1000 resultados para Estudis de mercat
Tradicionalment, els peixos marins s'han alimentat amb dietes altes en lípids amb ingredients d'origen marí, que contenen els àcids grassos essencials per a aquestes espècies. El subministrament dels olis i les farines de peix s'han vist afectats per l'augment de la ramaderia intensiva incloent l'aqüicultura i els fenòmens naturals que afecten la producció del mar. En diversos estudis s'ha observat que les dietes poden afectar la salut dels peixos cultivats. La quantitat i qualitat dels macronutrients, així com les vitamines i minerals essencials, poden afectar tant la incidència com la gravetat de determinades malalties infeccioses dels peixos. Alguns canvis en les dietes, encara que siguin molt subtils, poden influir greument en la capacitat de l'organisme de resistir els patògens oportunistes. Aquestes malalties microbianes causen grans pèrdues a l'aqüicultura intensiva i necessiten ser controlades per millorar el benestar dels animals i el benefici econòmic. Hi ha diferents tipus de substàncies conegudes per actuar com a immunoestimulants, però només unes poques són aptes per a la seva utilització en l'aqüicultura. Aquests immunoestimulants són extractes biològics i substàncies químiques sintètiques que estimulen la resposta immune mitjançant la promoció de la funció de cèl•lules fagocítiques.
We use a difference-in-difference estimator to examine the effects of a merger involving three airlines. The novelty lies in the examination of this operation in two distinct scenarios: (1) on routes where two low-cost carriers and (2) on routes where a network and one of the low-cost airlines had previously been competing. We report a reduction in frequencies but no substantial effect on prices in the first scenario, while in the second we report an increase in prices but no substantial effect on frequencies. These results may be attributed to the differences in passenger types flying on these routes.
We consider a market where firms hire workers to run their projects and such projects differ in profitability. At any period, each firm needs two workers to successfully run its project: a junior agent, with no specific skills, and a senior worker, whose effort is not verifiable. Senior workers differ in ability and their competence is revealed after they have worked as juniors in the market. We study the length of the contractual relationships between firms and workers in an environment where the matching between firms and workers is the result of market interaction. We show that, despite in a one-firm-one-worker set-up long-term contracts are the optimal choice for firms, market forces often induce firms to use short-term contracts. Unless the market only consists of firms with very profitable projects, firms operating highly profitable projects offer short-term contracts to ensure the service of high-ability workers and those with less lucrative projects also use short-term contracts to save on the junior workers' wage. Intermediate firms may (or may not) hire workers through long-term contracts.
The studies of Giacomo Becattini concerning the notion of the "Marshallian industrial district" have led a revolution in the field of economic development around the world. The paper offers an interpretation of the methodology adopted by Becattini. The roots are clearly Marshallian. Becattini proposes a return to the economy as a complex social science that operates in historical time. We adopt a Schumpeterian approach to the method in economic analysis in order to highlight the similarities between the Marshall and Becattini's approach. Finally the paper uses the distinction between logical time, real time and historical time which enable us to study the "localized" economic process in a Becattinian way.
Projecte de constitució d’una agència d’esdeveniments en què es presenta una radiografia del sector, els públics objectius de la nova empresa, els serveis que oferirà i aquells aspectes socials d’obligada contemplació per a la seva correcta inserció i evolució al mercat de les relacions públiques, i per a la seva acceptació i promoció entre els clients potencials de dita empresa.
This study presents the results of implementing a CLIL programme in a Catalan primary school three years after the onset of the implementation. The main objective of this investigation was to determine the effects of CLIL on students’ L2 English oral performance in terms of Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency (CAF). The results obtained suggest that CLIL learners outperform non-CLIL learners not only in fluency, but also in syntactic complexity. However, despite the encouraging results, the study concludes that further research which transcends the methodological limitations observed in the study is needed in order to confirm the results
Aquest projecte abasta el disseny i el desenvolupament d’un model prototípic de Metodologia per a la Valoració de l’Aprenentatge Ambiental, a la qual anomenem “MEVA-Ambiental”. Per a fer possible aquesta fita ens hem basat en fonaments ontològics i constructivistes per representar i analitzar el coneixement a fi de poder quantificar l’Increment de Coneixement (IC). Per nosaltres l’IC esdevé un indicador socio-educatiu que ens servirà per a determinar l’efectivitat dels tallers d’educació ambiental en percentatge. En procedir d’aquesta manera, les qualificacions resultats poden es poden prendre com punt de partida per a desenvolupar estudis en el temps i comprendre com “s’ancora” el nou coneixement a l’estructura cognitiva dels aprenents. Més enllà del plantejament teòric de mètode, també proveïm la solució tècnica que mostra com n’és de funcional i d’aplicable la part empírica metodològica. A aquesta solució que hem anomenat “MEVA-Tool”, és una eina virtual que automatitza la recollida i tractament de dades amb una estructura dinàmica basada en “qüestionaris web” que han d’emplenar els estudiants, una “base de dades” que acumula la informació i en permet un filtratge selectiu, i més “Llibre Excel” que en fa el tractament informatiu, la representació gràfica dels resultats, l’anàlisi i conclusions.
The essay looks at the Prodi Commission (1999-2004) in the context of the institutional balance in the European Union. Not only did Prodi come into office at a time of unprecedented weakness of the Executive, but the Commission operates within a changing institutional equilibrium, one made more precarious by the shifting political disposition of the Member States
At the end of 2008 the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) that outlawed almost all types of cluster munitions was signed. It was the product of the so-called Oslo process, which had been set up two years earlier as a reaction to the failure to add a new protocol banning cluster munitions to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW). The position of the EU in these two processes was ambivalent: on the one hand it belonged to the strongest proponents for a new protocol within the CCW, but on the other hand the member states were in general not able to act jointly in the Oslo Process. According to this working paper especially the aspect of national security and the related relationship to the United States influenced the stances of many member states and complicated the formation of a common European position. There were common normative values of the EU detected, which played a role in the CCW, but they were only secondary to other interests of the member states.
This research paper seeks to bring into view the present-day situation of Native-American narrative in English. It is divided into four chapters. The first deals with the emergence of what we might call a Native-American narrative style and its evolution from 1900 up until its particularly forceful expression in 1968 with the appearance of N. Scott Momaday’s novel House Made of Dawn. To trace this evolution, we follow the chronology set forth by Paula Gunn Allen in her anthology Voice of the Turtle: American Indian Literature 1900-1970. In the second chapter we hear various voices from contemporary Native-American literary production as we follow Simon J. Ortiz’s anthology Speaking for the Generations: Native Writers on Writing. Noteworthy among these are Leslie Marmon Silko and Gloria Bird, alongside new voices such as those of Esther G. Belin and Daniel David Moses, and closing with Guatemalan-Mayan Victor D. Montejo, exiled in the United States. These writers’ contributions gravitate around two fundamental notions: the interdependence between human beings and the surrounding landscape, and the struggle for survival, which of necessity involves the deconstruction of the (post-)colonial subject. The third chapter deals with an anthology of short stories and poems by present-day Native-American women writers, edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird and entitled Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writings of North America. It too exemplifies personal and cultural reaffirmation on a landscape rich in ancestral elements, but also where one’s own voice takes shape in the language which, historically, is that of the enemy. In the final chapter we see how translation studies provide a critical perspective and fruitful reflection on the literary production of Native-American translative cultures, where a wide range of writers struggle to bring about the affirmative deconstruction of the colonialised subject. Thus there comes a turnaround in the function of the “enemy’s language,” giving rise also to the question of cultural incommensurability.