973 resultados para Food problem
Cereal arabinoxylans, guar galactomannans, and dextrans produced by lactic acid bacteria(LAB) are a structurally diverse group of branched polysaccharides with nutritional and industrial functions. In this thesis, the effect of the chemical structure on the dilute solution properties of these polysaccharides was investigated using size-exclusion chromatography(SEC) and asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) with multiple-detection. The chemical structures of arabinoxylans were determined, whereas galactomannan and dextran structures were studied in previous investigations. Characterization of arabinoxylans revealed differences in the chemical structures of cereal arabinoxylans. Although arabinoxylans from wheat, rye, and barley fiber contained similar amounts of arabinose side units, the substitution pattern of arabinoxylans from different cereals varied. Arabinoxylans from barley husks and commercial low-viscosity wheat arabinoxylan contained a lower number of arabinose side units. Structurally different dextrans were obtained from different LAB. The structural effects on the solution properties could be studied in detail by modifying pure wheat and rye arabinoxylans and guar galactomannan with specific enzymes. The solution characterization of arabinoxylans, enzymatically modified galactomannans, and dextrans revealed the presence of aggregates in aqueous polysaccharide solutions. In the case of arabinoxylans and dextrans, the comparison of molar mass data from aqueous and organic SEC analyses was essential in confirming aggregation, which could not be observed only from the peak or molar mass distribution shapes obtained with aqueous SEC. The AsFlFFF analyses gave further evidence of aggregation. Comparison of molar mass and intrinsic viscosity data of unmodified and partially debranched guar galactomannan, on the other hand, revealed the aggregation of native galactomannan. The arabinoxylan and galactomannan samples with low or enzymatically extensively decreased side unit content behaved similarly in aqueous solution: lower molar mass samples stayed in solution but formed large aggregates, whereas the water solubility of the higher-molar-mass samples decreased significantly. Due to the restricted solubility of galactomannans in organic solvents, only aqueous galactomannan solutions were studied. The SEC and AsFlFFF results differed for the wheat arabinoxylan and dextran samples. Column matrix effects and possible differences in the separation parameters are discussed, and a problem related to the non-established relationship between the separation parameters of the two separation techniques is highlighted. This thesis shows that complementary approaches in the solution characterization of chemically heterogeneous polysaccharides are needed to comprehensively investigate macromolecular behavior in solution. These results may also be valuable when characterizing other branched polysaccharides.
Hydraircooling is a technique used for precooling food products. In this technique chilled water is sprayed over the food products while cold unsaturated air is blown over them. Hydraircooling combines the advantages of both air- and hydrocooling. The present study is concerned with the analysis of bulk hydraircooling as it occurs in a package filled with several layers of spherical food products with chilled water sprayed from the top and cold unsaturated air blown from the bottom. A mathematical model is developed to describe the hydrodynamics and simultaneous heat and mass transfer occurring inside the package. The non-dimensional governing equations are solved using the finite difference numerical methods. The results are presented in the form of time-temperature charts. A correlation is obtained to calculate the process time in terms of the process parameters.
Tämän tutkimuksen kirjallisuusosan tavoitteena oli selvittää perinteisen kastikepohjan valmistukseen ja valmistuksen kokonaisvaltaiseen onnistumiseen vaikuttavia seikkoja. Lisäksi käsiteltiin kastikepohjan valmistukseen liittyviä ympäristö- ja energia-asioita, kuten eläinperäisten sivutuotteiden kierrätysmahdollisuuksia. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkimuksen keskeinen lähtökohta oli pyrkiä löytämään ratkaisu ylipainekeittomenetelmään liittyvään kastikepohjan liemiaineksen sameutumisongelmaan. Tutkimuksessa haluttiin löytää syyt sameuden muodostumiseen luiden painekeitossa (max. 1,5 bar). Näin pyrittiin selvittämään keinot sameuden syntymisen estämiseen tai tuotteesta poistamiseen. Ratkaisua etsittiin sekä keittoaika-paine-kombinaatiosta että proteolyyttisen entsyymivalmisteen käytöstä. Tavoitteena oli ulkonäöltään kirkas ja kuiva-ainepitoisuudeltaan mahdollisimman korkea naudanmakuinen demi-glace-kastikepohjaliemi. Liemiaineksista tarkasteltiin kuiva-aine-, kokonaisproteiini- ja sidekudosproteiinipitoisuuksia, pH-arvoja sekä sameutta, ja vertailtiin näitä tuloksia käytettyihin valmistusmenetelmiin ja -olosuhteisiin. Lisäksi otettiin selvää lämmöntalteenoton parantamis-mahdollisuuksista. Tutkimuksessa valmistetun kastikepohjaliemen kuiva-aine koostui pääasiassa proteiineista. Liemen valmistuksessa suuremmalla paineella päästiin hieman nopeammin samoihin kuiva-ainepitoisuuksiin kuin matalammalla paineella. Samoin tapahtui entsyymiä käytettäessä kuin käyttämättä jätettäessä. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella korkeaa kuiva-ainepitoisuutta tavoiteltaessa kastikepohjaliemen valmistuksessa on valittava korkean sidekudosproteiinin tai sameuden väliltä. Ylipainekeitolla luista saatiin irti lähes pelkästään sidekudosproteiinia, koska luita kuumennettaessa vain kollageeni liukeni veteen muiden proteiinien saostuessa. Lämmöntalteenottojärjestelmien rakentaminen pieneen elintarviketeollisuusyritykseen voi olla kannattamatonta, koska investointikustannuksia ei välttämättä pystytä maksamaan takaisin. Energiatehokkuuden parantaminen pienessä elintarviketeollisuusyrityksessä on haastavaa, mutta kuitenkin mahdollista ammattilaisten tekemien tarkkojen laskelmien ja arviointien avulla.
We study large-scale kinematic dynamo action due to turbulence in the presence of a linear shear flow in the low-conductivity limit. Our treatment is non-perturbative in the shear strength and makes systematic use of both the shearing coordinate transformation and the Galilean invariance of the linear shear flow. The velocity fluctuations are assumed to have low magnetic Reynolds number (Re-m), but could have arbitrary fluid Reynolds number. The equation for the magnetic fluctuations is expanded perturbatively in the small quantity, Re-m. Our principal results are as follows: (i) the magnetic fluctuations are determined to the lowest order in Rem by explicit calculation of the resistive Green's function for the linear shear flow; (ii) the mean electromotive force is then calculated and an integro-differential equation is derived for the time evolution of the mean magnetic field. In this equation, velocity fluctuations contribute to two different kinds of terms, the 'C' and 'D' terms, respectively, in which first and second spatial derivatives of the mean magnetic field, respectively, appear inside the space-time integrals; (iii) the contribution of the D term is such that its contribution to the time evolution of the cross-shear components of the mean field does not depend on any other components except itself. Therefore, to the lowest order in Re-m, but to all orders in the shear strength, the D term cannot give rise to a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect; (iv) casting the integro-differential equation in Fourier space, we show that the normal modes of the theory are a set of shearing waves, labelled by their sheared wavevectors; (v) the integral kernels are expressed in terms of the velocity-spectrum tensor, which is the fundamental dynamical quantity that needs to be specified to complete the integro-differential equation description of the time evolution of the mean magnetic field; (vi) the C term couples different components of the mean magnetic field, so they can, in principle, give rise to a shear-current-type effect. We discuss the application to a slowly varying magnetic field, where it can be shown that forced non-helical velocity dynamics at low fluid Reynolds number does not result in a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect.
A new feature-based technique is introduced to solve the nonlinear forward problem (FP) of the electrical capacitance tomography with the target application of monitoring the metal fill profile in the lost foam casting process. The new technique is based on combining a linear solution to the FP and a correction factor (CF). The CF is estimated using an artificial neural network (ANN) trained using key features extracted from the metal distribution. The CF adjusts the linear solution of the FP to account for the nonlinear effects caused by the shielding effects of the metal. This approach shows promising results and avoids the curse of dimensionality through the use of features and not the actual metal distribution to train the ANN. The ANN is trained using nine features extracted from the metal distributions as input. The expected sensors readings are generated using ANSYS software. The performance of the ANN for the training and testing data was satisfactory, with an average root-mean-square error equal to 2.2%.
The purpose of this study was to find out whether food-related lifestyle guides and explains product evaluations, specifically, consumer perceptions and choice evaluations of five different food product categories: lettuce, mincemeat, savoury sauce, goat cheese, and pudding. The opinions of consumers who shop in neighbourhood stores were considered most valuable. This study applies means-end chain (MEC) theory, according to which products are seen as means by which consumers attain meaningful goals. The food-related lifestyle (FRL) instrument was created to study lifestyles that reflect these goals. Further, this research has adopted the view that the FRL functions as a script which guides consumer behaviour. Two research methods were used in this study. The first was the laddering interview, the primary aim of which was to gather information for formulating the questionnaire of the main study. The survey consisted of two separate questionnaires. The first was the FRL questionnaire modified for this study. The aim of the other questionnaire was to determine the choice criteria for buying five different categories of food products. Before these analyses could be made, several data modifications were made following MEC analysis procedures. Beside forming FRL dimensions by counting sum-scores from the FRL statements, factor analysis was run in order to elicit latent factors underlying the dimensions. The lifestyle factors found were adventurous, conscientious, enthusiastic, snacking, moderate, and uninvolved lifestyles. The association analyses were done separately for each choice of product as well as for each attribute-consequence linkage with a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. The testing variables were FRL dimensions and the FRL lifestyle factors. In addition, the relation between the attribute-consequence linkages and the demographic variables were analysed. Results from this study showed that the choice of product is sequential, so that consumers first categorize products into groups based on specific criteria like health or convenience. It was attested that the food-related lifestyles function as a script in food choice and that the FRL instrument can be used to predict consumer buying behaviour. Certain lifestyles were associated with the choice of each product category. The actual product choice within a product category then appeared to be a different matter. In addition, this study proposes a modification to the FRL instrument. The positive towards advertising FRL dimension was modified to examine many kinds of information search including the internet, TV, magazines, and other people. This new dimension, which was designated as being open to additional information, proved to be very robust and reliable in finding differences in consumer choice behaviour. Active additional information search was linked to adventurous and snacking food-related lifestyles. The results of this study support the previous knowledge that consumers expect to get many benefits simultaneously when they buy food products. This study brought detailed information about the benefits sought, the combination of benefits differing between products and between respondents. Household economy, pleasure and quality were emphasized with the choice of lettuce. Quality was the most significant benefit in choosing mincemeat, but health related benefits were often evaluated as well. The dominant benefits linked to savoury sauce were household economic benefits, expected pleasurable experiences, and a lift in self-respect. The choice of goat cheese appeared not to be an economic decision, self-respect, pleasure, and quality being included in the choice criteria. In choosing pudding, the respondents considered the well-being of family members, and indulged their family members or themselves.
A canonical formulation of the direct position kinematics problem for a general 6-6 stewart platform
This paper deals with the direct position kinematics problem of a general 6-6 Stewart platform, the complete solution of which is not reported in the literature until now and even establishing the number of possible solutions for the general case has remained an unsolved problem for a long period. Here a canonical formulation of the direct position kinematics problem for a general 6-6 Stewart platform is presented. The kinematic equations are expressed as a system of six quadratic and three linear equations in nine unknowns, which has a maximum of 64 solutions. Thus, it is established that the mechanism, in general, can have up to 64 closures. Further reduction of the system is shown arriving at a set of three quartic equations in three unknowns, the solution of which will yield the assembly configurations of the general Stewart platform with far less computational effort compared to earlier models.
We present a natural framework for studying the persistence problem in two-dimensional fluid turbulence by using the Okubo-Weiss parameter Lambda to distinguish between vortical and extensional regions. We then use a direct numerical simulation of the two-dimensional, incompressible Navier-Stokes equation with Ekman friction to study probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the persistence times of vortical and extensional regions by employing both Eulerian and Lagrangian measurements. We find that, in the Eulerian case, the persistence-time PDFs have exponential tails; by contrast, this PDF for Lagrangian particles, in vortical regions, has a power-law tail with an exponent theta = 2.9 +/- 0.2.
This paper presents an efficient Simulated Annealing with valid solution mechanism for finding an optimum conflict-free transmission schedule for a broadcast radio network. This is known as a Broadcast Scheduling Problem (BSP) and shown as an NP-complete problem, in earlier studies. Because of this NP-complete nature, earlier studies used genetic algorithms, mean field annealing, neural networks, factor graph and sum product algorithm, and sequential vertex coloring algorithm to obtain the solution. In our study, a valid solution mechanism is included in simulated annealing. Because of this inclusion, we are able to achieve better results even for networks with 100 nodes and 300 links. The results obtained using our methodology is compared with all the other earlier solution methods.
We show that the problem of two anyons interacting through a simple harmonic potential or a Coulomb potential is supersymmetric. The supersymmetry operators map a theory described by statistics parameter θ to one described by π+θ. Thus fermions and bosons go into each other, while semions are supersymmetric by themselves. The simple harmonic problem has a Sp(4) symmetry for any value of θ which explains the energy degeneracies.
We build on the formulation developed in S. Sridhar and N. K. Singh J. Fluid Mech. 664, 265 (2010)] and present a theory of the shear dynamo problem for small magnetic and fluid Reynolds numbers, but for arbitrary values of the shear parameter. Specializing to the case of a mean magnetic field that is slowly varying in time, explicit expressions for the transport coefficients alpha(il) and eta(iml) are derived. We prove that when the velocity field is nonhelical, the transport coefficient alpha(il) vanishes. We then consider forced, stochastic dynamics for the incompressible velocity field at low Reynolds number. An exact, explicit solution for the velocity field is derived, and the velocity spectrum tensor is calculated in terms of the Galilean-invariant forcing statistics. We consider forcing statistics that are nonhelical, isotropic, and delta correlated in time, and specialize to the case when the mean field is a function only of the spatial coordinate X-3 and time tau; this reduction is necessary for comparison with the numerical experiments of A. Brandenburg, K. H. Radler, M. Rheinhardt, and P. J. Kapyla Astrophys. J. 676, 740 (2008)]. Explicit expressions are derived for all four components of the magnetic diffusivity tensor eta(ij) (tau). These are used to prove that the shear-current effect cannot be responsible for dynamo action at small Re and Rm, but for all values of the shear parameter.
We discuss a many-body Hamiltonian with two- and three-body interactions in two dimensions introduced recently by Murthy, Bhaduri and Sen. Apart from an analysis of some exact solutions in the many-body system, we analyse in detail the two-body problem which is completely solvable. We show that the solution of the two-body problem reduces to solving a known differential equation due to Heun. We show that the two-body spectrum becomes remarkably simple for large interaction strengths and the level structure resembles that of the Landau levels. We also clarify the 'ultraviolet' regularization which is needed to define an inverse-square potential properly and discuss its implications for our model.