957 resultados para Gases, Rare--Statistical methods.
O processo de employee branding tem demonstrado promover e reforçar o contrato psicológico entre os colaboradores e a organização, pelo incremento e potenciação do sentimento de comprometimento e lealdade do colaborador de acordo com Miles e Mangold. Esta investigação foca-se no estudo do impacto da mentoria e relações de ajuda no processo de employee branding, numa visão integrada da gestão de recursos humanos e do comportamento organizacional, com base nas relações de troca do marketing do relacionamento numa perspetiva da gestão por competências e foco nas Pessoas. Com a introdução da nova variável (mentoria e relações de ajuda) esta investigação, ao enriquecer e incrementar o processo de employee branding de Miles e Mangold proposto em 2004 e 2005, apresenta a construção de um instrumento de diagnóstico do inovador processo de Efeito de Marca de Empregado. A investigação decorreu em 30 organizações, com um total de 725 questionários, que permitiu a validação e fiabilidade do instrumento, bem como demonstra através de métodos estatísticos a influência das ações de mentoria e relações de ajuda e da atuação das relações interpessoais que promovem o processo employee branding. Se o processo de employee branding já incrementava os resultados organizacionais, com esta investigação, pode-se afirmar que o processo de Efeito de Marca de Empregado não só incrementa como também impulsiona a imagem de marca da organização pela atuação dinâmica e catalisadora das relações interpessoais dos seus colaboradores, dentro e fora da organização, com a introdução e promoção de ações mentoria e relações de ajuda entre chefias e chefiados; ABSTRACT: The employee branding process has shown as to promote and strengthen the psychological contract between employees and the organization, by increasing and maximizing the sense of employees’ commitment and loyalty, according with Miles and Mangold. This research focuses on the impact of mentoring and helping relationships in the employee branding process, in an integrated view of human resources management and organizational behavior, based on the exchange ratio of the relationship marketing in a perspective of management by competencies and people focused approach. With the introduction of the new variable (mentoring and helping relationships), this research enriches and enhances the Miles and Mangold employee branding process proposed in 2004 and 2005 and presents the construction of an diagnostic instrument for the innovative process of Employee Brand Effect. This research took place in 30 organizations with a total of 725 questionnaires, which allowed the validation and reliability of the instrument and the evidence through statistical methods of the influence of mentoring and helping relationships actions and of the interaction of interpersonal relationships promoting the employee branding process. If the employee branding process was already boosting organizational results with this research, it can be stated that the Employee Brand Effect process not only increases, but also boosts the organization’s brand image by the actuation of the dynamics of employees’ interpersonal relationships, inside and outside the organization, with the introduction and promotion of mentoring and helping relationships actions between leaders and followers.
Uma avaliação das metodologias de análise e recolha de dados aplicadas pelo Programa NOCTUAPortugal é de extrema importância para se apurar se estas são as mais indicadas em estudos de citizen science. Comparou-se os resultados de diferentes metodologias analíticas de estimação das tendências populacionais das espécies de aves noturnas durante o período de realização do Programa NOCTUA-Portugal (análise gráfica simples, modelos lineares generalizados (GLM-Poisson e GLMM), modelos aditivos generalizados (GAM-LOESS e GAM-mgcv) e software TRIM). Analisou-se a metodologia de censo de modo a avaliar o número de registos face à duração dos pontos de escuta, comparar a eficiência do ponto de deteção com outros estudos, variação das respostas ao longo da noite e efeito da época do ano, vento, nebulosidade e luminosidade da lua. Os resultados mostraram que a metodologia analítica mais indicada era o GLMM e que não era necessário realizar nenhum ajuste em particular na metodologia de censo; Trends in nocturnal birds in Portugal Methods and analysis of a volunteer-based monitoring program ABSTRACT: An evaluation of the methodologies of analysis and data collection applied by NOCTUA-Portugal Program is extremely important to determine whether these are the most suitable in citizen science studies. We compared the results of different analytical methodologies to estimate population trends of the species of nocturnal birds during the period of the NOCTUA-Portugal Program (simple graphical analysis, generalized linear models (GLM-Poisson and GLMM), generalized additive models (GAM-LOESS and GAMmgcv) and software TRIM). We analyzed the field methodology to assess the effect of point duration on the number of records, compared the point count efficiency with other sources, the variation of responses throughout the night, the effect of time of year, wind, cloud cover and moon luminosity. The results showed that the most suitable analytical methodology was the GLMM and it was not necessary to make any particular adjustment in the field methodology.
Currently, the oil industry is the biggest cause of environmental pollution. The objective was to reduce the concentration of copper and chromium in the water produced by the oil industry. It was used as adsorbent natural sisal fiber Agave sp treated with nitric acid and sodium hydroxide. All vegetable fibers have physical and morphological properties that enablies the adsorption of pollutants. The basic composition of sisal is cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The features are typically found in the characterization of vegetable fibers, except the surface area that was practically zero. In the first stage of adsorption, it was evaluated the effect of temperature and time skeeking to optimize the execution of the factorial design. The results showed that the most feasible fiber was the one treated with acid in five hours (30°C). The second phase was a factorial design, using acid and five hours, this time was it determined in the first phase. The tests were conducted following the experimental design and the results were analyzed by statistical methods in order to optimize the main parameters that influence the process: pH, concentration (mol / L) and fiber mass/ metal solution volume. The volume / mass ratio factor showed significant interference in the adsorption process of chromium and copper. The results obtained after optimization showed that the highest percentages of extraction (98%) were obtained on the following operating conditions: pH: 5-6, Concentration: 100 ppm and mass/ volume: 1 gram of fiber/50mL solution. The results showed that the adsorption process was efficient to remove chromium and copper using sisal fibers, however, requiring further studies to optimize the process.
Se presenta una aproximación a la estructura a plazos de tasas de interés del mercado colombiano a través de dos modelos: Modelo de Diebold, & Li con factores latentes y el modelo de Diebold, Rudebusch & Aruoba con Macrofactores, los cuales fueron estimados utilizando un Filtro de Kalman implementado en MATLAB y posteriormente utilizados para obtener pronósticos de la curva en función del comportamiento esperado de variables macroeconómicas y financieras de la economía local y americana -- La inclusión de los macrofactores se hace esperando mejores proyecciones de la curva, de manera que tener proyecciones de estas variables será de utilidad para conocer el comportamiento futuro de la curva de rendimientos local -- Los modelos se ajustan con datos mensuales, tomando el periodo 2003-2015 y testeado con una porción de esta información; el modelo de factores latentes tiene solo información histórica de la curva cero cupón mientras que en el modelo con macrofactores se consideraron variables como: inflación local 12 meses, CDS 5Y, índice VIX, precios del WTI, TRM, tasa de cambio Euro/Dólar, tasa REPO y tasa FED; obteniendo finalmente dos modelos, siendo el que contiene macrofactores el que tiene mejores indicadores de desempeño en el pronóstico
La luminescence optique (OSL) a été mesurée sur dix-sept fragments de poterie collectés à Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), un site archéologique du Sylvicole supérieur tardif localisé dans le sud-ouest du Québec. Le but principal de ce projet était de dater ce site qui est considéré jusqu’à maintenant comme le plus récent site préhistorique de la concentration de Saint-Anicet, afin de poser un jalon dans la chronologie des sites de cette région. L’OSL a été utilisée conjointement à la datation par radiocarbone (14C) et la sériation du matériel archéologique. L’hypothèse archéologique propose que le village aurait été occupé pendant les années 1518 à 1530 de notre ère (Chapdelaine 2015a). Les résultats que nous proposons dans ce présent mémoire appuient cette proposition. Nous avons obtenu un âge de 490 ± 49 ans (année de référence : 2013), correspondant à l’année 1523 de notre ère avec une probabilité d’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran entre les années 1474 et 1572. Le programme de datation par luminescence optique a été réalisé sur des fragments de poterie domestique composés d’argile de la Mer de Champlain datant de la période du Quaternaire récent. La datation par stimulation infrarouge (IRSL) a été préférentiellement utilisée sur des aliquotes de grains fins polyminéraliques. Pour la détermination des doses équivalentes, un protocole SAR (Murray et Wintle 2000) modifié pour la mesure des feldspaths et incluant un lessivage optique a été utilisé (Lamothe et al. 2004). Les valeurs g ont été mesurées en suivant le protocole proposé par Auclair et al. (2003). La correction de Huntley et Lamothe (2001) a été utilisée afin de corriger les doses équivalentes mesurées pour la décroissance anormale du signal feldspathique. Les doses annuelles ont pour leur part été déterminées par des mesures réalisées in situ et en laboratoire. Les résultats que nous présentons dans ce mémoire sont affectés par une dispersion assez large. Cette variabilité a été prise en compte par des méthodes statistiques pour la détermination de l’âge probable de l’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran.
The main objective on this research is to evaluate and detect the profile of development and possible deviations that expouses a high biological, social and / or environmental risk on Indigenous children under three years old who attend to Child Centers of Good Living in the Indigenous Community of Salasaca - Tungurahua. The study was conducted with 90 children whom attend these centers. The Bayley Scale for Infant Development III (Bayley Scales for Infant Development - BSID) was applied to the study, for it was a standardized international test for scientific research on child development. It values the state of development and identifies deficits on children from 0 to 42 months old. Two types of questionnaires were applied to the Technical Assistants Child Development and to the Daily care Child Centers. Another querionary was used for the mothers of this centers in order to establish the level of knowledge over some factors, which may influence on child development during early childhood, as well as the parenting patterns characteristic of the indigenous community of Salasaca- Tungurahua. Analytical, synthetical and statistical methods for results interpretation were used for the Theoretical framework of this work. The scope of this research is the socio educative type. It benefits generally to all society particularly to children on infant stage and to the Indigenous Community of Salasaca...
This research develops an econometric framework to analyze time series processes with bounds. The framework is general enough that it can incorporate several different kinds of bounding information that constrain continuous-time stochastic processes between discretely-sampled observations. It applies to situations in which the process is known to remain within an interval between observations, by way of either a known constraint or through the observation of extreme realizations of the process. The main statistical technique employs the theory of maximum likelihood estimation. This approach leads to the development of the asymptotic distribution theory for the estimation of the parameters in bounded diffusion models. The results of this analysis present several implications for empirical research. The advantages are realized in the form of efficiency gains, bias reduction and in the flexibility of model specification. A bias arises in the presence of bounding information that is ignored, while it is mitigated within this framework. An efficiency gain arises, in the sense that the statistical methods make use of conditioning information, as revealed by the bounds. Further, the specification of an econometric model can be uncoupled from the restriction to the bounds, leaving the researcher free to model the process near the bound in a way that avoids bias from misspecification. One byproduct of the improvements in model specification is that the more precise model estimation exposes other sources of misspecification. Some processes reveal themselves to be unlikely candidates for a given diffusion model, once the observations are analyzed in combination with the bounding information. A closer inspection of the theoretical foundation behind diffusion models leads to a more general specification of the model. This approach is used to produce a set of algorithms to make the model computationally feasible and more widely applicable. Finally, the modeling framework is applied to a series of interest rates, which, for several years, have been constrained by the lower bound of zero. The estimates from a series of diffusion models suggest a substantial difference in estimation results between models that ignore bounds and the framework that takes bounding information into consideration.
As a relatively new phenomenon in 2009, Swedish nonprofit social service providers proposed quality improvement as a way to reduce mistakes, use resources more effectively and meet the needs and expectations of clients in a better way. Although similar experiences have been studied in health care, the transfer of quality improvement to nonprofit social services gives a possibility for more knowledge on what enables, and constrains, systematic quality improvement in this specific context. This thesis is based on five years of supporting quality improvement in the Swedish nonprofit welfare sector. Specifically, it builds knowledge on which active mechanisms and enabling or constraining structures exist for nonprofit social service quality improvement. By studying quality improvement projects that have been conducted in the development program Forum for Values, critical cases and broad overviews are found valuable. These cases have resulted in four papers on quality improvement in nonprofit social services. The papers include: critical cases from a nursing home for elderly and a daycare for disabled children (Paper I); a critical case from a sheltered housing (Paper II); an overview of performance measurements in 127 quality improvement projects (Paper III); and an analytical model of how improvement policy and practice are bridged by intermediaries (Paper IV). In this thesis, enabled or constrained events and activities related to Deming's system of profound knowledge are identified from the papers and elaborated upon. As a basis for transforming practice into continuous improvement, profound knowledge includes the four knowledge domains: appreciation of a system, theory of knowledge, understanding of variation and psychology of change. From a realist perspective, the identified events are seen as enabled or constrained by mechanisms and underlying regularities, or structures, in the context of nonprofit social services. The emerging mechanisms found in this thesis are: describing and reflecting upon project relations; forming and testing a theory of action; collecting and displaying measurable results over time; and engaging and participating in a development program. The structures that enable these mechanisms are: connecting projects to shared values such as client needs; local ownership of what should be measured; and translating quality improvement into a single practice. Constraining structures identified are: a lack of generalizable scientific knowledge and inappropriate or missing infrastructure for measurements. Reflecting upon the emergent structures of nonprofit social services, the role of political macro structures, reflective practice, competence in statistical methods and areas of expertise becomes important. From this discussion and the findings some hypotheses for future work can be formulated. First, the identified mechanisms and structures form a framework that helps explain why intended actions of quality improvement occur or not. This frameworkcan be part of formulating a program theory of quality improvement in nonprofit social services. With this theory, quality improvement can be evaluated, reflected upon and further developed in future interventions. Second,new quality improvement interventions can be reproduced more regularly by active work with known enablers and constraints from this program theory. This means that long-lasting interventions can be performed and studied in a second generation of improvement efforts. Third, if organizations integrate quality improvement as a part of their everyday practice they also develop context-specific knowledge about their services. This context-specific knowledge can be adopted and further developed through dedicated management and understanding of variation. Thus, if enabling structures are invoked and constraining structures handled, systematic quality improvement could be one way to integrate generalizable scientific knowledge as part of an evidence-creating practice.
La luminescence optique (OSL) a été mesurée sur dix-sept fragments de poterie collectés à Mailhot-Curran (BgFn-2), un site archéologique du Sylvicole supérieur tardif localisé dans le sud-ouest du Québec. Le but principal de ce projet était de dater ce site qui est considéré jusqu’à maintenant comme le plus récent site préhistorique de la concentration de Saint-Anicet, afin de poser un jalon dans la chronologie des sites de cette région. L’OSL a été utilisée conjointement à la datation par radiocarbone (14C) et la sériation du matériel archéologique. L’hypothèse archéologique propose que le village aurait été occupé pendant les années 1518 à 1530 de notre ère (Chapdelaine 2015a). Les résultats que nous proposons dans ce présent mémoire appuient cette proposition. Nous avons obtenu un âge de 490 ± 49 ans (année de référence : 2013), correspondant à l’année 1523 de notre ère avec une probabilité d’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran entre les années 1474 et 1572. Le programme de datation par luminescence optique a été réalisé sur des fragments de poterie domestique composés d’argile de la Mer de Champlain datant de la période du Quaternaire récent. La datation par stimulation infrarouge (IRSL) a été préférentiellement utilisée sur des aliquotes de grains fins polyminéraliques. Pour la détermination des doses équivalentes, un protocole SAR (Murray et Wintle 2000) modifié pour la mesure des feldspaths et incluant un lessivage optique a été utilisé (Lamothe et al. 2004). Les valeurs g ont été mesurées en suivant le protocole proposé par Auclair et al. (2003). La correction de Huntley et Lamothe (2001) a été utilisée afin de corriger les doses équivalentes mesurées pour la décroissance anormale du signal feldspathique. Les doses annuelles ont pour leur part été déterminées par des mesures réalisées in situ et en laboratoire. Les résultats que nous présentons dans ce mémoire sont affectés par une dispersion assez large. Cette variabilité a été prise en compte par des méthodes statistiques pour la détermination de l’âge probable de l’occupation du site Mailhot-Curran.
Objetivo: Determinar diferencias en las impedancias basales registradas durante los procedimientos de denervación renal por radiofrecuencia de los pacientes sometidos a este procedimiento en la Fundación Cardioinfantil de Bogotá durante los años 2012 a 2015. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico de corte retrospectivo, donde se analizaron todas las impedancias basales medidas durante los procedimientos de denervación renal, buscando diferencias significativas entre los segmentos de las arterias intervenidas, estratificados en proximal, medio distal y superior, lateral, inferior u ostial. Con seguimiento a los pacientes a tres, seis y doce meses en cuanto a presión arterial de consultorio. Resultados: Se evaluaron 150 puntos de denervación renal exitosos, correspondientes a 23 arterias renales de 11 procedimientos. La mediana de edad fue 56 años. Al realizar un modelo de regresión lineal no se encontró ninguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las impedancias de ninguno de los segmentos de las arterias ni sitios anatómicos. Se documentó disminución de presión arterial sistólica a tres meses, seis meses y doce meses de 14 mmHg (RIQ 10-33mmHg), 21 mmHg (RIQ 12-42mmHg) y 19 mmHg (RIQ 11-42 mmHg) respectivamente
Resumen Introducción: El uso de la voz profesional requiere de una técnica y medidas de conservación para no verse afectada. Un inadecuado esquema corporal en el profesional de la voz, ocasiona alteración en los parámetros respiratorios y vocales manifestándose como disfonía. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y caracterización de disfonía en 200 tele operadores de un call Center en Bogotá Colombia. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal con datos secundarios provenientes de una base de datos con registros de una población de 200 tele operadores de un call center en Bogotá, Colombia, a los cuales se les aplicó evaluación de respiración y de voz durante el año 2003. La estimación de la prevalencia de la disfonía se realizó a través de la distribución de frecuencias relativas. Se realizó caracterización de la población estudiada según variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y parámetros respiratorios y vocales a través de métodos estadísticos según la naturaleza de estas variables. Se determinó la asociación entre factores ambientales, síntomas asociados, síntomas vocales, perfil vocal de Wilson y disfonía mediante la prueba de Chi Cuadrado de Pearson. Resultados: la prevalencia de disfonía fue del 73% (n= 146), el 34% presentó grado de disfonía moderado. Los resultados obtenidos en los parámetros de evaluación vocal se encontraron dentro del rango de normalidad, analizados en forma individual (tono, rango intensidad) y se relacionan con los resultados obtenidos con la prevalencia disfonía. El 95,5% de los tele operadores los parámetros respiratorios se encontraron alterados. Los tele operadores con disfonía en comparación a los sin disfonía tuvieron mayor frecuencia de presentación de los siguientes factores ambientales: ruido (68% vs 50,9% p=0,03) y vapores (27,2% vs 11,3% p= 0,02), síntomas corporales y de la voz respectivamente: cuello (69,4% vs 54,7% p= 0,05), dolor en la laringe (19,7% vs 7,5% p= 0,04). Conclusión: La prevalencia de disfonía encontrada en este call center fue alta Lo que requiere la implementación de medidas de prevención como tamizajes acústicos, para hacer seguimiento a las cualidades de la voz más afectadas, entrenamiento respiratorio y vocal, pausas vocales y medidas de conservación de la voz, para contribuir a que el tele operador desarrolle un mejor manejo de sus cualidades vocales acorde con su uso y disminuir la prevalencia de disfonía.
Introducción: actualmente los trastornos músculo esqueléticos (TME) han sido reconocidos como la principal causa de morbilidad en el trabajo, dado el porcentaje de ausentismo laboral que representa, generando reducción en la productividad de las industrias. Una visión general de la prevalencia en TME puede conducir a métodos de prevención de morbilidad adecuados para cada tipo de proceso, y así proporcionar un ambiente más seguro y confortable. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares y su relación con factores individuales y laborales en personal de una empresa dedicada a prestar servicio de seguridad electrónica en Bogotá, en el 2013. Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, desarrollado a partir de fuentes de datos secundarios de una población de 199 trabajadores, con información sociodemográfica y síntomas osteomusculares en los distintos roles laborales (administrativo, soporte y de campo) de una empresa de servicios en seguridad electrónica. Se usaron métodos estadísticos para el cálculo de proporciones, se estimaron las prevalencias osteomusculares globales, realizando comparaciones por rol laboral. La revisión de la asociación entre factores sociodemográficos y laborales con síntomas de TME se hizo a través de la prueba Chi2 de asociación o prueba exacta de Fisher. Resultados: Los segmentos que mostraron la mayor frecuencia en morbilidad de TME fueron espalda, cuello, muñecas y manos. Se encontró asociación entre dolor de hombros y brazos con la edad, OR=0,54 (IC95%=0,30-0,95) y tiempo en el cargo, OR=1,855(IC 95%=1,043-3,297); entre dolor de cuello y edad OR=0,50 (IC95%=0,27-0,90) y entre dolor de muñecas y/o manos con tiempo en el cargo, OR=1,827(IC 95%=1,032-3,235). Conclusión: Se presenta morbilidad por TME en varios segmentos, derivados de factores (individuales y laborales), ratificando la importancia de hacer intervenciones integrales de control de riesgos para su prevención.
Acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring can be used to detect the presence of damage as well as determine its location in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications. Information on the time difference of the signal generated by the damage event arriving at different sensors is essential in performing localization. This makes the time of arrival (ToA) an important piece of information to retrieve from the AE signal. Generally, this is determined using statistical methods such as the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) which is particularly prone to errors in the presence of noise. And given that the structures of interest are surrounded with harsh environments, a way to accurately estimate the arrival time in such noisy scenarios is of particular interest. In this work, two new methods are presented to estimate the arrival times of AE signals which are based on Machine Learning. Inspired by great results in the field, two models are presented which are Deep Learning models - a subset of machine learning. They are based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Capsule Neural Network (CapsNet). The primary advantage of such models is that they do not require the user to pre-define selected features but only require raw data to be given and the models establish non-linear relationships between the inputs and outputs. The performance of the models is evaluated using AE signals generated by a custom ray-tracing algorithm by propagating them on an aluminium plate and compared to AIC. It was found that the relative error in estimation on the test set was < 5% for the models compared to around 45% of AIC. The testing process was further continued by preparing an experimental setup and acquiring real AE signals to test on. Similar performances were observed where the two models not only outperform AIC by more than a magnitude in their average errors but also they were shown to be a lot more robust as compared to AIC which fails in the presence of noise.