989 resultados para Geological extrapolation
A new hypothesis is formulated to explain the development of rapakivi texture in and around the mafic enclaves of porphyritic granitoids, i.e. in environments involving magma mixing and mingling. The formation of a plagioclase mantle around alkali feldspar megacrysts is attributed to the localized presence of a melt resulting from the reaction of these megacrysts, with host hybrid magma with which they are in disequilibrium. This feldspathic melt adheres to the resorbed crystals and is virtually immiscible with the surrounding magma. Its composition is modified in terms of the relative proportions of K2O, Na2O, and CaO through selective diffusion of these elements, thus allowing the specific crystallization of andesine. With decreasing temperature, the K-feldspar, again stable, crystallizes along with the plagioclase, leading to mixed mantle structures.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a systemic disease associated with a large number of extraintestinal manifestations (EIM). EIM are present in 15-20% of patients with ulcerative colitis and in 20-40% of patients with Crohn's disease. The management of EIM is best provided by a multidisciplinary team, which includes specialists in the affected organ systems with training in the treatment of IBD. Therapeutic strategy is often empirical. This is explained by the paucity of randomized-controlled studies for the specific treatment of EIM in IBD and by the fact that treatment models are based on extrapolation from patients with similar conditions but without IBD. For most EIM, the mainstay of therapy is the treatment of the underlying active IBD. However, some EIM such as axial arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, uveitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis run a clinical course independent of IBD activity and need specific therapy (e.g. TNF antagonists in ankylosing spondylitis and skin manifestations). This review summarizes the conventional and novel (e.g. anti-TNF) treatment modalities, and the therapeutic implications for the management of extraintestinal symptoms in IBD, in order to assist clinicians in optimizing treatment strategies for IBD patients with EIM.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la caracterización de la microcuenca la Jabonera (Estelí, Nicaragua) enfatizando el agua como factor clave que conecta todos los elementos que interaccionan en la microcuenca y que, además delimita el área de estudio. El trabajo de campo ha consistido básicamente en la georeferenciación de los puntos de interés, la realización de encuestas a la población y la evaluación de las fuentes de agua y del agua del río mediante análisis fisicoquímicos. En el procesamiento de la información se ha elaborado cartografía temática mediante la herramienta SIG que ha servido de soporte para la interpretación de los resultados. Las características morfométricas y biofísicas favorecen que el agua precipitada se pierda rápidamente por escorrentía superficial con una tendencia moderada a crecidas e inundaciones. El agua infiltrada circula rápidamente por fracturas del material geológico con tiempos de tránsito cortos, y además, el área de recarga de los nacientes es local por lo que las fuentes son especialmente vulnerables a períodos de sequía y a la contaminación en su entorno cercano. El estudio de usos del suelo junto con la realización de análisis del agua ha permitido determinar que los agroquímicos son la principal fuente potencial de contaminación del agua en la microcuenca. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la necesidad de llevar a cabo una gestión integrada del territorio que garantice un desarrollo socioambiental sostenible.
A factor limiting preliminary rockfall hazard mapping at regional scale is often the lack of knowledge of potential source areas. Nowadays, high resolution topographic data (LiDAR) can account for realistic landscape details even at large scale. With such fine-scale morphological variability, quantitative geomorphometric analyses become a relevant approach for delineating potential rockfall instabilities. Using digital elevation model (DEM)-based ?slope families? concept over areas of similar lithology and cliffs and screes zones available from the 1:25,000 topographic map, a susceptibility rockfall hazard map was drawn up in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland, in order to provide a relevant hazard overview. Slope surfaces over morphometrically-defined thresholds angles were considered as rockfall source zones. 3D modelling (CONEFALL) was then applied on each of the estimated source zones in order to assess the maximum runout length. Comparison with known events and other rockfall hazard assessments are in good agreement, showing that it is possible to assess rockfall activities over large areas from DEM-based parameters and topographical elements.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al University of Bristol, Gran Bretanya, durant agost i setembre del 2007. Els objectius del projecte d’estudi del jaciment de Lady Field (Woolston Manor Farm, Somerset, Gran Bretanya) eren, bàsicament, tres: en primer lloc, posar en pràctica els coneixements teòrics assolits durant la formació en prospecció geofísica; en segon lloc, aportar informació complementària a la aportada per la prospecció tradicional i el sondeig amb gradiòmetre magnètic efectuades prèviament per l’equip investigador del centre, arribant a definir millor les estructures poc definides per l’altre sistema i, finalment, obtenir un cas d’estudi sobre un jaciment medieval a Gran Bretanya, on les condicions geològiques i climàtiques, que afecten els resultats de la prospecció, són diferents a les del nostre país. Aquests objectius s’han assolit, ja que s’ha pogut portar a terme una prospecció de camp amb el sistema de georadar, processar les dades i obtenir-ne dades de qualitat i obtenir informació útil i rellevant de cara a la definició de les restes detectades, una vegada feta la interpretació. Els resultats mostren l’aparició en el subsòl del jaciment de quatre possibles fases d’ocupació, entre les que destaquen un moment amb possibles restes d’una antiga xarxa urbana, treballs agrícoles o un sistema de drenatge del terreny. Finalment l’estudi ha pogut constatar que la prospecció amb GPR en aquestes condicions geològiques és possible, tot i que les climàtiques –essencialment la pluja i la humitat del sòl- suposen complicacions a l’hora d’adquirir dades de forma segura per la maquinària i per la qualitat de les dades.
Cadre de l'étude La part des dépenses de santé dans les budgets des pays occidentaux est importante et tend à croître depuis plusieurs décennies. Une des conséquences, notamment pour la Suisse, est une augmentation régulière des primes d'assurance maladie, dont l'impopularité incite les responsables politiques à trouver des stratégies de frein à la croissance des coûts de la santé. Les médicaments, qui contribuent notablement à l'augmentation de ces coûts, constituent l'une des cibles classiques d'interventions visant à une réduction des dépenses de santé. Le niveau de coûts des médicaments représente plus de 20% des dépenses de soins du domaine ambulatoire à la charge de l'assurance obligatoire des soins (AOS), soit une dépense annuelle de plus de 4 milliards de francs. Différentes mesures peuvent être utilisées par le gouvernement pour contenir cette facture à charge de la collectivité : baisse du prix des médicaments, limitation du nombre de produits remboursés par l'assurance de base et incitations à la concurrence sur les prix en autorisant les importations parallèles. Depuis que de plus en plus de brevets pour des médicaments sont arrivés à échéance, un autre angle d'attaque s'est concrétisé avec l'incitation à la prescription de médicaments génériques. Les génériques sont définis comme des produits thérapeutiques chimiquement identiques à des composés déjà utilisés, appelés médicaments originaux. En principe, une économie substantielle devrait pouvoir être réalisée sur les coûts totaux des médicaments si tous les génériques disponibles sur le marché étaient systématiquement prescrits par les professionnels et acceptés par les patients. Les résultats publiés par les caisses maladie et les offices fédéraux sont des estimations globales et les montants publiés par l'industrie pharmaceutique concernent l'ensemble du marché, incluant les médicaments utilisés dans les séjours hospitaliers, sont par ailleurs exprimés en prix de fabrique. De plus, aucune étude n'a tenu compte de la substituabilité des produits d'un point de vue pharmaceutique. L'objectif général de la thèse est d'évaluer aussi précisément que possible l'économie pouvant être encore réalisée dans le secteur ambulatoire en substituant aux médicaments originaux les produits génériques présents sur le marché et de caractériser plusieurs facteurs qui influencent la substitution générique. Pour cette étude, nous avons pu disposer de l'ensemble des factures pharmaceutiques de la caisse maladie CSS, pour tous ses assurés des cantons d'Argovie, du Tessin et de Vaud, soit plus de 169'000 assurés représentant les trois régions linguistiques de la Suisse. Les 1'341'197 prescriptions médicales qui ont été analysées concernent l'année 2003. C'est un moment critique dans l'histoire des génériques en Suisse, approprié pour établir un premier bilan après l'entrée en vigueur de la première mesure relative au droit de substituer octroyé en 2001 aux pharmaciens et, pour identifier idéalement les principaux déterminants de la substitution par les praticiens avant l'introduction de la quote-part différenciée en 2006. La présence d'un même principe actif n'est pas une condition suffisante pour permettre une substitution et pour ce travail des critères tenant compte des caractéristiques pharmaceutiques des produits ont été établis et appliqués pour valider la substituabilité des originaux par les génériques disponibles sur le marché. Ces critères concernent notamment le mode d'administration, le dosage et le nombre de doses dans l'emballage. L'étude a été réalisée selon deux approches, d'abord par une analyse descriptive sur l'ensemble de la population source pour estimer le marché des génériques et ensuite par une analyse statistique (régression logit multivariée) sur 173'212 prescriptions agrégées, qui concernent spécifiquement soit un générique soit un original substituable, pour caractériser les facteurs déterminants de la substitution générique. Résultats Dans l'ensemble de la population source, les génériques et les originaux substituables représentent 17,4% du marché en termes de coûts facturés, avec 3,4% de génériques et 14,0% d'originaux substituables ce qui correspond à un taux de substitution de 19,5%. En termes de dépenses, les substitutions génériques réalisées représentent une économie de 1,3% du total du marché étudié alors qu'il reste un potentiel notable d'économie par la substitution de 4,6%. Les taux de substitution sont très variables selon les cantons : 10,1% au Tessin, 29,0% pour le canton de Vaud et 35,8% pour Argovie. L'analyse univariée des 173'212 prescriptions de génériques ou d'originaux substituables, montre des taux de substitution plus élevés chez les patients jeunes et lorsqu'il y a d'importantes différences de prix entre les originaux et les génériques. Des taux de substitution peu élevés sont observés chez les patients les plus âgés et pour ceux qui ont des traitements médicamenteux complexes. Les patients ayant plus de 10 médicaments différents durant la même année, présentent une probabilité relative de substituer inférieure (-24%) par rapport aux patients ayant 6 à 10 médicaments différents dans l'année. Cependant, l'analyse multivariée montre que l'effet négatif sur le taux de substitution de l'âge combiné à la complexité des traitements n'excède pas 3%. Bien que le niveau de franchises et la participation financière à la quote-part soient liées à une augmentation de la prescription de génériques, leurs effets sont modérés pour les patients avec des franchises supérieures à 300 francs (effet marginal de 1%) et pour les patients qui n'ont pas atteint le plafond de participation (effet marginal de 2%). La différence de taux substitution entre les médecins hospitaliers et les spécialistes est diminuée de façon notable (effet marginal de -13%) et elle est cependant moins marquée avec les médecins généralistes (effet marginal de -3%). Les facteurs associés au marché ont une influence notable sur la substitution générique et des effets positifs sont observés avec l'augmentation de la taille du marché, du nombre de génériques pour un même original substituable et de l'économie relative entre l'original et le générique. Par contre, la diversification des formes galéniques et des tailles d'emballages au niveau de l'offre des médicaments originaux a des effets fortement négatifs sur la substitution générique (-7%). Le canton de domicile a aussi un impact notable sur la substitution et le canton du Tessin présente un taux plus bas (-26%) que le canton d'Argovie. Conclusion et perspectives Ce travail a montré qu'il y a encore un important potentiel d'économies à réaliser par la substitution générique, calculé à plus de 4% des dépenses pharmaceutiques prises en charge par l'AOS en ambulatoires. Une extrapolation à l'ensemble du marché suisse, qui doit être faite avec prudence, fait apparaître un potentiel d'économies de 127 millions pour les médicaments délivrés par les pharmacies en 2003. L'étude a mis en évidence un certain nombre de déterminants qui freinent la substitution générique, notamment la prescription par un médecin hospitalier. Sur ce point la prescription en DCI (dénomination commune internationale) pourrait favoriser la dispensation de génériques moins chers. Un taux de substitution plus faible est observé chez les patients âgés avec des traitements complexes. Ce constat peut être mis en relation avec la crainte d'avoir un traitement moins efficace ou moins bien supporté et les risques de confusion lors du passage d'un original substituable à un générique ou d'un générique à un autre générique. Sur ces éléments, l'indication claire et précise du nom de la substance, aussi bien sur les emballages des originaux substituables que sur ceux des génériques, pourrait rassurer les patients et diminuer les risques d'erreurs dans la prise des médicaments. Certaines précautions à prendre lors de la prescription de génériques sont reconnues, notamment pour les médicaments à faible marge thérapeutique, et des informations sur la bioéquivalence, régulièrement mises à jour et à disposition des professionnels, pourraient augmenter la confiance dans l'utilisation des génériques. Les industries pharmaceutiques préservent par différentes tactiques leurs parts de marché et notamment avec succès en introduisant de nouvelles formes galéniques juste avant l'expiration des brevets. Des directives complémentaires sur la fixation des prix pour le remboursement, en particulier l'introduction d'un prix de référence quelle que soit la forme galénique, pourraient diminuer l'effet de barrage des médicaments originaux. Les incitations économiques, telles que la franchise et les participations sont efficaces si l'on considère l'impact sur les taux de substitution. Leur effet global reste toutefois modeste et il serait nécessaire de mesurer concrètement l'impact de l'introduction en 2006 de la quote-part différenciée. Les différences de prix entre les originaux et les génériques exigées à 50% pour les gros marchés, c'est-à-dire de plus de 16 millions, devraient aussi avoir un impact qu'il serait opportun de mesurer.
The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased with alarming speed over the past twenty years. It has recently been described by the World Health Organisation as a ‘global epidemic’. In the year 2000 more than 300 million people worldwide were obese and it is now projected that by 2025 up to half the population of the United States will be obese if current trends are maintained. The disease is now a major public health problem throughout Europe. In Ireland at the present time 39% of adults are overweight and 18% are obese. Of these, slightly more men than women are obese and there is a higher incidence of the disease in lower socio-economic groups. Most worrying of all is the fact that childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in Europe, with body weight now the most prevalent childhood disease. While currently there are no agreed criteria or standards for assessing Irish children for obesity some studies are indicating that the numbers of children who are significantly overweight have trebled over the past decade. Extrapolation from authoritative UK data suggests that these numbers could now amount to more than 300,000 overweight and obese children on the island of Ireland and they are probably rising at a rate of over 10,000 per year. A balance of food intake and physical activity is necessary for a healthy weight. The foods we individually consume and our participation in physical activity are the result of a complex supply and production system. The growing research evidence that energy dense foods promote obesity is impressive and convincing. These are the foods that are high in fat, sugar and starch. Of these potentially the most significant promoter of weight gain is fat and foods from the top shelf of the food pyramid including spreads (butter and margarine), cakes and biscuits, and confectionery, when combined are the greatest contributors to fat intake in the Irish diet. In company with their adult counterparts Irish children are also consuming large amounts of energy dense foods outside the home. A recent survey revealed that slightly over half of these children ate sweets at least once a day and roughly a third of them had fizzy drinks and crisps with the same regularity. Sugar sweetened carbonated drinks are thought to contribute to obesity and for this reason the World Health Organisation has expressed serious concerns at the high and increasing consumption of these drinks by children. Physical activity is an important determinant of body weight. Over recent decades there has been a marked decline in demanding physical work and this has been accompanied by more sedentary lifestyles generally and reduced leisure-time activity. These observable changes, which are supported by data from most European countries and the United States, suggest that physical inactivity has made a significant impact on the increase in overweight and obesity being seen today. It is now widely accepted that adults shoud be involved in 45-60 minutes, and children should be involved in at least 60 minutes per day of moderate physical activity in order to prevent excess weight gain. Being overweight today not only signals increased risk of medical problems but also exposes people to serious psychosocial problems due mainly to widespread prejudice against fat people. Prejudice against obese people seems to border on the socially acceptable in Ireland. It crops up consistently in surveys covering groups such as employers, teachers, medical and healthcare personnel, and the media. It occurs among adolescents and children, even very young children. Because obesity is associated with premature death, excessive morbidity and serious psychosocial problems the damage it causes to the welfare of citizens is extremely serious and for this reason government intervention is necessary and warranted. In economic terms, a figure of approximately â,¬30million has been estimated for in-patient costs alone in 2003 for a number of Irish hospitals. This year about 2,000 premature deaths in Ireland will be attributed to obesity and the numbers are growing relentlessly. Diseases which proportionally more obese people suffer from than the general population include hypertension, type 2 diabetes, angina, heart attack and osteoarthritis. There are indirect costs also such as days lost to the workplace due to illness arising from obesity and output foregone as a result of premature death. Using the accepted EU environmental cost benefit method, these deaths alone may be costing the state as much as â,¬4bn per year. The social determinants of physical activity include factors such as socio-economic status, education level, gender, family and peer group influences as well as individual perceptions of the benefits of physical activity. The environmental determinants include geographic location, time of year, and proximity of facilities such as open spaces, parks and safe recreational areas generally. The environmental factors have not yet been as well studied as the social ones and this research gap needs to be addressed. Clearly there is a public health imperative to ensure that relevant environmental policies maximise opportunities for active transport, recreational physical activity and total physical activity. It is clear that concerted policy initiatives must be put in place if the predominantly negative findings of research regarding the determinants of food consumption and physical activity are to be accepted, and they must surely be accepted by government if the rapid increase in the incidence of obesity with all its negative consequences for citizens is to be reversed. So far actions surrounding nutrition policies have concentrated mostly on actions that are within the remit of the Department of Health and Children such as implementing the dietary guidelines. These are important but government must now look at the totality of policies that influence the type and supply of food that its citizens eat and the range and quality of opportunities that are available to citizens to engage in physical activity. This implies a fundamental examination of existing agricultural, industrial, economic and other policies and a determination to change them if they do not enable people to eat healthily and partake in physical activity. The current crisis in obesity prevalence requires a population health approach for adults and children in addition to effective weight-reduction management for individuals who are severely overweight. This entails addressing the obesogenic environment where people live, creating conditions over time which lead to healthier eating and more active living, and protecting people from the widespread availability of unhealthy food and beverage options in addition to sedentary activities that take up all of their leisure time. People of course have a fundamental right to choose to eat what they want and to be as active as they wish. That is not the issue. What the National Taskforce on Obesity has had to take account of is that many forces are actively impeding change for those well aware of the potential health and well-being consequences to themselves of overweight and obesity. The Taskforce’s social change strategy is to give people meaningful choice. Choice, or the capacity to change (because the strategy is all about change), is facilitated through the development of personal skills and preferences, through supportive and participative environments at work, at school and in the local community, and through a dedicated and clearly communicated public health strategy. High-level cabinet support will be necessary to implement the Taskforce’s recommendations. The approach to implementation must be characterised by joined-up thinking, real practical engagement by the public and private sectors, the avoidance of duplication of effort or crosspurpose approaches, and the harnessing of existing strategies and agencies. The range of government departments with roles to play is considerable. The Taskforce outlines the different contributions that each relevant department can make in driving its strategy forward. It also emphasises its requirement that all phases of the national strategy for healthy eating and physical activity are closely monitored, analysed and evaluated. The vision of the Taskforce is expressed as: An Irish society that enables people through health promotion, prevention and care to achieve and maintain healthy eating and active living throughout their lifespan. Its high-level goals are expressed as follows: Its recommendations, over eighty in all, relate to actions across six broad sectors: high-level government; education; social and community; health; food, commodities, production and supply; and the physical environment. In developing its recommendations the Taskforce has taken account of the complex, multisectoral and multi-faceted determinants of diet and physical activity. This strategy poses challenges for government, within individual departments, inter-departmentally and in developing partnerships with the commercial sector. Equally it challenges the commercial sector to work in partnership with government. The framework required for such initiative has at its core the rights and benefits of the individual. Health promotion is fundamentally about empowerment, whether at the individual, the community or the policy level.
Click here to download PDF The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased with alarming speed over the past twenty years. It has recently been described by the World Health Organisation as a ‘global epidemic’. In the year 2000 more than 300 million people worldwide were obese and it is now projected that by 2025 up to half the population of the United States will be obese if current trends are maintained. The disease is now a major public health problem throughout Europe. In Ireland at the present time 39% of adults are overweight and 18% are obese. Of these, slightly more men than women are obese and there is a higher incidence of the disease in lower socio-economic groups. Most worrying of all is the fact that childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in Europe, with body weight now the most prevalent childhood disease. While currently there are no agreed criteria or standards for assessing Irish children for obesity some studies are indicating that the numbers of children who are significantly overweight have trebled over the past decade. Extrapolation from authoritative UK data suggests that these numbers could now amount to more than 300,000 overweight and obese children on the island of Ireland and they are probably rising at a rate of over 10,000 per year. A balance of food intake and physical activity is necessary for a healthy weight. The foods we individually consume and our participation in physical activity are the result of a complex supply and production system. The growing research evidence that energy dense foods promote obesity is impressive and convincing. These are the foods that are high in fat, sugar and starch. Of these potentially the most significant promoter of weight gain is fat and foods from the top shelf of the food pyramid including spreads (butter and margarine), cakes and biscuits, and confectionery, when combined are the greatest contributors to fat intake in the Irish diet. In company with their adult counterparts Irish children are also consuming large amounts of energy dense foods outside the home. A recent survey revealed that slightly over half of these children ate sweets at least once a day and roughly a third of them had fizzy drinks and crisps with the same regularity. Sugar sweetened carbonated drinks are thought to contribute to obesity and for this reason the World Health Organisation has expressed serious concerns at the high and increasing consumption of these drinks by children. Physical activity is an important determinant of body weight. Over recent decades there has been a marked decline in demanding physical work and this has been accompanied by more sedentary lifestyles generally and reduced leisure-time activity. These observable changes, which are supported by data from most European countries and the United States, suggest that physical inactivity has made a significant impact on the increase in overweight and obesity being seen today. It is now widely accepted that adults shoud be involved in 45-60 minutes, and children should be involved in at least 60 minutes per day of moderate physical activity in order to prevent excess weight gain. Being overweight today not only signals increased risk of medical problems but also exposes people to serious psychosocial problems due mainly to widespread prejudice against fat people. Prejudice against obese people seems to border on the socially acceptable in Ireland. It crops up consistently in surveys covering groups such as employers, teachers, medical and healthcare personnel, and the media. It occurs among adolescents and children, even very young children. Because obesity is associated with premature death, excessive morbidity and serious psychosocial problems the damage it causes to the welfare of citizens is extremely serious and for this reason government intervention is necessary and warranted. In economic terms, a figure of approximately â,¬30million has been estimated for in-patient costs alone in 2003 for a number of Irish hospitals. This year about 2,000 premature deaths in Ireland will be attributed to obesity and the numbers are growing relentlessly. Diseases which proportionally more obese people suffer from than the general population include hypertension, type 2 diabetes, angina, heart attack and osteoarthritis. There are indirect costs also such as days lost to the workplace due to illness arising from obesity and output foregone as a result of premature death. Using the accepted EU environmental cost benefit method, these deaths alone may be costing the state as much as â,¬4bn per year. The social determinants of physical activity include factors such as socio-economic status, education level, gender, family and peer group influences as well as individual perceptions of the benefits of physical activity. The environmental determinants include geographic location, time of year, and proximity of facilities such as open spaces, parks and safe recreational areas generally. The environmental factors have not yet been as well studied as the social ones and this research gap needs to be addressed. Clearly there is a public health imperative to ensure that relevant environmental policies maximise opportunities for active transport, recreational physical activity and total physical activity. It is clear that concerted policy initiatives must be put in place if the predominantly negative findings of research regarding the determinants of food consumption and physical activity are to be accepted, and they must surely be accepted by government if the rapid increase in the incidence of obesity with all its negative consequences for citizens is to be reversed. So far actions surrounding nutrition policies have concentrated mostly on actions that are within the remit of the Department of Health and Children such as implementing the dietary guidelines. These are important but government must now look at the totality of policies that influence the type and supply of food that its citizens eat and the range and quality of opportunities that are available to citizens to engage in physical activity. This implies a fundamental examination of existing agricultural, industrial, economic and other policies and a determination to change them if they do not enable people to eat healthily and partake in physical activity. The current crisis in obesity prevalence requires a population health approach for adults and children in addition to effective weight-reduction management for individuals who are severely overweight. This entails addressing the obesogenic environment where people live, creating conditions over time which lead to healthier eating and more active living, and protecting people from the widespread availability of unhealthy food and beverage options in addition to sedentary activities that take up all of their leisure time. People of course have a fundamental right to choose to eat what they want and to be as active as they wish. That is not the issue. What the National Taskforce on Obesity has had to take account of is that many forces are actively impeding change for those well aware of the potential health and well-being consequences to themselves of overweight and obesity. The Taskforce’s social change strategy is to give people meaningful choice. Choice, or the capacity to change (because the strategy is all about change), is facilitated through the development of personal skills and preferences, through supportive and participative environments at work, at school and in the local community, and through a dedicated and clearly communicated public health strategy. High-level cabinet support will be necessary to implement the Taskforce’s recommendations. The approach to implementation must be characterised by joined-up thinking, real practical engagement by the public and private sectors, the avoidance of duplication of effort or crosspurpose approaches, and the harnessing of existing strategies and agencies. The range of government departments with roles to play is considerable. The Taskforce outlines the different contributions that each relevant department can make in driving its strategy forward. It also emphasises its requirement that all phases of the national strategy for healthy eating and physical activity are closely monitored, analysed and evaluated. The vision of the Taskforce is expressed as: An Irish society that enables people through health promotion, prevention and care to achieve and maintain healthy eating and active living throughout their lifespan. Its high-level goals are expressed as follows: Its recommendations, over eighty in all, relate to actions across six broad sectors: high-level government; education; social and community; health; food, commodities, production and supply; and the physical environment. In developing its recommendations the Taskforce has taken account of the complex, multisectoral and multi-faceted determinants of diet and physical activity. This strategy poses challenges for government, within individual departments, inter-departmentally and in developing partnerships with the commercial sector. Equally it challenges the commercial sector to work in partnership with government. The framework required for such initiative has at its core the rights and benefits of the individual. Health promotion is fundamentally about empowerment, whether at the individual, the community or the policy level.
The oxalate-carbonate pathway (OCP) is a biogeochemical process, which has been described in Milicia excelsa tree ecosystems of Africa. This pathway involves biological and geological parameters at different scales: oxalate, as a by-product of photosynthesis, is oxidized by oxalotrophic bacteria leading to a local pH increase, and eventually to carbonate accumulation through time in previously acidic and carbonate-free tropical soils. Former studies have shown that this pedogenic process can potentially lead to the formation of an atmospheric carbon sink. Considering that 80% of plant species are known to produce oxalate, it is reasonable to assume that M. excelsa is not the only tree that can support OCP ecosystems. The search for similar conditions on another continent led us to South America, in an Amazon forest ecosystem (Alto Beni, Bolivia). This area was chosen because of the absence of local inherited carbonate in the bedrock, as well as its expected acidic soil conditions. Eleven tree species and associated soils were tested positive for the presence of carbonate with a more alkaline soil pH close to the tree than at a distance from it. A detailed study of Pentaplaris davidsmithii and Ceiba speciosa trees showed that oxalotrophy impacted soil pH in a similar way to at African sites (at least with 1 pH unit increasing). African and South American sites display similar characteristics regarding the mineralogical assemblage associated with the OCP, except for the absence of weddellite. The amount of carbonate accumulated is 3 to 4 times lower than the values measured in African sites related to M. excelsa ecosystems. Still, these secondary carbonates remain critical for the continental carbon cycle, as they are unexpected in the acidic context of Amazonian soils. Therefore, the present study demonstrates the existence of an active OCP in South America. The three critical components of an operating OCP are the presence of: i) local alkalinization, ii) carbonate accumulations, and iii) oxalotrophic bacteria, which were identified associated to the oxalogenic tree C. speciosa. If the question of a potential carbon sink related to oxalotrophic-oxalogenic ecosystems in the Amazon Basin is still pending, this study highlights the implication of OCP ecosystems on carbon and calcium biogeochemical coupled cycles. As previously mentioned for M. excelsa tree ecosystems in Africa, carbonate accumulations observed in the Bolivian tropical forest could be extrapolated to part or the whole Amazon Basin and might constitute an important reservoir that must be taken into account in the global carbon balance of the Tropics.
The pharmacokinetic determinants of successful antibiotic prophylaxis of endocarditis are not precisely known. Differences in half-lives of antibiotics between animals and humans preclude extrapolation of animal results to human situations. To overcome this limitation, we have mimicked in rats the amoxicillin kinetics in humans following a 3-g oral dose (as often used for prophylaxis of endocarditis) by delivering the drug through a computerized pump. Rats with catheter-induced vegetations were challenged with either of two strains of antibiotic-tolerant viridans group streptococci. Antibiotics were given either through the pump (to simulate the whole kinetic profile during prophylaxis in humans) or as an intravenous bolus which imitated only the peak level of amoxicillin (18 mg/liter) in human serum. Prophylaxis by intravenous bolus was inoculum dependent and afforded a limited protection only in rats challenged with the minimum inoculum size infecting > or = 90% of untreated controls. In contrast, simulation of kinetics in humans significantly protected animals challenged with 10 to 100 times the inoculum of either of the test organisms infecting > or = 90% of untreated controls. Thus, simulation of the profiles of amoxicillin prophylaxis in human serum was more efficacious than mere imitation of the transient peak level in rats. This confirms previous studies suggesting that the duration for which the serum amoxicillin level remained detectable (not only the magnitude of the peak) was an important parameter in successful prophylaxis of endocarditis. The results also suggest that single-dose prophylaxis with 3 g of amoxicillin in humans might be more effective than predicted by conventional animal models in which only peak levels of antibiotic in human serum were stimulated.
The eastern part of the Western Cordillera of Ecuador includes fragments of an Early Cretaceous ( approximate to 123 Ma) oceanic plateau accreted around 85-80 Ma (San Juan unit). West of this unit and in fault contact with it, another oceanic plateau sequence (Guaranda unit) is marked by the occurrence of picrites, ankaramites, basalts, dolerites and shallow level gabbros. A comparable unit is also exposed in northwestern coastal Ecuador (Pedernales unit). Picrites have LREE-depleted patterns, high epsilonNd(i) and very low Pb isotopic ratios, suggesting that they were derived from an extremely depleted source. In contrast, the ankaramites and Mg-rich basalts are LREE-enriched and have radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions similar to the Galapagos HIMU component; their epsilonNd(i) are slightly lower than those of the picrites. Basalts, dolerites and gabbros differ from the picrites and ankaramites by flat rare earth element (REE) patterns and lower epsilonNd; their Pb isotopic compositions are intermediate between those of the picrites and ankaramites. The ankaramites, Mg-rich basalts, and picrites differ from the lavas from the San Juan-Multitud Unit by higher Pb ratios and lower epsilonNd(i). The Ecuadorian and Gorgona 88-86 Ma picrites are geochemically similar. The Ecuadorian ankaramites and Mg-rich basalts share with the 92-86 Ma Mg-rich basalts of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau (CCOP) similar trace element and Nd and Pb isotopic chemistry. This suggests that the Pedernales and Guaranda units belong to the Late Cretaceous CCOR The geochemical diversity of the Guaranda and Pedernales rocks illustrates the heterogeneity of the CCOP plume source and suggests a multi-stage model for the emplacement of these rocks. Stratigraphic and geological relations strongly suggest that the Guaranda unit was accreted in the late Maastrichtian (approximate to 68-65 Ma). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
X-ray microtomography has become a new tool in earth sciences to obtain non-destructive 3D-image data from geological objects in which variations in mineralogy, chemical composition and/or porosity create sufficient x-ray density contrasts.We present here first, preliminary results of an application to the external and internal morphology of Permian to Recent Larger Foraminifera. We use a SkyScan-1072 high-resolution desk-top micro-CT system. The system has a conical x-ray source with a spot size of about 5µm that runs at 20-100kV, 0-250µA, resulting in a maximal resolution of 5µm. X-ray transmission images are captured by a scintillator coupled via fibre optics to a 1024x1024 pixel 12-bit CCD. The object is placed between the x-ray source and the scintillator on a stub that rotates 360°around its vertical axis in steps as small as 0.24 degrees. Sample size is limited to 2 cm due to the absorption of geologic material for x-rays. The transmission images are back projected using a Feldkamp algorithm into a vertical stack of up to 1000 1Kx1K images that represent horizontal cuts of the object. This calculation takes 2 to several hours on a Double-Processor 2.4GHz PC. The stack of images (.bmp) can be visualized with any 3D-imaging software, used to produce cuts of Larger Foraminifera. Among other applications, the 3D-imaging software furnished by SkyScan can produce 3D-models by defining a threshold density value to distinguish "solid" from "void. Several models with variable threshold values and colors can be imbricated, rotated and cut together. The best results were obtained with microfossils devoid of chamber-filling cements (Permian, Eocene, Recent). However, even slight differences in cement mineralogy/composition can result in surprisingly good x-ray density contrasts.X-ray microtomography may develop into a powerful tool for larger microfossils with a complex internal structure, because it is non-destructive, requires no preparation of the specimens, and produces a true 3D-image data set. We will use these data sets in the future to produce cuts in any direction to compare them with arbitrary cuts of complex microfossils in thin sections. Many groups of benthic and planktonic foraminifera may become more easily determinable in thin section by this way.
Background: The imatinib trough plasma concentration (C(min)) correlates with clinical response in cancer patients. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of plasma C(min) is therefore suggested. In practice, however, blood sampling for TDM is often not performed at trough. The corresponding measurement is thus only remotely informative about C(min) exposure. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to improve the interpretation of randomly measured concentrations by using a Bayesian approach for the prediction of C(min), incorporating correlation between pharmacokinetic parameters, and to compare the predictive performance of this method with alternative approaches, by comparing predictions with actual measured trough levels, and with predictions obtained by a reference method, respectively. Methods: A Bayesian maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation method accounting for correlation (MAP-ρ) between pharmacokinetic parameters was developed on the basis of a population pharmacokinetic model, which was validated on external data. Thirty-one paired random and trough levels, observed in gastrointestinal stromal tumour patients, were then used for the evaluation of the Bayesian MAP-ρ method: individual C(min) predictions, derived from single random observations, were compared with actual measured trough levels for assessment of predictive performance (accuracy and precision). The method was also compared with alternative approaches: classical Bayesian MAP estimation assuming uncorrelated pharmacokinetic parameters, linear extrapolation along the typical elimination constant of imatinib, and non-linear mixed-effects modelling (NONMEM) first-order conditional estimation (FOCE) with interaction. Predictions of all methods were finally compared with 'best-possible' predictions obtained by a reference method (NONMEM FOCE, using both random and trough observations for individual C(min) prediction). Results: The developed Bayesian MAP-ρ method accounting for correlation between pharmacokinetic parameters allowed non-biased prediction of imatinib C(min) with a precision of ±30.7%. This predictive performance was similar for the alternative methods that were applied. The range of relative prediction errors was, however, smallest for the Bayesian MAP-ρ method and largest for the linear extrapolation method. When compared with the reference method, predictive performance was comparable for all methods. The time interval between random and trough sampling did not influence the precision of Bayesian MAP-ρ predictions. Conclusion: Clinical interpretation of randomly measured imatinib plasma concentrations can be assisted by Bayesian TDM. Classical Bayesian MAP estimation can be applied even without consideration of the correlation between pharmacokinetic parameters. Individual C(min) predictions are expected to vary less through Bayesian TDM than linear extrapolation. Bayesian TDM could be developed in the future for other targeted anticancer drugs and for the prediction of other pharmacokinetic parameters that have been correlated with clinical outcomes.