999 resultados para Eva (Personaje bíblico)
En los últimos años, los cambios que ha sufrido el clima han producido cambios en los cultivos de vid, de manera que han aparecido nuevos problemas para este campo industrial y por lo tanto la necesidad de hacer cambios en la industria vitícola. Los principales problemas que han surgido son: la disminución de la productividad, la aparición de nuevas enfermedades y plagas y la pérdida del punto óptimo de madurez de la cosecha debido a un desfase entre la madurez sacarimétrica y la madurez de aromas y polifenoles de la uva. Como resultado de este desfase entre los distintos tipos de madurez de la uva, los vinos producidos ahora son diferentes a los producidos hace pocos años, con una tendencia a un mayor grado alcohólico. Para poder hacer frente a estos cambios, se está realizando un amplio estudio para relacionar el efecto del estrés hídrico en la uva con las características del vino que de ella se obtiene. El estudio se lleva a cabo en dos variedades características, tempranillo y albariño, cultivadas cada una en dos zonas climáticas distintas. Se estudian los aspectos relacionados con el clima, el crecimiento de la vid, el contenido de aminoácidos, polifenoles, polisacáridos y prótidos de las uvas y el contenido en polifenoles y precursores de aromas de los vinos. Las diferencias físicas y químicas encontradas, se quieren correlacionar con cambios en la genómica de la uva, para saber qué genes se activan o desactivan en unas determinadas condiciones. El presente trabajo recoge una pequeña parte de los datos obtenidos en la cosecha del 2008, referida a los compuestos fenólicos en uva de la variedad tempranillo y en el vino producido a partir de la misma.
BACKGROUND Major depression will become the second most important cause of disability in 2020. Computerized cognitive-behaviour therapy could be an efficacious and cost-effective option for its treatment. No studies on cost-effectiveness of low intensity vs self-guided psychotherapy has been carried out. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of low intensity vs self-guided psychotherapy for major depression in the Spanish health system. METHODS The study is made up of 3 phases: 1.- Development of a computerized cognitive-behaviour therapy for depression tailored to Spanish health system. 2.- Multicenter controlled, randomized study: A sample (N=450 patients) with mild/moderate depression recruited in primary care. They should have internet availability at home, not receive any previous psychological treatment, and not suffer from any other severe somatic or psychological disorder. They will be allocated to one of 3 treatments: a) Low intensity Internet-delivered psychotherapy + improved treatment as usual (ITAU) by GP, b) Self-guided Internet-delivered psychotherapy + ITAU or c) ITAU. Patients will be diagnosed with MINI psychiatric interview. Main outcome variable will be Beck Depression Inventory. It will be also administered EuroQol 5D (quality of life) and Client Service Receipt Inventory (consume of health and social services). Patients will be assessed at baseline, 3 and 12 months. An intention to treat and a per protocol analysis will be performed. DISCUSSION The comparisons between low intensity and self-guided are infrequent, and also a comparative economic evaluation between them and compared with usual treatment in primary. The strength of the study is that it is a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of low intensity and self-guided Internet-delivered psychotherapy for depression in primary care, being the treatment completely integrated in primary care setting. TRIAL REGISTRATION Clinical Trials NCT01611818.
INTRODUCTION Obesity is an unfavorable prognostic factor in breast cancer (BC) patients regardless of menopausal status and treatment received. However, the association between obesity and survival outcome by pathological subtype requires further clarification. METHODS We performed a retrospective analysis including 5,683 operable BC patients enrolled in four randomized clinical trials (GEICAM/9906, GEICAM/9805, GEICAM/2003-02, and BCIRG 001) evaluating anthracyclines and taxanes as adjuvant treatments. Our primary aim was to assess the prognostic effect of body mass index (BMI) on disease recurrence, breast cancer mortality (BCM), and overall mortality (OM). A secondary aim was to detect differences of such prognostic effects by subtype. RESULTS Multivariate survival analyses adjusting for age, tumor size, nodal status, menopausal status, surgery type, histological grade, hormone receptor status, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status, chemotherapy regimen, and under-treatment showed that obese patients (BMI 30.0 to 34.9) had similar prognoses to that of patients with a BMI < 25 (reference group) in terms of recurrence (Hazard Ratio [HR] = 1.08, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] = 0.90 to 1.30), BCM (HR = 1.02, 0.81 to 1.29), and OM (HR = 0.97, 0.78 to 1.19). Patients with severe obesity (BMI ≥ 35) had a significantly increased risk of recurrence (HR = 1.26, 1.00 to 1.59, P = 0.048), BCM (HR = 1.32, 1.00 to 1.74, P = 0.050), and OM (HR = 1.35, 1.06 to 1.71, P = 0.016) compared to our reference group. The prognostic effect of severe obesity did not vary by subtype. CONCLUSIONS Severely obese patients treated with anthracyclines and taxanes present a worse prognosis regarding recurrence, BCM, and OM than patients with BMI < 25. The magnitude of the harmful effect of BMI on survival-related outcomes was similar across subtypes.
INTRODUCTION We functionally analyzed a frameshift mutation in the SCN5A gene encoding cardiac Na(+) channels (Nav1.5) found in a proband with repeated episodes of ventricular fibrillation who presented bradycardia and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Seven relatives also carry the mutation and showed a Brugada syndrome with an incomplete and variable expression. The mutation (p.D1816VfsX7) resulted in a severe truncation (201 residues) of the Nav1.5 C-terminus. METHODS AND RESULTS Wild-type (WT) and mutated Nav1.5 channels together with hNavβ1 were expressed in CHO cells and currents were recorded at room temperature using the whole-cell patch-clamp. Expression of p.D1816VfsX7 alone resulted in a marked reduction (≈90%) in peak Na(+) current density compared with WT channels. Peak current density generated by p.D1816VfsX7+WT was ≈50% of that generated by WT channels. p.D1816VfsX7 positively shifted activation and inactivation curves, leading to a significant reduction of the window current. The mutation accelerated current activation and reactivation kinetics and increased the fraction of channels developing slow inactivation with prolonged depolarizations. However, late INa was not modified by the mutation. p.D1816VfsX7 produced a marked reduction of channel trafficking toward the membrane that was not restored by decreasing incubation temperature during cell culture or by incubation with 300 μM mexiletine and 5 mM 4-phenylbutirate. CONCLUSION Despite a severe truncation of the C-terminus, the resulting mutated channels generate currents, albeit with reduced amplitude and altered biophysical properties, confirming the key role of the C-terminal domain in the expression and function of the cardiac Na(+) channel.
Ara més que mai cal innovar i en aquest sentit presentem aquesta jornada de camp, ja un clàssic en el món arrosser del Delta de l’Ebre. A més de ser un punt de trobada dels arrossers i tècnics especialitzats. Entre el contingut que es mostrarà destaquem: noves varietats d’arròs, millora en la eficiència de la fertilització orgànica i nous mètodes de control de plagues i malalties.
El propòsit d’aquest Treball de Fi de Carrera (TFC) és analitzar la imatge de la dona en la publicitat. Per a realitzar-lo hem estudiat primerament el marc regulador per tal de saber els límits legals i ètics dins els quals ens movem. Posteriorment hem analitzat les queixes presentades a Autocontrol, FACUA i l’Observatori de la Imatge de les Dones durant el període 2003- 2010 tot classificant-les en funció de l’any, la marca, el sector i el suport publicitari utilitzat. També s’ha establert una categorització pròpia dels diferents tipus de rols de dona dins els quals es poden englobar el conjunt de queixes estudiades. Hem arribat a la conclusió de que gran part de les queixes van dirigides a l’Observatori de la Dona, i que la televisió i la dona objecte aglutinen el major nombre de denúncies. No obstant, durant el període de temps estudiat no s’ha observat cap tendència pel que fa al nombre de queixes presentades.
Data on fungemia epidemiology and antifungal susceptibility of isolates from children are scarce, leading frequently to pediatric empirical treatment based on available adult data. The present study was designed to update the epidemiological, mycological, and in vitro susceptibility data on fungal isolates from children with fungemia in Spain. All fungemia episodes were identified prospectively by blood culture over 13 months at 30 hospitals. Tests of susceptibility to amphotericin B, flucytosine, fluconazole, itraconazole, posaconazole, voriconazole, anidulafungin, caspofungin, and micafungin were performed at participant institutions by a microdilution colorimetric method. New species-specific clinical breakpoints for fluconazole, voriconazole, and echinocandins were also applied. A total of 203 episodes of fungemia in 200 children were identified. A higher proportion of fungal isolates was from general wards than intensive care units (ICU). Candida parapsilosis (46.8%), Candida albicans (36.5%), Candida tropicalis (5.9%), Candida glabrata (3.9%), and Candida guilliermondii (2.5%) were the leading species. C. parapsilosis was the predominant species except in neonates. C. albicans was the most frequent in neonatal ICU settings (51.9%). Intravascular catheter (79.3%), surgery (35%), prematurity (30%), and neutropenia (11%) were the most frequent predisposing factors. Most Candida isolates (95.1%) were susceptible to all antifungals. When the new species-specific clinical breakpoints were applied, all C. parapsilosis isolates were susceptible to echinocandins except one, which was micafungin resistant. This is the largest published series of fungemia episodes in the pediatric setting. C. parapsilosis is the most prevalent species in Spain, followed by C. albicans and C. tropicalis. Resistance to azole and echinocandin agents is extremely rare among Candida species. The fluconazole resistance rate in Spain has decreased in the last 10 years.
III. Estudio descriptivo prospectivo diseñado para evaluar la analgesia postoperatoria de los pacientes sometidos a artroplastia de rodilla. Se comparon dos técnicas analgésicas (epidural y bloqueo femoral) y se analizaron los efectos secundarios e incidencias asociadas a cada una de las técnicas. Los resultados mostraron un grado de satisfacción elevado en nuestros pacientes. Ambas técnicas ofrecieron un buen control analgésico tras ATR, aunque los valores de EVA recogidos fueron discretamente menores en el grupo que recibió analgesia epidural. El grupo epidural presentó mayor incidencia de retención urinaria. No se encontraron complicaciones graves, pero sí se recogieron incidencias asociadas al catéter epidural.
Based on numerous pharmacological studies that have revealed an interaction between cannabinoid and opioid systems at the molecular, neurochemical, and behavioral levels, a new series of hybrid molecules has been prepared by coupling the molecular features of two wellknown drugs, ie, rimonabant and fentanyl. The new compounds have been tested for their affinity and functionality regarding CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid and μ opioid receptors. In [(35)S]-GTPγS (guanosine 5'-O-[gamma-thio]triphosphate) binding assays from the post-mortem human frontal cortex, they proved to be CB1 cannabinoid antagonists and μ opioid antagonists. Interestingly, in vivo, the new compounds exhibited a significant dual antagonist action on the endocannabinoid and opioid systems.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS Flawed ABC transporter functions may contribute to increased risk of drug-induced liver injury (DILI). We aimed to analyse the influence of genetic variations in ABC transporters on the risk of DILI development and clinical presentations in a large Spanish DILI cohort. METHODS A total of ten polymorphisms in ABCB1 (1236T>C, 2677G>T,A, 3435T>C), ABCB4 (1954A>G) and ABCC2 (-1774G>del, -1549A>G, -24C>T, 1249G>A, 3972C>T and 4544G>A) were genotyped using Taqman 5' allelic discrimination assays or sequencing in 141 Spanish DILI patients and 161 controls. The influence of specific genotypes, alleles and haplotypes on the risk of DILI development and clinical presentations was analysed. RESULTS None of the individual polymorphisms or haplotypes was found to be associated with DILI development. Carriers homozygous for the ABCC2 -1774del allele were however only found in DILI patients. Hence, this genotype could potentially be associated with increased risk, though its low frequency in our Spanish cohort prevented a final conclusion. Furthermore, carriers homozygous for the ABCC2 -1774G/-1549A/-24T/1249G/3972T/4544G haplotype were found to have a higher propensity for total bilirubin elevations when developing DILI. CONCLUSIONS Our findings do not support a role for the analysed polymorphisms in the ABCB1, ABCB4 and ABCC2 transporter genes in DILI development in Spanish patients. The ABCC2 -1774deldel genotype was however restricted to DILI cases and could potentially contribute to enhanced DILI susceptibility.