958 resultados para Electrostatic precipitation.
The precipitation reactions occurring in a series of copper-based alloys selected from the system copper-chromium-zirconium have been studied by resistometric and metallographic techniques. A survey of the factors influencing the development of copper-based alloys for high strength, high conductivity applications is followed by a more general review of contemporary materials, and illustrates that the most promising alloys are those containing chromium and zirconium. The few systematic attempts to study alloys from this system have been collated, discussed, and used as a basis for the selection of four alloy compositions viz:- Cu - 0.4% Cr Cu - 0.24. Zr Cu - 0. 3% Cr - 0.1% Zr Cu - 0.2% Cr - 0.2% Zr A description of the experimental techniques used to study the precipitation behaviour of these materials is preceeded by a discussion of the currently accepted theories relating to precipitate nucleation and growth. The experimental results are presented and discussed for each of the alloys independently, and are then treated jointly to obtain an overall assessment of the way in which the precipitation kinetics, metallography and mechanical properties vary with alloy composition and heat treatment. The metastable solid solution of copper-chromium is found to decompose by the rejection of chromium particles which maintain a coherent interface and a Kurdjumov-Sachs type crystallographic orientation relationship with the copper matrix. The addition of 0.1% zirconium to the alloy retards the rate of transformation by a factor of ten and modifies the dispersion characteristics of the precipitate without markedly altering the morphology. Further additions of zirconium lead to the growth of stacking faults during ageing, which provide favourable nucleation sites for the chromium precipitate. The partial dislocations bounding such stacking faults are also found to provide mobile heterogeneous nucleation sources for the precipitation reactions occurring in copper-zirconium.
The precipitation of chromium-containing phases, in both the B2 type β-phase coating matrix (nominally NiAl) and the substrate of high-activity-pack-aluminized single crystals of a nickel-base superalloy, is considered in this paper. An ‘edge-on’ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique is employed to examine the precipitation of M23X6, σ, α-Cr and other phases after coating and diffusion treatment and subsequent post-coating treatment at 850 and 950 °C. Initial precipitation is dominated by the formation of M23X6 in both the coating and substrate, however, in the case of single-crystal substrates the formation of this carbon-rich phase is not sustained. M23X6 precipitation is superceded by the formation of coherent precipitates of the α-Cr phase which effectively retains the basis but removes the superlattice of the β-matrix. Extensive precipitation of α-Cr has the effect of changing the balance of chromium to molybdenum in solution in the β-phase and further precipitation is dominated by Σ-phase intermetallics and other Cr-Mo-containing phases.
Detecting Precipitation Climate Changes: An Approach Based on a Stochastic Daily Precipitation Model
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62M10.
In SNAP (Surface nanoscale axial photonics) resonators propagation of a slow whispering gallery mode along an optical fiber is controlled by nanoscale variation of the effective radius of the fiber [1]. Similar behavior can be realized in so - called nanobump microresonators in which the introduced variation of the effective radius is asymmetric, i.e. depends on the axial coordinate [2]. The possibilities of realization of such structures “on the fly” in an optical fiber by applying external electrostatic fields to it is discussed in this work. It is shown that local variations in effective radius of the fiber and in its refractive index caused by external electric fields can be large enough to observe SNAP structure - like behavior in an originally flat optical fiber. Theoretical estimations of the introduced refractive index and effective radius changes and results of finite element calculations are presented. Various effects are taken into account: electromechanical (piezoelectricity and electrostriction), electro-optical (Pockels and Kerr effects) and elasto-optical effect. Different initial fibre cross-sections are studied. The aspects of use of linear isotropic (such as silica) and non-linear anisotropic (such as lithium niobate) materials of the fiber are discussed. REFERENCES [1] M. Sumetsky, J. M. Fini, Opt. Exp. 19, 26470 (2011). [2] L. A. Kochkurov, M. Sumetsky, Opt. Lett. 40, 1430 (2015).
We present 8 yr of long-term water quality, climatological, and water management data for 17 locations in Everglades National Park, Florida. Total phosphorus (P) concentration data from freshwater sites (typically ,0.25 mmol L21, or 8 mg L21) indicate the oligotrophic, P-limited nature of this large freshwater–estuarine landscape. Total P concentrations at estuarine sites near the Gulf of Mexico (average ø0.5 m mol L21) demonstrate the marine source for this limiting nutrient. This ‘‘upside down’’ phenomenon, with the limiting nutrient supplied by the ocean and not the land, is a defining characteristic of the Everglade landscape. We present a conceptual model of how the seasonality of precipitation and the management of canal water inputs control the marine P supply, and we hypothesize that seasonal variability in water residence time controls water quality through internal biogeochemical processing. Low freshwater inflows during the dry season increase estuarine residence times, enabling local processes to control nutrient availability and water quality. El Nin˜o–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events tend to mute the seasonality of rainfall without altering total annual precipitation inputs. The Nin˜o3 ENSO index (which indicates an ENSO event when positive and a La Nin˜a event when negative) was positively correlated with both annual rainfall and the ratio of dry season to wet season precipitation. This ENSO-driven disruption in seasonal rainfall patterns affected salinity patterns and tended to reduce marine inputs of P to Everglades estuaries. ENSO events also decreased dry season residence times, reducing the importance of estuarine nutrient processing. The combination of variable water management activities and interannual differences in precipitation patterns has a strong influence on nutrient and salinity patterns in Everglades estuaries.
Precipitation data collected from five sites in south Florida indicate a strong seasonal and spatial variation in δ18O and δD, despite the relatively limited geographic coverage and low-lying elevation of each of the collection sites. Based upon the weighted-mean stable isotope values, the sites were classified as coastal Atlantic, inland, and lower Florida Keys. The coastal Atlantic sites had weighted-mean values of δ18O and δD of −2.86‰ and −12.8‰, respectively, and exhibited a seasonal variation with lower δ18O and δD values in the summer wet-season precipitation (δ18O = −3.38‰, δD = −16.5‰) as compared to the winter-time precipitation (δ18O = −1.66‰, δD = −3.2‰). The inland site was characterized as having the highest d-excess value (+13.3‰), signifying a contribution of evaporated Everglades surface water to the local atmospheric moisture. In spite of its lower latitude, the lower Keys site located at Long Key had the lowest weighted-mean stable isotope values (δ18O = −3.64‰, δD = −20.2‰) as well as the lowest d-excess value of (+8.8‰). The lower δD and δ18O values observed at the Long Key site reflect the combined effects of oceanic vapor source, fractionation due to local precipitation, and slower equilibration of the larger raindrops nucleated by a maritime aerosol. Very low δ18O and δD values (δ18O < −6‰, δD < −40‰) were observed just prior to the passage of hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico as well as during cold fronts from the north-west. These results suggest that an oceanic vapor source region to the west, may be responsible for the extremely low δD and δ18O values observed during some tropical storms and cold fronts.
Precipitation and temperature in Florida responds to climate teleconnections from both the Pacific and Atlantic regions. In this region south of Lake Okeechobee, encompassing NWS Climate Divisions 5, 6, and 7, modern movement of surface waters are managed by the South Florida Water Management District and the US Army Corps of Engineers for flood control, water supply, and Everglades restoration within the constraints of the climatic variability of precipitation and evaporation. Despite relatively narrow, low-relief, but multi-purposed land separating the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico, South Florida has patterns of precipitation and temperature that vary substantially on spatial scales of 101–102 km. Here we explore statistically significant linkages to precipitation and temperature that vary seasonally and over small spatial scales with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Over the period from 1952 to 2005, ENSO teleconnections exhibited the strongest influence on seasonal precipitation. The Multivariate ENSO Index was positively correlated with winter (dry season) precipitation and explained up to 34 % of dry season precipitation variability along the southwest Florida coast. The AMO was the most influential of these teleconnections during the summer (wet season), with significant positive correlations to South Florida precipitation. These relationships with modern climate parameters have implications for paleoclimatological and paleoecological reconstructions, and future climate predictions from the Greater Everglades system.
Recent advances in the electric & hybrid electric vehicles and rapid developments in the electronic devices have increased the demand for high power and high energy density lithium ion batteries. Graphite (theoretical specific capacity: 372 mAh/g) used in commercial anodes cannot meet these demands. Amorphous SnO2 anodes (theoretical specific capacity: 781 mAh/g) have been proposed as alternative anode materials. But these materials have poor conductivity, undergo a large volume change during charging and discharging, large irreversible capacity loss leading to poor cycle performances. To solve the issues related to SnO2 anodes, we propose to synthesize porous SnO2 composites using electrostatic spray deposition technique. First, porous SnO2/CNT composites were fabricated and the effects of the deposition temperature (200, 250, 300 °C) & CNT content (10, 20, 30, 40 wt %) on the electrochemical performance of the anodes were studied. Compared to pure SnO2 and pure CNT, the composite materials as anodes showed better discharge capacity and cyclability. 30 wt% CNT content and 250 °C deposition temperature were found to be the optimal conditions with regard to energy capacity whereas the sample with 20% CNT deposited at 250 °C exhibited good capacity retention. This can be ascribed to the porous nature of the anodes and the improvement in the conductivity by the addition of CNT. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies were carried out to study in detail the change in the surface film resistance with cycling. By fitting EIS data to an equivalent circuit model, the values of the circuit components, which represent surface film resistance, were obtained. The higher the CNT content in the composite, lower the change in surface film resistance at certain voltage upon cycling. The surface resistance increased with the depth of discharge and decreased slightly at fully lithiated state. Graphene was also added to improve the performance of pure SnO2 anodes. The composites heated at 280 °C showed better energy capacity and energy density. The specific capacities of as deposited and post heat-treated samples were 534 and 737 mAh/g after 70 cycles. At the 70th cycle, the energy density of the composites at 195 °C and 280 °C were 1240 and 1760 Wh/kg, respectively, which are much higher than the commercially used graphite electrodes (37.2–74.4 Wh/kg). Both SnO2/CNTand SnO2/grapheme based composites with improved energy densities and capacities than pure SnO2 can make a significant impact on the development of new batteries for electric vehicles and portable electronics applications.
We investigated controls on the water chemistry of a South Ecuadorian cloud forest catchment which is partly pristine, and partly converted to extensive pasture. From April 2007 to May 2008 water samples were taken weekly to biweekly at nine different subcatchments, and were screened for differences in electric conductivity, pH, anion, as well as element composition. A principal component analysis was conducted to reduce dimensionality of the data set and define major factors explaining variation in the data. Three main factors were isolated by a subset of 10 elements (Ca2+, Ce, Gd, K+, Mg2+, Na+, Nd, Rb, Sr, Y), explaining around 90% of the data variation. Land-use was the major factor controlling and changing water chemistry of the subcatchments. A second factor was associated with the concentration of rare earth elements in water, presumably highlighting other anthropogenic influences such as gravel excavation or road construction. Around 12% of the variation was explained by the third component, which was defined by the occurrence of Rb and K and represents the influence of vegetation dynamics on element accumulation and wash-out. Comparison of base- and fast flow concentrations led to the assumption that a significant portion of soil water from around 30 cm depth contributes to storm flow, as revealed by increased rare earth element concentrations in fast flow samples. Our findings demonstrate the utility of multi-tracer principal component analysis to study tropical headwater streams, and emphasize the need for effective land management in cloud forest catchments.