890 resultados para Functional and rural development
La fundación Educativa para la Equidad y el desarrollo Rural C.I.F.A es una institución que tiene el ánimo de promover el desarrollo rural, por medio de capacitaciones a campesinos subsidiada por entes públicos y privados. Teniendo en cuenta que esta fundación tiene un factor diferenciador frente a otras instituciones educativas que al igual que esta trabajan en pro del desarrollo rural, deseamos desarrollar un modelo matricial que nos permita crear estrategias las cuales potencialicen la institución como la número uno en formación agrícola en Colombia.
The object of this study is to identify the learning styles (LS) used by the students of the subject of physiology of the exercise of the program of Physiotherapy, with the purpose of establishing a direct relationship later on between the learning styles and the possible pedagogic strategies that but they favor the compression of the physiology of the exercise 48 subject of second and third year of career they were interviewed through the instrument standardized compound number (CHAEA). This study carried out an analysis descriptive and of typical deviation of the data. They were differences statistically significant in the styles of active and reflexive learning, in front of the Theoretical and pragmatic styles what puts in evidence the necessity to generate pedagogic strategies inside the subject that this chord with the tendency of the active and reflexive learning of the students.
Este cuadernillo quiere ser un catalizador que motive a los estudiantes a pensar y hablar sobre un tema relevante. Hablar les ofrece la oportunidad de reflexionar, pensar, y expresar con palabras, una nueva forma de aprendizaje y de probar su comprensión de una situación, o en otras palabras 'pensar en voz alta'. Este proceso de reflexión en voz alta permite a los alumnos explorar nuevos conceptos de información y construir su comprensión de ellos, al responder a las preguntas de otros estudiantes y, obtener una respuesta, a su vez, a sus propias ideas.
Este libro cubre las necesidades básicas del programa de geografía del nivel AS/A2 de enseñanza secundaria. El libro se divide en cuatro partes: El papel de las zonas rurales ( Definiendo ruralidad, contrastando la geografía rural en países desarrollados, el estudio de tres casos: Australia, Gran Bretaña y los Andes), entornos cambiantes (cambios en la población, cambios en el mundo desarrollado, movimientos migratorios, el impacto del turismo en los servicios, cambios en el empleo), conflictos en el campo (las disputas por el agua en Tanzania), el futuro rural (el papel de la tecnología en el desarrollo de las zonas rurales, el uso del teléfono móvil en Sudáfrica).
Monográfico con el título: 'Competencias docentes en la Educación Superior'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: "La educaci??n como quehacer de convicciones : homenaje acad??mico a Jos?? Antonio Ib????ez-Mart??n"
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Each time more, museology professionals are confronted with terms such as community, social inequality, social inclusion and development in their quotidian. Be it in conferences, publications or museum programmes, these are increasingly recurrent terms which, in great part, translate the dynamics of a relationship between museology and community development that has been constructed since the late 60’s. Although it is not new, such relationship has gone through a major bloom in the early 90’s and arrives today as an emerging priority within the world of museology. A first glance on the subject reveals that very different approaches and forms of action share the efforts in endowing museology with a role in community development today. In addition, despite of its growing popularity, it seems to be some misunderstandings on what the work with community development requires and truly signifies, as can be pointed out in a number of assertions originated from the field of museology. Accompanying such a plural environment, discussions and disagreements about to what extend museology is able to claim a role in social change also mark its affairs with community development. People are faced, indeed, with a rather polemic and intricate scenario. To a great extend, language barriers hinder the exchange of information on current initiatives and previous experiences, as well as on the development of concepts, approaches and proposals. Lack of better interactions among the groups of museology professionals and social actors who carry out different works with community development also contributes to making the potential of museology as a resource for development more difficult to be visualised.
This paper discusses the effects of conducive hearing loss on language development.