953 resultados para Field Theories in Lower Dimensions


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Field material testing provides firsthand information on pavement conditions which are most helpful in evaluating performance and identifying preventive maintenance or overlay strategies. High variability of field asphalt concrete due to construction raises the demand for accuracy of the test. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to propose a reliable and repeatable methodology to evaluate the fracture properties of field-aged asphalt concrete using the overlay test (OT). The OT is selected because of its efficiency and feasibility for asphalt field cores with diverse dimensions. The fracture properties refer to the Paris’ law parameters based on the pseudo J-integral (A and n) because of the sound physical significance of the pseudo J-integral with respect to characterizing the cracking process. In order to determine A and n, a two-step OT protocol is designed to characterize the undamaged and damaged behaviors of asphalt field cores. To ensure the accuracy of determined undamaged and fracture properties, a new analysis method is then developed for data processing, which combines the finite element simulations and mechanical analysis of viscoelastic force equilibrium and evolution of pseudo displacement work in the OT specimen. Finally, theoretical equations are derived to calculate A and n directly from the OT test data. The accuracy of the determined fracture properties is verified. The proposed methodology is applied to a total of 27 asphalt field cores obtained from a field project in Texas, including the control Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and two types of warm mix asphalt (WMA). The results demonstrate a high linear correlation between n and −log A for all the tested field cores. Investigations of the effect of field aging on the fracture properties confirm that n is a good indicator to quantify the cracking resistance of asphalt concrete. It is also indicated that summer climatic condition clearly accelerates the rate of aging. The impact of the WMA technologies on fracture properties of asphalt concrete is visualized by comparing the n-values. It shows that the Evotherm WMA technology slightly improves the cracking resistance, while the foaming WMA technology provides the comparable fracture properties with the HMA. After 15 months aging in the field, the cracking resistance does not exhibit significant difference between HMA and WMAs, which is confirmed by the observations of field distresses.


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A nemzetközi, elsősorban európai szervezettudományban mára meghatározóvá vált a kritikai megközelítés, a hazai szakirodalomban mégis elvétve találni rá utalásokat. A szerzők írásukban tárgyalják, hogy a kritikai menedzsmentelméletek (KME) szemszögéből miként bírálható a mindenkori szervezeti gyakorlat, és miért bírálandók a főáramú menedzsmentelméletek. A tanulmány fő részében elméleti megkülönböztetéseket tesznek: egyrészt elhatárolják a kritikai megközelítést a főáramú szervezetelméletektől, másrészt több szempontból is különbséget tesznek a különféle – de egyaránt a KME alá tartozó – kritikai megközelítések között. De a kritikai szemlélethez hűen nem csak a puszta elméletismertetés volt a céljuk: e bevezetés és problémafelvető tanulmány – s a későbbiekben tervezett cikksorozat – szándékuk szerint vitaindítóként is szolgál. Abban bíznak, hogy a felvetett kérdésekről valódi, lényegi párbeszédet generálhatnak a hazai menedzsmenttudományban (kutatók, oktatók és elméletalkalmazók körében), mely kihathat a szervezeti gyakorlatra is. _____ Critical Management Studies (CMS) as a field of organization studies (OS) has become central internationally, and especially in Europe. Yet, its appearance is still very rare in the Hungarian OS literature. In this study first the authors discuss how the nowadays dominant organizational practices along with the mainstream management and organization theories are to be criticized from a Critical Management perspective. In the main section, so as to define CMS, they make important theoretical distinctions, first between CMS and mainstream organization theories (in general), and then among the different critical approaches that nevertheless all fall under the broad CMS umbrella. But, in line with a truly critical attitude, they not only go into theoretical discussions but, at least to their intention, the purpose of this introductory paper is also to addresses important problems both in the theory and the practice of organization and management. Therefore, it could serve as an opening of an important debate or dialogue in the Hungarian academic community (researchers, educators and other professionals), a theoretical discussion that could have real influence on organizational practice too.


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Ocean acidification (OA) is likely to exert selective pressure on natural populations. Our ability to predict which marine species will adapt to OA, and what underlies this adaptive potential, are of high conservation and resource management priority. Using a naturally low pH vent site in the Mediterranean Sea (Castello Aragonese, Ischia) mirroring projected future OA conditions, we carried out a reciprocal transplant experiment to investigate the relative importance of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation in two populations of the sessile, calcifying polychaete /Simplaria /sp. (Annelida, Serpulidae, Spirorbinae): one residing in low pH and the other from a nearby ambient (i.e. high) pH site. We measured a suite of fitness related traits (i.e. survival, reproductive output, maturation, population growth) and tube growth rates in laboratory-bred F2 generation individuals from both populations reciprocally transplanted back into both ambient and low pH /in situ/ habitats. Both populations showed lower expression in all traits, but increased tube growth rates, when exposed to low pH compared to high pH conditions, regardless of their site of origin suggesting that local adaptation to low pH conditions has not occurred. We also found comparable levels of plasticity in the two populations investigated, suggesting no influence of long-term exposure to low pH on the ability of populations to adjust their phenotype. Despite high variation in trait values among sites and the relatively extreme conditions at sites close to the vents (pH < 7.36), response trends were consistent across traits. Hence, our data suggest that, for /Simplaria /and possibly other calcifiers, neither local adaptations nor sufficient phenotypic plasticity levels appear to suffice in order to compensate for the negative impacts of OA on long-term survival. Our work also underlines the utility of field experiments in natural environments subjected to high level of /p/CO_2 for elucidating the potential for adaptation to future scenarios of OA.


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In the context of break with psychiatric hospitals, the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform is a historical process of reformulation of knowledge and mental health practices. In this way, the Centers of Support for Family Health (NASF) have been acting in the supply of matrix support in mental health. So, the present research aims to analyze the actions which the NASF is taking for the matrix support in mental health in the city of Natal/RN. This is a kind of research descriptive, exploratory and qualitative. The data collection, was made by a direct observation of the professional pratices and semi-structured interviews with health professionals NASF's. The Data were analyzed according to thematic analysis technique, with the support of the content analysis method, which is a way to investigate clusters of meanings which make up the communication of the investigated object. Three analytical categories were organized by this method, whose titles were inspired in two theories in the health field called “Health to Paidéia” and “Expanded Clinic”. The name of the categories are: 1. “Mental illness in brackets: working dimensions of the Centers of Support for Family Health interfaces with the concrete subject”, which is about the work process of NASF; 2. “Freedom and engagement in the arrangement of matrix support in mental health”, which explore the matrix support limitations in mental health in Natal/RN from the professionals interviewed at the NASF’s; 3. “Between the desire and interest: influence of expert orientation in mental health in Psychosocial Care Network” (RAPS), which is related to matrix support in mental health, as an organizational arrangement responsible to ensure intersectoral and comprehensive care, strategies inside of context of the constitution of RAPS. We can extract and say that the actions of NASF teams in the brazilian city called Natal/RN, still not part of a structured link with health care networks, as happens with the absence of discussions and lack of professionals in the matrix support. In addition, there is a difficulty to do an specialized orientation in mental health because of the lack of human resources in this area and of the insufficient number of the replacement services for psychiatric hospital pratices, bringing up the discussion about the consolidation and expansion of RAPS in fact investigated.


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We study the fluctuation-dissipation relations for a three dimensional Ising spin glass in a magnetic field both in the high temperature phase as well as in the low temperature one. In the region of times simulated we have found that our results support a picture of the low temperature phase with broken replica symmetry, but a droplet behavior cannot be completely excluded.


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It was recently shown [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 227201 (2013)] that the critical behavior of the random-field Ising model in three dimensions is ruled by a single universality class. This conclusion was reached only after a proper taming of the large scaling corrections of the model by applying a combined approach of various techniques, coming from the zero-and positive-temperature toolboxes of statistical physics. In the present contribution we provide a detailed description of this combined scheme, explaining in detail the zero-temperature numerical scheme and developing the generalized fluctuation-dissipation formula that allowed us to compute connected and disconnected correlation functions of the model. We discuss the error evolution of our method and we illustrate the infinite limit-size extrapolation of several observables within phenomenological renormalization. We present an extension of the quotients method that allows us to obtain estimates of the critical exponent a of the specific heat of the model via the scaling of the bond energy and we discuss the self-averaging properties of the system and the algorithmic aspects of the maximum-flow algorithm used.


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The goal of my Ph.D. thesis is to enhance the visualization of the peripheral retina using wide-field optical coherence tomography (OCT) in a clinical setting.

OCT has gain widespread adoption in clinical ophthalmology due to its ability to visualize the diseases of the macula and central retina in three-dimensions, however, clinical OCT has a limited field-of-view of 300. There has been increasing interest to obtain high-resolution images outside of this narrow field-of-view, because three-dimensional imaging of the peripheral retina may prove to be important in the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and dementia, and the monitoring of known ocular diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusions, and choroid masses.

Before attempting to build a wide-field OCT system, we need to better understand the peripheral optics of the human eye. Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors are commonly used tools for measuring the optical imperfections of the eye, but their acquisition speed is limited by their underlying camera hardware. The first aim of my thesis research is to create a fast method of ocular wavefront sensing such that we can measure the wavefront aberrations at numerous points across a wide visual field. In order to address aim one, we will develop a sparse Zernike reconstruction technique (SPARZER) that will enable Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors to use as little as 1/10th of the data that would normally be required for an accurate wavefront reading. If less data needs to be acquired, then we can increase the speed at which wavefronts can be recorded.

For my second aim, we will create a sophisticated optical model that reproduces the measured aberrations of the human eye. If we know how the average eye's optics distort light, then we can engineer ophthalmic imaging systems that preemptively cancel inherent ocular aberrations. This invention will help the retinal imaging community to design systems that are capable of acquiring high resolution images across a wide visual field. The proposed model eye is also of interest to the field of vision science as it aids in the study of how anatomy affects visual performance in the peripheral retina.

Using the optical model from aim two, we will design and reduce to practice a clinical OCT system that is capable of imaging a large (800) field-of-view with enhanced visualization of the peripheral retina. A key aspect of this third and final aim is to make the imaging system compatible with standard clinical practices. To this end, we will incorporate sensorless adaptive optics in order to correct the inter- and intra- patient variability in ophthalmic aberrations. Sensorless adaptive optics will improve both the brightness (signal) and clarity (resolution) of features in the peripheral retina without affecting the size of the imaging system.

The proposed work should not only be a noteworthy contribution to the ophthalmic and engineering communities, but it should strengthen our existing collaborations with the Duke Eye Center by advancing their capability to diagnose pathologies of the peripheral retinal.


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Integrating information from multiple sources is a crucial function of the brain. Examples of such integration include multiple stimuli of different modalties, such as visual and auditory, multiple stimuli of the same modality, such as auditory and auditory, and integrating stimuli from the sensory organs (i.e. ears) with stimuli delivered from brain-machine interfaces.

The overall aim of this body of work is to empirically examine stimulus integration in these three domains to inform our broader understanding of how and when the brain combines information from multiple sources.

First, I examine visually-guided auditory, a problem with implications for the general problem in learning of how the brain determines what lesson to learn (and what lessons not to learn). For example, sound localization is a behavior that is partially learned with the aid of vision. This process requires correctly matching a visual location to that of a sound. This is an intrinsically circular problem when sound location is itself uncertain and the visual scene is rife with possible visual matches. Here, we develop a simple paradigm using visual guidance of sound localization to gain insight into how the brain confronts this type of circularity. We tested two competing hypotheses. 1: The brain guides sound location learning based on the synchrony or simultaneity of auditory-visual stimuli, potentially involving a Hebbian associative mechanism. 2: The brain uses a ‘guess and check’ heuristic in which visual feedback that is obtained after an eye movement to a sound alters future performance, perhaps by recruiting the brain’s reward-related circuitry. We assessed the effects of exposure to visual stimuli spatially mismatched from sounds on performance of an interleaved auditory-only saccade task. We found that when humans and monkeys were provided the visual stimulus asynchronously with the sound but as feedback to an auditory-guided saccade, they shifted their subsequent auditory-only performance toward the direction of the visual cue by 1.3-1.7 degrees, or 22-28% of the original 6 degree visual-auditory mismatch. In contrast when the visual stimulus was presented synchronously with the sound but extinguished too quickly to provide this feedback, there was little change in subsequent auditory-only performance. Our results suggest that the outcome of our own actions is vital to localizing sounds correctly. Contrary to previous expectations, visual calibration of auditory space does not appear to require visual-auditory associations based on synchrony/simultaneity.

My next line of research examines how electrical stimulation of the inferior colliculus influences perception of sounds in a nonhuman primate. The central nucleus of the inferior colliculus is the major ascending relay of auditory information before it reaches the forebrain, and thus an ideal target for understanding low-level information processing prior to the forebrain, as almost all auditory signals pass through the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus before reaching the forebrain. Thus, the inferior colliculus is the ideal structure to examine to understand the format of the inputs into the forebrain and, by extension, the processing of auditory scenes that occurs in the brainstem. Therefore, the inferior colliculus was an attractive target for understanding stimulus integration in the ascending auditory pathway.

Moreover, understanding the relationship between the auditory selectivity of neurons and their contribution to perception is critical to the design of effective auditory brain prosthetics. These prosthetics seek to mimic natural activity patterns to achieve desired perceptual outcomes. We measured the contribution of inferior colliculus (IC) sites to perception using combined recording and electrical stimulation. Monkeys performed a frequency-based discrimination task, reporting whether a probe sound was higher or lower in frequency than a reference sound. Stimulation pulses were paired with the probe sound on 50% of trials (0.5-80 µA, 100-300 Hz, n=172 IC locations in 3 rhesus monkeys). Electrical stimulation tended to bias the animals’ judgments in a fashion that was coarsely but significantly correlated with the best frequency of the stimulation site in comparison to the reference frequency employed in the task. Although there was considerable variability in the effects of stimulation (including impairments in performance and shifts in performance away from the direction predicted based on the site’s response properties), the results indicate that stimulation of the IC can evoke percepts correlated with the frequency tuning properties of the IC. Consistent with the implications of recent human studies, the main avenue for improvement for the auditory midbrain implant suggested by our findings is to increase the number and spatial extent of electrodes, to increase the size of the region that can be electrically activated and provide a greater range of evoked percepts.

My next line of research employs a frequency-tagging approach to examine the extent to which multiple sound sources are combined (or segregated) in the nonhuman primate inferior colliculus. In the single-sound case, most inferior colliculus neurons respond and entrain to sounds in a very broad region of space, and many are entirely spatially insensitive, so it is unknown how the neurons will respond to a situation with more than one sound. I use multiple AM stimuli of different frequencies, which the inferior colliculus represents using a spike timing code. This allows me to measure spike timing in the inferior colliculus to determine which sound source is responsible for neural activity in an auditory scene containing multiple sounds. Using this approach, I find that the same neurons that are tuned to broad regions of space in the single sound condition become dramatically more selective in the dual sound condition, preferentially entraining spikes to stimuli from a smaller region of space. I will examine the possibility that there may be a conceptual linkage between this finding and the finding of receptive field shifts in the visual system.

In chapter 5, I will comment on these findings more generally, compare them to existing theoretical models, and discuss what these results tell us about processing in the central nervous system in a multi-stimulus situation. My results suggest that the brain is flexible in its processing and can adapt its integration schema to fit the available cues and the demands of the task.


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In this paper, the research focus is how to entangle magnetic dipoles to control/engineer magnetic properties of different devices at a submicron/nano scale. Here, we report the generation of synthetic arrays of tunable magnetic dipoles in a nanomodulated continuous ferromagnetic film. In-plane magnetic field rotations in modulated Ni 45Fe 55 revealed various rotational symmetries of magnetic anisotropy due to dipolar interaction with a crossover from lower to higher fold as a function of modulation geometry. Additionally, the effect of aspect ratio on symmetry shows a novel phase shift of anisotropy, which could be critical to manipulate the overall magnetic properties of the patterned film. The tendency to form vortex is in fact found to be very small, which highlights that the strong coupling between metastable dipoles is more favorable than vortex formation to minimize energy in this nanomodulated structure. This has further been corroborated by the observation of step hysteresis, magnetic force microscopy images of tunable magnetic dipoles, and quantitative micromagnetic simulations. An analytical expression has been derived to estimate the overall anisotropy accurately for nanomodulated film having low magnetocrystaline anisotropy. Derived mathematical expressions based on magnetic dipolar interaction are found to be in good agreement with our results.


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Students hold a number of personal theories about education that influence motivation and achievement in the classroom: theories about their own abilities, knowledge, and the learning process. Therefore, college instructors have a great interest in helping to develop adaptive personal theories in their students. The current studies investigated whether specific messages that instructors send in college classroom might serve as a mechanism of personal theory development. Across 2 studies, 17 college instructors and 401 students completed surveys assessing their personal theories about education at the beginning and end of college courses. Students and instructors reported hearing and sending many messages in the classroom, including instructor help messages, conciliatory messages, uncertainty in the field messages, differential ability messages and generalized positive and negative feedback. Between-class and within-class differences in message reports were associated with students’ personal theories at the end of their courses, controlling for initial personal theories. Students’ initial personal theories were also related to the messages students reported hearing. The findings demonstrate the utility of assessing non-content messages in college classrooms as potential mechanisms for changing students’ personal theories in college. Implications for research and practice are discussed.


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For over 50 years, the Satisfaction of Search effect, and more recently known as the Subsequent Search Miss (SSM) effect, has plagued the field of radiology. Defined as a decrease in additional target accuracy after detecting a prior target in a visual search, SSM errors are known to underlie both real-world search errors (e.g., a radiologist is more likely to miss a tumor if a different tumor was previously detected) and more simplified, lab-based search errors (e.g., an observer is more likely to miss a target ‘T’ if a different target ‘T’ was previously detected). Unfortunately, little was known about this phenomenon’s cognitive underpinnings and SSM errors have proven difficult to eliminate. However, more recently, experimental research has provided evidence for three different theories of SSM errors: the Satisfaction account, the Perceptual Set account, and the Resource Depletion account. A series of studies examined performance in a multiple-target visual search and aimed to provide support for the Resource Depletion account—a first target consumes cognitive resources leaving less available to process additional targets.

To assess a potential mechanism underlying SSM errors, eye movements were recorded in a multiple-target visual search and were used to explore whether a first target may result in an immediate decrease in second-target accuracy, which is known as an attentional blink. To determine whether other known attentional distractions amplified the effects of finding a first target has on second-target detection, distractors within the immediate vicinity of the targets (i.e., clutter) were measured and compared to accuracy for a second target. To better understand which characteristics of attention were impacted by detecting a first target, individual differences within four characteristics of attention were compared to second-target misses in a multiple-target visual search.

The results demonstrated that an attentional blink underlies SSM errors with a decrease in second-target accuracy from 135ms-405ms after detection or re-fixating a first target. The effects of clutter were exacerbated after finding a first target causing a greater decrease in second-target accuracy as clutter increased around a second-target. The attentional characteristics of modulation and vigilance were correlated with second- target misses and suggest that worse attentional modulation and vigilance are predictive of more second-target misses. Taken together, these result are used as the foundation to support a new theory of SSM errors, the Flux Capacitor theory. The Flux Capacitor theory predicts that once a target is found, it is maintained as an attentional template in working memory, which consumes attentional resources that could otherwise be used to detect additional targets. This theory not only proposes why attentional resources are consumed by a first target, but encompasses the research in support of all three SSM theories in an effort to establish a grand, unified theory of SSM errors.


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Under defined laboratory and field conditions, the investigation of percolating water through soil columns (podsol, lessive and peat) down to groundwater table shows that the main factors which control the chemical characteristics of the percolates are: precipitation, evaporation, infiltration rate, soil type, depth and dissolved organic substances. Evaporation and percolation velocity influences the Na+, SO4**2- and Cl- concentrations. Low percolation velocity leads also to longer percolation times and water logging in less permeable strata, which results in lower Eh-values and higher CO2-concentrations due to low gas exchange with the atmosphere. Ca2+ and Mg2+ carbonate concentration depends on soil type and depth. Metamorphism and decomposition of organic substances involve NO3 reduction and K+, Mg2+, SO4**2-, CO2, Fe2+,3+ transport. The analytical data were evaluated with multi variate statistical methods.


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Diabetes is the leading cause of end stage renal disease. Despite evidence for a substantial heritability of diabetic kidney disease, efforts to identify genetic susceptibility variants have had limited success. We extended previous efforts in three dimensions, examining a more comprehensive set of genetic variants in larger numbers of subjects with type 1 diabetes characterized for a wider range of cross-sectional diabetic kidney disease phenotypes. In 2,843 subjects, we estimated that the heritability of diabetic kidney disease was 35% ( p=6x10-3 ). Genome-wide association analysis and replication in 12,540 individuals identified no single variants reaching stringent levels of significance and, despite excellent power, provided little independent confirmation of previously published associated variants. Whole exome sequencing in 997 subjects failed to identify any large-effect coding alleles of lower frequency influencing the risk of diabetic kidney disease. However, sets of alleles increasing body mass index ( p=2.2×10-5) and the risk of type 2 diabetes (p=6.1x10-4 ) were associated with the risk of diabetic kidney disease. We also found genome-wide genetic correlation between diabetic kidney disease and failure at smoking cessation ( p=1.1×10-4 ). Pathway analysis implicated ascorbate and aldarate metabolism ( p=9×10-6), and pentose and glucuronate interconversions ( p=3×10-6) in pathogenesis of diabetic kidney disease. These data provide further evidence for the role of genetic factors influencing diabetic kidney disease in those with type 1 diabetes and highlight some key pathways that may be responsible. Altogether these results reveal important biology behind the major cause of kidney disease.  


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This article investigates how teachers in religious education (RE) think and act as professionals while working with differences in religious and philosophy of life experiences and beliefs in class and trying to do this in respectful and inclusive ways. It analyses data from two research projects that were carried out in lower secondary school in Norway. The main research question is: What is the relationship between teachers’ contextual knowledge and knowledge of the child and how do these two dimensions of professional knowledge interact when religious education teachers try to strike a good balance between inclusion and productive learning in their teaching practice? The data analysed were drawn from three different data sets featuring three Norwegian religious education-teachers. The research was part of the EU-funded "REDCo"-project and the "Religious education and diversity" - project ["ROM"] funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The interviewees emphasized the potential of the religious education subject to contribute to a wider tolerance for difference and to support individual students in their identity management. The analysis shows, however, that considerable contextual awareness - of the classroom and of the local community - is needed to realize this potential. It also shows the importance of interpersonal knowledge between the teacher and each student if contextual awareness is to be effective in terms of inclusion, participation, wellbeing and good learning outcomes for all students.


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Management of customer co-development means involving customers in the development of new products and services, and coordinating the process. In business-tobusiness markets, customer co-development enables the development of innovations that better match customer needs and strengthens customer relationships. However, close collaboration with customers can hamper the innovativeness of new products and lead to overly customized solutions. Therefore, the management of co-development is crucial to its success. Yet the existing research on management of co-development has mainly focused on selecting the right collaboration partners, and the field lacks understanding on how to manage the tensions inherent in customer co-development. The purpose of this thesis is to increase understanding on the management of the codevelopment. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first comprises the literature review and conclusions for the whole study, and the second presents four publications. From the methodological perspective, the research papers follow exploratory qualitative research design. The empirical data comprise interviews with 60 persons, representing 25 different organizations, and a group of 11 end users. The study conceptualizes management of customer co-development in three dimensions 1) relational co-development processes, 2) co-development challenges and paradoxes, and 3) internal customer involvement processes. The findings contribute to the customersupplier relationship, innovation, and marketing management literatures by providing a framework on supplier-customer co-development, addressing co-development paradoxes and their management processes, and suggesting practices for customer involvement. For practitioners, the findings provide tools to manage the challenges related to codevelopment with customers.