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Sensitive and precise radioimmunoassays for insulin and glucagon have been established. Although it was possible to employ similar precepts to the development of both hormone assays, the establishment of a reliable glucagon radioimmunoassay was complicated by the poor immunogenicity and instability of the peptide. Thus, unlike insulin antisera which were prepared by monthly injection of guinea pigs with crystalline insulin emulsified in adjuvant, the successful production of glucagon antisera was accomplished by immunisation of rabbits and guinea pigs with glucagon covalently linked to bovine plasma albumin. The conventional chloramine-T iodination with purification by gel chromatography was only suitable for the production of labelled insulin. Quality tracer for use in the glucagon radioimmunoassay was prepared by trace iodination, with subsequent purification of monoiodinated glucagon by anion exchange chromatography. Separation of free and antibody bound moieties by coated charcoal was applicable to both hormone assays, and a computerised data processing system, relying on logit-log transformation, was used to analyse all assay results. The assays were employed to evaluate the regulation of endocrine pancreatic function and the role of insulin and glucagon in the pathogenesis of the obese hyperglycaemic syndrome in mice. In the homozygous (ob/ob) condition, mice of the Birmingham strain were characterised by numerous abnormalities of glucose homeostasis, several of which were detected in heterozygous (ob/+) mice. Obese mice exhibited pancreatic alpha cell dysfunction and hyperglucagonaemia. Investigation of this defect revealed a marked insensitivity of an insulin dependent glucose sensing mechanism that inhibited glucagon secretion. Although circulating glucagon was of minor importance in the maintenance of hyperinsulinaemia, lack of suppression of alpha cell function by glucose and insulin contributed significantly to both the insulin insensitivity and the hyperglycaemia of obese mice.


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Type 2 diabetes is an insidious disorder, with micro and/or macrovascular and nervous damage occurring in many patients before diagnosis. This damage is caused by hyperglycaemia and the diverse effects of insulin resistance. Obesity, in particular central obesity, is a strong pre-disposing factor for type 2 diabetes. Skeletal muscle is the main site of insulin-stimulated glucose disposal and appears to be the first organ that becomes insulin resistant in the diabetic state, with later involvement of adipose tissue and the liver. This study has investigated the use of novel agents to ameliorate insulin-resistance in skeletal muscle as a means of identifying intervention sites against insulin resistance and of improving glucose uptake and metabolism by skeletal muscle. Glucose uptake was measured in vitro by cultured L6 myocytes and isolated muscles from normal and obese diabetic ob/ob mice, using either the tritiated non-metabolised glucose analogue 2-deoxy-D-glucose or by glucose disposal. Agents studied included lipoic acid, isoferulic acid, bradykinin, lipid mobilising factor (provisionally synonymous with Zinca2 glycoprotein) and the trace elements lithium, selenium and chromium. The putative role of TNFa in insulin resistance was also investigated. Lipoic acid improved insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in normal and insulin resistance murine muscles, as well as cultured myocytes. Isoferulic acid, bradykinin and LMF also produced a transient increase in glucose uptake in cultured myocytes. Physiological concentrations of TNFa were found to cause insulin resistance in cultured, but no in excised murine muscles. The effect of the M2 metabolite of the satiety-inducing agent sibutramine on lipolysis in excised murine and human adipocytes was also investigated. M2 increased lipolysis from normal lean and obese ob/ob mouse adipocytes. Arguably the most important observation was that M2 also increased the lipolytic rate in adipocytes from catecholamine resistant obese subjects. The studies reported in this thesis indicate that a diversity of agents can improve glucose uptake and ameliorate insulin resistance. It is likely that these agents are acting via different pathways. This thesis has also shown that M2 can induce lipolysis in both rodent and human adipocytes. M2 hence has potential to directly reduce adiposity, in addition to well documented effects via the central nervous system.


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Impaired insulin action (insulin resistance) is a key factor in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. To investigate therapeutic targets against insulin resistance, this thesis explores the mechanism of action of pharmacological agents and exogenous peptides known or suspected to modify insulin action. These included leptin, a hormone primarily involved in the regulation of body weight; sibutramine, an antiobesity agent; plant-derived compounds (pinitol and chamaemeloside) and agents known to affect insulin sensitivity, e.g. metformin, tolbutamide, thiazolidinediones, vanadyl sulphate and thioctic acid. Models used for investigation included the L6 skeletal muscle cell line and isolated skeletal muscles. In vivo studies were undertaken to investigate glycaemia, insulinaemia, satiety and body weight in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice and obese (ob/ob) mice. Leptin acutely altered insulin action in skeletal muscle cells via the short form of the leptin receptor. This direct action of leptin was mediated via a pathway involving PI 3-kinase but not Jak2. The active metabolites of sibutramine had antidiabetic properties in vivo and directly improved insulin sensitivity in vitro. This effect appeared to be conducted via a non-PI 3-kinase-mediated increase in protein synthesis with facilitated glucose transport, and was independent of the serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibition produced by sibutramine. Pinitol (a methyl inositol) had an insulin mimetic effect and was an effective glucose-lowering agent in insulinopenic states, acting directly on skeletal muscle. Conversely chamaemeloside appeared to improve glucose tolerance without directly altering glucose transport. Metformin directly increased basal glucose uptake independently of PI 3-kinase, possibly via an increase in the intrinsic activity of glucose transporters. Neither tolbutamide nor thiazolidinediones directly altered insulin sensitivity in L6 skeletal muscle cells: however vanadyl sulphate and thioctic acid increased glucose transport but appeared to exert toxic effects at therapeutic concentrations. Examination of glucose transport in skeletal muscle in this thesis has identified various components of post-receptor insulin signalling pathways which may be targeted to ameliorate insulin resistance. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Obesity L6 Skeletal Muscle Cells Glucose Transport Insulin Signalling 2


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Concanavalin A, provoked a 35-fold increase in the rate of proliferation of rat thymocytes. Insulin (10-6M), and insulin-like growth factor I (10-10M) approximately doubled the rate of DNA synthesis. Both of these structurally related molecules acted through the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor. The sequential addition of Concanavalin A and insulin, promoted a much greater proliferative response than to either of the two agonists alone. Insulin also increased the uptake of glucose and amino acids by the cells. Glucose uptake was enhanced at insulin concentrations of 10-6M and 10-10M. Amino acid uptake was more strongly affected at the higher concentration. Insulin-like growth factor I (10-11M) also enhanced amino acid uptake. The effects of insulin on metabolism were mediated by both insulin and type I insulin-like growth factor receptors. These effects were greatly enhanced after a pre-treatment with Concanavalin A. Concanavalin A provided a primary mitogenic signal to the cells. Amongst the responses was an increased expression of insulin and/or type I insulin-like growth factor receptors. The consequent enhanced cellular sensitivity to these agonists, enabled them to facilitate the passage of the cells through the cell cycle by: i) providing a secondary mitogenic signal, and ii) promoting the uptake of raw materials and energy substrates. The initiation of DNA synthesis and passage through the cell cycle was thus punctuated by the sequential expression of various cell surface receptors. This regulated cellular sensitivity, enabling them to react in a precisely orchestrated fashion to hormones and other molecules in their environment. The intracellular mechanism of insulin action remains an enigma. Although the presence of extracellular calcium was essential for insulin stimulation of amino acid uptake and DNA synthesis, the cation did not subserve a direct mediator function. Insulin promoted an increase in intracellular pH, which was mediated by the Na+/H+ antiport. Other mechanisms were probably also involved in mediating the full cellular response to insulin.


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This thesis is concerned with the role of /3-cell cytoskeletal proteins in the mechanism of insulin release from islets of experimental animals, the Aston obese diabetic hyperglycaemic (ob/ob) mouse and their lean littermates and the cultural insulin secreting /?-cell lines, HIT-TT5 and RINm5F. Investigations were carried out into the glucose induced insulin response of the lean and obese mouse islets and HIT-TI5 cells and the D-glyceraldehyde response of RINm5F cells using a static incubation system. Colchicine was found to inhibit insulin release from both lean and obese mouse islets more significantly than cultured TTT-TI5 and RINm5F cells. (Colchicine pre-treatment also inhibited the second phase of insulin release from perifused lean mouse islets and HIT-TI5 cells). Cytocha-lasin B, used to investigate the role of the microfilamentous system in the mechanism of insulin release enhanced insulin release from both lean and obese mouse islets to a significantly greater degree than that from cultured HIT-TI5 and RINm5F cells. Pre-treatment of isolated lean and obese mouse islets and cultured /?-cells with a combination of colchicine and cytochalasin B significantly reduced the insulin response of the HIT-TI5 and RINm5F cells compared with the control values suggesting that intact microtubules are more important for the sustained release of insulin than the microfilamentous system. However, the response was not so clearly defined with the lean and obese mouse islets. Tubulin was separated from the extracts of lean mouse islets and the HIT-TI5 and RINm5F cells and actin was separated from all of the cell types including the obese mouse islets by SDS- polyacrylamide electrophoresis. A tubulin radioimmunoassay and a colchicine binding assay were developed to measure the tubulin content of lean and obese mouse islets, and the shift between the proportions of tubulin dimers and polymerized tubulin under stimulatory and non-stimulatory conditions. The assay methods developed were not prone to be accurate, sensitive and precise but gave some indication of the shift from unpolymerised to polymerised tubulin during glucose stimulated insulin release. These studies show that microtubules do play a fundamental role in the mechanism of insulin release from both islets and cultured HIT-TI5 and RINm5F cells.


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Currently available treatments for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus are often inadequate in terms of both efficacy and patient compliance. Gene therapy offers the possibility of a novel and improved method by which exogenous insulin can be delivered to a patient. This was approached in the present study by constructing a novel insulin-secreting cell line. For the purposes of this work immortalized cell lines were used. Fibroblasts and pituitary cells were transfected with the human preproisinulin gene to create stable lines of proinsulin- and insulin-secreting cells. The effect of known β-cell secretagogues on these cells were investigated, and found mostly to have no stimulatory effect, although IBMX, arginine and ZnSO4 each increased the rate of secretion. Cyclosporin (CyA) is currently the immunosuppresant of choice for transplant recipients; the effect of this treatment on endogenous β-cell function was assessed both in vivo and in vitro. Therapeutic doses of CyA were found to reduce plasma insulin concentrations and to impair glucose tolerance. The effect of immunoisolation on insulin release by HIT T15 cells was also investigated. The presence of an alginate membrane was found to severely impair insulin release. For the first implantation of the insulin-secreting cells, the animal model selected was the athymic nude mouse. This animal is immunoincompetent, and hence the use of an immunosuppressive regimen is circumvented. Graft function was assessed by measurement of plasma human C peptide concentrations, using a highly specific assay. Intraperitoneal implantation of genetically manipulated insulin-secreting pituitary cells into nude mice subsequently treated with a large dose of streptozotocin (STZ) resulted in a significantly delayed onset of hyperglycaemia when compared to control animals. Consumption of a ZnSO4 solution was shown to increase human C peptide release by the implant. Ensuing studies in nude mice examined the efficacy of different implantation sites, and included histochemical examination of the tumours. Aldehyde fuchsin staining and immunocytochemical processing demonstrated the presence of insulin containing cells within the excised tissue. Following initial investigations in nude mice, implantation studies were performed in CyA-immunosuppressed normal and STZ-diabetic mice. Graft function was found to be less efficacious, possibly due to the subcutaneous implantation site, or to the immunosuppresive regimen. Histochemical and transmission electron microscopic analysis of the tumour-like cell clusters found at autopsy revealed necrosis of cells at the core, but essentially normal cell morphology, with dense secretory granules in peripheral cells. The thesis provides evidence that gene therapy offers a feasibly new approach to insulin delivery.


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The present study investigated the effect of the two most abundant FFA in plasma – palmitate and oleate – on insulin sensitivity and vascular function (monocyte phenotype and adhesion to endothelium) using in vitro cell culture models and Wistar rats. Palmitate at 300µM for 6h induced insulin resistance in THP-1 monocytes and L6 monocytes. The ceramide synthesis pathway partly accounted for the palmitate-induced insulin resistance in THP-1 monocytes but not for L6 myotubes. Oleate treatment did not induce insulin resistance in either cell type and co-incubation with oleate protected cells from palmitate-induced insulin resistance. Palmitate at 300µN for 24h significantly increased cell surface CD11b and CD36 expression in U937 monocytes. The increase in CD11b and CD36 expression was effectively inhibited by Fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of ceramide synthesis. Oleate treatment did not show any effect on CD11b and CD36 expression and co-incubation with oleate antagonised the effect of palmitate on CD11b and CD36 expression in U937 monocytes. The increase in CD11b expression did not affect U937 monocyte adhesion to ICAM-1. Treating Wistar rats with palmitate for 6h caused a transient delay in glucose disposal and an increase in adhesion of U937 monocytes to the aortic endothelium, particularly at bifurcations. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that the saturated free fatty acid palmitate induces insulin resistance and a pro-atherogenic phenotype for monocytes, whereas the unsaturated free fatty acid oleate does not. In vivo studies also confirmed that palmitate induces insulin resistance and an increase in monocyte adhesion to aorta.


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Established RlNm5F and lN111 R1 and newly available HlT-T15 and UMR 407/3 B-cell lines have been successfully maintained in vitro. With the exclusion of UMR 407/3 cells, all lines were continuously propagable. Doubling times and plating efficiencies for HlT-T15, RlNm5F, lN111 R1 and UMR 407/3 cells were 20 hours and 85%, 31 hours and 76%, 24 hours and 80% and 38 hours and 94% respectively. All the cell lines were anchorage dependent, but only UMR 407/3 cells grew to confluence. Only HlT-T15 and UMR 407/3 cells produced a true insulin response to glucose but glucose markedly increased the rate of D-[U14C]glucose oxidation by all the cell lines. Glucose induced insulin release from HlT-T15 cells was biphasic with an exaggerated first phase. Insulin release from HlT-T15, RlNm5F and IN111 R1 cells was stimulated by amino acids and sulphonylureas. Glucagon stimulated insulin release from HlT-T15 and RlNm5F cells while somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide inhibited release. These observations suggest that net insulin release from the whole islet may be the result of significant paracrine interaction. HlT-T15 and RlNm5F cell insulin release was stimulated by forskolin and inhibited by imidazole. Ca2+ channel blockade and calmodulin inhibition suppressed insulin release from HlT-T15, RlNm5F and IN111 R1 cells. In addition phorbol esters stimulated insulin release from RlNm5F cells. These data implicate cAMP, Ca2+ and protein kinase-C in the regulation of insulin release from cultured B-cells. Acetylcholine increased insulin release from HlT-T15 and RlNm5F cells. Inhibition of the response by atropine confirmed the involvement of muscarinic receptors. HlT-T15 cell insulin release was also inhibited by adrenaline. These observations suggest a possible role for the autonomic nervous system in the modulation of insulin release. Preliminary studies with a human insulinoma maintained in monolayer culture have demonstrated a limited life span of some seven weeks, a continuous low level of insulin release but no insulin response to glucose challenge.


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The role of the adipocyte-derived factor visfatin in metabolism remains controversial, although some pancreatic ß-cell-specific effects have been reported. This study investigated the effects of visfatin upon insulin secretion, insulin receptor activation and mRNA expression of key diabetes-related genes in clonal mouse pancreatic ß-cells. ß-TC6 cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 and were subsequently treated with recombinant visfatin. One-hour static insulin secretion was measured by ELISA. Phospho-specific ELISA and western blotting were used to detect insulin receptor activation. Real-time SYBR Green PCR array technology was used to measure the expression of 84 diabetes-related genes in both treatment and control cells. Incubation with visfatin caused significant changes in the mRNA expression of several key diabetes-related genes, including marked up-regulation of insulin (9-fold increase), hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)1ß (32-fold increase), HNF4a (16-fold increase) and nuclear factor ?B (40-fold increase). Significant down-regulation was seen in angiotensin-converting enzyme (-3.73-fold) and UCP2 (-1.3-fold). Visfatin also caused a significant 46% increase in insulin secretion compared to control (P<0.003) at low glucose, and this increase was blocked by co-incubation with the specific nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase inhibitor FK866. Both visfatin and nicotinamide mononucleotide induced activation of both insulin receptor and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2, with visfatin-induced insulin receptor/ERK1/2 activation being inhibited by FK866. We conclude that visfatin can significantly regulate insulin secretion, insulin receptor phosphorylation and intracellular signalling and the expression of a number of ß-cell function-associated genes in mouse ß-cells.


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Aims/hypothesis - Loss of the trophic support provided by surrounding non-endocrine pancreatic cell populations underlies the decline in beta cell mass and insulin secretory function observed in human islets following isolation and culture. This study sought to determine whether restoration of regulatory influences mediated by ductal epithelial cells promotes sustained beta cell function in vitro. Methods - Human islets were isolated according to existing protocols. Ductal epithelial cells were harvested from the exocrine tissue remaining after islet isolation, expanded in monolayer culture and characterised using fluorescence immunocytochemistry. The two cell types were co-cultured under conventional static culture conditions or within a rotational cell culture system. The effect of co-culture on islet structural integrity, beta cell mass and insulin secretory capacity was observed for 10 days following isolation. Results - Human islets maintained under conventional culture conditions exhibited a characteristic loss in structural integrity and functional viability as indicated by a diminution of glucose responsiveness. By contrast, co-culture of islets with ductal epithelial cells led to preserved islet morphology and sustained beta cell function, most evident in co-cultures held within the rotational cell culture system, which showed a significantly (p<0.05) greater insulin secretory response to elevated glucose compared with control islets. Similarly, insulin/protein ratio data suggested that the presence of ductal epithelial cells is beneficial for the maintenance of beta cell mass. Conclusions/interpretation - The data indicate a supportive role for ductal epithelial cells in islet viability. Further characterisation of the regulatory influences may lead to novel strategies to improve long-term beta cell function both in vitro and following islet transplantation.


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Background Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the potential to produce unlimited numbers of surrogate insulin-producing cells for cell replacement therapy of type I diabetes mellitus. The impact of the in vivo environment on mouse ES cell differentiation towards insulin-producing cells was analysed morphologically after implantation. Methods ES cells differentiated in vitro into insulin-producing cells according to the Lumelsky protocol or a new four-stage differentiation protocol were analysed morphologically before and after implantation for gene expression by in situ reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and protein expression by immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural analysis. Results In comparison with nestin positive ES cells developed according to the reference protocol, the number of ES cells differentiated with the four-stage protocol increased under in vivo conditions upon morphological analysis. The cells exhibited, in comparison to the in vitro situation, increased gene and protein expression of Pdx1, insulin, islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP), the GLUT2 glucose transporter and glucokinase, which are functional markers for glucose-induced insulin secretion of pancreatic beta cells. Renal sub-capsular implantation of ES cells with a higher degree of differentiation achieved by in vitro differentiation with a four-stage protocol enabled further significant maturation for the beta-cell-specific markers, insulin and the co-stored IAPP as well as the glucose recognition structures. in contrast, further in vivo differentiation was not achieved with cells differentiated in vitro by the reference protocol. Conclusions A sufficient degree of in vitro differentiation is an essential prerequisite for further substantial maturation in a beta-cell-specific way in vivo, supported by cell-cell contacts and vascularisation. Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Aim: Delayed graft revascularization impedes the success of human islet transplantation. This study utilized rotational co-culture of insulin secreting ß-cells with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-?) agonist to promote insulin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) secretory function. Methods: Clonal BRIN-BD11 (D11) cells were maintained in static culture (SC) and rotational culture (RC) ± HUVEC and ± the TZD (thiazolidinedione) rosiglitazone (10 mmol/l) as a specific PPAR-? agonist. HUVECs were cultured in SC and RC ± D11 and ± TZD. D11 insulin secretion was induced by static incubation with low glucose (1.67 mmol/l), high glucose (16.7 mmol/l) and high glucose with 10 mmol/l theophylline (G+T) and assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). HUVEC proliferation was determined by ATP luminescence, whereas VEGF secretion was quantified by ELISA. Co-cultured cells were characterized by immunostaining for insulin and CD31. Results: D11 SC and RC showed enhanced insulin secretion in response to 16.7 mmol/l and G+T (p <0.01); without significant alteration by the TZD. Co-culture with HUVEC in SC and RC also increased D11 insulin secretion when challenged with 16.7 mmol/l and G+T (p <0.01), and this was slightly enhanced by the TZD. The presence of HUVEC increased D11 SC and RC insulin secretion in response to high glucose and G+T, respectively (p <0.01). Addition of the TZD increased SC and RC HUVEC ATP content (p <0.01) and VEGF production (p <0.01) in the presence and absence of D11 cells. Conclusions: Rotational co-culture of insulin secreting cells with endothelial cells, and exposure to a PPAR-? agonist may improve the prospects for graft revascularization and function after implantation. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Aims: Prolonged exposure of pancreatic beta-cells in vitro to the sulphonylureas tolbutamide and glibenclamide induces subsequent desensitization of insulinotropic pathways. Clinically, the insulin-sensitizing biguanide drug metformin is often administered alongside sulphonylurea as antidiabetic therapy. The present study examines the functional effects of metformin (200 µM) on tolbutamide- and glibenclamide-induced desensitisation. Methods: Acute and prolonged (18 h) effects of exposure to tolbutamide and glibenclamide alone, or in the presence of metformin, were examined in insulin-secreting BRIN-BD11 cells. Results: In acute 20 min incubations at 1.1 mM glucose, metformin increased (1.2-1.7-fold; p <0.001) the insulin-releasing actions of tolbutamide and glibenclamide. At 16.7 mM glucose, metformin significantly enhanced glibenclamide-induced insulin release at all concentrations (50-400 µM) examined, but tolbutamide-stimulated insulin secretion was only augmented at higher concentrations (300-400 µM). Exposure for 18 h to 100 µM tolbutamide or glibenclamide significantly impaired insulin release in response to glucose and a broad range of insulin secretagogues. Concomitant culture with metformin (200 µM) prevented or partially reversed many of the adverse effects on K channel dependent and independent insulinotropic pathways. Beneficial effects of metformin were also observed in cells exposed to glibenclamide for 18 h with significant improvements in the insulin secretory responsiveness to alanine, GLP-1 and sulphonylureas. The decrease of viable cell numbers observed with glibenclamide was reversed by co-culture with metformin, but cellular insulin content was depressed. Conclusions: The results suggest that metformin can prevent the aspects of sulphonylurea-induced beta-cell desensitization. © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are used as antidiabetic therapy. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether the TZD rosiglitazone has direct actions on pancreatic beta-cells that contribute to its overall effects. Effects of acute and prolonged (48 h) exposure to rosiglitazone, as a model glitazone compound, were assessed in clonal pancreatic BRIN-BD11 beta-cells maintained in standard, glucotoxic and lipotoxic cultures. In acute 20-min incubations, rosiglitazone (0.2-100 M) did not alter basal or glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. However, rosiglitazone (6.25 M) enhanced (p


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Objective: Reduced insulin sensitivity associated with fasting hyperproinsulinaemia is common in type 2 diabetes. Proinsulinaemia is an established independent cardiovascular risk factor. The objective was to investigate fasting and postprandial release of insulin, proinsulin (PI) and 32-33 split proinsulin (SPI) before and after sensitization to insulin with pioglitazone compared to a group treated with glibenclamide. Design and patients: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Twenty-two type 2 diabetic patients were recruited along with 10 normal subjects. After 4 weeks washout, patients received a mixed meal and were assigned to receive pioglitazone or glibenclamide for 20 weeks, after which patients received another identical test meal. The treatment regimes were designed to maintain glycaemic control (HbA1c) at pretreatment levels so that ß-cells received an equivalent glycaemic stimulus for both test meals. Measurements: Plasma insulin, PI, SPI and glucose concentrations were measured over an 8-h postprandial period. The output of PI and SPI was measured as the integrated postprandial response (area under the curve, AUC). Results: Pioglitazone treatment resulted in a significant reduction in fasting levels of PI and SPI compared to those of the controls. Postprandially, pioglitazone treatment had no effect on the insulin AUC response to the meal but significantly reduced the PI and SPI AUCs. Glibenclamide increased fasting insulin and the postprandial insulin AUC but had no effect on the PI and SPI AUCs. Conclusions: Sensitization to insulin with pioglitazone reduces the amount of insulin precursor species present in fasting and postprandially and may reduce cardiovascular risk. © 2007 The Authors.