Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Paciente feminino 36 anos, com queixa de febre noturna, astenia, parestesia de membros inferiores, artralgia, hepatoesplenomegalia, lesões cutâneas, anemia hipocrômica, microcítica e linfopenia. Sorologia negativa para Hepatite B,C e HIV; FAN e anti-DNA também negativos. Histopatologia da medula óssea mostrou-se discretamente hipercelular, com presença de focos de histiócitos com citoplasma vacuolado (células pseudo-gaucher-like),aspecto megaloblástico, linfoplasmocitico e lipogranulomatoso. A coloração Ziehl- -Nielsen positivo; diagnóstico morfológico: micobacteriose de medula óssea. A cultura do sangue e do aspirado de medula óssea foi negativo para M.tuberculosis. Biópsia das lesões cutâneas máculas e pápulas hipercrômicas dos membros inferiores e superiores revelou hanseníase de padrão Vichowiana. A pesquisa BAAR pela Faraco demonstrou numerosos bacilos, sendo a maioria de padrão granuloso. Pacientes com hanseníase virchowiana tem acometimento cutâneo em 100% dos casos, o baço é o órgão mais frequentemente acometido com disseminação através do sangue periférico. O quadro anêmico e a linfopenia provavelmente se deve à cronicidade da infecção, levando a infiltração medular. A ocorrência do comprometimento medular em paciente com hanseníase Virchowiana é excepcional, mesmo em países endêmicos, e pode indicar necessidade de tratamento mais prolongado.
Neoplasms of mast cell origin are uncommon in most animal species. Although cases of cutaneous mastocitoma (CM) are rare in humans, it is the second most diagnosed cancer in dogs, accounting for approximately 20% of cutaneous tumors in this species. The age group most frequently affected is between eight and nine years, but it may occur in animals up to three weeks old. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological, hematological and histopathological characteristics of 73 dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumors attended between 2007 and 2011 by the Oncology Service of a teaching hospital in the state of São Paulo. Data collected included race, age, sex, weight, skin region affected, blood tests results at the first consultation and histopathological grading of dogs diagnosed with this neoplasia.
Lissencephaly is a condition characterized by a lack of cerebral convolutions and sulci, which results from defective migration of nervous cells precursors in the telencephalus. The cause is presumably genetic. Lhasa-Apso dogs are most frequently affected, even though it may also occur in association with cerebellar hypoplasia in the Irish Setter, Wire-Haired Terrier and Samoieda breeds. This association was also reported in a cat. Clinical signs consist of dementia, aggressiveness, seizures, visual and olfactive dysfunctions, slow postural reactions and reduced menace response. Definitive diagnosis requires exams such as magnetic resonance imaging, cerebral biopsy or necropsy. There is no specific therapy for this disease, and seizures must be treated with anticonvulsants. The aim of this study is to review the literature regarding lissencephaly.
The annual vaccination campaign against rabies is the most effective prevention procedure for this disease in dogs and cats and hence for human protection also. However, in 2010 and 2011, this activity was interrupted in Brazil due to the occurrence of adverse events associated with vaccination. Even though cases of canine rabies have been decreasing in the last two decades, vigilance must be strengthened in order to maintain pet owners trust in the vaccines provided in public services. This study aimed to determine pet owners participation in the annual vaccination campaign carried out in Botucatu. During March and April 2012, the period before the 42nd campaign, 312 pet owners, dogs and cats, were interviewed. The homes were randomly drawn in blocks from different sectors of the city; all houses on the same block over the 120 km² of urban area participated in the sampling process. Statistical analysis was performed descriptively. The results showed that the owners main motivation to vaccinate their pets during the campaigns is rabies prevention (36%), followed by the proximity of the vaccination station to the house (20.7%), zero cost (10.9%), and the combination of all three factors (16.1%). When asked if they would take their animals back to be vaccinated in another campaign, 60.1% answered yes, 13.5% would go to a private clinic, 2.2% would not take because they do not trust the vaccine and 1.6% had not decided yet. We conclude that the respondents have realized how dangerous Rabies is, because even after the break period, they still utilized the vaccination campaign demonstrating confidence in its effectiveness, while knowing the campaign goals facilitates understanding and participation.
The transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is a contagious neoplasm of round cells that frequently affect dogs. The treatment consists of chemotherapy being more effective the vincristine alone, however the resistance emergence to this agent due multidrug resistance of the P-glycoprotein (P-gp), a transporter protein encoded by the MDR1 gene, has been taking the association with other drugs. Recent studies demonstrated the antitumoral effect of the avermectins when associated to the vincristine in the treatment of some neoplasms. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of standard treatment of TVT with vincristine only as compared to combined treatment with vincristine and ivermectin, evaluated through number of applications of the two protocols, histopathological and cytological analysis from 50 dogs diagnosed with TVT during the period of 2007 to 2010. The combined protocol significant reduces the number of applications and cytological and histopathological findings collaborate with the hypothesis that the combination of vincristine and ivermectin promotes faster healing than the use of vincristine alone. Combination treatment with vincristine and ivermectin could be in the future an excellent therapeutic alternative for the treatment of TVT for probably reducing the resistance to vincristine, simultaneously reducing the cost of TVT treatment and a faster recovery of the dog.
This study describes the occurrence of iatrogenic hydronephrosis in left kidney with compression of the abdominal aorta in persian cat and paralysis of hind limbs. The animal had slight dehydration, pale mucous membranes, cold extremities and cyanotic, absence of bilateral femoral artery pulse, and absence of superficial and deep pain, and presence of a mass of firm consistency with six centimeters in diameter, on abdominal palpation. Performed exploratory celiotomy, there was increased left kidney compressing the abdominal aorta and dilation of the cranial left ureter attached to the uterine horn by means of ligation with nonabsorbable. After nephrectomy, it was observed the restoration of local circulation. The animal died after eight hours.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The action of man has led, over the years, major impacts on the environment, especially in aquatic ecosystems, leading to an impairment of water quality, considered one of the essential factors for the maintenance of vital functions and consequently the life of the planet. Among the activities considered a risk for the environment are linked to pollution from many sources and even entire watersheds, whether by industrial waste, sewage, or for substances used in agriculture, such as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. The (2,4-D) 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is used worldwide, and the fact that its genotoxicity is proven by several studies and by its long persistence in soil, which enables the leaching and percolation of compounds affecting water bodies, toxicity studies are relevant and justifiable. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the toxicity of 2,4-D by examining the liver of the fish Oreochromis niloticus exposed to different dilutions. Portions of liver were collected and fixed for histological and histochemical techniques to detect total proteins, polysaccharides and lipids. lipids. Treatment with 2,4-D herbicide apparently did not alter the lipid profiles, the accumulation of polysaccharides, and the presence of total proteins. The 2.5 and 5.0% were lethal to fish. These mortalities are probably of high toxic and cytotoxic potential of 2,4-D herbicide results. Several histopathological changes were found, such as: loss of cytoplasmic integrity, loss of cell limit, nuclear deformation, vacuolated cytoplasm, tissue disorganization and hydropic degeneration. Statistically significant changes were: hydropic degeneration and vacuolated cytoplasm. It is concluded, therefore, that the qualitative morphological analysis is an important method for observing changes in liver toxicology studies. As the O. niloticus species is an efficient biological indicator of water pollution by 2,4-D
O fígado é a maior glândula e o segundo maior órgão do corpo, podendo ser dividido em zona 1, próxima à região do espaço porta, zona 2 ou intermediária, e zona 3, próxima da veia centro-lobular. A zona 1 é responsável pela gliconeogenese, enquanto a zona 3 é responsável pela detoxicação. O óxido de 4-nitroquinolina (4-NQO) é um agente carcinogênico sintético capaz de aumentar o risco individual ao desenvolvimento de neoplasia maligna na língua de ratos, e sua biotransformação 4-HAQO ocorre no compartimento hepático. Neste estudo, 5 grupos de 8 ratos cada, foram submetidos à administração oral de 4-NQO na concentração de 25 ppm (massa solvente/massa soluto) através da água de beber, com a finalidade de identificar a ocorrência de alterações metabólicas hepáticas devido ao acúmulo de glicogênio nos hepatócitos dos animais, analisado pela coloração de ácido periódico de Shiff (PAS). O glicogênio é o principal polissacarídeo de reserva energética dos animais, e é fundamental para manter a homeostase do organismo, sendo seu acúmulo nos hepatócitos uma resposta fisiológica normal após a ingestão de alimentos, ou ainda, pode devido a perturbações metabólicas provocadas por tratamentos que os animais foram expostos. Neste estudo, o fígado dos animais dos diferentes grupos analisados demonstraram níveis distintos de marcação para glicogênio, mas não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes, podendo considerar que os animais foram pouco ou não foram afetados pela exposição às diferentes substâncias estudadas no projeto e que não foram tóxicas aos animais, havendo apenas um ligeiro aumento nos níveis de glicogênio hepático geral.
The goal for this communication is the speech development in children three to four years, and how games and child's plays can help them in the process. For this, we have set three specific goals. They are: select games and activities that serve as a means of furthering the development of speech; elect three activities, making sure at what point is the extra step to the outbreak of the sign/symbol and identify at what time of play the child uses more talk and no change in psychological structure. These games have been applied to children from three to four years in order to identify and record their actions and speeches during activities. Acquiring the ability to speak, the kids will be able to communicate socially and develop new forms of behavior. From young children already expresses themselves through babbling and even crying, because do not have a conventional language yet. From the social relationship, the child tends to become familiar with the language, and gradually learn how to use it, expressing her feelings and desires. When the development of language and thought intersect, transform the course of action of the child who begins to have control of your action. Such its importance in society, the language became the basis of childhood education and is the duty of teachers and educators to appropriate the necessary encouragement to the child to develop or improve her language
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)