841 resultados para Exploration
Background: The impact of cancer upon children, teenagers and young people can be profound. Research has been undertaken to explore the impacts upon children, teenagers and young people with cancer, but little is known about how researchers can ‘best’ engage with this group to explore their experiences. This review paper provides an overview of the utility of data collection methods employed when undertaking research with children, teenagers and young people. A systematic review of relevant databases was undertaken utilising the search terms ‘young people’, ‘young adult’, ‘adolescent’ and ‘data collection methods’. The full-text of the papers that were deemed eligible from the title and abstract were accessed and following discussion within the research team, thirty papers were included. Findings: Due to the heterogeneity in terms of the scope of the papers identified the following data collections methods were included in the results section. Three of the papers identified provided an overview of data collection methods utilised with this population and the remaining twenty seven papers covered the following data collection methods: Digital technologies; art based research; comparing the use of ‘paper and pencil’ research with web-based technologies, the use of games; the use of a specific communication tool; questionnaires and interviews; focus groups and telephone interviews/questionnaires. The strengths and limitations of the range of data collection methods included are discussed drawing upon such issues as of the appropriateness of particular methods for particular age groups, or the most appropriate method to employ when exploring a particularly sensitive topic area. Conclusions: There are a number of data collection methods utilised to undertaken research with children, teenagers and young adults. This review provides a summary of the current available evidence and an overview of the strengths and limitations of data collection methods employed.
Since Bowlby devised his theory of attachment, originally for clinical purposes, refinements and extensions have developed its clinical utility. The research question asked how experienced contemporary clinicians now perceive the role of attachment in the formulation and treatment of distress by reference to their clinical work. Using grounded theory methodology, underpinned by a relativist, moderate social constructionist epistemology, initial sampling consisted of 16 in-depth interviews with experienced clinicians. The tentative theoretical categories that emerged were then developed in theoretical sampling in further interviews with 5 of the initial interviewees. The final theoretical categories to emerge concerned the prevalence of caregiver-related problems, the provision of safety together with the prioritisation of the relationship with self as attachment-related treatment strategies, and attachment theory’s provision of understanding in problem formulation. Whilst this suggests that attachment-related ideas are integrated in contemporary practice, it also suggests that the clinical utility now offered by attachment theory, as established in the literature, has not found broad appeal amongst clinicians despite the commonness of attachment-related presenting problems. The implications of this are manifold. To begin with, attachment theorists have largely failed to bring the potential now offered by attachment-related therapeutic interventions to the market. This situation makes it incumbent on the next generation of attachment researchers to more clearly articulate techniques with which clinicians, of whatever theoretical orientation, can better leverage attachment-related knowledge in their clinical work. In this enterprise, perhaps the knowledge and experience of expert clinicians could be harvested, as this research has done. Moreover, researchers must expand the evidence base that such interventions actually work. Beyond the implications for clinical utility and efficacy, the findings strengthen counselling psychology’s influence on society’s perception and treatment of attachment-related problems.
The work of cataloging and digitizing the Historical Ar-chive of the Prelature of Humahuaca, presents us with documen-tary mass, almost unused for historical research. Due to organiza-tional reasons, this documentary heritage was limited to consulta-tion of researchers. The development of “Documenta” project will allow us to know the contents of that file, get closer to these do-cuments for consultation and scientific production.
This research study investigates the role and impact of psychoanalytically-informed short-term parent work with long-term foster carers of looked-after children, in support of the foster placement. The study reflects on the data gathered from four child assessments and five foster families seen by a psychoanalytic child psychotherapist for four sessions each. It draws on psychoanalytic ideas from a range of theoretical traditions, exploring such concepts as trauma, defences, compulsion to repeat, psychological-mindedness, ‘container/contained’ (Bion) and ‘holding environment’ (Winnicott). One distinctive contribution of this research is what it adds to our already existing understanding of the defences (or responses) aroused in the carer when faced with the intense and distressing affect associated with the child’s early trauma; and the impact of this legacy of trauma on the child, on the carer and on the wider Social Services system. Applying Grounded Theory and psychoanalytically-informed clinical case study methodology to the research material, the study breaks down the data analysis into seven stages of coding, from the initial reading of the data to the eventual development of two key hypotheses. One of the predominant themes that emerged from the analysis was the carer’s capacity to remain focused on the child’s emotional needs and how this in turn was linked to the direction of the therapist’s focus. The successive analyses of the data culminated in the hypothesis that the more the therapist focused on the carer and the carer’s emotional states in the course of the parent work, the more the carer was enabled to focus on the child’s emotional needs. As the system of categories emerged according to the themes exemplified in the sessions, a particular focus of analysis became the concept of psychologicalmindedness, considered under several sub-categories: displaying insightful comments; awareness of the child’s bodily states; awareness of the child’s affect; the carer’s ability to recognize the child’s defences; and the carer’s ability to make links between the child’s current difficulties and the child’s past experiences. Through this analysis it became apparent that degree of psychological-mindedness was closely linked to the individual carer’s capacity to metabolize the child’s distressed and distressing communication. This in turn led to a deeper exploration of the situations that were particularly challenging for the carers: i.e., instances when the child was compelled to repeat past traumatic emotional states and as a result was communicating intense distress. This exploration eventually generated the second hypothesis: that in reaction to the child’s distress, the response of each carer could be plotted somewhere along a spectrum, from either distancing themselves from the child’s emotional state to seeking excessive closeness with the child (merging). The next stage of the analysis developed four new categories of carer responses to the distressed child: identification and distancing from the child; identification and merging with the child; the category that describes the carer’s psychologicalmindedness as being ‘impaired’; and ‘good enough’ caring. This then led to an exploration of the carer’s own defences at these most challenging times. This research demonstrates clearly that even within the short space of four sessions of weekly psychoanalytic parent work, it is possible to achieve significant improvement in a carer’s capacity to bear the child’s compulsion to repeat early traumas, and to help the carers become more emotionally available to provide the child with effective psychological parenting at such difficult and challenging times. Key words: looked-after children; long-term foster carers; psychoanalytic short-term parent work; trauma; compulsion to repeat; psychological-mindedness; empathy; defences; psychoanalytically-informed clinical case study research methodology; Grounded Theory research methodology.
Over the past decade, Mental Health (MH) has increasingly appeared on the ‘school agenda’, both in terms of rising levels of MH difficulties in the student population, and also the expectation that schools have a role to play in supporting good MH. MH is a term fraught with ambiguities leading to uncertainty around the most appropriate ways to provide support. A review of current literature reveals a wide range of definitions and interpretations, sometimes within the same team of supporting professionals. The current study seeks to explore the perspectives held by two professional groups seemingly well placed to support young persons’ (YPs’) MH. Six Clinical Psychologists (CPs) and six Educational Psychologists (EPs) are interviewed, exploring their constructs of MH, and their perceptions of their own role and the roles of others in supporting secondary school aged YPs’ MH. The data are analysed through Thematic Analysis. Findings suggest that there are variations between the two professions’ constructs of MH, and EPs in particular have no unified concept of MH. This is likely due to less experience or training in this area. CPs and EPs hold similar perceptions of the school’s role for promoting good MH, and flagging up concerns to more specialist professionals when necessary. However, there are discrepancies in the EP and CP perceptions of each other’s roles. The conflicting views appear to emerge through incomplete information about the other, and professional defensiveness in a context where resources and funding are scarce. The current study suggests that these challenges can be addressed through: greater reflectivity on professional biases, exploration of MH constructs within other epistemological positions, and greater communication regarding professional roles, leading to clearer collaboration in supporting the MH of YP.
Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
I wanted to explore whether traditional Forum Theatre approaches can be enhanced by the use of integrated voting software to empower young people. My research is based on two of a series of widening participation interactive TiE programmes focused on the decisions young people make on educational progression. I worked as a director alongside students studying Drama and Performance at The University of Worcester and the programmes have toured widely to schools across Worcestershire and Herefordshire. ‘It’s Up to You!’ (2013 – 2014) was aimed at years 8 and 9 choosing their GCSE options and ‘Move on Up!’ (2014 - 2015) looked at the hopes and fears of year 6 pupils about to go up to secondary school. Finding a voice in Boal’s framework as a ‘specactor’ does not always appeal to a pupil who does not want to stand out from the crowd or is not familiar with a classroom where drama conventions are practised or understood. The anonymity of the voting software with results of decisions made appearing instantly on screen is certainly appealing to some pupils: ‘I also loved the keypads they gave us so that we could answer the questions without having to put our hand up and wait..’ This paper aims to interrogate the idea that empowering needs to not simply be about giving voice to a few confident group members but allowing the silent majority to be able to experiment with decision making in an educational and social context.
L’idée de cette recherche est née suite à l’expérimentation d’un cours donné exclusivement en ligne sur une période de deux sessions au cégep de Saint-Jérôme. Tout au long de cette expérimentation d’enseignement en ligne, une question persistait : le groupe est-il aussi motivé à suivre un cours lorsqu’il est offert en ligne? Plus précisément, la question générale de cette recherche était la suivante : quels sont les facteurs qui influencent la motivation des étudiantes et des étudiants de niveau collégial face à l’apprentissage en ligne? Nous nous retrouvions face à deux enjeux importants: la motivation scolaire et les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC).
Au Québec, plusieurs documents du Ministère de l'éducation soulignent l'importance de fournir aux jeunes du secondaire une meilleure information scolaire et professionnelle. Le récent document produit par le Ministère de l'éducation (1982a) intitulé La formation professionnelle des .jeunes, mentionne que "les élèves devraient bénéficier d'une meilleure préparation à la vie active par l'acquisition de connaissances utiles à l'intégration professionnelle, comme des connaissances sur les caractéristiques de la main-d'oeuvre, etc." (p. 32). Cette affirmation est née de plusieurs critiques formulées depuis la réforme scolaire des années '60 à l'effet que l'école publique ne préparait pas suffisamment les jeunes au marché du travail. De plus, le Ministère de l'éducation a rendu obligatoire un nouveau programme d'information scolaire et professionnelle pour tous les élèves du secondaire. Ce programme s'est implanté graduellement, en commençant par les élèves de secondaire I, depuis septembre 1983. Ce programme "vise à habiliter l'élève à faire des choix éclairés d'éducation et de formation professionnelle, choix congruents par rapport à lui-même et réalistes par rapport au marché du travail" (1981a, p. 14). Son contenu dénote un souci de rendre plus significatifs les expériences et les apprentissages des élèves de façon à faciliter leurs choix scolaires et professionnels. […]
Iran possess huge oil reservoir and occupies second place in OPEC. Recent investigation has revealed that reservoir capacity in the country amount to 60 billion barrel of oil. Many measures has been carried out to increase production capacity of oil fields to 4.2 million barrel per day. Thus any distribution in oil exploration may leave adverse effects on social and economic activities. Unfortunately due to absence of a comprehensive CPM on environmental impact assessment, lots of environmental distribution has been occurred in land and off-shore. It is well known that implementation of EIA can reduce environmental hazards. In the present investigation, all major and minor activities associated with oil exploration is identified and subsequently their effects on physical, chemical and biological environment (aquatic) has been brought out. In this context, economical, social and cultural effects of marine oil exploration is also discussed. Subsequently, all methods of EIA were studied and best mitigation plans were drawn up both for exploitation and exploration phases.
Depuis le milieu des années 2000, une nouvelle approche en apprentissage automatique, l'apprentissage de réseaux profonds (deep learning), gagne en popularité. En effet, cette approche a démontré son efficacité pour résoudre divers problèmes en améliorant les résultats obtenus par d'autres techniques qui étaient considérées alors comme étant l'état de l'art. C'est le cas pour le domaine de la reconnaissance d'objets ainsi que pour la reconnaissance de la parole. Sachant cela, l’utilisation des réseaux profonds dans le domaine du Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN, Natural Language Processing) est donc une étape logique à suivre. Cette thèse explore différentes structures de réseaux de neurones dans le but de modéliser le texte écrit, se concentrant sur des modèles simples, puissants et rapides à entraîner.