929 resultados para GERMAN HOSPITALS
The Wadden Sea is located in the southeastern part of the North Sea forming an extended intertidal area along the Dutch, German and Danish coast. It is a highly dynamic and largely natural ecosystem influenced by climatic changes and anthropogenic use of the North Sea. Changes in the environment of the Wadden Sea, natural or anthropogenic origin, cannot be monitored by the standard measurement methods alone, because large-area surveys of the intertidal flats are often difficult due to tides, tidal channels and unstable underground. For this reason, remote sensing offers effective monitoring tools. In this study a multi-sensor concept for classification of intertidal areas in the Wadden Sea has been developed. Basis for this method is a combined analysis of RapidEye (RE) and TerraSAR-X (TSX) satellite data coupled with ancillary vector data about the distribution of vegetation, mussel beds and sediments. The classification of the vegetation and mussel beds is based on a decision tree and a set of hierarchically structured algorithms which use object and texture features. The sediments are classified by an algorithm which uses thresholds and a majority filter. Further improvements focus on radiometric enhancement and atmospheric correction. First results show that we are able to identify vegetation and mussel beds with the use of multi-sensor remote sensing. The classification of the sediments in the tidal flats is a challenge compared to vegetation and mussel beds. The results demonstrate that the sediments cannot be classified with high accuracy by their spectral properties alone due to their similarity which is predominately caused by their water content.
A new site with Lateglacial palaeosols covered by 0.8 - 2.4 m thick aeolian sands is presented. The buried soils were subjected to multidisciplinary analyses (pedology, micromorphology, geochronology, dendrology, palynology, macrofossils). The buried soil cover comprises a catena from relatively dry ('Nano'-Podzol, Arenosol) via moist (Histic Gleysol, Gleysol) to wet conditions (Histosol). Dry soils are similar to the so-called Usselo soil, as described from sites in NW Europe and central Poland. The buried soil surface covers ca. 3.4 km**2. Pollen analyses date this surface into the late Aller0d. Due to a possible contamination by younger carbon, radiocarbon dates are too young. OSL dates indicate that the covering by aeolian sands most probably occurred during the Younger Dryas. Botanical analyses enables the reconstruction of a vegetation pattern typical for the late Allerod. Large wooden remains of pine and birch were recorded.
A seawall was constructed in 1897 along the steep coast of Streckelsberg, Usedom Island to stop the cliff retreat. It was destroyed several times by storm induced sea floods, reconstructed and gradually extended to a length of 450 m. After the severe storm event of 1/2.3.1949, no more repair work was implemented. The ruins were no longer capable of preventing further erosion of the Streckelsberg cliff. A new protective structure became a necessity against ongoing erosion, and to check the lowering of the abrasion platform. The construction of three breakwaters began in 1995. A severe storm occurred on 3/4.11.1995 before their completion. Coastal bottom sediment mapping using a sidescan-sonar carried out two days later showed that a channel system down to a depth of 1.5 m was cut into the sand layer covering the sea floor on both sides of the Koserow Bank. The bottom of these channels was paved with gravel and boulders. This layer was encountered in the whole surveyed area below a mobile sand layer. Discharged bodies of fine sand half a meter high and erosional cavities several m2 in diameter around boulders led to the conclusion that an intensive sediment movement down to a depth of 11 m had taken place during the storm. A storm related direction of sediment discharge could not be identified. The existing section of the breakwaters withstood the severe storm.
European lobsters were captured by employees of the Marine Biological Station and local fishermen from the rocky subtidal zone around the island of Helgoland (North Sea, 54°11.3'N, 7°54.0'E) and from the Helgoland Deep Trench, located south west of the island. The animals were captured by pots, traps, trawl and divers. All measured lobsters were tagged and released. A tagged lobster was classified by the absence or presence of colour tag and/or T-bar tag. Data of lobsters contains capture date, fresh weight, carapace lengths, sex and the information if lobsters were egg-bearing and tagged. Furthermore, data of commercial landed lobsters are included.
A description is given of the taxa sorted out of the zooplanktion and mikronekton material of the 1st German Antarctic Expedition 1975/76 by the Kiel sorting center. The methods employed in the sorting center are describined in detail. Notes for further use of the material are also given.
Organic carbon, lead and cadmium contents of 20 sediments were determined and compared with the colony counts of anaerobic heterotrophic, anaerobic nitrogen fixing, chitinoclastic and cellulolytic bacteria. Organic carbon content, which is dependent on the sediment type, was positively correlated with lead and cadmium as well as with colony counts of all 4 physiological groups of bacteria. Even the sediments with the highest concentrations of 251.7 ppm Pb and 3.1 ppm Cd showed no reduction in their colony counts. From 2 different sediment sampIes with lead contents of 140 ppm and 21 ppm lead tolerance of the aerobic heterotrophic bacteria was investigated. However, no significant difference in lead tolerance of the 2 heterotrophic populations was found. Water from 6 stations was analysed for dissolved and particulate organic carbon, lead and cadmium. Dissolved lead concentrations were in the range of 0.2-0.5 µg/l and the particulate lead contents were between 0.05 and 4.3 µg/l. The concentrations of total lead for the stations off-shore were only one order of magnitude from the concentrations of the near-shore stations. The same phenomenon was observed for dissolved cadmium (0.02 - 0.25 µg/l) and particulate cadmium (0.003 - 0.15 µg/I) concentrations. Correlations between dissolved (1.6 - 10.8 mg/I) and particulate organic carbon (0.25 - 1.53 mg/I) with dissolved and particulate lead or cadmium were not found.
In order to examine the long-term development of offshore macrozoobenthic soft-bottom communities of the German Bight, four representative permanent stations (MZB-SSd, -FSd, -Slt, -WB) have been sampled continuously since 1969. Inter-annual variability and possible long-term trends were analysed based on spring-time samples from 1969 until 2000. This is part of the ecological long-term series of the AWI and is supplemented by periodic large-scale mapping of the benthos. The main factors influencing the development of the benthic communities are biological interactions, climate, food supply (eutrophication) and the disturbance regime. The most frequent disturbances are sediment relocations during strong storms or by bottom trawling, while occasional oxygen deficiencies and extremely cold winters are important disturbance events working on a much larger scale. Benthic communities at the sampling stations show a large inter-annual variability combined with a variation on a roughly decadal scale. In accordance with large-scale system shifts reported for the North Sea, benthic community transitions occurred between roughly the 1970ies, 80ies and 90ies. The transitions between periods are not distinctly marked by strong changes but rather reflected in gradual changes of the species composition and dominance structure.