912 resultados para Frequency-Domain Analysis


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This work deals with the numerical studies on hydrodynamics of oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters and its damping optimization on maximizing wave energy conversion by the OWC device. As a fundamental step, the hydrodynamic problems have been systematically studied by considering the interactions of the wave-structure and of the wave-internal water surface. Our first attention is on how the hydrodynamic performance can be reliably assessed, especially when it comes to the time-domain analysis, and what the physics behind the considerations is. Further on, a damping optimization for the OWC wave energy converter is also present based on the dynamics of the linear system, and a study on how we can optimize the damping for the given sea states so that the power conversion from irregular waves from irregular waves can be maximized.


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This paper presents a study on the numerical simulation of the primary wave energy conversion in the oscillating water column (OWC) wave energy converters (WECs). The new proposed numerical approach consists of three major components: potential flow analysis for the conventional hydrodynamic parameters, such as added mass, damping coefficients, restoring force coefficients and wave excitations; the thermodynamic analysis of the air in the air chamber, which is under the assumptions of the given power take-off characteristics and an isentropic process of air flow. In the formulation, the air compressibility and its effects have been included; and a time-domain analysis by combining the linear potential flow and the thermodynamics of the air flow in the chamber, in which the hydrodynamics and thermodynamics/aerodynamics have been coupled together by the force generated by the pressurised and de-pressurised air in the air chamber, which in turn has effects on the motions of the structure and the internal water surface. As an example, the new developed approach has been applied to a fixed OWC device. The comparisons of the measured data and the simulation results show the new method is very capable of predicting the performance of the OWC devices.


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Soil temperature (in °C) was determined using a frequency domain sensor probe (WET-2 Sensor, Delta-T Devices, Cambridge, United Kingdom) on 1st August 2013. The device was inserted from the top 6 cm deep (length of the prongs) into the soil. The average of three measurements on the same day was calculated. All data where measured in the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown in the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, or 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing.


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La organización del conocimiento en el contexto de las Ciencias de la Información tiene como esencia la información y el conocimiento debidamente documentado o registrado. La organización del conocimiento como proceso, envuelve tanto la descripción física como de los contenidos de los objetos informacionales. Y el producto de ese proceso descriptivo es la representación de los atributos de un objeto o conjunto de objetos. Las representaciones son construidas por lenguajes elaborados específicamente para los objetivos de la organización en los sistemas de información. Lenguajes que se subdividen en lenguajes que describen el documento (el soporte físico del objeto) y lenguajes que describen la información (los contenidos).A partir de esta premisa la siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo general analizarlos sistemas de Gestión de Información y Conocimiento Institucional principalmente los que proponen utilizar el Currículum Vitae del profesor como única fuente de información, medición y representación de la información y el conocimiento de una organización. Dentro delos principales resultados se muestra la importancia de usar el currículo personal como fuente de información confiable y normalizada; una síntesis de los principales sistemas curriculares que existen a nivel internacional y regional; así como el gráfico del modelo de datos del caso de estudio; y por último, la propuesta del uso de las ontologías como principal herramienta para la organización semántica de la información en un sistema de gestión de información y conocimiento.


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SCHEFFZUK, C. , KUKUSHKA, V. , VYSSOTSKI, A. L. , DRAGUHN, A. , TORT, A. B. L. , BRANKACK, J. . Global slowing of network oscillations in mouse neocortex by diazepam. Neuropharmacology , v. 65, p. 123-133, 2013.


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Deployment of low power basestations within cellular networks can potentially increase both capacity and coverage. However, such deployments require efficient resource allocation schemes for managing interference from the low power and macro basestations that are located within each other’s transmission range. In this dissertation, we propose novel and efficient dynamic resource allocation algorithms in the frequency, time and space domains. We show that the proposed algorithms perform better than the current state-of-art resource management algorithms. In the first part of the dissertation, we propose an interference management solution in the frequency domain. We introduce a distributed frequency allocation scheme that shares frequencies between macro and low power pico basestations, and guarantees a minimum average throughput to users. The scheme seeks to minimize the total number of frequencies needed to honor the minimum throughput requirements. We evaluate our scheme using detailed simulations and show that it performs on par with the centralized optimum allocation. Moreover, our proposed scheme outperforms a static frequency reuse scheme and the centralized optimal partitioning between the macro and picos. In the second part of the dissertation, we propose a time domain solution to the interference problem. We consider the problem of maximizing the alpha-fairness utility over heterogeneous wireless networks (HetNets) by jointly optimizing user association, wherein each user is associated to any one transmission point (TP) in the network, and activation fractions of all TPs. Activation fraction of a TP is the fraction of the frame duration for which it is active, and together these fractions influence the interference seen in the network. To address this joint optimization problem which we show is NP-hard, we propose an alternating optimization based approach wherein the activation fractions and the user association are optimized in an alternating manner. The subproblem of determining the optimal activation fractions is solved using a provably convergent auxiliary function method. On the other hand, the subproblem of determining the user association is solved via a simple combinatorial algorithm. Meaningful performance guarantees are derived in either case. Simulation results over a practical HetNet topology reveal the superior performance of the proposed algorithms and underscore the significant benefits of the joint optimization. In the final part of the dissertation, we propose a space domain solution to the interference problem. We consider the problem of maximizing system utility by optimizing over the set of user and TP pairs in each subframe, where each user can be served by multiple TPs. To address this optimization problem which is NP-hard, we propose a solution scheme based on difference of submodular function optimization approach. We evaluate our scheme using detailed simulations and show that it performs on par with a much more computationally demanding difference of convex function optimization scheme. Moreover, the proposed scheme performs within a reasonable percentage of the optimal solution. We further demonstrate the advantage of the proposed scheme by studying its performance with variation in different network topology parameters.


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In this paper, we demonstrate a digital signal processing (DSP) algorithm for improving spatial resolution of images captured by CMOS cameras. The basic approach is to reconstruct a high resolution (HR) image from a shift-related low resolution (LR) image sequence. The aliasing relationship of Fourier transforms between discrete and continuous images in the frequency domain is used for mapping LR images to a HR image. The method of projection onto convex sets (POCS) is applied to trace the best estimate of pixel matching from the LR images to the reconstructed HR image. Computer simulations and preliminary experimental results have shown that the algorithm works effectively on the application of post-image-captured processing for CMOS cameras. It can also be applied to HR digital image reconstruction, where shift information of the LR image sequence is known.


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SCHEFFZUK, C. , KUKUSHKA, V. , VYSSOTSKI, A. L. , DRAGUHN, A. , TORT, A. B. L. , BRANKACK, J. . Global slowing of network oscillations in mouse neocortex by diazepam. Neuropharmacology , v. 65, p. 123-133, 2013.


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This study aimed to develop a device to measure RR intervals, which have high correlation with the values of the gold standard device of electrocardiograph (ECG), by the time domain and frequency domain indices. To this end, a study was conducted with 18 students of Jiu-Jitsu, males with 35.5 ± 8.6 years, at least a weekly frequency of 3 times and one year training. The location was at the academy Gracie Barra de Curitiba PR. They underwent an examination at rest for a period of 7 minutes and then the results were converted into heart rate variability (HRV) and analyzed by the indexes in the time domain and the frequency domain. The results were compared statistically using the Pearson test and intraclass correlation (ICC) and according to them proves to be viable the development of this equipment, which is highly correlated and excellent reproducibility for measuring the RR intervals.


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The aim of this project was to investigate very small strain elastic behaviour of soils under unsaturated conditions, using bender/extender element (BEE) testing. The behaviour of soils at very small strains has been widely studied under saturated conditions, whereas much less work has been performed on very small strain behaviour under unsaturated conditions. A suction-controlled double wall triaxial apparatus for unsaturated soil testing was modified to incorporate three pairs of BEEs transmitting both shear and compression waves with vertical and horizontal directions of wave transmission and wave polarisation. Various different techniques for measuring wave travel time were investigated in both the time domain and the frequency domain and it was concluded that, at least for the current experimental testing programme, peak-to-first-peak in the time domain was the most reliable technique for determining wave travel time. An experimental test programme was performed on samples of compacted speswhite kaolin clay. Two different forms of compaction were employed (i.e. isotropic and anisotropic). Compacted kaolin soil samples were subjected to constant suction loading and unloading stages at three different values of suction, covering both unsaturated conditions (s= 50kPa and s= 300kPa) and saturated conditions (s=0). Loading and unloading stages were performed at three different values of stress ratio (η=0, η=1 and η=-1 ). In some tests a wetting-drying cycle was performed before or within the loading stage, with the wetting-drying cycles including both wetting-induced swelling and wetting-induced collapse compression. BEE tests were performed at regular intervals throughout all test stages, to measure shear wave velocity Vs and compression wave velocity Vp and hence to determine values of shear modulus G and constrained modulus M. The experimental test programme was designed to investigate how very small strain shear modulus G and constrained modulus M varied with unsaturated state variables, including how anisotropy of these parameters developed either with stress state (stress-induced anisotropy) or with previous straining (strain-induced anisotropy). A new expression has been proposed for the very small strain shear modulus G of an isotropic soil under saturated and unsaturated conditions. This expression relates the variation of G to only mean Bishop’s stress p* and specific volume v, and it converges to a well-established expression for saturated soils as degree of saturation approaches 1. The proposed expression for G is able to predict the variation of G under saturated and unsaturated conditions at least as well as existing expressions from the literature and it is considerably simpler (employing fewer state variables and fewer soil constants). In addition, unlike existing expressions from the literature, the values of soil constants in the proposed new expression can be determined from a saturated test. It appeared that, in the current project at least, any strain-induced anisotropy of very small strain elastic behaviour was relatively modest, with the possible exception of loading in triaxial extension. It was therefore difficult to draw any firm conclusion about evolution of strain-induced anisotropy and whether it depended upon the same aspects of soil fabric as evolution of anisotropy of large strain plastic behaviour. Stress-induced anisotropy of very small strain elastic behaviour was apparent in the experimental test programme. An attempt was made to extend the proposed expression for G to include the effect of stress-induced anisotropy. Interpretation of the experimental results indicated that the value of shear modulus was affected by the values of all three principal Bishop’s stresses (in the direction of wave transmission, the direction of wave polarisation and the third mutually perpendicular direction). However, prediction of stress-induced anisotropy was only partially successful, and it was concluded that the effect of Lode angle was also significant.


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En este proyecto se analizaron las características y el modo de operación de las fibras ópticas plásticas en un enlace óptico WDM (Wavelenght Division Multiplexing) operando en el espectro visible. Se estudiaron los componentes activos y pasivos necesarios para el enlace, como son las fuentes LED, multiplexores, filtros y acopladores. Se analizaron los efectos no lineales que se pueden presentar en la fibra óptica, y que son importantes de considerar al transmitir señales WDM. Para respaldar el análisis se simuló en MATLAB un enlace óptico en el dominio de la frecuencia utilizando fuentes LED que emiten en el espectro visible, junto con multiplexores WDM, filtros de absorción, acopladores y como medio de transmisión la Fibra Óptica Plástica (POF -Plastic Optical Fiber).


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Ethernet connections, which are widely used in many computer networks, can suffer from electromagnetic interference. Typically, a degradation of the data transmission rate can be perceived as electromagnetic disturbances lead to corruption of data frames on the network media. In this paper a software-based measuring method is presented, which allows a direct assessment of the effects on the link layer. The results can directly be linked to the physical interaction without the influence of software related effects on higher protocol layers. This gives a simple tool for a quantitative analysis of the disturbance of an Ethernet connection based on time domain data. An example is shown, how the data can be used for further investigation of mechanisms and detection of intentional electromagnetic attacks. © 2015 Author(s).


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Global projections for climate change impacts produce a startling picture of the future for low-lying coastal communities. The United States’ Chesapeake Bay region and especially marginalized and rural communities will be severely impacted by sea level rise and other changes over the next one hundred years. The concept of resilience has been theorized as a measure of social-ecological system health and as a unifying framework under which people can work together towards climate change adaptation. But it has also been critiqued for the way in which it does not adequately take into account local perspective and experiences, bringing into question the value of this concept as a tool for local communities. We must be sure that the concerns, weaknesses, and strengths of particular local communities are part of the climate change adaptation, decision-making, and planning process in which communities participate. An example of this type of planning process is the Deal Island Marsh and Community Project (DIMCP), a grant funded initiative to build resilience within marsh ecosystems and communities of the Deal Island Peninsula area of Maryland (USA) to environmental and social impacts from climate change. I argue it is important to have well-developed understandings of vulnerabilities and resiliencies identified by local residents and others to accomplish this type of work. This dissertation explores vulnerability and resilience to climate change using an engaged and ethnographic anthropological perspective. Utilizing participant observation, semi-structured and structured interviews, text analysis, and cultural domain analysis I produce an in-depth perspective of what vulnerability and resilience means to the DIMCP stakeholder network. Findings highlight significant vulnerabilities and resiliencies inherent in the local area and how these interface with additional vulnerabilities and resiliencies seen from a nonlocal perspective. I conclude that vulnerability and resilience are highly dynamic and context-specific for the local community. Vulnerabilities relate to climate change and other social and environmental changes. Resilience is a long-standing way of life, not a new concept related specifically to climate change. This ethnographic insight into vulnerability and resilience provides a basis for stronger engagement in collaboration and planning for the future.


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Non-intrusive monitoring of health state of induction machines within industrial process and harsh environments poses a technical challenge. In the field, winding failures are a major fault accounting for over 45% of total machine failures. In the literature, many condition monitoring techniques based on different failure mechanisms and fault indicators have been developed where the machine current signature analysis (MCSA) is a very popular and effective method at this stage. However, it is extremely difficult to distinguish different types of failures and hard to obtain local information if a non-intrusive method is adopted. Typically, some sensors need to be installed inside the machines for collecting key information, which leads to disruption to the machine operation and additional costs. This paper presents a new non-invasive monitoring method based on GMRs to measure stray flux leaked from the machines. It is focused on the influence of potential winding failures on the stray magnetic flux in induction machines. Finite element analysis and experimental tests on a 1.5-kW machine are presented to validate the proposed method. With time-frequency spectrogram analysis, it is proven to be effective to detect several winding faults by referencing stray flux information. The novelty lies in the implement of GMR sensing and analysis of machine faults.


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The main purpose of this paper is to propose and test a model to assess the degree of conditions favorability in the adoption of agile methods to develop software where traditional methods predominate. In order to achieve this aim, a survey was applied on software developers of a Brazilian public retail bank. Two different statistical techniques were used in order to assess the quantitative data from the closed questions in the survey. The first, exploratory factorial analysis validated the structure of perspectives related to the agile model of the proposed assessment. The second, frequency distribution analysis to categorize the answers. Qualitative data from the survey opened question were analyzed with the technique of qualitative thematic content analysis. As a result, the paper proposes a model to assess the degree of favorability conditions in the adoption of Agile practices within the context of the proposed study.