952 resultados para Free surface flows
Le méthotrexate (MTX), un agent anti-cancéreux fréquemment utilisé en chimiothérapie, requiert généralement un suivi thérapeutique de la médication (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, TDM) pour surveiller son niveau sanguin chez le patient afin de maximiser son efficacité tout en limitant ses effets secondaires. Malgré la fenêtre thérapeutique étroite entre l’efficacité et la toxicité, le MTX reste, à ce jour, un des agents anti-cancéreux les plus utilisés au monde. Les techniques analytiques existantes pour le TDM du MTX sont coûteuses, requièrent temps et efforts, sans nécessairement fournir promptement les résultats dans le délai requis. Afin d’accélérer le processus de dosage du MTX en TDM, une stratégie a été proposée basée sur un essai compétitif caractérisé principalement par le couplage plasmonique d’une surface métallique et de nanoparticules d’or. Plus précisément, l’essai quantitatif exploite la réaction de compétition entre le MTX et une nanoparticule d’or fonctionnalisée avec l’acide folique (FA-AuNP) ayant une affinité pour un récepteur moléculaire, la réductase humaine de dihydrofolate (hDHFR), une enzyme associée aux maladies prolifératives. Le MTX libre mixé avec les FA-AuNP, entre en compétition pour les sites de liaison de hDHFR immobilisés sur une surface active en SPR ou libres en solution. Par la suite, les FA-AuNP liées au hDHFR fournissent une amplification du signal qui est inversement proportionnelle à la concentration de MTX. La résonance des plasmons de surface (SPR) est généralement utilisée comme une technique spectroscopique pour l’interrogation des interactions biomoléculaires. Les instruments SPR commerciaux sont généralement retrouvés dans les grands laboratoires d’analyse. Ils sont également encombrants, coûteux et manquent de sélectivité dans les analyses en matrice complexe. De plus, ceux-ci n’ont pas encore démontré de l’adaptabilité en milieu clinique. Par ailleurs, les analyses SPR des petites molécules comme les médicaments n’ont pas été explorés de manière intensive dû au défi posé par le manque de la sensibilité de la technique pour cette classe de molécules. Les développements récents en science des matériaux et chimie de surfaces exploitant l’intégration des nanoparticules d’or pour l’amplification de la réponse SPR et la chimie de surface peptidique ont démontré le potentiel de franchir les limites posées par le manque de sensibilité et l’adsorption non-spécifique pour les analyses directes dans les milieux biologiques. Ces nouveaux concepts de la technologie SPR seront incorporés à un système SPR miniaturisé et compact pour exécuter des analyses rapides, fiables et sensibles pour le suivi du niveau du MTX dans le sérum de patients durant les traitements de chimiothérapie. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’explorer différentes stratégies pour améliorer l’analyse des médicaments dans les milieux complexes par les biocapteurs SPR et de mettre en perspective le potentiel des biocapteurs SPR comme un outil utile pour le TDM dans le laboratoire clinique ou au chevet du patient. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, un essai compétitif colorimétrique basé sur la résonance des plasmons de surface localisée (LSPR) pour le MTX fut établi avec des nanoparticules d’or marquées avec du FA. Ensuite, cet essai compétitif colorimétrique en solution fut adapté à une plateforme SPR. Pour les deux essais développés, la sensibilité, sélectivité, limite de détection, l’optimisation de la gamme dynamique et l’analyse du MTX dans les milieux complexes ont été inspectés. De plus, le prototype de la plateforme SPR miniaturisée fut validé par sa performance équivalente aux systèmes SPR existants ainsi que son utilité pour analyser les échantillons cliniques des patients sous chimiothérapie du MTX. Les concentrations de MTX obtenues par le prototype furent comparées avec des techniques standards, soit un essai immunologique basé sur la polarisation en fluorescence (FPIA) et la chromatographie liquide couplée avec de la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS/MS) pour valider l’utilité du prototype comme un outil clinique pour les tests rapides de quantification du MTX. En dernier lieu, le déploiement du prototype à un laboratoire de biochimie dans un hôpital démontre l’énorme potentiel des biocapteurs SPR pour utilisation en milieux clinique.
Au cours de la dernière décennie, les nanoparticules ont connu un essor sans précédent dans plusieurs domaines. On peut retrouver ces nanoparticules dans des secteurs aussi variés tels que la médecine, l’électronique, les écrans solaires, les cosmétiques et les plastiques, pour ne nommer que ceux-là. Cette utilisation massive a eu un effet pervers sur l’environnement, sachant qu’une grande partie de ces produits se sont retrouvés inévitablement dans les milieux naturels. Plusieurs études révèlent qu’autant la présence des nanoparticules que leurs produits de dissolution sont à prendre en considération lorsque des travaux toxicologiques ou le devenir de ces matériaux sont étudiés. Il est désormais clair que les propriétés de surface de ces nanoparticules jouent un rôle central sur leur comportement dans les solutions aqueuses; que ce soit les interactions avec des organismes ou entre les particules elles-mêmes. Afin d’évaluer le devenir de nZnO, une étude sur la dissolution ainsi que la bioaccumulation a été réalisée avec l’algue modèle Chlamydomonas reinhardtii en présence de nanoparticules ayant différents enrobages. Les nanoparticules d’oxyde de zinc suivantes ont été étudiées : (i) nZnO sans enrobage (nZnO); (ii) nZnO avec enrobage d’acide polyacrylique (nZnO-PAA) et (iii) nZnO avec enrobage d’hexamétaphosphate de sodium (nZnO-HMP). La dissolution était mesurée à l’aide de trois techniques : ultrafiltration par centrifugation (CU); technique potentiométrique (scanned stripping chronopotentiometry, SSCP) et spectrométrie de masse – plasma à couplage inductif couplé à une résine échangeuse d’ions (resin-based inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, resin-based ICP-MS). Les résultats obtenus démontrent une grande tendance à la dissolution pour le nZnO (presque totale) tandis que pour le nZnO-PAA et le nZnO-HMP, la dissolution est dépendante de la nature de l’enrobage le composant. Pour la bioaccumulation sur l’algue testée, les données montrent une grande dépendance au zinc libre issu de la dissolution pour nZnO et nZnO-PAA. À l’inverse, le nZnO-HMP démontre une bioaccumulation plus élevée par comparaison aux mêmes concentrations d’expositions du zinc libre, expliquée par la stimulation de l’internalisation du zinc provoqué par la présence de phosphate constituant l’enrobage de nZnO-HMP.
La synthèse d'images dites photoréalistes nécessite d'évaluer numériquement la manière dont la lumière et la matière interagissent physiquement, ce qui, malgré la puissance de calcul impressionnante dont nous bénéficions aujourd'hui et qui ne cesse d'augmenter, est encore bien loin de devenir une tâche triviale pour nos ordinateurs. Ceci est dû en majeure partie à la manière dont nous représentons les objets: afin de reproduire les interactions subtiles qui mènent à la perception du détail, il est nécessaire de modéliser des quantités phénoménales de géométries. Au moment du rendu, cette complexité conduit inexorablement à de lourdes requêtes d'entrées-sorties, qui, couplées à des évaluations d'opérateurs de filtrage complexes, rendent les temps de calcul nécessaires à produire des images sans défaut totalement déraisonnables. Afin de pallier ces limitations sous les contraintes actuelles, il est nécessaire de dériver une représentation multiéchelle de la matière. Dans cette thèse, nous construisons une telle représentation pour la matière dont l'interface correspond à une surface perturbée, une configuration qui se construit généralement via des cartes d'élévations en infographie. Nous dérivons notre représentation dans le contexte de la théorie des microfacettes (conçue à l'origine pour modéliser la réflectance de surfaces rugueuses), que nous présentons d'abord, puis augmentons en deux temps. Dans un premier temps, nous rendons la théorie applicable à travers plusieurs échelles d'observation en la généralisant aux statistiques de microfacettes décentrées. Dans l'autre, nous dérivons une procédure d'inversion capable de reconstruire les statistiques de microfacettes à partir de réponses de réflexion d'un matériau arbitraire dans les configurations de rétroréflexion. Nous montrons comment cette théorie augmentée peut être exploitée afin de dériver un opérateur général et efficace de rééchantillonnage approximatif de cartes d'élévations qui (a) préserve l'anisotropie du transport de la lumière pour n'importe quelle résolution, (b) peut être appliqué en amont du rendu et stocké dans des MIP maps afin de diminuer drastiquement le nombre de requêtes d'entrées-sorties, et (c) simplifie de manière considérable les opérations de filtrage par pixel, le tout conduisant à des temps de rendu plus courts. Afin de valider et démontrer l'efficacité de notre opérateur, nous synthétisons des images photoréalistes anticrenelées et les comparons à des images de référence. De plus, nous fournissons une implantation C++ complète tout au long de la dissertation afin de faciliter la reproduction des résultats obtenus. Nous concluons avec une discussion portant sur les limitations de notre approche, ainsi que sur les verrous restant à lever afin de dériver une représentation multiéchelle de la matière encore plus générale.
This paper explores the role of capital flows and exchange rate dynamics in shaping the global economy's adjustment in a liquidity trap. Using a multi-country model with nominal rigidities, we shed light on the global adjustment since the Great Recession, a period where many advanced economies were pushed to the zero bound on interest rates. We establish three main results: (i) When the North hits the zero bound, downstream capital flows alleviate the recession by reallocating demand to the South and switching expenditure toward North goods. (ii) A free capital flow regime falls short of supporting efficient demand and expenditure reallocations and induces too little downstream (upstream) flows during (after) the liquidity trap. (iii) When it comes to capital flow management, individual countries' incentives to manage their terms of trade conflict with aggregate demand stabilization and global efficiency. This underscores the importance of international policy coordination in liquidity trap episodes.
Glucoamylase was immobilized on acid activated montmorillonite clay via two different procedures namely adsorption and covalent binding. The immobilized enzymes were characterized by XRD, NMR and N2 adsorption measurements and the activity of immobilized glucoamylase for starch hydrolysis was determined in a batch reactor. XRD shows intercalation of enzyme into the clay matrix during both immobilization procedures. Intercalation occurs via the side chains of the amino acid residues, the entire polypeptide backbone being situated at the periphery of the clay matrix. 27Al NMR studies revealed the different nature of interaction of enzyme with the support for both immobilization techniques. N2 adsorption measurements indicated a sharp drop in surface area and pore volume for the covalently bound glucoamylase that suggested severe pore blockage. Activity studies were performed in a batch reactor. The adsorbed and covalently bound glucoamylase retained 49% and 66% activity of the free enzyme respectively. They showed enhanced pH and thermal stabilities. The immobilized enzymes also followed Michaelis–Menten kinetics. Km was greater than the free enzyme that was attributed to an effect of immobilization. The immobilized preparations demonstrated increased reusability as well as storage stability.
In this thesis we are studying possible invariants in hydrodynamics and hydromagnetics. The concept of flux preservation and line preservation of vector fields, especially vorticity vector fields, have been studied from the very beginning of the study of fluid mechanics by Helmholtz and others. In ideal magnetohydrodynamic flows the magnetic fields satisfy the same conservation laws as that of vorticity field in ideal hydrodynamic flows. Apart from these there are many other fields also in ideal hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic flows which preserves flux across a surface or whose vector lines are preserved. A general study using this analogy had not been made for a long time. Moreover there are other physical quantities which are also invariant under the flow, such as Ertel invariant. Using the calculus of differential forms Tur and Yanovsky classified the possible invariants in hydrodynamics. This mathematical abstraction of physical quantities to topological objects is needed for an elegant and complete analysis of invariants.Many authors used a four dimensional space-time manifold for analysing fluid flows. We have also used such a space-time manifold in obtaining invariants in the usual three dimensional flows.In chapter one we have discussed the invariants related to vorticity field using vorticity field two form w2 in E4. Corresponding to the invariance of four form w2 ^ w2 we have got the invariance of the quantity E. w. We have shown that in an isentropic flow this quantity is an invariant over an arbitrary volume.In chapter three we have extended this method to any divergence-free frozen-in field. In a four dimensional space-time manifold we have defined a closed differential two form and its potential one from corresponding to such a frozen-in field. Using this potential one form w1 , it is possible to define the forms dw1 , w1 ^ dw1 and dw1 ^ dw1 . Corresponding to the invariance of the four form we have got an additional invariant in the usual hydrodynamic flows, which can not be obtained by considering three dimensional space.In chapter four we have classified the possible integral invariants associated with the physical quantities which can be expressed using one form or two form in a three dimensional flow. After deriving some general results which hold for an arbitrary dimensional manifold we have illustrated them in the context of flows in three dimensional Euclidean space JR3. If the Lie derivative of a differential p-form w is not vanishing,then the surface integral of w over all p-surfaces need not be constant of flow. Even then there exist some special p-surfaces over which the integral is a constant of motion, if the Lie derivative of w satisfies certain conditions. Such surfaces can be utilised for investigating the qualitative properties of a flow in the absence of invariance over all p-surfaces. We have also discussed the conditions for line preservation and surface preservation of vector fields. We see that the surface preservation need not imply the line preservation. We have given some examples which illustrate the above results. The study given in this thesis is a continuation of that started by Vedan et.el. As mentioned earlier, they have used a four dimensional space-time manifold to obtain invariants of flow from variational formulation and application of Noether's theorem. This was from the point of view of hydrodynamic stability studies using Arnold's method. The use of a four dimensional manifold has great significance in the study of knots and links. In the context of hydrodynamics, helicity is a measure of knottedness of vortex lines. We are interested in the use of differential forms in E4 in the study of vortex knots and links. The knowledge of surface invariants given in chapter 4 may also be utilised for the analysis of vortex and magnetic reconnections.
In now-a-days semiconductor and MEMS technologies the photolithography is the working horse for fabrication of functional devices. The conventional way (so called Top-Down approach) of microstructuring starts with photolithography, followed by patterning the structures using etching, especially dry etching. The requirements for smaller and hence faster devices lead to decrease of the feature size to the range of several nanometers. However, the production of devices in this scale range needs photolithography equipment, which must overcome the diffraction limit. Therefore, new photolithography techniques have been recently developed, but they are rather expensive and restricted to plane surfaces. Recently a new route has been presented - so-called Bottom-Up approach - where from a single atom or a molecule it is possible to obtain functional devices. This creates new field - Nanotechnology - where one speaks about structures with dimensions 1 - 100 nm, and which has the possibility to replace the conventional photolithography concerning its integral part - the self-assembly. However, this technique requires additional and special equipment and therefore is not yet widely applicable. This work presents a general scheme for the fabrication of silicon and silicon dioxide structures with lateral dimensions of less than 100 nm that avoids high-resolution photolithography processes. For the self-aligned formation of extremely small openings in silicon dioxide layers at in depth sharpened surface structures, the angle dependent etching rate distribution of silicon dioxide against plasma etching with a fluorocarbon gas (CHF3) was exploited. Subsequent anisotropic plasma etching of the silicon substrate material through the perforated silicon dioxide masking layer results in high aspect ratio trenches of approximately the same lateral dimensions. The latter can be reduced and precisely adjusted between 0 and 200 nm by thermal oxidation of the silicon structures owing to the volume expansion of silicon during the oxidation. On the basis of this a technology for the fabrication of SNOM calibration standards is presented. Additionally so-formed trenches were used as a template for CVD deposition of diamond resulting in high aspect ratio diamond knife. A lithography-free method for production of periodic and nonperiodic surface structures using the angular dependence of the etching rate is also presented. It combines the self-assembly of masking particles with the conventional plasma etching techniques known from microelectromechanical system technology. The method is generally applicable to bulk as well as layered materials. In this work, layers of glass spheres of different diameters were assembled on the sample surface forming a mask against plasma etching. Silicon surface structures with periodicity of 500 nm and feature dimensions of 20 nm were produced in this way. Thermal oxidation of the so structured silicon substrate offers the capability to vary the fill factor of the periodic structure owing to the volume expansion during oxidation but also to define silicon dioxide surface structures by selective plasma etching. Similar structures can be simply obtained by structuring silicon dioxide layers on silicon. The method offers a simple route for bridging the Nano- and Microtechnology and moreover, an uncomplicated way for photonic crystal fabrication.
The application of nonlinear schemes like dual time stepping as preconditioners in matrix-free Newton-Krylov-solvers is considered and analyzed. We provide a novel formulation of the left preconditioned operator that says it is in fact linear in the matrix-free sense, but changes the Newton scheme. This allows to get some insight in the convergence properties of these schemes which are demonstrated through numerical results.
A través de una simulación llevada a cabo con GTAP, este documento presenta una evaluación preliminar del impacto potencial que el Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas tendría sobre la Comunidad Andina de Naciones. Mantenido por la Universidad de Purdue, el GTAP es un modelo multiregional de equilibrio general, ampliamente usado para el análisis de temas de economía internacional. El experimento llevado a cabo tiene lugar en un ambiente de competencia perfecta y rendimientos constantes a escala y consiste en la completa eliminación de aranceles a las importaciones de bienes entre los países del Hemisferio Occidental. Los resultados muestran la presencia de modestas pero positivas ganancias netas de bienestar para la Comunidad Andina, generadas fundamentalmente por mejoras en la asignación de recursos. Movimientos desfavorables en los términos de intercambio y el efecto de la desviación de comercio con respecto a terceros países, reducen considerablemente las ganancias potenciales de bienestar. De la misma forma, la existencia de distorsiones económicas al interior de la Comunidad Andina tiene un efecto negativo sobre el bienestar. El patrón de comercio aumenta su grado de concentración en el comercio bilateral con los Estados Unidos y la remuneración real a los factores productivos presenta mejoras con la implementación de la zona de libre comercio.
We have developed an ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) to estimate 8-day regional surface fluxes of CO2 from space-borne CO2 dry-air mole fraction observations (XCO2) and evaluate the approach using a series of synthetic experiments, in preparation for data from the NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO). The 32-day duty cycle of OCO alternates every 16 days between nadir and glint measurements of backscattered solar radiation at short-wave infrared wavelengths. The EnKF uses an ensemble of states to represent the error covariances to estimate 8-day CO2 surface fluxes over 144 geographical regions. We use a 12×8-day lag window, recognising that XCO2 measurements include surface flux information from prior time windows. The observation operator that relates surface CO2 fluxes to atmospheric distributions of XCO2 includes: a) the GEOS-Chem transport model that relates surface fluxes to global 3-D distributions of CO2 concentrations, which are sampled at the time and location of OCO measurements that are cloud-free and have aerosol optical depths <0.3; and b) scene-dependent averaging kernels that relate the CO2 profiles to XCO2, accounting for differences between nadir and glint measurements, and the associated scene-dependent observation errors. We show that OCO XCO2 measurements significantly reduce the uncertainties of surface CO2 flux estimates. Glint measurements are generally better at constraining ocean CO2 flux estimates. Nadir XCO2 measurements over the terrestrial tropics are sparse throughout the year because of either clouds or smoke. Glint measurements provide the most effective constraint for estimating tropical terrestrial CO2 fluxes by accurately sampling fresh continental outflow over neighbouring oceans. We also present results from sensitivity experiments that investigate how flux estimates change with 1) bias and unbiased errors, 2) alternative duty cycles, 3) measurement density and correlations, 4) the spatial resolution of estimated flux estimates, and 5) reducing the length of the lag window and the size of the ensemble. At the revision stage of this manuscript, the OCO instrument failed to reach its orbit after it was launched on 24 February 2009. The EnKF formulation presented here is also applicable to GOSAT measurements of CO2 and CH4.
It is now accepted that some human-induced climate change is unavoidable. Potential impacts on water supply have received much attention, but relatively little is known about the concomitant changes in water quality. Projected changes in air temperature and rainfall could affect river flows and, hence, the mobility and dilution of contaminants. Increased water temperatures will affect chemical reaction kinetics and, combined with deteriorations in quality, freshwater ecological status. With increased flows there will be changes in stream power and, hence, sediment loads with the potential to alter the morphology of rivers and the transfer of sediments to lakes, thereby impacting freshwater habitats in both lake and stream systems. This paper reviews such impacts through the lens of UK surface water quality. Widely accepted climate change scenarios suggest more frequent droughts in summer, as well as flash-flooding, leading to uncontrolled discharges from urban areas to receiving water courses and estuaries. Invasion by alien species is highly likely, as is migration of species within the UK adapting to changing temperatures and flow regimes. Lower flows, reduced velocities and, hence, higher water residence times in rivers and lakes will enhance the potential for toxic algal blooms and reduce dissolved oxygen levels. Upland streams could experience increased dissolved organic carbon and colour levels, requiring action at water treatment plants to prevent toxic by-products entering public water supplies. Storms that terminate drought periods will flush nutrients from urban and rural areas or generate acid pulses in acidified upland catchments. Policy responses to climate change, such as the growth of bio-fuels or emission controls, will further impact freshwater quality.
A vertical conduction current flows in the atmosphere as a result of the global atmospheric electric circuit. The current at the surface consists of the conduction current and a locally generated displacement current, which are often approximately equal in magnitude. A method of separating the two currents using two collectors of different geometry is investigated. The picoammeters connected to the collectors have a RC time constant of approximately 3 s, permitting the investigation of higher frequency air-earth current changes than previously achieved. The displacement current component of the air-earth current derived from the instrument agrees with calculations using simultaneous data from a co-located fast response electric field mill. The mean value of the nondisplacement current measured over 9 h was 1.76 +/- 0.002 pA m(-2). (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
An analytical model is developed for the initial stage of surface wave generation at an air-water interface by a turbulent shear flow in either the air or in the water. The model treats the problem of wave growth departing from a flat interface and is relevant for small waves whose forcing is dominated by turbulent pressure fluctuations. The wave growth is predicted using the linearised and inviscid equations of motion, essentially following Phillips [Phillips, O.M., 1957. On the generation of waves by turbulent wind. J. Fluid Mech. 2, 417-445], but the pressure fluctuations that generate the waves are treated as unsteady and related to the turbulent velocity field using the rapid-distortion treatment of Durbin [Durbin, P.A., 1978. Rapid distortion theory of turbulent flows. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge]. This model, which assumes a constant mean shear rate F, can be viewed as the simplest representation of an oceanic or atmospheric boundary layer. For turbulent flows in the air and in the water producing pressure fluctuations of similar magnitude, the waves generated by turbulence in the water are found to be considerably steeper than those generated by turbulence in the air. For resonant waves, this is shown to be due to the shorter decorrelation time of turbulent pressure in the air (estimated as proportional to 1/Gamma), because of the higher shear rate existing in the air flow, and due to the smaller length scale of the turbulence in the water. Non-resonant waves generated by turbulence in the water, although being somewhat gentler, are still steeper than resonant waves generated by turbulence in the air. Hence, it is suggested that turbulence in the water may have a more important role than previously thought in the initiation of the surface waves that are subsequently amplified by feedback instability mechanisms.
We compare laboratory observations of equilibrated baroclinic waves in the rotating two-layer annulus, with numerical simulations from a quasi-geostrophic model. The laboratory experiments lie well outside the quasi-geostrophic regime: the Rossby number reaches unity; the depth-to-width aspect ratio is large; and the fluid contains ageostrophic inertia–gravity waves. Despite being formally inapplicable, the quasi-geostrophic model captures the laboratory flows reasonably well. The model displays several systematic biases, which are consequences of its treatment of boundary layers and neglect of interfacial surface tension and which may be explained without invoking the dynamical effects of the moderate Rossby number, large aspect ratio or inertia–gravity waves. We conclude that quasi-geostrophic theory appears to continue to apply well outside its formal bounds.
Resistance to human skin innate defenses is crucial for survival and carriage of Staphylococcus aureus, a common cutaneous pathogen and nasal colonizer. Free fatty acids extracted from human skin sebum possess potent antimicrobial activity against S. aureus. The mechanisms by which S. aureus overcomes this host defense during colonization remain unknown. Here, we show that S. aureus IsdA, a surface protein produced in response to the host, decreases bacterial cellular hydrophobicity rendering them resistant to bactericidal human skin fatty acids and peptides. IsdA is required for survival of S. aureus on live human skin. Reciprocally, skin fatty acids prevent the production of virulence determinants and the induction of antibiotic resistance in S. aureus and other Gram-positive pathogens. A purified human skin fatty acid was effective in treating systemic and topical infections of S. aureus suggesting that our natural defense mechanisms can be exploited to combat drug-resistant pathogens.