textos retratam a realidade dos primeiros anos vividos no Planalto Central: a carência de infra-estrutura, a falta de opção de atividades de lazer e o profundo sentimento de saudade da antiga capital da República. Mas também levam a reminiscências de momentos divertidos, curiosidades e reflexões animadas e esperançosas sobre a mudança da capital para Brasília. O ponto alto são as experiências vivenciadas nos prédios do Congresso Nacional, a lembrança dos amigos, dos colegas e, especialmente, dos fatos marcantes, que sublinham as significativas mudanças nas rotinas de trabalho da Instituição para se adequar à modernização e às novas exigências da sociedade, no contexto de acontecimentos políticos que modificaram seguidas vezes o cenário do país.


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Síntese das contribuições apresentadas no âmbito do estudo promovido pelo Conselho de Altos Estudos, durante ciclo de palestras que contou com a participação de especialistas e diretores de instituições e de empresas vinculadas aos projetos que procuram inserir o Brasil como ator de relevante destaque no cenário internacional de conquista do espaço. Organizado em dois volumes, o estudo visa apurar as razões que levaram à sucessiva postergação das metas e do cronograma previstos no programa Missão Espacial Completa Brasileira, bem como apontar propostas que possam equacionar as dificuldades e limitações do programa espacial no Brasil. Pretende também levar à sociedade brasileira o debate sobre a relevância, os objetivos e a relação entre os custos e os benefícios de se manter um programa de alta intensidade tecnológica, cotejando os investimentos e os riscos envolvidos com os resultados que podem ser alcançados.


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Apresenta um método de avaliação de portais eletrônicos de compras públicas - no contexto da interação G2B e na perspectiva do usuário externo - e mostra os resultados da aplicação desse método ao portal de compras da Câmara dos Deputados. Contribui para ampliar a discussão sobre avaliação de sistemas e sítios web de governo, visto que ressalta a importância dos aspectos contexto e usuário final externo no processo e identifica alguns dos problemas que podem ocorrer ao se utilizar tal abordagem.


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Versa sobre o controle judicial dos atos interna corporis do Legislativo, analisando se cabe ao Judiciário imiscuir-se em assuntos de natureza interna daquele poder.


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Este livro é um dos resultados do programa de doutorado interinstitucional realizado pelo Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento (Cefor) da Câmara dos Deputados em parceria com o Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro (Iuperj. A coletânea está dividade em dois blocos temáticos: O primeiro traz olhares variados sobre um tema clássico da ciência política: as relações entre o Poder Executivo e o Poder Legislativo. No segundo bloco aborda questões relacionadas à comunicação legislativa e democracia.