824 resultados para Focos de resistências


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Este estudo teve como objetivos investigar aspectos da dinâmica intrapsíquica de mães de crianças institucionalizadas em abrigo por ordem judicial, e identificar recursos defensivos utilizados por essas mães. Para atingir estes objetivos, realizou-se uma investigação clínica com estudo de três casos de mães de crianças abrigadas. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos: a) Roteiro de Entrevista roteiro de temas a serem abordados em uma ou mais entrevistas não diretivas de cunho clínico, a fim de auxiliar na investigação da psicodinâmica destas mães. b) Procedimento de Desenho Estória com Tema técnica projetiva que associa o uso de desenhos com estórias, como forma de explorar livre e dinamicamente os conteúdos da personalidade. A técnica permite o estudo das características formais e estruturais da personalidade, pois tem a particularidade de facilitar a expressão de aspectos inconscientes relacionados a pontos de angústias presentes, focos conflituosos e perturbações emergentes. Estes procedimentos foram realizados nas dependências da instituição (abrigo) onde as crianças estavam hospedadas. Os principais resultados comuns aos três casos foram: Ambigüidade e os Impeditivos de Crescimento a primeira mãe entrevistada ao mesmo tempo ataca a mãe que a abandona (mãe biológica e a mãe adotiva), em busca de uma mãe idealizada. Essa ambigüidade a impede de crescer. Nota-se a mesma tentativa de idealização na segunda mãe estudada que demonstra dificuldade em aceitar a atual situação em que vive e não consegue perceber que a aproximação de sua mãe é por causa da doença que ela adquiriu e não por continência. A terceira e última mãe entrevistada demonstra conteúdos persecutórios diante do abrigamento dos filhos e dificuldade de sentir gratidão. Os mecanismos predominantes que aparecem nos três casos são os de: idealização e regressão a estágios primitivos. Nota-se ainda, depressão, dificuldade de elaboração da posição depressiva. Estas mães não conseguem vivenciar continuamente a realidade psíquica, que implicaria na elaboração da posição depressiva, pois não conseguem fazer, ainda que tentem, uma comparação entre os mundos interno e externo, o que as levariam à uma melhor compreensão das semelhanças e diferenças. De modo que, a figura dos pais (principalmente da mãe) fica cindida entre aterrorizante e idealizada, porém os mecanismos predominantes são suas fantasias que propiciam idealização; identificação projetiva maciça. A persecutoriedade e a culpa, ao mesmo tempo parecem indicar a depressão que pode ser tão forte que levam à intensificação destes sentimentos. Há a presença da inveja que também intensifica as angústias persecutórias, requerendo mecanismos de defesa que violentam as funções psíquicas.(AU)


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Em ambiente de elevada pressão, competição e necessidade de criação de diferenciais consistentes que venham contribuir com a longevidade das organizações, nota-se a busca e, às vezes, radicais transformações nos modelos de gestão de negócios e gestão do ser humano no meio empresarial. No campo central dos estudos atuais acerca do comportamento humano e de suas relações com as diversas instituições em que o homem se vê inserido, figuram os esforços voltados à compreensão do papel e valor da contribuição do ser humano ao ambiente de trabalho e fortalecimento das organizações. Crescentes se mostram a preocupação e o entendimento sobre os fatores que impactam o bem-estar geral, o bem-estar no trabalho, a saúde dos trabalhadores e as variáveis emocionais oriundas das relações interpessoais comuns a todo organismo social. A combinação de temas emergentes e ricos em significância como bem-estar no trabalho, satisfação e envolvimento com o trabalho, comprometimento organizacional afetivo, emoções, afetos e sentimentos, caracterizam-se como um vasto e instigante campo de pesquisa para uma adaptação mais ampla do ser humano ao ambiente organizacional. O presente estudo teve como objetivo submeter ao teste empírico as relações entre experiências afetivas no contexto organizacional e três dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho - satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. A amostra foi composta por 253 profissionais de uma indústria metalúrgica de autopeças na grande São Paulo, sendo 213 do sexo masculino e 29 do sexo feminino, com maior freqüência na faixa etária compreendida entre 26 a 30 anos, distribuída entre solteiros e casados. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário de auto-preenchimento com quatro escalas que avaliaram afetos positivos e negativos, satisfação no trabalho, envolvimento com o trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. A análise dos dados foi feita por meio do SPSS, versão 16.0 e diversos sub-programas permitiram realizar análises descritivas bem como calcular modelos de regressão linear para verificar o impacto de afetos positivos e negativos sobre bem-estar no trabalho. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que o principal preditor das dimensões de bem-estar no trabalho foram os afetos positivos. Assim, parece ser adequado afirmar que bem-estar no trabalho seja um estado psicológico sustentado, em especial, pela vivência de emoções positivas no contexto organizacional. Sugere-se que a promoção da saúde e do bem-estar dentro das organizações sejam focos de estudos futuros, representando valiosa contribuição aos campos de conhecimento da psicologia da saúde e da psicologia organizacional, bem como ao conseqüente fortalecimento dos vínculos entre empresa e trabalhadores.(AU)


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Os sucessivos avanços tecnológicos permitem a criação de novos materiais de construção com características otimizadas ao uso que lhes é designado. Nesta categoria enquadram-se os materiais compósitos e mais concretamente os painéis compósitos de betão aligeirado de EPS com revestimento superficial de placas Megapan® estudados neste documento. Neste documento faz-se uma abordagem aos conceitos de material compósito e uma breve análise histórica do seu uso. Descreve-se também sucintamente as características gerais dos painéis em estudo e exemplifica-se algumas aplicações do material até à presente data. São analisados testes de resistência efetuados ao material estudado e efetua-se a caracterização mecânica do mesmo. Verifica-se neste estudo que os painéis de betão aligeirado de EPS com revestimento superficial de placas Megapan® possuem resistências mecânicas que permitem a sua utilização como parte integrante de um sistema estrutural. Sugere-se uma solução construtiva para uma estrutura que utilize os painéis estudados como elemento estrutural e os respetivos pormenores construtivos. É também sugerida uma metodologia de cálculo para dimensionar a estrutura analisada.


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Although photodynamic therapy have been used as a useful tool over the past 30 years in oncology, few clinical trials have been conducted in dentistry. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses non - toxic photosensitizers and selective which are administered in target cells followed by local application of visible light, producing reactive oxygen species capable of causing cell death by apoptosis or necrosis, injured the local vasculature, and exert important effects on the im mune system. New generations of photosensitizing agents, such as nanoparticulate phthalocyanines, has shown excellent results in antitumor and antibacterial activity . In this context, the present work constitutes the first clinical protocol of local appli cation of nanoemulsion chloro - aluminum phthalocyanine (AlClFc) followed by irradiation in human gingiva, and analyzed descriptively and comparatively , by means of immunohistochemistry , the expression of RANK , RANKL , OPG and VEGF in a split - mouth model . Eight healthy volunteers with clinical indication for extraction were included in the study . Seven days before the extraction, was injected in the gingiva of participants, 5 μ M of nanoemulsion AlClFc followed by irra diation with diode laser (660nm , 7 J/cm2 ), the contralateral side was used as control. Tissue specimens were removed seven days after the TFD is performed. Tissues sample were divided into two groups (test and con trol groups) for histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Patients were monitored at days, 0, 7, 14 and 30 to assess adverse effects of the therapy. Vascular alterations were seen in gingival samples that received PDT. Areas of edema and vascular con gestion, and intense vascularization were viewed . Additionally, dystrophic calcification in subepithelial region were observed in the test group. The results showed a similar pattern of immunostaining scores of RANK, RANKL and VEGF between the test and co ntrol groups, with no statistically significant difference (p = 0.317, p = 0.777, p = 0 .814, respectively). RANK and RANKL exhibited weak or absent immunostaining in most specimens analyzed. There was n o immunostaining for OPG. VEGF showed moderate to stro ng immunostaining in specimens from the test group. In addition, the clinical study showed that therapy was well tolerated by all patients. Adverse effects were short - time and completely reversible. Taken together, the results presented in this study showe d that PDT mediated by nanoemulsion containing AlClPc is safe for clinical application in gingival tissue and suggests that a strong immunostaining for VEGF after therapy .


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Stimulus encouraging the production and consumption of biodiesel favors the policy of pre-serving the environment, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas reducing climate change. The current trend of research in this field focuses on improving these processes with the use of heterogeneous catalysts, seeing has significant advantages such as: low contamination of products, ease of separation of the catalyst from the reaction medium, possibili-ty of reuse of the catalyst, decreased corrosion problems. The objective of this research was to optimize the synthesis of AlSBA-15 for the production of biodiesel through transesterification process via ethyl route. For the optimization of hydrothermal synthesis of type AlSBA-15 catalyst has assembled a 23 factorial experimental matrix with eleven trials. The stoichiometric amounts of starting materials were varied according to different ratios Si / Al which is a factor in the experimental design, in addition to the time and temperature of aging of the synthesis gel. The material showed the best results of characterization (SBET = 591.7 (m2 / g), Vp = 0.83 (cm3 / g), Dp = 5.59 (nm), w = 6.48 (nm) was synthesized at 100 ° C for 24 hours, with a ratio Si / Al = 10.This material was applied as a heterogeneous catalyst in the reaction of ethyl transesterification as raw coconut oil in natura. Coconut oil presented suitable for obtaining biodiesel via ethyl route.The visual aspects and physical-chemical characteristics of the reaction products show that AlSBA-15 catalyst favored the reaction. According to physical-chemical analysis the order of oxidative stability of the product of the transesterification reaction was: catalytic reaction at 1500 ° C> non-catalytic reaction at 100 ° C> 100 ° C catalytic> catalytic reaction at 200 ° C Reaction. The results of oxidative stability and kinematic viscosity shows that the biodiesel produced in the catalytic sandblasting held at 150 ° C which was maintained within the ABNT NBR 7148, ABNT NBR 10441 and EN 14112.


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This thesis relates to issues present in the hip hop movement. Thus it includes youngsters grouped in different levels such as local, regional and national. The research deals with this broad segment. The analysis is made on those called “peripheral youth” It encompasses the juvenile segment, that is committed to a movement defined by these youngsters and activists, the so called “hip hop movement”. The research aims to analyze poetics present in rap, considered as an expression of resistance and inventiveness. The analysis was of micro politic nature and it dealt with the “peripheral scenario” present in hip hop Lelo Melodia in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal-Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. In this community, the group in known for their resistance attitude. The group´s opinion is not of opposition or force but it is seen in the sense of reinventing life that is currently attached to the persisting social inequality condition. In these terms, the research also deals with this committed poetic rap understood here as expressions towards resistance and inventiveness that is produced by these youth groups that belong to this hip hop movement. The focal group was the Lelo Melodia Group of the Posse de Hip Hop in the Guarapes neighborhood in Natal/Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil.


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Dengue fever, currently the most important arbovirus, is transmitted by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Given the absence of a prophylactic vaccine, the disease can only be controlled by combating the vector insect. However, increasing reports of resistance and environmental damage caused by insecticides have led to the urgent search for new safer alternatives. Twenty - um plant s eed extracts from the Caatinga were prepared , tested and characterized . Sodium phosphate ( 50 mM pH 8.0) was used as extractor. All extracts showed larvicidal and ovipositional deterrence activity . Extracts of D. grandiflora, E. contortisiliquum, A. cearenses , C. ferrea and C. retusa were able to attract females for posture when in low co ncentration . In the attractive concentrations, the CE of E. contortisiliquum and A. cearenses were able to kill 52% and 100% of the larvae respectively . The extracts of A. cearenses , P. viridiflora, E. velutina, M. urundeuva and S. brasiliensis were also pupicides, while extracts of P. viridiflora, E. velutina, E. contortisiliquum , A. cearenses, A. colubrina, D. grandiflora , B. cheilantha , S. spectabilis, C. pyramidalis, M. regnelli e G. americana displayed adulticidal activity. All extracts were toxic to C. dubia zooplankton . The EB of E. velutina and E. contortisiliquum did not affect the viability of fibroblasts . In all extracts were identified at least two potential insecticidal proteins such as enzyme inhibitors, lectins and chitin - binding proteins and components of secondary metabolism . Considering all bioassays , the extracts from A. cearenses, P. viridiflora, E. contortisiliquum , S. brasiliensis, E. velutina and M. urundeuva were considered the most promising . The E. contortisiliquum extracts was the only one who did not show pupicida activity, indicating that its mechanism of action larvicide and adulticidal is related only to the ingesti on of toxic compounds by insect , so it was selected to be fragmenting. As observed for the CE , th e protein fractions of E. contortisiliquum also showed larvicidal activity, highlighting that F2 showed higher larvicidal activity and lower en vironmental toxicity than the CE source. The reduction in the proteolytic activity of larvae fed with crude extra ct and fractions of E. contortisiliquum suggest ed that the trypsin inhibitors ( ITEc) would be resp onsible for larvicidal activity . However the increase in the purification of this inhibitor resulted in loss of larvicidal activity , but the absence of trypsin inhibitor reduced the effectiveness of the fractions , indicating that the ITEC contributes to the larvicidal activity of this extract. Not been observed larvicidal activity and adulticide in rich fraction vicilin, nor evidence of the contribution o f this molecule for the larvicidal activity of the extract. The results show the potential of seeds from plant extracts of Caatinga as a source of active molecules against insects A. aegypti at different stages of its development cycle, since they are comp osed of different active compounds, including protein nature, which act on different mechanisms should result in the death of insec


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES


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A partir da abordagem investigativa da multirreferencialidade, com base em Jacques Ardoíno, e tendo como lentes teóricas os conceitos de cultura e de gênero, discutidos respectivamente por Victor Hell, Stuart Hall, Alfredo Veiga-Neto, e Joan Scott, Guacira Lopes Louro, Dagmar Meyer, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as implicações da presença de homens docentes na Educação Infantil, problematizando as relações de gênero a partir de um amálgama de atravessamentos sociais, históricos e culturais. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dois homens que exercem a função de educador infantil na rede pública de ensino do Município de Natal/RN/Brasil. A análise das entrevistas possibilitou a organização dos dados em quatro focos de discussão. O primeiro deles refere-se às figuras masculinas (re)produzidas no cotidiano da Educação Infantil, cujas representações discursivas constroem o homem como “perigoso”, “poderoso” e “respeitado”, ajudando a perpetuar os vínculos histórica e culturalmente estabelecidos entre a figura masculina e as imagens de autoridade, liderança, comando, ao mesmo tempo em que reforça o suposto caráter natural das relações entre a figura feminina e o cuidado infantil. O segundo foco de discussão trata da polarização entre os elementos do binômio masculino/feminino, ativado constantemente nas relações que se estabelecem entre homens e mulheres no cotidiano da Educação Infantil, tornando as instituições desta etapa de ensino um local de concretização dos mais diversos significados de gênero. O terceiro foco de discussão problematiza a necessidade de afirmação da heterossexualidade dos educadores infantis entrevistados, destacando-se a associação (geralmente feita por gestores, por colegas de trabalho e pelas famílias das crianças) entre a heterossexualidade masculina e o adequado exercício da função docente. O quarto e último foco de discussão trata das lacunas da formação inicial e continuada de educadores infantis, enfatizando que, de modo geral, os cursos que formam professores para atuar em instituições de Educação Infantil tendem a desconsiderar a inserção profissional de homens nessa etapa de ensino. Assim, a Dissertação que ora apresentamos tem como escopo a desnaturalização de estereótipos de gênero no cotidiano da Educação Infantil, entendendo que este é também um contexto muito profícuo para o exercício de resistência às imagens cultural e historicamente associadas a homens e mulheres.


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The generation of industrial wastes has been increased more and more in recent decades, motivating studies about a correct sustainable allocation and that also represents advantages for their generators. In this context, are included two companies of cleaning products niche, located in São José do Mipibu/RN, that produces industrial sludge at a sewage treatment plant, and that is the main approach of this research. Given this, it was studied the incorporation potentiality of this sludge as a mineral addition in cement matrix for concrete production due it high capacity of wastes immobilization inside this material, which are subsequently used in the company for making precast articles. Were added different sludge concentrations (5, 10, 15 and 20%) in a common trait (1: 2: 3), and evaluated their techniques and microstructural implications via workability test in fresh state and compressive strength, full porosity and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in the hardened state. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the process both from a technical and environmental view as economical. All concretes produced with residue showed an increase of workability given the nature of the waste that had surfactants substances capable of adsorbing tiny particles of air into the batter. However, for all concentrations were obtained lower compressive resistances than standard concrete, with a reduction of 39% for samples with 20% of sludge. This are attributed mainly to an increase of porosity in the transition zone of these material, resulting from increased formation of ettringite at the detriment to the formation of other compounds, but which still allows the use of these for the manufacture of concrete articles with non-structural nature, such as precast floor. In addition, the water absorption and void ratio increased slightly for all samples, except the concrete with 20% of waste that has a reduction for the last parameter. Given this context, the recommended maximum level is 20%, constituting a significant proportion and able to allocate sustainably all waste generated in the industry.


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The research aimed to analyze the role of nurses in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the control of Dengue and Chikungunya fever in the cities of Parnamirim and Santa Cruz. It is exploratory and descriptive nature of research, with a qualitative approach, which was developed with nurses of the Family Health Strategy in the municipalities of Parnamirim and Santa Cruz. All research process followed the ethical standards laid out research in Resolution No. 466/2012 of the National Health Council about research involving human beings. Data collection was performed using a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions, organized into three parts: the profile of respondents, knowledge of the disease (transmission, prevention, control) and description of practices. The actions performed by nurses are punctual performed when there is growing disease of the number of cases in order to try to reduce the number of cases. The principal methodology used for them is to talk and guidelines resulting from campaigns and home visits, using leaflets and social networks. Regarding knowledge of nurses in the city of Santa Cruz on Dengue Fever and Chikungunya, is clearly some gaps. Nursing professionals know recognize a suspected case of dengue, but get confused when trying to explain to the Chikungunya fever, exhibiting the same symptoms of dengue. Although everybody had participated in a training on Chikungunya Fever and Dengue, a very limited knowledge of nurses regarding the clinical management. It is suggested that further studies are developed on the ground a few nurses have accepted to participate in the study, so that we can identify strategies, interventions, activities and nursing actions that are consistent with the reality of working in favor of coping Aedes epidemics aegypti that have positive impact on reducing the infestation rates and may be suitable and applied in other regions.


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The research aimed to analyze the role of nurses in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the control of Dengue and Chikungunya fever in the cities of Parnamirim and Santa Cruz. It is exploratory and descriptive nature of research, with a qualitative approach, which was developed with nurses of the Family Health Strategy in the municipalities of Parnamirim and Santa Cruz. All research process followed the ethical standards laid out research in Resolution No. 466/2012 of the National Health Council about research involving human beings. Data collection was performed using a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions, organized into three parts: the profile of respondents, knowledge of the disease (transmission, prevention, control) and description of practices. The actions performed by nurses are punctual performed when there is growing disease of the number of cases in order to try to reduce the number of cases. The principal methodology used for them is to talk and guidelines resulting from campaigns and home visits, using leaflets and social networks. Regarding knowledge of nurses in the city of Santa Cruz on Dengue Fever and Chikungunya, is clearly some gaps. Nursing professionals know recognize a suspected case of dengue, but get confused when trying to explain to the Chikungunya fever, exhibiting the same symptoms of dengue. Although everybody had participated in a training on Chikungunya Fever and Dengue, a very limited knowledge of nurses regarding the clinical management. It is suggested that further studies are developed on the ground a few nurses have accepted to participate in the study, so that we can identify strategies, interventions, activities and nursing actions that are consistent with the reality of working in favor of coping Aedes epidemics aegypti that have positive impact on reducing the infestation rates and may be suitable and applied in other regions.


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Composite materials arise from the need for lighter materials and with bigger mechanical and thermal resistance. The difficulties of discard, recycling or reuse are currently environmental concerns and, therefore, they are study object of much researches. In this perspective the feasibility of using loofahs (Luffa Cylindrica) for obtainment of a polymeric matrix composite was studied. Six formulations, with 4, 5 and 6 treated layers and untreated, were tested. The loofahs were treated in boiling water to remove lignins, waxes and impurities present in the fibers. After that, they were dried in a direct exposure solar dryer. For the characterization of the composite, thermal (thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, thermal diffusivity and thermal resistivity), mechanical (tensile and bending resistance) and physicochemical (SEM, XRD, density, absorption and degradation) properties were determined. The proposed composite has as advantage the low fiber density, which is around 0.66 g/cm³ (almost half of the polyester resin matrix), resulting in an average composite density of around 1.17g/cm³, 6.0 % lower in relation to the matrix. The treatment carried out in the loofahs increased the mechanical strength of the composite and decreased the humidity absorption. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior than the matrix for all the formulations. The composite also demonstrated itself to be feasible for thermal applications, with a value of thermal conductivity of less than 0.159 W/m.K, ranking it as a good thermal insulator. For all formulations/settings a low adherence between fibers and matrix occurred, with the presence of cracks, showing the fragility due to low impregnation of the fiber by the matrix. This composite can be used to manufacture structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as solar prototypes, as ovens and stoves.


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Composite materials arise from the need for lighter materials and with bigger mechanical and thermal resistance. The difficulties of discard, recycling or reuse are currently environmental concerns and, therefore, they are study object of much researches. In this perspective the feasibility of using loofahs (Luffa Cylindrica) for obtainment of a polymeric matrix composite was studied. Six formulations, with 4, 5 and 6 treated layers and untreated, were tested. The loofahs were treated in boiling water to remove lignins, waxes and impurities present in the fibers. After that, they were dried in a direct exposure solar dryer. For the characterization of the composite, thermal (thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, thermal diffusivity and thermal resistivity), mechanical (tensile and bending resistance) and physicochemical (SEM, XRD, density, absorption and degradation) properties were determined. The proposed composite has as advantage the low fiber density, which is around 0.66 g/cm³ (almost half of the polyester resin matrix), resulting in an average composite density of around 1.17g/cm³, 6.0 % lower in relation to the matrix. The treatment carried out in the loofahs increased the mechanical strength of the composite and decreased the humidity absorption. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior than the matrix for all the formulations. The composite also demonstrated itself to be feasible for thermal applications, with a value of thermal conductivity of less than 0.159 W/m.K, ranking it as a good thermal insulator. For all formulations/settings a low adherence between fibers and matrix occurred, with the presence of cracks, showing the fragility due to low impregnation of the fiber by the matrix. This composite can be used to manufacture structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as solar prototypes, as ovens and stoves.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)